909 resultados para Discurso parlamentar, Brasil, 1960


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No mundo, hoje, tudo está em movimento. Pessoas, objetos, valores, informação e imagens circulam cada dia mais intensa e extensamente em um ambiente social fluido, em rede e de riscos. Quando a mobilidade torna-se parte importante da experiência cotidiana e os deslocamentos físicos, geográficos, virtuais ou imaginativos tomam a frente nas relações e alteram radicalmente os modos de vida em todas as esferas - social, cultural, política e econômica -, nesse momento uma cultura da mobilidade se impõe e envolve a todos em novas possibilidades e experiências, assim como, em novos constrangimentos, riscos e discursos que devem ser estudados. O cada dia mais intenso imbricamento entre a cultura da mobilidade e o discurso publicitário constitui a base que sustenta a tese e que delineia as duas premissas fundamentais do estudo: a primeira, de que as coisas do mundo chegam até o sujeito apesar de sua imobilidade, por meio dos objetos, das informações e das imagens que circulam globalmente; e, a segunda premissa, de que a despeito de seu caráter comercial, persuasivo e de vendas, a publicidade também pode ser encarada como um bem cultural que expressa a cultura da qual faz parte. É na articulação destas duas premissas que reside o interesse primordial e o objeto de estudo da pesquisa: ao considerar o fazer publicitário como representação da sociedade, investigar, a partir da perspectiva do Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades, como o movimento é expresso discursivamente na publicidade das marcas globais. A interpretação do discurso publicitário global teve como objetivo validar a hipótese de que há um consumo de (i)mobilidade sendo feito quando o indivíduo sai em busca de objetos que, a partir de sua disponibilidade (ready-to-handness) e potencial de uso em relação ao ambiente (affordance), suportem sua (i)mobilidade cotidiana com certa estabilidade e menor risco. O locus da investigação é o Brasil e o estudo focou sua análise nos 32 anos relativos ao período de 1982 a 2014. Foram selecionados anúncios de marcas veiculados na revista Veja durante o período de três Copas do Mundo FIFA: de 1982, na Espanha; de 1998, na França; e de 2014, no Brasil, que cobrem o período proposto pela pesquisa.


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Este artigo examina a construção do discurso sobre os alimentos geneticamente modificados a partir da ótica de um importante periódico nacional, a revista Veja. O quadro teórico baseia-se no debate sobre os alimentos geneticamente modificados no campo dos estudos organizacionais, no qual se verificou negligência sobre o papel da mídia como formadora de opinião e sua capacidade em influenciar os leitores. A contribuição para este campo está em verificar o papel da mídia na construção de um tema – os alimentos transgênicos. O método utilizado é a análise crítica do discurso. Os resultados da análise crítica do discurso da Veja sugerem que os alimentos transgênicos são construídos pelo discurso através de duas perspectivas, uma técnica e outra moral e o domínio discursivo é articulado de forma a promover a aceitação dos alimentos transgênicos como opção viável e benéfica de consumo, sem agredir a saúde humana e o meio ambiente.


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Dans cette étude, j'ai eu comme objectif d'établir les connexions et/ou les non-connexions dans les discours journalistiques sur la modernité pédagogique, dans les journaux O Correio de Aracaju (Le Courrier d'Aracaju, Sergipe, Brésil) et O Século (Le Siècle, Portugal), dans la période 1910-1920. J'ai tout particulièrement cherché le dit dans les journaux, dans le sens foucaldien du terme, en continu dialogue avec d'autres auteurs, dans une perspective interdisciplinaire. J'ai tenté de répondre à mon interrogation initiale : quelles sont les connexions et non connexions que l'on pourrait établir entre l'École Moderne du Portugal et celle de Sergipe, au Brésil, en prenant comme source d'analyse les discours journalistiques dans des journaux des deux pays ? Á partir de ce questionnement, à travers un abordage historico-comparatif interculturel, j'ai soutenu la THÈSE que les discours journalistiques du Século et du Correio de Aracaju, bien qu'ils relèvent de genres journalistiques différents quant au niveau de développement de la presse, ont traduit une perception et une assimilation de la modernité pédagogique articulées à une même epistémè. Ainsi, ces discours ont émergé comme objets métis, dont la création s'est faite dans des interlocutions, échanges, impositions et débats dans un processus continu de communication interculturelle. La nature messianique de ces discours, dans le système d'idées républicain, traduisait le sens de la modernité pédagogique prétendue et diffusée par les textes qui exprimaient l'aspiration de rupture et de progrès, tant au Portugal que dans l'état brésilien de Sergipe. Il a également été possible de faire des approximations/comparaisons entre la dispute (article d'opinion), dans le Correio de Aracaju et l'enquête (interview et reportage), dans O Século et de souligner ainsi les connexions et/ou non-connexions présentes sur le thème de la modernité pédagogique dans les discours journalistiques


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The thesis has as object of study the autobiographical memmorials. The general objective is to describe the history of the memmorial as an academic tradition of higher education in Brazil. Considered a hybrid genre, memmorials are known for focusing on life stories from a scientific perspective. The investigation revolves around three intertwined branches: History of Education, educational practices and language usages, which allow us to conduct a dialogue with multiple theoretical-methodological references with a view to supporting our analyses. The corpus used for the analysis was made up of 40 autobiographical memmorials, distributed as follows: 16 academic memmorials, dated from 1935 to 1970; 07 academic memmorials, dated from 1980 to 2007; and 17 formation memmorials, dated from 1995 to 2000. In this corpus, we also included official documents, which relate to legislation contained in edicts, resolutions, ordinances, regulations, which we used with a view to: 1) getting to know and understanding the big picture of higher education regulation in Brazil and the aspects related to the higher education teaching career; 2) investigating the text of memmorials in the light of the injunctive discourse characteristic of the edicts and resolutions in which they were based. The analysis of the memmorial supported by the legislation which regulates it allowed us to reconstitute the image of the professor throughout 80 years in the Brazilian public university. For this purpose, the study was conducted in the theoretical-methodological perspective of the (auto)biographical research in Education and of the sociolinguistic studies on discourse genres and discursive traditions. The investigations reveal the memmorial as an academic genre in which the professor's academic-professional history and the history of the higher education teaching career in Brazil intertwine. Anchored in the Bakhtinian perspective on discourse genres, according to which the memmorials evolve and become more complex as their contexts of usage also evolve and become more complex themselves, the results of our analyses allowed us to correlate genre changes to the sociohistorical context and to its usage as an educational practice in the university, in the decades under study. Therefore, the analyses showed that these self-writings: go from latent subjectivity to pure objectivity from the 1930s to 1960s; they show total annulment of the subject from the 1960s to the 1970s; they reappear in the 1980s, having Professor Magda Soares' memmorial as perspective; they expand and diversify from the 1990s onwards, taking on a formative role and a perspective of future as well. So far as language usages are concerned, we investigated the relationship of the subject with the language, especifically the manifestation of alterity on the discursive tissue of the memmorials. In this branch, the analyses pointed to the influence of the authoritative discourse on the formation of the professor and of the injunction and reinventing discourses on the authorship process. Therefore, the autobiographical memmorial reveals itself as a specific expression of the Brazilian academy's cultural sphere and allows us to confirm the hypothesis that each memorial tackles a singular-plural situation, by presenting a dialectical articulation between private and public, according to the institutional structures, in which and with which the professor has already formed him/herself and with which he/she dialogues


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The epidemiological surveys are important to the deployment, implementation and evaluation of projects and health actions in a community. The planning, goals, samples, team training/calibration, carrying out and publication of results are extremely important in the epidemiological surveys. Thus, the care with the sample and statistical analysis is fundamental for the results to be consistent and trustworthy in order to be able to be inferred for all the population. The aims of this study is to investigate the statistical methodology used in papers on dental caries epidemiological surveys published from 1960 to 2001. A bibliographical survey was carried out in BBO, MEDLINE and SCIELO databases. The papers found were analyzed with regards to the statistical methodology applied in the whole study, from the sampling to the tabling of data. Most studies (72.6%) only presented the number of elements that composed the sample, without explaining the planning involved in obtaining it.


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The text analyzes the debates put forward in the defense for a humanist curriculum in the Brazilian secondary schools me the period from 1920 and 1960. Basing on the articles published in the periodic of national circulating and texts by educators who problematize the question f humanism as the orientation guide for the curriculum, the text highlights the positions of the intellectuals connected to the Catholic Churcho beside the thoughts of the secondary school teachers and the intellectuals of the progressive tendency. The analyses also show how the humanism notion is going to be transformed along the twentieth century and how this notion was enrooted in the Brazilian culture.


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