965 resultados para Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622.
Purpose: This prospective clinical trial compared the retention rate and caries-preventive efficacy of two types of sealant modalities over a 3-year period. Materials and Methods: Using a split-mouth randomised design, 1280 sealants were randomly applied on sound permanent second molars of 320 young patients aged between 12 and 16 years. Half of the teeth (n = 640) were sealed with a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) (Vitremer (TM), 3M ESPE) and the other half (n = 640) with a conventional light-cure, resin-based fissure sealant (LCRB) (Fluoroshield (R), Dentsply Caulk). Teeth were evaluated at baseline, 6-, 12-, 18-, 24-, 30- and 36-month intervals with regard to retention and new caries development. Results: On the sealed occlusal surfaces after 3 years, 5.10% of RMGIC and 91.08% of LCRB sealants were totally intact and 6.37% of RMGIC and 7.65% of LCRB sealants were partially intact. New caries lesions were found in 20.06% of RMGIC sealed occlusal surfaces, compared to 8.91% for LCRB sealants. Conclusions: The findings of the present clinical study suggest that RMGIC should be used only as a transitional sealant that can be applied to newly erupting teeth throughout the eruptive process, whereas LCRB sealants are used to successfully prevent occlusal caries lesions once an effective rubber dam can be achieved. It can be concluded that there are differences between the RMGIC and LCRB sealants over a 3-year period in terms of the retention rate and caries-preventive efficacy. RMGIC can serve as a simple and economic sealing solution, however provisional. Due to its poor retention rate, periodic recalls are necessary, even after 6 months, to eventually replace the lost sealant.
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of an experimental dentifrice (CH) containing an antimicrobial agent (1% chloramine-T). Materials and Methods: A clinical, fully randomised, double-blind comparative study was designed for 30 selected patients aged 15 to 50 years, with no periodontal disease, decay or other oral diseases, good general health and the presence of dental plaque and sulcus bleeding. Baseline Turesky modified plaque index (PI) and sulcus bleeding index (SBI) were scored for all patients. Volunteers randomly received the experimental dentifrice (CH) or a commercial-brand dentifrice containing triclosan (TR). Both dentifrices were provided in identical, number-labelled tubes, and the subjects were instructed to use the supplied dentifrice only for their usual oral hygiene, three times a day for a duration of 7 days. After 7-day use of dentifrices, the PI and SBI were assessed again. The data obtained were subjected to the Kruskal Wallis test, followed by Dunn`s post hoc test. Results: After 7-day use of dentifrices, the PI scores diminished significantly for both evaluated dentifrices. The SBI values decreased significantly for both experimental and commercial-brand dentifrices. Conclusions: Both dentifrices reduced PI and SBI. By comparing the experimental and gold-standard dentifrice, it was found that there was no statistically significant difference between the PI and SBI scores after their use, suggesting that they exerted a similar effect on the oral health indexes.
Os procedimentos para a contrata????o de pessoas f??sicas prestadoras de servi??os t??cnicos profissionais especializados em car??ter eventual e para a concess??o da GECC est??o estabelecidos na Resolu????o n?? 7, de 16 de junho de 2014.
Esse trabalho analisa o Plano de Reforma Administrativa do Governo FHC, no que se refere ?? profissionaliza????o de uma das carreiras do n??cleo estrat??gico do Estado, identificados no contexto da reforma como Especialistas em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental, tendo em vista identificar seus fundamentos te??ricos e sua estrat??gia operacional, confrontando-os, por um lado, com as an??lises que exploram a complexa intera????o entre o Sistema Pol??tico e a Administra????o P??blica Federal no Brasil e, por outro, com experi??ncias internacionais de constitui????o de burocracias, especificamente a Fran??a por ser um modelo de burocracia organizacional e por ter influenciado o modelo brasileiro e os Estados Unidos por ser um modelo de burocracia profissional. Pretendemos investigar se h?? uma atua????o t??pica dos gestores governamentais na Administra????o P??blica Federal que os caracterize como uma carreira espec??fica.
Esclerose múltipla - Doença neurodegenerativa que afecta um maior número de adultos jovens. Estima-se que existam cerca de 2,5 milhões de pessoas, com EM. Tem prevalência em mulheres jovens de raça caucasiana. Esta doença surge predominantemente por surto-remissão, podendo tornar-se progressiva. Os sintomas são muito variados, causando frequentemente alterações biopsicosociais. O objectivo deste estudo é verificar em que medida a espiritualidade se relaciona com o bem estar pessoal em indivíduos com EM.
Este projecto basear-se-á na descrição da exploração do universo da falha como um motor de criação. Para tal, foi tomado como ponto de partida as dificuldades inerentes à dislexia. Será também descrito de forma pormenorizada o tempo passado juntamente com a companhia Les Ballets C . de la B. Incluirá igualmente um diário de bordo com a descrição detalhada do projecto A.I.M.
Hybridization of intelligent systems is a promising research field of computational intelligence focusing on combinations of multiple approaches to develop the next generation of intelligent systems. In this paper we will model a Manufacturing System by means of Multi-Agent Systems and Meta-Heuristics technologies, where each agent may represent a processing entity (machine). The objective of the system is to deal with the complex problem of Dynamic Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems.
The excellent properties of elastomers are exploited to trigger wrinkling instabilities in curved shells. Micro- and nano-fibres are produced by electrospinning and UV irradiated: each fibre consists of a soft core and a stiff outer half-shell. Upon solvent de-swelling, the fibres curl because the shell and the core have different natural lengths. Wrinkling only starts after the fibre has attained a well-defined helical shape. A simple analytical model is proposed to find the curling curvature and wrinkle wavelength, as well as the transition between the “curling” and “wrinkling” regimes. This new instability resembles that found in the tendrils of climbing plants as they dry and lignify.
Aerodynamic drag is known to be one of the factors contributing more to increased aircraft fuel consumption. The primary source of skin friction drag during flight is the boundary layer separation. This is the layer of air moving smoothly in the immediate vicinity of the aircraft. In this paper we discuss a cyber-physical system approach able of performing an efficient suppression of the turbulent flow by using a dense sensing deployment to detect the low pressure region and a similarly dense deployment of actuators to manage the turbulent flow. With this concept, only the actuators in the vicinity of a separation layer are activated, minimizing power consumption and also the induced drag.
Intelligent electrical grids can be considered as the next generation of electrical energy transportation. The enormous potential leads to worldwide focus of research on the technology of smart grids. This paper aims to present a review of the Brazilian electricity sector in context with the integration of communication technologies for smart grids. The work gives an overview of the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy in the Brazil and a brief summary of the current electricity market. Smart grid technologies are introduced and the requirements for the Brazilian power system are pointed out. Various technologies for communication within an intelligent network are presented and their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are compared to the Brazilian conditions. In addition, a summary is given of current pilot projects for Smart Grid technologies within Brazil, as well as a presentation of individual selected projects.
Metallomics. 2012 Jan 3;4(1):16-22
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História Moderna e dos Descobrimentos
STUDY OBJECTIVE: to establish the reasons of ineligibility for thrombolytic therapy (TL) in a group of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). DESIGN: retrospective analysis of protocols and clinical records. SETTING: the medical intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary care hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: we studied the records from patients with AMI admitted to the ICU during a five-year period (1987-91) and excluded from TL, to determine the cause(s) of ineligibility. RESULTS: we found 1669 patients with AMI, 89 of which were excluded from the study. Of the remaining 1580 patients, 1274 (80.6%) did not receive TL. Mean age was 64.4 years; 66.4% were men. Mortality was 24.6%. Mean duration of chest pain was 19.4 hours. Chief reasons for exclusion from TL were advanced age (43.1% of patients) and delayed presentation (55.7%); one of these was present in 79.2%. CONCLUSIONS: this study confirmed the high mortality of patients with AMI who do not receive TL. Advanced age and delayed presentation were the main causes of ineligibility. As age is being abandoned as an exclusion criterion, efforts for expansion of TL should center on the earlier arrival of patients to centers where it is available.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História da Arte Moderna
A Fasceíte Necrotizante (FN) é um processo infeccioso da fascia profunda, de evolução rápida e progressiva com necrose secundária do tecido celular subcutâneo. Os autores apresentam um caso de FN da parede abdominal, como complicação extremamente rara de apendicite aguda. Trata-se de uma criança, apendicectomizada por apendicite aguda gangrenada, que evolui para quadro infeccioso grave, com dor e processo inflamatório da parede abdominal. Após diagnóstico, foi submetido a desbridamento cirúrgico da parede abdominal e drenagem de abcesso intraperitoneal. Realizada terapêutica antibiótica, desbridamentos cirúrgicos e pensos sucessivos da lesão e ao 22º dia efectuou-se enxerto dermo-epidérmico de área cruenta residual da parede abdominal. Porque o prognóstico está intimamente relacionado com o tempo decorrido até ao diagnóstico correcto e início de terapêutica adequada, é de extrema importância que este diagnóstico seja considerado.