910 resultados para Architecture for the physically handicapped
The imperial cult area of Tarraco was built in the 1st century AD in the highest part of the city and presided over the seat of the Concilium Prouinciae Hispaniae Citerioris. It was a temenos with a similar layout to that of the Forum Pacis and architectural decoration imitating that of the Forum Augustum in Rome, where the use of marble was a fundamental part of the architectural and sculptural decorative programme. An extensive assemblage of marble was recovered during the excavations carried out under the Tarragona Cathedral Master Plan. It reflects the use of imperial quarries in the decorative programme and has been analyzed at the Unitat d’Estudis Arqueomètrics (ICAC) facilities. This assemblage reflects the wide panorama of marmora imported and used in the decoration of the temenos. Local varieties of marmora have been identified in Tarraco, plus a series of foreign marmora from quarries all over the Roman Empire (Greece, Turkey, Egypt and North Africa). All this shows the involvement of the imperial power in the monumental architecture of the capital of the prouincia Hispania Citerior.
This article details the use of photographic rectification as support for the graphic documentation of historical and archaeological heritage and specifically the southern facade of the Torre del Pretori (Praetorium Tower) in Tarragona. The Praetorium Tower is part of a larger monumental complex and one of the towers that connected different parts of the Tarraco Provincial Forum, the politic-administrative centre of the ancient capital of Hispania Citerioris. It is therefore a valuable example of the evolution of Roman urban architecture. The aim of this project is to provide accurate graphic documentation of the structure to facilitate the restoration and conservation of the tower, as well as to provide a more profound architectural and archaeological understanding of the Roman forum. The use of photographic rectification enabled us to overcome the spatial and time difficulties involved in collecting data caused by the size and location of the building. Specific software made it easier to obtain accurate two-dimensional images. For this reason, in our case, photographic rectification helped us to make a direct analysis of the monument and facilitated interpretation of the architectural stratigraphy. We currently separate the line of research into two concepts: the construction processes and the architecture of the building. The documentation collected permitted various analyses: the characterisation of the building modules, identification of the tools used to work the building materials, etc. In conclusion, the use of orthoimages is a powerful tool that permits the systematic study of a Roman building that has evolved over the centuries and is now in a modern urban context.
Yrityksen sisäisten rajapintojen tunteminen mahdollistaa tiedonvaihdon hallinnan läpi organisaation. Idean muokkaaminen kannattavaksi innovaatioksi edellyttää organisaation eri osien läpi kulkevaa saumatonta prosessiketjua sekä tietovirtaa. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli mallintaa organisaation kahden toiminnallisesti erilaisen osan välinen tiedon vaihto. Tiedon vaihto kuvattiin rajapintana, tietoliittymänä. Kolmiulotteinen organisaatiomalli muodosti tutkimuksen pääteorian. Se kytkettiin yrityksen tuotanto- ja myyntiosiin, kuten myös BestServ-projektin kehittämään uuteen palvelujen kehittämisen prosessiin. Uutta palvelujen kehittämisen prosessia laajennettiin ISO/IEC 15288 standardin kuvaamalla prosessimallilla. Yritysarkkitehtuurikehikoita käytettiin mallintamisen perustana. Tietoliittymä nimenä kuvastaa näkemystä siitä, että tieto [tietämys] on olemukseltaan yksilöiden tai ryhmien välistä. Mallinnusmenetelmät eivät kuitenkaan vielä mahdollista tietoon [tietämykseen] liittyvien kaikkien ominaisuuksien mallintamista. Tietoliittymän malli koostuu kolmesta osasta, joista kaksi esitetään graafisessa muodossa ja yksi taulukkona. Mallia voidaan käyttää itsenäisesti tai osana yritysarkkitehtuuria. Teollisessa palveluliiketoiminnassa sekä tietoliittymän mallinnusmenetelmä että sillä luotu malli voivat auttaa konepajateollisuuden yritystä ymmärtämään yrityksen kehittämistarpeet ja -kohteet, kun se haluaa palvelujen tuottamisella suuremman roolin asiakasyrityksen liiketoiminnassa. Tietoliittymän mallia voidaan käyttää apuna organisaation tietovarannon ja tietämyksen mallintamisessa sekä hallinnassa ja näin pyrkiä yhdistämään ne yrityksen strategiaa palvelevaksi kokonaisuudeksi. Tietoliittymän mallinnus tarjoaa tietojohtamisen kauppatieteelliselle tutkimukselle menetelmällisyyden tutkia innovaatioiden hallintaa sekä organisaation uudistumiskykyä. Kumpikin tutkimusalue tarvitsevat tarkempaa tietoa ja mahdollisuuksia hallita tietovirtoja, tiedon vaihtoa sekä organisaation tietovarannon käyttöä.
Résumé : Les corps magmatiques sont des indicateurs essentiels dans toute reconstitution paléogéographique et/ou géodynamique d'un cycle orogénique, en particulier en contexte polycyclique, où la plupart des autres indices ont été oblitérés. Ils sont aisément datables et leurs caractéristiques géochimiques permettent de contraindre leur contexte tectonique de mise en place. Cette approche a été appliquée aux socles pré-mésozoïques des nappes penniques inférieures de Sambuco et de la Maggia, dans les Alpes centrales lepontines. Plusieurs événements magmatiques ont été identifiés dans le socle de Sambuco et datés par la méthode U-Pb sur zircon couplée à la technique LA-ICPMS. La suite calco-alcaline mafique rubanée de Scheggia est datée du Cambrien inférieur à 540-530 Ma ; le métagranite alumineux oeillé de Sasso Nero a un âge de 480-470 Ma, tout comme bien d'autres «older orthogneisses» des socles alpins. Il contient des zircons hérités d'âge panafricain à 630-610 Ma, indicateur d'une affiliation gondwanienne de ces terrains. Le pluton calco-alcalin du Matorello est daté à environ 300-310 Ma, et les filons lamprophyriques qu'il abrite à 300 Ma. La granodiorite de Cocco et le leucogranite de Ruscada, tous deux intrudés dans le socle de la nappe adjacente de la Maggia, ont des âges similaires à celui du Matorello. Ceci ajouté aux similitudes magmatiques observées entre Cocco et Matorello suggère une proximité paléogéographique des deux nappes au Permien-Carbonifère. Or ces dernières sont actuellement considérées appartenir à deux domaines paléogéographiques mésozoïques distincts : helvétique pour Sambuco et briançonnais pour Maggia, séparés par un bassin océanique. Si tel fut le cas, aucun mouvement décrochant ne doit avoir décalé les marges continentales de l'océan, retrouvées en parfaite coïncidence lors de sa fermeture. Le Matorello est un pluton recristallisé en faciès amphibolite et plissé par cinq phases successives de déformation non-coaxiales, qui ont conduit à son renversement complet, attesté par des indicateurs de paléogravité. Il préserve de spectaculaires phénomènes de coexistence liquide de magmas (essaims d'enclaves et Bills composites). Ce pluton était originellement tabulaire, construit par l'accumulation de multiples injections de magma en feuillets d'épaisseur métrique à décamétrique. Suivant le rythme de mise en place, les injections successives ont rapidement cristallisé avec des contours nets et bien définis (Bills composites) ou se sont mélangées avec les précédentes pour former une couche non consolidée de plusieurs dizaines de mètres d'épaisseur (granodiorite principale). Les injections individuelles sont délimitées par de subtils contrastes en granulométrie, proportions modales ou ségrégation de minéraux (schlieren), ou par des phénomènes d'érosion le long des surfaces de contact. Deux couches métriques à contour sinueux consistent en une accumulation compacte d'enclaves mafiques arrondies dans une matrice granodioritique fine. Le granoclassement des enclaves, la présence de figures de charge et de phénomènes érosifs en base de couche, ainsi que des schlieren de biotite entrecroisés évoquent l'injection de coulées de magma chargé d'enclaves et de faible viscosité en régime hydrodynamique turbulent dans un encaissant granodioritique encore largement liquide. La nature hybride des roches implique une chambre magmatique sous-jacente, en cours de différenciation et périodiquement réalimentée. Les magmas sont des liquides mafiques dérivés du manteau et des liquides anatectiques d'origine crustale, comme l'indique la gamme mesurée des rapports isotopiques initiaux du Sr (0.704 à 0.709) et des valeurs epsilon Nd (-2.1 à -4.7). Ces données montrent également que la contribution crustale est dominante, en accord avec les isotopes du plomb. Les phénomènes d'hybridation ont vraisemblablement eu lieu en base de croûte et dans la chambre magmatique sous-jacente au laccolite du Matorello. Les indicateurs de paléogravité du Matorello contribuent accessoirement à la compréhension de l'architecture actuelle de la nappe de Sambuco. Des plis isoclinaux à surface axiale verticale peuvent être mis en évidence par le contact entre les faciès dioritique et granodioritique. L'antiforme dont le Matorello forme le coeur est un synclinal, ce qui le positionne dans le Flanc inverse du grand pli couché que forme la nappe de Sambuco. Par ailleurs, des blocs de gneiss retrouvés dans le wildflysch sommital de la couverture de la nappe d'Antigorio ont été affiliés dans cette étude au pluton du Matorello. Ceci implique que le front de la nappe de Sambuco chevauchait déjà la partie est du bassin d'Antigorio au moment de sa fermeture. Par conséquent, ce n'est qu'en position externe que la nappe du Lebendun chevauche directement la nappe d'Antigorio. Abstract Magmatic bodies are important markers in paleo-geographic or geodynamic reconstructions of orogenic cycles, even more so in the case of polycyclic events where many of the other markers have been overwritten or destroyed. Plutons are relatively easy to date and their geochemical properties help constrain the tectonic context in which they were emplaced. This study focuses on the pre-mesozoic basement in the Sambuco and Maggia lower Penninic nappes located in the central Lepontine domain of the Alps. A number of magmatic events have been identified in the Sambuco basement. These events were dated using LA-ICPMS U/Pb on zircon grains. The mafic calc-alkaline banded Scheggia suite is dated as lower Cambrian, 540-530 Ma. The Al-rich Sasso-Nero lenticular gneiss is 480-470 Ma old (similarly to many older orfhogneisses of the Alpine basement) and contains 630-610 Ma old pan-African inherited zircons that illustrate the Gondwanian origin of these terranes.The calc-alkaline Matorello pluton is dated as 310-300 Ma whereas the lamprophyric bodies it contains are of 300 Ma. The Cocco granodiorite and the Ruscada leucogranite both intrude the basement of the adjacent Maggia nappe and are of similar ages to the Matorello. The ages as well as the geochemical similarities between the Cocco, Rucada and Matorello plutons suggest their paleo-geographic proximity at the Permian-Carboniferous boundary. However, these nappes are currently considered as belonging to two different Mesozoic paleo-geographic domains. Indeed, the Sambuco is considered as Helvetic whereas the Maggia is said to be Briançonnais, both separated by an oceanic basin. If this is the case, then it is essential that nostrike-slip movement has misaligned both continental margins since these coincide perfectly now that the oceanic domain closed. The Matorello pluton was originally a tabular intrusion, built up by the accumulation of multiple, several meter-thick, subhorizontal sheet-like injections of magma. Depending on their emplacement rate, the successive magma injections either solidified rapidly with sharp and rather well-defined boundaries (like the composite sills) or mingled with previous injections generating a thick molten layer up to several tens to hundred meters thick, like in the main granodioritic facies. These coalesced injections are hardly distinguishable, however subtle contrasts in granulometry, mineral modal proportions or mineral sorting (cross-bedded biotite-rich schlieren), as well as erosional features and/or crystal entrapment along contact surfaces allow to distinguish between the different injections. Two exceptional meter-thick layers display sinuous boundaries with the host granodiorite and consist of a densely packed accumulation of mafic enclaves in a granodioritic matrix. Gravitational sorting of the enclaves with load cast features at the base of the layers and sinuous biotite schlieren point to injection of low viscosity turbulent composite magma flows in the still largely molten granodiorite host. The hybrid nature of these rocks implies the existence of á periodically replenished and differentiated underlying magma chamber. Magmas are mafic liquids derived from the mantle and anatectic liquids of crustal origin, as shown by the (87Sr/86Sr), and epsilon Nd values (0.704-0.709 and -2.1 to -4.7 respectively. These data show that the crustal contribution is important, as confirmed by the Pb isotopes. The hybridisation processes seem to have occurred in the lower crust in magma chambers underlying the Matorello laccolith. The paleo-gravity markers in the Matorello help understand the architecture of the Sambuco nappe. Isoclinal folds with a vertical axial plane can be seen at the contact between dioritic and granodioritic facies. The antiform structure of which the Matorello is the heart is in fact a syncline. This places it in the inverse flanc of the large recumbent fold that constitutes the Sambuco nappe. The gneiss blocs found in the summital wildflysh cover of the Antigorio nappe have been linked to the Matorello pluton. This means that the front of the Sambuco nappe already overlapped the Antigorio basin when it closed. This implies that the Lebendun nappe can only overlap the Antigorio nappe in it's external position. Résumé grand public La chaîne alpine est la conséquence de la collision tertiaire entre deux masses continentales, l'Europe au nord et la péninsule apulienne africaine au sud, originellement séparées par l'océan mésozoïque téthysien. Cette collision a fermé un espace large de plusieurs centaines de km avec pour résultat l'écaillage de la croûte terrestre en unités tectoniques de dimensions variables, qui se sont empilées, imbriquées, éventuellement replissées en nappes de géométrie complexe. Cet amoncellement de 40 km d'épaisseur a vu sa température et sa pression lithostatique internes augmenter jusqu'à des valeurs de l'ordre de 680 °C et 6000 bars, induisant une recristallisation métamorphique des roches. L'un des objectifs de la géologie alpine est de reconstituer la géographie de la région aux temps mésozoïques de l'océan téthysien, en d'autres termes, de replacer chacune des unités tectoniques identifiées au sein de l'empilement alpin dans sa position originelle. Le défi est de taille et peut être comparé à celui de la reconstitution d'un vaste puzzle, dont certaines pièces seraient endommagées au niveau de leur contour ou leurs couleurs (métamorphisme), dissimulées par d'autres (enfouissement), voire tombées de la table de jeu (subduction, échappement latéral). Plusieurs approches ont été mises en oeuvre au cours du siècle écoulé. On citera en particulier la stratigraphie, la tectonique et le paléomagnétisme. Dans ce travail, nous avons essentiellement utilisé des techniques de datation isotopique absolue des roches (U/Pb sur zircon) qui, sur la base des connaissances acquises par l'ensemble des autres disciplines géologiques, nous ont permis de mieux contraindre ta paléogéographie mésozoïque du domaine «pennique inférieur » des Alpes centrales lépontines. Et au-delà? Nous savons tous que la disposition des continents à la surface de la Terre évolue constamment. Il est donc tentant d'essayer de remonter plus loin encore dans le temps et de reconstituer la physionomie de la marge sud européenne, tout au moins certains éléments de son histoire, au cours de l'ère paléozoïque. Les traces de ces événements très anciens sont naturellement ténues et dans ce contexte, les techniques de datation mentionnées ci-dessus deviennent les outils les plus performants. Ainsi, des datations u/Pb sur zircon nous ont permis de recenser plusieurs intrusions magmatiques, attribuées à quatre événements orogéniques anté-alpins. Des âges néoprotérozoïques (630-610 millions d'années ou Ma), cambrien inférieur (540-530 Ma), ordovicien inférieur (480-470 Ma) et carbonifère supérieur-permien inférieur (310-285 Ma) ont été obtenus dans le socle de la nappe de Sambuco. Des âges similaires à 300 Ma ont été obtenus dans la nappe voisine de la Maggia, qui permettent de relier ces deux unités. Aujourd'hui côte à côte, ces deux nappes devaient également se trouver proches l'une de l'autre il y a 300 Ma, lors de l'extension post-varisque. Les structures magmatiques spectaculaires préservées dans le pluton du Matorello (300 Ma) contraignent la géométrie actuelle de la nappe de Sambuco dans laquelle l'intrusion s'est mise en place. La forme originelle du pluton, aujourd'hui retourné et replissé plusieurs fois, s'avère être tabulaire, faite d'intrusions de faible épaisseur (1-300 m) s'étalant en forme de disque (30m à 2 km de diamètre). Les injections successives de magma se sont accumulées sous un toit dioritique précoce; elles sont issues, par le refais de fractures, d'une chambre magmatique plus profonde, périodiquement réalimentée par des magmas calco-alcalins d'origine mantellique contaminés parla croûte continentale profonde (εNd = -2.1 à -4.7). Des accumulations d'enclaves magmatiques arrondies et granoclassées dans des paléo-chenaux à fond érosif témoignent de conditions de mise en place hydrodynamiques à haute énergie. Ces enclaves sont emmenées de la chambre magmatique sous-jacente à la faveur d'épisodes de fracturation hydraulique liés à l'injection de magmas matelliques chauds dans des liquides différenciés riches en eau. Cette hypothèse est étayée par l'existence de filons composites. Une paléohorizontale a pu être déduite au sein du pluton, indiquant que cette partie de la nappe de Sambuco est verticalisée et isoclinalement replissée par la déformation alpine. Finalement, des blocs érodés du socle Sambuco ont été retrouvés dans le wildflysch sommital de la couverture sédimentaire mésozoïque de la nappe d'Antigorio sous-jacente. Ceci suggère que les blocs ont été fournis parle front de la nappe de Sambuco en train de chevaucher sur la nappe d'Antigorio au moment de la fermeture du bassin sédimentaire de cette dernière.
Semantic Web technology is able to provide the required computational semantics for interoperability of learning resources across different Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Object Repositories (LOR). The EU research project LUISA (Learning Content Management System Using Innovative Semantic Web Services Architecture) addresses the development of a reference semantic architecture for the major challenges in the search, interchange and delivery of learning objects in a service-oriented context. One of the key issues, highlighted in this paper, is Digital Rights Management (DRM) interoperability. A Semantic Web approach to copyright management has been followed, which places a Copyright Ontology as the key component for interoperability among existing DRM systems and other licensing schemes like Creative Commons. Moreover, Semantic Web tools like reasoners, rule engines and semantic queries facilitate the implementation of an interoperable copyright management component in the LUISA architecture.
The control of the right application of medical protocols is a key issue in hospital environments. For the automated monitoring of medical protocols, we need a domain-independent language for their representation and a fully, or semi, autonomous system that understands the protocols and supervises their application. In this paper we describe a specification language and a multi-agent system architecture for monitoring medical protocols. We model medical services in hospital environments as specialized domain agents and interpret a medical protocol as a negotiation process between agents. A medical service can be involved in multiple medical protocols, and so specialized domain agents are independent of negotiation processes and autonomous system agents perform monitoring tasks. We present the detailed architecture of the system agents and of an important domain agent, the database broker agent, that is responsible of obtaining relevant information about the clinical history of patients. We also describe how we tackle the problems of privacy, integrity and authentication during the process of exchanging information between agents.
Monet henkilökohtaiset mobiililaitteet tarjoavat mahdollisuuden tallentaa henkilötietoja ja mahdollisuuden lyhyen kantaman radiotekniikoiden hyödyntämiseen. Vastaavasti henkilötietoja käyttävien tai vaativien verkkopalveluiden määrä on kasvussa. Mobiililaitteisiin tallennetut henkilötiedot tarjoavat potentiaalisen keinon välttää samojen henkilötietojen toistuva käsinsyöttö erilaisiin verkkopalveluihin ja keskitettyyn ajantasallapitoon. Tässä työssä käydään läpi ratkaisumalli henkilökohtaisen mobiililaitteen ja verkkopalveluiden välillä tapahtuvaan henkilötietojen siirtoon ja synkronointiin. Malli pohjautuu selainlaajennukseen, joka voi pyytää sekä selaimessa auki olevalta verkkopalvelun sivulta että mobiililta päätelaitteelta senhetkiset henkilötiedot ja synkronoida ne. Jo olemassaolevia henkilötietojen hallintaa helpottavia ratkaisuja käydään läpi arvioiden käyttökelpoisuutta tämänkaltaisiin tarpeisiin. Ratkaisumallin kannalta olennaiset tekniikat ja standardit, erityisesti Bluetooth ja SyncML, esitellään. Ratkaisumallin arkkitehtuuri käydään korkealla tasolla läpi ja esitellään toteutuksen yksityiskohtia. Tuloksena on periaatteeltaan kelvollinen henkilökohtaisten tietojen synkronointijärjestelmä, jonka toteutusta nykyisten mobiilien päätelaitteiden toiminnallisuus jossain määrin hankaloittaa.
Työssä oli tavoitteena suunnitella globaali sovellusarkkitehtuuri, joka ohjaa teollisen huoltoyrityksen sovellusten kehitystyötä. Sovellusarkkitehtuuri kuvaa tietokoneohjelmien toiminnallisuuteen loppukäyttäjien näkökulmasta ja sen laatiminen on osa strategista tietojärjestelmäsuunnittelua. Arkkitehtuurin tehtävänä on varmistaa, että tietojärjestelmät suunnitellaan kokonaisuutena tukemaan organisaation toimintaa. Arkkitehtuurin tekemistä ohjasi strategisen tietojärjestelmäsuunnittelun periatteet ja mallit. Tekniikat olivat samoja kuin projektikohtaisessa tietojärjestelmäsuunnittelussa. Sovellusarkkitehtuurin tekeminen alkoi tutustumalla yrityksessä vallitsevaan tilanteeseen sekä liiketoiminta- ja tietotekniikkastrategioihin. Tarkastelun kohteena olivat pääasiassa liiketoimintaprosessit ja käytössä olevat sovellukset. Tutustuminen tapahtui lähinnä haastatteluin ja dokumentteihin tutustumalla. Seuraavaksi johdettiin vaatimukset tulevaisuuden sovelluksille haastatteluista ja edellisen vaiheen materiaalin perusteella. Liiketoiminnan kannalta tärkeimmät vaatimukset valittiin täytettäväksi arkkitehtuurilla. Varsinaisen arkitehtuurin tekeminen oli lähinnä sovellusten valitsemisesta ja niiden keskinäisten suhteiden määrittelyä. Arkkitehtuurin perusteella määritettiin kehityshankeet.
Animal olfactory systems have a critical role for the survival and reproduction of individuals. In insects, the odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) are encoded by a moderately sized gene family, and mediate the first steps of the olfactory processing. Most OBPs are organized in clusters of a few paralogs, which are conserved over time. Currently, the biological mechanism explaining the close physical proximity among OBPs is not yet established. Here, we conducted a comprehensive study aiming to gain insights into the mechanisms underlying the OBP genomic organization. We found that the OBP clusters are embedded within large conserved arrangements. These organizations also include other non-OBP genes, which often encode proteins integral to plasma membrane. Moreover, the conservation degree of such large clusters is related to the following: 1) the promoter architecture of the confined genes, 2) a characteristic transcriptional environment, and 3) the chromatin conformation of the chromosomal region. Our results suggest that chromatin domains may restrict the location of OBP genes to regions having the appropriate transcriptional environment, leading to the OBP cluster structure. However, the appropriate transcriptional environment for OBP and the other neighbor genes is not dominated by reduced levels of expression noise. Indeed, the stochastic fluctuations in the OBP transcript abundance may have a critical role in the combinatorial nature of the olfactory coding process.
This paper analyses how banking regulation was introduced in Switzerland - one of the world's most prominent financial centres - which remained in place until the beginning of the twenty-first century. It shows that the law adopted on 8 November 1934 is a perfect example of capture of the regulator by the regulated. Essentially a political response in the context of the economic crisis of the 1930s, it largely reflected the interests of banking circles by limiting the intervention of the State as much as possible. The introduction of the new legislation was facilitated by the temporary weakness of Swiss banking circles, as they depended on the State to delay or prevent the collapse of many major credit institutions. They did not manage to derail the law as they had two decades earlier when they scuppered the federal bill on banks drawn up between 1914 and 1916. But this time they were better organized and more united, and intervened all the more effectively in the legislative process itself. The 1934 law is thus distinctive in that it made no structural changes to the architecture of the financial centre but merely codified its practices through flexible legislation meant to reassure the public. The law was aimed less at controlling banking activity than at keeping - thanks to skilfully calibrated political concessions - the State from having to intervene more directly in the internal management of banks or in the fixing of interest rates and the export of capital.
Les importants progrès dans la qualité et la résolution des images obtenues par «absorptiométrie biphotonique à rayons X» ou DXA ont amélioré certaines modalités existantes et favorisé le développement de nouvelles fonctions permettant d'affiner de manière significative la prise en charge de nos patients dans diverses pathologies. On peut par exemple améliorer la prédiction du risque fracturaire par l'analyse indirecte de la micro et de la macroarchitecture osseuse, rechercher les marqueurs de pathologies associées (recherche de fractures vertébrales ou de fractures fémorales atypiques), ou évaluer le statut métabolique par la mesure de la composition corporelle. Avec les appareils DXA les plus performants, on pourra bientôt déterminer l'âge osseux, estimer le risque cardiovasculaire (par la mesure de la calcification de l'aorte abdominale), ou prédire la progression de l'arthrose articulaire et son évolution après la prise en charge chirurgicale dans la routine clinique. The significant progress on the quality and resolution of the images obtained by "Dual X-ray Absorptiometry" or DXA has permitted on one hand to improve some existing features and on the other to develop new ones, significantly refining the care of our patients in various pathologies. For example, by improving the prediction of fracture risk by indirect analysis of micro- and macro-architecture of the bone, by looking for markers of associated bone diseases (research vertebral fractures or atypical femoral fractures), or by assessing the metabolic status by the measurement of body composition. With the best performing DXA devices we will soon be able, in clinical routine, to determine bone age, to estimate cardiovascular risk (by measuring the calcification of the abdominal aorta) or to predict the progression of joint osteoarthritis and its evolution after surgical management.
Current-day web search engines (e.g., Google) do not crawl and index a significant portion of theWeb and, hence, web users relying on search engines only are unable to discover and access a large amount of information from the non-indexable part of the Web. Specifically, dynamic pages generated based on parameters provided by a user via web search forms (or search interfaces) are not indexed by search engines and cannot be found in searchers’ results. Such search interfaces provide web users with an online access to myriads of databases on the Web. In order to obtain some information from a web database of interest, a user issues his/her query by specifying query terms in a search form and receives the query results, a set of dynamic pages that embed required information from a database. At the same time, issuing a query via an arbitrary search interface is an extremely complex task for any kind of automatic agents including web crawlers, which, at least up to the present day, do not even attempt to pass through web forms on a large scale. In this thesis, our primary and key object of study is a huge portion of the Web (hereafter referred as the deep Web) hidden behind web search interfaces. We concentrate on three classes of problems around the deep Web: characterization of deep Web, finding and classifying deep web resources, and querying web databases. Characterizing deep Web: Though the term deep Web was coined in 2000, which is sufficiently long ago for any web-related concept/technology, we still do not know many important characteristics of the deep Web. Another matter of concern is that surveys of the deep Web existing so far are predominantly based on study of deep web sites in English. One can then expect that findings from these surveys may be biased, especially owing to a steady increase in non-English web content. In this way, surveying of national segments of the deep Web is of interest not only to national communities but to the whole web community as well. In this thesis, we propose two new methods for estimating the main parameters of deep Web. We use the suggested methods to estimate the scale of one specific national segment of the Web and report our findings. We also build and make publicly available a dataset describing more than 200 web databases from the national segment of the Web. Finding deep web resources: The deep Web has been growing at a very fast pace. It has been estimated that there are hundred thousands of deep web sites. Due to the huge volume of information in the deep Web, there has been a significant interest to approaches that allow users and computer applications to leverage this information. Most approaches assumed that search interfaces to web databases of interest are already discovered and known to query systems. However, such assumptions do not hold true mostly because of the large scale of the deep Web – indeed, for any given domain of interest there are too many web databases with relevant content. Thus, the ability to locate search interfaces to web databases becomes a key requirement for any application accessing the deep Web. In this thesis, we describe the architecture of the I-Crawler, a system for finding and classifying search interfaces. Specifically, the I-Crawler is intentionally designed to be used in deepWeb characterization studies and for constructing directories of deep web resources. Unlike almost all other approaches to the deep Web existing so far, the I-Crawler is able to recognize and analyze JavaScript-rich and non-HTML searchable forms. Querying web databases: Retrieving information by filling out web search forms is a typical task for a web user. This is all the more so as interfaces of conventional search engines are also web forms. At present, a user needs to manually provide input values to search interfaces and then extract required data from the pages with results. The manual filling out forms is not feasible and cumbersome in cases of complex queries but such kind of queries are essential for many web searches especially in the area of e-commerce. In this way, the automation of querying and retrieving data behind search interfaces is desirable and essential for such tasks as building domain-independent deep web crawlers and automated web agents, searching for domain-specific information (vertical search engines), and for extraction and integration of information from various deep web resources. We present a data model for representing search interfaces and discuss techniques for extracting field labels, client-side scripts and structured data from HTML pages. We also describe a representation of result pages and discuss how to extract and store results of form queries. Besides, we present a user-friendly and expressive form query language that allows one to retrieve information behind search interfaces and extract useful data from the result pages based on specified conditions. We implement a prototype system for querying web databases and describe its architecture and components design.
A detailed analysis of the morphology and the Holocene seismic and sequence stratigraphy and architecture of the infralittoral sedimentary environment of the El Masnou coast (Catalonia, NW Mediterranean Sea) was carried out using multibeam bathymetry and GeoPulse seismic data. This environment extends down to 26-30 m water depth, and is defined morphologically by two depositional wedges whose seafloor is affected by erosive furrows, slides, fields of large- and small-scale wavy bedforms, and dredging trenches and pits. Erosive terraces are also identified in the transition domain toward the inner continental shelf. The Holocene stratigraphy of the infralittoral environment is defined by two major seismic sequences (lower and upper), each one formed by internal seismic units. The sequences and units are characterised by downlapping surfaces made up of deposits formed by progradation of coastal lithosomes. The stratigraphy and stratal architecture, displaying a retrogradational arrangement with progradational patterns of minor order, were controlled by different sea-level positions. The stratigraphic division represents the coastal response to the last fourth-order transgressive and highstand conditions, modulated by small-scale sea-level oscillations (≈1-2 m) of fith to sixth order. This study also highlights the advantage of an integrated analysis using acoustic/seismic methods for practical assessment of the anthropogenic effects on infralittoral domains based on the association of marine geological observations.
The Early Cretaceous has experienced the development of large shallow-water carbonate platform in tropical and subtropical regions, favoured by exceptionally warm climatic conditions, optimal trophic conditions and a suitable tectonic and paleogeographic context. This period was also characterized by shorter intervals, in which the widespread deposition of marine sediments enriched in organic matter occurred ("oceanic anoxic episodes": OAE). This study focuses on the Barremian- Aptian interval, during which the Urgonian platform developed throughout the northern Tethyan passive margin. Due to the Alpine orogeny, sediments belonging to this platform - named locally Schrattenkalk Formation, are presently outcropping in the Helvetic Alps. This study aims to reconstruct the paleogeographic evolution of the Helvetic platform, and to define the environmental and oceanographic factors, which influenced its development. Several key episodes in the life of this platform have been identified: - The installation of the platform, covering hemipelagic sediments of the Drusberg Member, near the limit between the early and late Barremian. - The temporary change of carbonate production type during the basal Aptian, with the deposition of the Rawil Member. - And finally the definitive interruption of photozoan carbonate platform sedimentation in the study area, during the early Aptian. The sedimentological, biostratigraphical and chemostratigraphic (8I3C) data lead to the sequential subdivision of eleven sections and one core, located throughout the different Helvetic nappes of Switzerland. The sequence stratigraphie framework, initially defined for the Urgonian carbonate platform of the Vercors area (SE France), is confirmed in the Helvetic nappes, where the same number of sequences was observed. Many similarities between these two areas are put forward in this work. The sequence stratigraphie framework helped to highlight the installation of a bioclastic body, included in the Schrattenkalk Formation, since the middle Early Barremian (sequence B2). The age of the installation of the rudist-rich limestone, which corresponds to the Urgonian facies sensu stricto, is attributed to the late Barremian (maximum flooding surface of the sequence B3). This age coincides with the one determined in other northern Tethyan areas for the installation of the Urgonian platform. The results of this study show a strong tectonic control of the platform architecture, with the presence of syn-sedimentary faults in a perpendicular position to the progradation direction of the platform. The presence of these faults was highlighted by the study of the evolution of the microfacies distribution and by thickness variations in different areas. Sea level fluctuations also played an important role in the various life phases of the platform. Three major falls in sea level have been identified. A significant emersion of the proximal domain has been observed, involving an important drop of the relative sea level, leading to the exposure of the Drusberg Member hemipelagic series. A second major drop in sea level is identified near the Barremian-Aptian boundary, and a third is registered on the top of the Upper Schrattenkalk Member on the whole platform; it is associated with a karst affecting the underlying limestones to a depth of over 20 meters. This observation sheds new light on the conditions linked to the demise of Urgonian platform, which was strongly influenced by this phase of emersion.
A method to evaluate the physical realizability of an arbitrary three-dimensional vectorial field distribution in the focal area is proposed. A parameter that measures the similarity between the designed (target) field and the physically achievable beam is provided. This analysis is carried out within the framework of the closest electromagnetic field to a given vectorial function, and the procedure is applied to two illustrative cases.