924 resultados para Antônio Carlos Kfouri Aidar
O objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar manifestações de identidade regional no aglomerado comercial da Rua Oscar Freire. Para os fins propostos, definem-se como componentes da identidade regional sua caracterização empírica, sua imagem e as percepções dos atores em relação à sua existência, bem como sua identificação com o cluster e a disposição para atuar em prol de seu desenvolvimento. A pesquisa é de caráter exploratório e os dados foram obtidos mediante análise de documentos, entrevistas com atores regionais e observação espontânea. As dimensões mais características da imagem da região são: cluster de negócios, rua de luxo, local atraente para empresas, local em que os clientes são bem tratados e modelo para replicação. Verifica-se a existência de identidade regional nesse aglomerado, embora esta seja mais evidente quando se consideram as dimensões cognitiva e afetiva, pois os atores reconhecem a existência do conglomerado comercial, têm consciência de seus limites e de suas funções, e manifestam solidariedade no desempenho das atividades comerciais. A dimensão conativa, que se refere ao desenvolvimento de ações efetivas em prol do desenvolvimento da região, mostra-se menos evidente. Conclui-se que o território, constituído pela Rua Oscar Freire e adjacências, também pode ser considerado uma região socialmente construída, pois além de apresentar abrangência territorial bem definida e uma imagem conceitual e simbólica, faz parte de um sistema de regiões e apresenta identidade regional.
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar a disposição de estudantes universitários para empreender no local em que residem. Trata-se de um survey realizado com estudantes de três instituições de ensino superior localizadas na Zona Leste do Município de São Paulo (SP). Para obtenção dos dados procedeu-se à seleção de uma amostra por acessibilidade constituída por 423 estudantes de diferentes cursos, tanto de bacharelado quanto de graduação tecnológica. A maioria dos estudantes indicou maior disposição para empreender no próprio bairro em que moram. Verificou-se a existência de correlação positiva entre a preferência por trabalhar por contra própria e a disposição para empreender no próprio bairro em que moram. Não se verificou, no entanto, relação significativa entre o nível de identificação com o bairro e a disposição para empreender nessa localidade. Conclui-se que os estudantes tem maior disposição para empreender no local em que residem em virtude do conhecimento que já tem desse local, ou do temor em abrir seu negócio em local menos conhecido.
A presente pesquisa foi elaborada com o objetivo de analisar o processo de construção da regionalidade no conglomerado comercial constituído pela Rua 25 de Março e adjacências, na capital paulista. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter exploratório com dados obtidos mediante análise documental, observação e entrevistas com atores locais. A fundamentação teórica foi proporcionada pelo modelo analítico de construção de regiões de Ansi Paasi, que define quatro etapas nesse processo: 1) definição da abrangência territorial; 2) formação de uma imagem conceitual e simbólica da região; 3) desenvolvimento de instituições regionais e 4)estabelecimento da região como parte de um sistema de regiões, com papel administrativo definido e associado à consciência regional da comunidade. Conclui-se que este conglomerado comercial, que é considerado o maior shopping center a céu aberto da América Latina encontra-se no último estágio do processo de construção da regionalidade. Cabe considerar, no entanto, notáveis mudanças na identidade regional, sobretudo porque a região, que se consolidou como área cultural sírio-libanesa, tem recebido nas últimas décadas grande número de empresários de origem chinesa e coreana.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a análise da obra Bufólicas, da escritora Hilda Hilst. Por intermédio do emblema dos contos de fadas, a escritora constrói sete poesias que narram a passagem da vida das personagens de cunho feérico. Observa-se que nelas surge uma visão de mundo peculiar, suscitando um riso multifacetado, demiúrgico, criador, existencial, de modo a zombar dos valores primordiais cultuados pela sociedade ocidental contemporânea. Assim, analisaremos as personagens com base na descrição de suas características marcantes, as quais são pautadas pela obscenidade, tendência à caricatura e tons de risibilidade. Tais características rompem com paradigmas na medida em que reinventam as histórias canônicas que fazem parte do imaginário ocidental. Esse estudo estrutura-se em três planos: no primeiro deles, a poeta é apresentada conjuntamente com a peculiaridade de sua obra, enfatizando-se os momentos mais representativos de sua escrita. A seguir, faremos a análise das obras que tratam do riso. Ao evocar os conceitos que remetem ao riso de zombaria, definido por Vladímir Propp e a comicidade carnavalizada, teorizada por Mikhail Bakhitin, a intenção é a de demonstrar a sua inter-relação assim como a complementaridade. E por fim, adentraremos no mundo de Bufólicas, de forma a investigar a leitura paródica elaborada pela autora, que expulsa a linguagem do seu espaço celestial e instaura o caos, com suas múltiplas possibilidades de leitura nas tessituras cômico-sérias.
Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts
A presente dissertação analisa a obra A síndrome de Ulisses, de Santiago Gamboa, buscando verificar questões ligadas à diáspora. Desse modo, empreende-se uma reflexão acerca das experiências do imigrante pobre no país de exílio, da significação do “outro” para o rompimento com a terra natal, da adaptação ao solo novo e da sobrevivência no exílio. Por fim, busca-se compreender como as vivências experimentadas no país buscado configuram-se na construção de uma nova identidade.
The PhD project addresses the potential of using concentrating solar power (CSP) plants as a viable alternative energy producing system in Libya. Exergetic, energetic, economic and environmental analyses are carried out for a particular type of CSP plants. The study, although it aims a particular type of CSP plant – 50 MW parabolic trough-CSP plant, it is sufficiently general to be applied to other configurations. The novelty of the study, in addition to modeling and analyzing the selected configuration, lies in the use of a state-of-the-art exergetic analysis combined with the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The modeling and simulation of the plant is carried out in chapter three and they are conducted into two parts, namely: power cycle and solar field. The computer model developed for the analysis of the plant is based on algebraic equations describing the power cycle and the solar field. The model was solved using the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software; and is designed to define the properties at each state point of the plant and then, sequentially, to determine energy, efficiency and irreversibility for each component. The developed model has the potential of using in the preliminary design of CSPs and, in particular, for the configuration of the solar field based on existing commercial plants. Moreover, it has the ability of analyzing the energetic, economic and environmental feasibility of using CSPs in different regions of the world, which is illustrated for the Libyan region in this study. The overall feasibility scenario is completed through an hourly analysis on an annual basis in chapter Four. This analysis allows the comparison of different systems and, eventually, a particular selection, and it includes both the economic and energetic components using the “greenius” software. The analysis also examined the impact of project financing and incentives on the cost of energy. The main technological finding of this analysis is higher performance and lower levelized cost of electricity (LCE) for Libya as compared to Southern Europe (Spain). Therefore, Libya has the potential of becoming attractive for the establishment of CSPs in its territory and, in this way, to facilitate the target of several European initiatives that aim to import electricity generated by renewable sources from North African and Middle East countries. The analysis is presented a brief review of the current cost of energy and the potential of reducing the cost from parabolic trough- CSP plant. Exergetic and environmental life cycle assessment analyses are conducted for the selected plant in chapter Five; the objectives are 1) to assess the environmental impact and cost, in terms of exergy of the life cycle of the plant; 2) to find out the points of weakness in terms of irreversibility of the process; and 3) to verify whether solar power plants can reduce environmental impact and the cost of electricity generation by comparing them with fossil fuel plants, in particular, Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) plant and oil thermal power plant. The analysis also targets a thermoeconomic analysis using the specific exergy costing (SPECO) method to evaluate the level of the cost caused by exergy destruction. The main technological findings are that the most important contribution impact lies with the solar field, which reports a value of 79%; and the materials with the vi highest impact are: steel (47%), molten salt (25%) and synthetic oil (21%). The “Human Health” damage category presents the highest impact (69%) followed by the “Resource” damage category (24%). In addition, the highest exergy demand is linked to the steel (47%); and there is a considerable exergetic demand related to the molten salt and synthetic oil with values of 25% and 19%, respectively. Finally, in the comparison with fossil fuel power plants (NGCC and Oil), the CSP plant presents the lowest environmental impact, while the worst environmental performance is reported to the oil power plant followed by NGCC plant. The solar field presents the largest value of cost rate, where the boiler is a component with the highest cost rate among the power cycle components. The thermal storage allows the CSP plants to overcome solar irradiation transients, to respond to electricity demand independent of weather conditions, and to extend electricity production beyond the availability of daylight. Numerical analysis of the thermal transient response of a thermocline storage tank is carried out for the charging phase. The system of equations describing the numerical model is solved by using time-implicit and space-backward finite differences and which encoded within the Matlab environment. The analysis presented the following findings: the predictions agree well with the experiments for the time evolution of the thermocline region, particularly for the regions away from the top-inlet. The deviations observed in the near-region of the inlet are most likely due to the high-level of turbulence in this region due to the localized level of mixing resulting; a simple analytical model to take into consideration this increased turbulence level was developed and it leads to some improvement of the predictions; this approach requires practically no additional computational effort and it relates the effective thermal diffusivity to the mean effective velocity of the fluid at each particular height of the system. Altogether the study indicates that the selected parabolic trough-CSP plant has the edge over alternative competing technologies for locations where DNI is high and where land usage is not an issue, such as the shoreline of Libya.
Cette recherche a pour but d analyser l Ecole Augusto Severo, située dans la ville de Natal dont la construction date de 1907,étant le premier établissement d enseignement primaire à l état du Rio Grande do Norte, pendant le processus de restructuration de l enseignement républicain. On cherche à comprendre la représentation de ce milieu scolaire, comme équipement urbain, dans le processus de modernisation de la ville et comme modèle éducationnel pour l état entre 1908 et 1913. En se servant des études historiographes sur le processus de modernisation de quelques villes brésiliennes et des innovations de l enseignement public primaire au pays, à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle et pendant la première décennie du vingtième siècle, comme source pour mieux saisir le contexte général et spécifique. On reconstitue les aspects économiques, sociaux et politiques déterminants des interventions publiques réalisées dans cette ville par les gouvernements républicains ayant comme obectif la construction d une ville embellie,hygiénique et civilisée. Située au quartier Ribeira, principal scénario de la modernité de Natal, l Ecole Augusto Severo est mise em relief comme symbole de civilité du paysage urbain de l époque pour le citoyen du Rio Grande do Norte. Elle disposait de services d énergie et d un tram électrique. Il y avait devant, un grand lac arborisé et une station ferroviaire. A côté, il y avait le théâtre Carlos Gomes (actuellement Alberto Maranhão). Par suíte de son imposante architecture, raffiné style éclectique,on reflète l idéal républicain des elites locales, avec une conception d espace symbolique et éducative de surveillance et contrôle, caractéristiques de l école graduée républicaine
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas
In vitro and in animal models, APE1, OGG1, and PARP-1 have been proposed as being involved with inflammatory response. In this work, we have investigated if the SNPs APE1 Asn148Glu, OGG1 Ser326Cys, and PARP-1 Val762Ala are associated to meningitis and also developed a system to enable the functional analysis of polymorphic proteins. Patients with bacterial meningitis (BM), aseptic meningitis (AM) and controls (non-infected) genotypes were investigated by PIRA-PCR or PCR-RFLP. DNA damages were detected in genomic DNA by Fpg treatment. IgG and IgA were measured from plasma and the cytokines and chemokines were measured from cerebrospinal fluid samples using Bio-Plex assays. The levels of NF-κB and c-Jun were measured in CSF by dot blot assays. A significant (P<0.05) increase in the frequency of APE1 148Glu allele in BM and AM patients was observed. A significant increase in the genotypes Asn/Asn in control group and Asn/Glu in BM group was also found. For the SNP OGG1 Ser326Cys, the genotype Cys/Cys was more frequent (P<0.05) in BM group. The frequency of PARP-1 Val/Val genotype was higher in control group (P<0.05). The occurrence of combined SNPs increased significantly in BM patients, indicating that these SNPs may be associated to the disease. Increasing in sensitive sites to Fpg was observed in carriers of APE1 148Glu allele or OGG1 326Cys allele, suggesting that SNPs affect DNA repair activity. Alterations in IgG production were observed in the presence of SNPs APE1Asn148Glu, OGG1Ser326Cys or PARP-1Val762Ala. Reductions in the levels ofIL-6, IL-1Ra, MCP-1/CCL2and IL-8/CXCL8 were observed in the presence of APE1148Glu allele in BM patients, however no differences were observed in the levels of NF-κB and c-Jun considering genotypes and analyzed groups. Using APE1 as model, a system to enable the analysis of cellular effects and functional characterization of polymorphic proteins was developed using strategies of cloning APE1 cDNA in pIRES2-EGFP vector, cellular transfection of the construction obtained, siRNA for endogenous APE1 and cellular cultures genotyping. In conclusion, we obtained evidences of an effect of SNPs in DNA repair genes on the regulation of immune response. This is a pioneering work in the field that shows association of BER variant enzymes with an infectious disease in human patients, suggesting that the SNPs analyzed may affect immune response and damage by oxidative stress level during brain infection. Considering these data, new approaches of functional characterization must be developed to better analysis and interactions of polymorphic proteins in response to this context
Estuda-se a associação de grandes mamíferos recolhida em unidades estratigráficas das "Salas 20 e 2" do Buraco da Moura de S. Romão (Seia) correspondentes a uma ocupação do Bronze Pleno. Devido à natureza predominantemente ácida dos terrenos de toda a região beirã, restos faunísticos como os agora estudados são excepcionais. Tal facto valoriza as conclusões obtidas do seu estudo, não apenas sobre as bases de subsistência e hábitos alimentares, mas também acerca da economia das populações que, no Bronze Pleno, ocuparam a Bacia do Alto Mondego. Comprovou-se uma importante actividadepastoril, documentada pela predominância, no espectro faunístico, dos bovinos e ovinos e onde a caça ocupava um lugar muito secundário. Tal situação reforça a proposta de atribuição da degradação do coberto florestal da área serrana como tendo origem antrópica, datando talvez desde o IV milénio a. C., ligando-se á necessidade da obtenção de terras de pastoreio.
Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Civil, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Dissertação de mest., Unidade de Ciências Exactas e Humanas, Escola Superior de Educação, Univ. do Algarve,1998
Cette recherche a pour but d analyser l Ecole Augusto Severo, située dans la ville de Natal dont la construction date de 1907,étant le premier établissement d enseignement primaire à l état du Rio Grande do Norte, pendant le processus de restructuration de l enseignement républicain. On cherche à comprendre la représentation de ce milieu scolaire, comme équipement urbain, dans le processus de modernisation de la ville et comme modèle éducationnel pour l état entre 1908 et 1913. En se servant des études historiographes sur le processus de modernisation de quelques villes brésiliennes et des innovations de l enseignement public primaire au pays, à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle et pendant la première décennie du vingtième siècle, comme source pour mieux saisir le contexte général et spécifique. On reconstitue les aspects économiques, sociaux et politiques déterminants des interventions publiques réalisées dans cette ville par les gouvernements républicains ayant comme obectif la construction d une ville embellie,hygiénique et civilisée. Située au quartier Ribeira, principal scénario de la modernité de Natal, l Ecole Augusto Severo est mise em relief comme symbole de civilité du paysage urbain de l époque pour le citoyen du Rio Grande do Norte. Elle disposait de services d énergie et d un tram électrique. Il y avait devant, un grand lac arborisé et une station ferroviaire. A côté, il y avait le théâtre Carlos Gomes (actuellement Alberto Maranhão). Par suíte de son imposante architecture, raffiné style éclectique,on reflète l idéal républicain des elites locales, avec une conception d espace symbolique et éducative de surveillance et contrôle, caractéristiques de l école graduée républicaine