990 resultados para Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)


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We address the problem of high-resolution reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT). The traditional method employed uses the inverse discrete Fourier transform, which is limited in resolution due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. We propose a reconstruction technique based on zero-crossing (ZC) interval analysis. The motivation for our approach lies in the observation that, for a multilayered specimen, the backscattered signal may be expressed as a sum of sinusoids, and each sinusoid manifests as a peak in the FDOCT reconstruction. The successive ZC intervals of a sinusoid exhibit high consistency, with the intervals being inversely related to the frequency of the sinusoid. The statistics of the ZC intervals are used for detecting the frequencies present in the input signal. The noise robustness of the proposed technique is improved by using a cosine-modulated filter bank for separating the input into different frequency bands, and the ZC analysis is carried out on each band separately. The design of the filter bank requires the design of a prototype, which we accomplish using a Kaiser window approach. We show that the proposed method gives good results on synthesized and experimental data. The resolution is enhanced, and noise robustness is higher compared with the standard Fourier reconstruction. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America


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The Australia Telescope Low-brightness Survey (ATLBS) regions have been mosaic imaged at a radio frequency of 1.4 GHz with 6 `' angular resolution and 72 mu Jy beam(-1) rms noise. The images (centered at R. A. 00(h)35(m)00(s), decl. -67 degrees 00'00 `' and R. A. 00(h)59(m)17(s), decl. -67.00'00 `', J2000 epoch) cover 8.42 deg(2) sky area and have no artifacts or imaging errors above the image thermal noise. Multi-resolution radio and optical r-band images (made using the 4 m CTIO Blanco telescope) were used to recognize multi-component sources and prepare a source list; the detection threshold was 0.38 mJy in a low-resolution radio image made with beam FWHM of 50 `'. Radio source counts in the flux density range 0.4-8.7 mJy are estimated, with corrections applied for noise bias, effective area correction, and resolution bias. The resolution bias is mitigated using low-resolution radio images, while effects of source confusion are removed by using high-resolution images for identifying blended sources. Below 1 mJy the ATLBS counts are systematically lower than the previous estimates. Showing no evidence for an upturn down to 0.4 mJy, they do not require any changes in the radio source population down to the limit of the survey. The work suggests that automated image analysis for counts may be dependent on the ability of the imaging to reproduce connecting emission with low surface brightness and on the ability of the algorithm to recognize sources, which may require that source finding algorithms effectively work with multi-resolution and multi-wavelength data. The work underscores the importance of using source lists-as opposed to component lists-and correcting for the noise bias in order to precisely estimate counts close to the image noise and determine the upturn at sub-mJy flux density.


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Analysis of high resolution satellite images has been an important research topic for urban analysis. One of the important features of urban areas in urban analysis is the automatic road network extraction. Two approaches for road extraction based on Level Set and Mean Shift methods are proposed. From an original image it is difficult and computationally expensive to extract roads due to presences of other road-like features with straight edges. The image is preprocessed to improve the tolerance by reducing the noise (the buildings, parking lots, vegetation regions and other open spaces) and roads are first extracted as elongated regions, nonlinear noise segments are removed using a median filter (based on the fact that road networks constitute large number of small linear structures). Then road extraction is performed using Level Set and Mean Shift method. Finally the accuracy for the road extracted images is evaluated based on quality measures. The 1m resolution IKONOS data has been used for the experiment.


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Stable isotopes from a U/Th dated aragonite stalagmite from the Central Kumaun Himalaya provide evidence of variation in climatic conditions in the last similar to 1800 years. The delta O-18 and delta C-13 values vary from -4.3 parts per thousand to -7.6 parts per thousand and -3.4 parts per thousand to -9.1 parts per thousand respectively, although the stalagmite was not grown in isotopic equilibrium with cave drip water, a clear palaeoclimatic signal in stalagmite delta O-18 values is evident based on the regional climate data. The stalagmite showed a rapid growth rate during 830-910 AD, most likely the lower part of Medieval Warm Period (MWP), and 1600-1640 AD, the middle part of Little Ice Age (LIA). Two distinct phases of reduced precipitation are marked by a 2 parts per thousand shift in 8180 values towards the end of MWP (similar to 1080-1160 AD) and after its termination from similar to 1210 to 1440 AD. The LIA (similar to 1440-1880 AD) is represented by sub-tropical climate similar to modern conditions, whereas the post-LIA was comparatively drier. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) was located over the cave location during wetter/warmer conditions. When it shifted southward, precipitation over the study area decreased. A prominent drop in delta O-18 and delta C-13 values during the post-LIA period may also have been additionally influenced by anthropogenic activity in the area. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.


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We present a mathematical modelling and analysis of reflection grating etched Si AFM cantilever deflections under different loading conditions. A simple analysis of the effect of grating structures on cantilever deflection is carried out with emphasis on optimizing the beam and gratings such that maximum amount of diffracted light remains within the detector area.


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Imaging thick specimen at a large penetration depth is a challenge in biophysics and material science. Refractive index mismatch results in spherical aberration that is responsible for streaking artifacts, while Poissonian nature of photon emission and scattering introduces noise in the acquired three-dimensional image. To overcome these unwanted artifacts, we introduced a two-fold approach: first, point-spread function modeling with correction for spherical aberration and second, employing maximum-likelihood reconstruction technique to eliminate noise. Experimental results on fluorescent nano-beads and fluorescently coated yeast cells (encaged in Agarose gel) shows substantial minimization of artifacts. The noise is substantially suppressed, whereas the side-lobes (generated by streaking effect) drops by 48.6% as compared to raw data at a depth of 150 mu m. Proposed imaging technique can be integrated to sophisticated fluorescence imaging techniques for rendering high resolution beyond 150 mu m mark. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Salinity in the Bay of Bengal is highly heterogeneous, with extremely fresh waters found at the surface in the Northern part of the basin, and saltier waters at subsurface as well as to the south. This paper investigates the seasonal structure of sea surface salinity of the Bay in a regional high-resolution model forced by ERA-Interim reanalysis and various precipitation products. Surface circulation is believed to drive the spreading of northern Bay of Bengal fresh waters to the rest of the Indian Ocean. We first present a series of experiments to infer the sensitivity of modeled circulation to various numerical choices. Surface circulation is found to be sensitive to the horizontal resolution of the model, with the 1/12 degrees version appearing much more realistic than the 1/4 degrees version. The sidewall boundary condition is also drastically influencing the characteristics of the western boundary current simulated. We then investigate the sensitivity of the salinity response to the various precipitation products. We observe that ERA-Interim excess precipitation induces a fresh bias in the surface salinity response. Spaceborne precipitation products are more satisfactory. We then identify the pathways of the northern Bay freshwater mass, based on passive tracers experiments. Our model suggests that over timescales of a few months, vertical exchanges between the upper fresh layer and the underlying saltier layer appear to be the main export pathway for the freshwater. The horizontal circulation within the mixed layer also acts to convey fresh waters out of the Bay at these timescales, but in a lesser quantity compared to the vertical export. Beyond its intrinsic interest for the understanding of Bay of Bengal physics, this study highlights the need for a careful design of any realistic numerical model, in three key aspects: the choice of the resolution of the model, the choice of the sub-grid scale parameterizations, and the choice of the forcing fluxes. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bent-core mesogens are an important class of thermotropic liquid crystals as they exhibit unusual properties as well as morphologies distinctly different from rodlike mesogens. Two bent-core mesogens with differing center rings namely benzene and thiophene are considered and investigated using high-resolution oriented solid state C-13 NMR method in their liquid crystalline phases. The mesogens exhibit different phase sequences with the benzene-based mesogen showing a B-1 phase, while the one based on thiophene showing nematic and smectic C phases. The 2-dimensional separated local field (2D-SLF) NMR method was used to obtain the C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings of carbons in the center ring as well as in the side-wing phenyl rings. Couplings, characteristic of the type of the center ring, that also provide orientational information on the molecule in the magnetic field were observed. Together with the dipolar couplings of the side-wing phenyl ring carbons from which the local order parameters of the different subunits of the core could be extracted, the bent angle of the mesogenic molecule could be obtained. Accordingly, for the benzene mesogen in its B-1 phase at 145 degrees C, the center ring methine C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings were found to be significantly larger (9.5-10.2 kHz) compared to those of the side-wing rings (1.6-2.1 kHz). From the local order parameter values of the center (0.68) as well as the side-wing rings (0.50), a bent-angle of 130.3 degrees for this mesogen was obtained. Interestingly, for the thiophene mesogen in its smectic C phase at 210 degrees C, the C-13-H-1 dipolar coupling of the center ring methine carbon (2.11 kHz) is smaller than those of the side-wing phenyl ring carbons (2.75-3.00 kHz) which is a consequence of the different structures of the thiophene and the benzene rings. These values correspond to local order parameters of 0.85 for the center thiophene ring and 0.76 for the first side-wing phenyl ring and a bent-angle of 149.2 degrees. Thus, the significant differences in the dipolar couplings and the order parameter values between different parts in the rigid core of the mesogens are a direct consequence of the nature of the center ring and the bent structure of the molecule. The present investigation thus highlights the ability of the C-13 2D-SLF technique to provide the geometry of the bent-core mesogens in a straightforward manner through the measurement of the C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings.


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Visualization of intracellular organelles is achieved using a newly developed high throughput imaging cytometry system. This system interrogates the microfluidic channel using a sheet of light rather than the existing point-based scanning techniques. The advantages of the developed system are many, including, single-shot scanning of specimens flowing through the microfluidic channel at flow rate ranging from micro-to nano- lit./min. Moreover, this opens-up in-vivo imaging of sub-cellular structures and simultaneous cell counting in an imaging cytometry system. We recorded a maximum count of 2400 cells/min at a flow-rate of 700 nl/min, and simultaneous visualization of fluorescently-labeled mitochondrial network in HeLa cells during flow. The developed imaging cytometry system may find immediate application in biotechnology, fluorescence microscopy and nano-medicine. (C) 2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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By using high-resolution observations of nearly co-temporal and co-spatial Solar Optical Telescope spectropolarimeter and X-Ray Telescope coronal X-ray data onboard Hinode, we revisit the problematic relationship between global magnetic quantities and coronal X-ray brightness. Co-aligned vector magnetogram and X-ray data were used for this study. The total X-ray brightness over active regions is well correlated with integrated magnetic quantities such as the total unsigned magnetic flux, the total unsigned vertical current, and the area-integrated square of the vertical and horizontal magnetic fields. On accounting for the inter-dependence of the magnetic quantities, we inferred that the total magnetic flux is the primary determinant of the observed integrated X-ray brightness. Our observations indicate that a stronger coronal X-ray flux is not related to a higher non-potentiality of active-region magnetic fields. The data even suggest a slightly negative correlation between X-ray brightness and a proxy of active-region non-potentiality. Although there are small numerical differences in the established correlations, the main conclusions are qualitatively consistent over two different X-ray filters, the Al-poly and Ti-poly filters, which confirms the strength of our conclusions and validate and extend earlier studies that used low-resolution data. We discuss the implications of our results and the constraints they set on theories of solar coronal heating.


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The study follows an approach to estimate phytomass using recent techniques of remote sensing and digital photogrammetry. It involved tree inventory of forest plantations in Bhakra forest range of Nainital district. Panchromatic stereo dataset of Cartosat-1 was evaluated for mean stand height retrieval. Texture analysis and tree-tops detection analyses were done on Quick-Bird PAN data. The composite texture image of mean, variance and contrast with a 5x5 pixel window was found best to separate tree crowns for assessment of crown areas. Tree tops count obtained by local maxima filtering was found to be 83.4 % efficient with an RMSE+/-13 for 35 sample plots. The predicted phytomass ranged from 27.01 to 35.08 t/ha in the case of Eucalyptus sp. while in the case of Tectona grandis from 26.52 to 156 t/ha. The correlation between observed and predicted phytomass in Eucalyptus sp. was 0.468 with an RMSE of 5.12. However, the phytomass predicted in Tectona grandis was fairly strong with R-2=0.65 and RMSE of 9.89 as there was no undergrowth and the crowns were clearly visible. Results of the study show the potential of Cartosat-1 derived DSM and Quick-Bird texture image for the estimation of stand height, stem diameter, tree count and phytomass of important timber species.


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Up to now, high-resolution mapping of surface water extent from satellites has only been available for a few regions, over limited time periods. The extension of the temporal and spatial coverage was difficult, due to the limitation of the remote sensing technique e.g., the interaction of the radiation with vegetation or cloud for visible observations or the temporal sampling with the synthetic aperture radar (SAR)]. The advantages and the limitations of the various satellite techniques are reviewed. The need to have a global and consistent estimate of the water surfaces over long time periods triggered the development of a multi-satellite methodology to obtain consistent surface water all over the globe, regardless of the environments. The Global Inundation Extent from Multi-satellites (GIEMS) combines the complementary strengths of satellite observations from the visible to the microwave, to produce a low-resolution monthly dataset () of surface water extent and dynamics. Downscaling algorithms are now developed and applied to GIEMS, using high-spatial-resolution information from visible, near-infrared, and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images, or from digital elevation models. Preliminary products are available down to 500-m spatial resolution. This work bridges the gaps and prepares for the future NASA/CNES Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission to be launched in 2020. SWOT will delineate surface water extent estimates and their water storage with an unprecedented spatial resolution and accuracy, thanks to a SAR in an interferometry mode. When available, the SWOT data will be adopted to downscale GIEMS, to produce a long time series of water surfaces at global scale, consistent with the SWOT observations.


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The distribution of cortical bone in the proximal femur is believed to be a critical component in determining fracture resistance. Current CT technology is limited in its ability to measure cortical thickness, especially in the sub-millimetre range which lies within the point spread function of today's clinical scanners. In this paper, we present a novel technique that is capable of producing unbiased thickness estimates down to 0.3mm. The technique relies on a mathematical model of the anatomy and the imaging system, which is fitted to the data at a large number of sites around the proximal femur, producing around 17,000 independent thickness estimates per specimen. In a series of experiments on 16 cadaveric femurs, estimation errors were measured as -0.01+/-0.58mm (mean+/-1std.dev.) for cortical thicknesses in the range 0.3-4mm. This compares with 0.25+/-0.69mm for simple thresholding and 0.90+/-0.92mm for a variant of the 50% relative threshold method. In the clinically relevant sub-millimetre range, thresholding increasingly fails to detect the cortex at all, whereas the new technique continues to perform well. The many cortical thickness estimates can be displayed as a colour map painted onto the femoral surface. Computation of the surfaces and colour maps is largely automatic, requiring around 15min on a modest laptop computer.


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A finite compact (FC) difference scheme requiring only bi-diagonal matrix inversion is proposed by using the known high-resolution flux. Introducing TVD or ENO limiters in the numerical flux, several high-resolution FC-schemes of hyperbolic conservation law are developed, including the FC-TVD, third-order FC-ENO and fifth-order FC-ENO schemes. Boundary conditions formulated need only one unknown variable for third-order FC-ENO scheme and two unknown variables for fifth-order FC-ENO scheme. Numerical test results of the proposed FC-scheme were compared with traditional TVD, ENO and WENO schemes to demonstrate its high-order accuracy and high-resolution.