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Background: Paediatric dento-alveolar trauma is a common event. Delays in treatment can have adverse effects on long term outcomes and the aim of this study was to quantify the treatment delays in paediatric dento-alveolar trauma in a tertiary referral hospital. Methods: All cases of paediatric dento-alveolar trauma over a two-year period from July 2000 to June 2002 were identified and the charts were reviewed retrospectively. All children presenting the emergency department with dento-alveolar trauma within 48 hours of injury during the time period were included. Results: Forty-three patients were identified. The average age was 5.51 years, though there was a bias towards one and two year olds. Males were injured 1.5 times more frequently than females. There was an average delay of 9.6 hours between injury and treatment for all patients. Transit time from outside practitioners to hospital and waiting times in hospital made up the greatest delays. Children injured an average of 2.37 teeth and only 14 per cent were uncomplicated crown fractures. Conclusions: Children who present to children's hospitals for treatment of dento-alveolar trauma have more severe injuries than those treated elsewhere. They have large but potentially reducible delays between injury and treatment.
At Heron Island reef, Great Barrier Reef Australia, biomass densities and mean wet mass of Ward's damselfish Pomacentrus wardi and the jewelled blenny Salarias fasciatus were not significantly different at 2-37 v. 2-95 g m(-2) and 8-7 v. 7-9 g, respectively. Whereas S. fasciatus significantly exceeded P. wardi in (1) total number of bites per day (3427 v. 1155), (2) the mass of epilithic algal community consumed per bite (2-19 1,. 0-14mg) and (3) total organic carbon consumed per day (487-31 v. 35-46 mg C m(-2) day(-1)). Territorial behaviour differed also between the two species. Pomacentrus wardi chased from their territories a smaller proportion of blennies than roving grazers (i.e. scarids, acanthurids, siganids and pomacentrids) relative to S. fasciatus. Salarias fasciatus chased c. 90% of other blennies from their territories, while chasing only c. 20% of all damsels that entered. Both P. wardi and S. fasciatus rarely chased non-grazers. The chasing behaviour of S. fascialus was size dependent, with resident fish chasing only individuals of its own family (i.e. Blenniidae) that were the same or smaller size. Pomacentrus wardi may have tolerated S. fasciatus grazing within its territory, as it contributes to territory defence from other blennies. The possibility that the interaction between the two species is facilitative, rather than competitive, is discussed. It was concluded that salariine blennies play an important, and previously underestimated role in coral reef trophodynamics. (C) 2004 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (EC catalyses the second reaction in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids. The reaction catalyzed consists of two stages, the first of which is an alkyl migration from one carbon atom to its neighbour. The likely transition state is therefore a cyclopropane derivative, and cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate(CPD) has been reported to inhibit the Escherichia coli enzyme. In addition, this compound causes the accumulation of the substrate of ketol-acid reductoisomerase in plants. Here, we investigate the inhibition of the purified rice enzyme. The cDNA was cloned, and the recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli, purified and characterized kinetically. The purified enzyme is strongly inhibited by cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate, with an inhibition constant of 90 nM. The inhibition is time-dependent and this is due to the low rate constants for formation (2.63 X 10(5) M-1 min(-1)) and dissociation (2.37 x 10(-2) min(-1)) of the enzyme-inhibitor complex. Other cyclopropane derivatives are much weaker inhibitors while dimethylmalonate is moderately effective. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
In Australian twins participating in three different studies (1979-1996), the contribution of genetic and environmental influences to variation in resting systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was studied. The sample consisted of 368 monozygotic and 335 dizygotic twin pairs with measurements for both individuals. Blood pressure measurements in two studies were available for 115 complete twin pairs, and 49 twin pairs had measurements in three studies. This allowed assessment of blood pressure tracking over an average period of 12 years in the age range of 23 to 45 years. Multivariate analyses showed significant heritability (h(2)) of blood pressure in all studies (SBP h(2) = 19%-56%, DBP h(2) = 37%-52%). In addition, the analyses showed that the blood pressure tracking was explained by the same set of genetic factors. These results replicate an earlier finding in Dutch twins that also showed stability of the contribution of genetic factors to blood pressure tracking.
This paper first analyses the Performance Related Pay (PRP) schemes developed from 1992/3 to 2002/3 in a large Business School in England and then the School’s mission and strategic objectives in that period. The PRP schemes changed to include more specific performance indicators and these were increasingly linked to the objectives. The School’s resources allocated to PRP increased from £44,000 in 1992/93 to £355,000 in 2002/3 and from 1.08% in 1995/96 to 2.37% of the School’s income in 2002/3. As well as examining the changing strategic objectives and PRP schemes, the paper charts the development of the School’s reputation and resources and the role which staff motivation via PRP played at different stages. The paper concludes that the PRP scheme was at its most effective when it was clearly linked with the School’s strategic objectives, but that the relationship between objectives and motivation may be more complex than apparent from this study. Although the PRP scheme under consideration also applies to academic related staff, this paper concentrates on the effect on academic staff.
This paper analyses the efficiency of Malaysian commercial banks between 1996 and 2002 and finds that while the East Asian financial crisis caused a short-term increase in efficiency in 1998 primarily due to cost-cutting, increases in non-performing loans after the crisis caused a more sustained decline in bank efficiency. It is also found that mergers, fully Islamic banks, and conventional banks operating Islamic banking windows are all associated with lower efficiency. The paper estimates suggest mild decreasing returns to scale, and an average productivity change of 2.37% that is primarily attributable to technical change, which has nonetheless declined over time. Finally, while Islamic banks have been moderately successful in developing new products and technologies, the results suggest that the potential for Islamic banks to overcome their relative inefficiency is limited.
This study employs stochastic frontier analysis to analyze Malaysian commercial banks during 1996-2002, and particularly focuses on determining the impact of Islamic banking on performance. We derive both net and gross efficiency estimates, thereby demonstrating that differences in operating characteristics explain much of the difference in outputs between Malaysian banks. We also decompose productivity change into efficiency, technical, and scale change using a generalised Malmquist productivity index. On average, Malaysian banks experience mild decreasing return to scale and annual productivity change of 2.37 percent, with the latter driven primarily by technical change, which has declined over time. Our gross efficiency estimates suggest that Islamic banking is associated with higher input requirements. In addition, our productivity estimates indicate that the potential for full-fledged Islamic banks and conventional banks with Islamic banking operations to overcome the output disadvantages associated with Islamic banking are relatively limited. Merged banks are found to have higher input usage and lower productivity change, suggesting that bank mergers have not contributed positively to bank performance. Finally, our results suggest that while the East Asian financial crisis had an interim output-increasing effect in 1998, the crisis prompted a continuing negative impact on the output performance by increasing the volume of non-performing loans.
This study investigated the feasibility of using qualitative methods to provide empirical documentation of the long-term qualitative change in the life course trajectories of “at risk” youth in a school based positive youth development program (the Changing Lives Program—CLP). This work draws from life course theory for a developmental framework and from recent advances in the use of qualitative methods in general and a grounded theory approach in particular. Grounded theory provided a methodological framework for conceptualizing the use of qualitative methods for assessing qualitative life change. The study investigated the feasibility of using the Possible Selves Questionnaire-Qualitative Extension (PSQ-QE) for evaluating the impact of the program on qualitative change in participants' life trajectory relative to a non-intervention control group. Integrated Qualitative/Quantitative Data Analytic Strategies (IQ-DAS) that we have been developing a part of our program of research provided the data analytic framework for the study. ^ Change was evaluated in 85 at risk high school students in CLP high school counseling groups over three assessment periods (pre, post, and follow-up), and a non-intervention control group of 23 students over two assessment periods (pre and post). Intervention gains and maintenance and the extent to which these patterns of change were moderated by gender and ethnicity were evaluated using a mixed design Repeated Measures Multivariate Analysis of Variance (RMANOVA) in which Time (pre, post) was the within (repeated) factor and Condition, Gender, and Ethnicity the between group factors. The trends for the direction of qualitative change were positive from pre to post and maintained at the year-end follow-up. More important, the 3-way interaction for Time x Gender x Ethnicity was significant, Roy's Θ =. 205, F(2, 37) = 3.80, p <.032, indicating that the overall pattern of positive change was significantly moderated by gender and ethnicity. Thus, the findings also provided preliminary evidence for a positive impact of the youth development program on long-term change in life course trajectory, and were suggestive with respect to the issue of amenability to treatment, i.e., the identification of subgroups of individuals in a target population who are likely to be the most amenable or responsive to a treatment. ^
Studies reveal that in recent decades a decrease in sleep duration has occurred. Social commitments, such as work and school are often not aligned to the "biological time" of individuals. Added to this, there is a reduced force of zeitgeber caused by less exposure to daylight and larger exposure to evenings. This causes a chronic sleep debt that is offset in a free days. Indeed, a restriction and extent of sleep called "social Jet lag" occurs weekly. Sleep deprivation has been associated to obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular risk. It is suggested that the autonomic nervous system is a pathway that connects sleep problems to cardiovascular diseases. However, beyond the evidence demonstrated by studies using models of acute and controlled sleep deprivation, studies are needed to investigate the effects of chronic sleep deprivation as it occurs in the social jet lag. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of social jet lag in circadian rest-activity markers and heart function in medical students. It is a cross-sectional, observational study conducted in the Laboratory of Neurobiology and Biological Rhythmicity (LNRB) at the Department of Physiology UFRN. Participated in the survey medical students enrolled in the 1st semester of their course at UFRN. Instruments for data collection: Munich Chronotype Questionnaire, Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire of Horne and Östberg, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Actimeter; Heart rate monitor. Analysed were descriptive variables of sleep, nonparametric (IV60, IS60, L5 and M10) and cardiac indexes of time domain, frequency (LF, HF LF / HF) and nonlinear (SD1, SD2, SD1 / SD2). Descriptive, comparative and correlative statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software version 20. 41 students participated in the study, 48.8% (20) females and 51.2% (21) males, 19.63 ± 2.07 years. The social jet lag had an average of 02: 39h ± 00:55h, 82.9% (34) with social jet lag ≥ 1h and there was a negative correlation with the Munich chronotype score indicating greater sleep deprivation in subjects prone to eveningness. Poor sleep quality was detected in 90.2% (37) (X2 = 26.56, p <0.001) and 56.1% (23) excessive daytime sleepiness (X2 = 0.61, p = 0.435). Significant differences were observed in the values of LFnu, HFnu and LF / HF between the groups of social jet lag <2h and ≥ 2h and correlation of the social jet lag with LFnu (rs = 0.354, p = 0.023), HFnu (rs = - 0.354 , p = 0.023) and LF / HF (r = 0.355, p = 0.023). There was also a negative association between IV60 and indexes in the time domain and non-linear. It is suggested that chronic sleep deprivation may be associated with increased sympathetic activation promoting greater cardiovascular risk.
Barium Cerate (BaCeO3) is perovskite type structure of ABO3, wherein A and B are metal cations. These materials, or doped, have been studied by having characteristics that make them promising for the application in fuel cells solid oxide, hydrogen and oxygen permeation, as catalysts, etc .. However, as the ceramic materials mixed conductivity have been produced by different synthesis methods, some conditions directly influence the final properties, one of the most important doping Site B, which may have direct influence on the crystallite size, which in turn directly influences their catalytic activity. In this study, perovskite-type (BaCexO3) had cerium gradually replaced by praseodymium to obtain ternary type materials BaCexPr1-xO3 and BaPrO3 binaries. These materials were synthesized by EDTA/Citrate complexing method and the material characterized via XRD, SEM and BET for the identification of their structure, morphology and surface area. Moreover were performed on all materials, catalytic test in a fixed bed reactor for the identification of that person responsible for complete conversion of CO to CO2 at low operating temperature, which step can be used as the subsequent production of synthesis gas (CO + H2) from methane oxidation. In the present work the crystalline phase having the orthorhombic structure was obtained for all compositions, with a morphology consisting of agglomerated particles being more pronounced with increasing praseodymium in the crystal structure. The average crystal size was between 100 nm and 142,2 nm. The surface areas were 2,62 m²g-1 for the BaCeO3 composition, 3,03 m²g-1 to BaCe0,5Pr0,5O3 composition and 2,37 m²g-1 to BaPrO3 composition. Regarding the catalytic tests, we can conclude that the optimal flow reactor operation was 50 ml / min and the composition regarding the maximum rate of conversion to the lowest temperature was BaCeO3 to 400° C. Meanwhile, there was found that the partially replaced by praseodymium, cerium, there was a decrease in the catalytic activity of the material.
Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a common endocrine neoplastic disorder caused by a failure of calcium sensing secondary to tumour development in one or more of the parathyroid glands. Parathyroid adenomas are comprised of distinct cellular subpopulations of variable clonal status that exhibit differing degrees of calcium responsiveness. To gain a clearer understanding of the relationship among cellular identity, tumour composition and clinical biochemistry in PHPT, we developed a novel single cell platform for quantitative evaluation of calcium sensing behaviour in freshly resected human parathyroid tumour cells. Live-cell intracellular calcium flux was visualized through Fluo-4-AM epifluorescence, followed by in situ immunofluorescence detection of the calcium sensing receptor (CASR), a central component in the extracellular calcium signalling pathway. The reactivity of individual parathyroid tumour cells to extracellular calcium stimulus was highly variable, with discrete kinetic response patterns observed both between and among parathyroid tumour samples. CASR abundance was not an obligate determinant of calcium responsiveness. Calcium EC50 values from a series of parathyroid adenomas revealed that the tumours segregated into two distinct categories. One group manifested a mean EC50 of 2.40 mM (95% CI: 2.37-2.41), closely aligned to the established normal range. The second group was less responsive to calcium stimulus, with a mean EC50 of 3.61 mM (95% CI: 3.45-3.95). This binary distribution indicates the existence of a previously unappreciated biochemical sub-classification of PHPT tumours, possibly reflecting distinct etiological mechanisms. Recognition of quantitative differences in calcium sensing could have important implications for the clinical management of PHPT.
A recently developed technique for determining past sea surface temperatures (SST), based on an analysis of the unsaturation ratio of long chain C37 methyl alkenones produced by Prymnesiophyceae phytoplankton (U37 k' ), has been applied to an upper Quaternary sediment core from the equatorial Atlantic. U37 k' temperature estimates were compared to those obtained from delta18O of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer and of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages for the last glacial cycle. The alkenone method showed 1.8°C cooling at the last glacial maximum, about 1/2 to 1/3 of the decrease shown by the isotopic method (6.3°C) and foraminiferal modern analogue technique estimates for the warm season (3.8°C). Warm season foraminiferal assemblage estimates based on transfer functions are out of phase with the other estimates, showing a 1.4°C drop at the last glacial maximum with an additional 0.9°C drop in the deglaciation. Increased alkenone abundances, total organic carbon percentage and foraminiferal accumulation rates in the last glaciation indicate an increase in productivity of as much as 4 times over present day. These changes are thought to be due to increased upwelling caused by enhanced winds during the glaciation. If U37 k' estimates are correct, as much as 50-70% (up to 4.5°C) of estimated delta18O and modern analogue temperature changes in the last glaciation may have been due to changes in thermocline depth, whereas transfer functions seem more strongly influenced by seasonality changes. This indicates these estimates may be influenced as strongly by other factors as they are by SST, which in the equatorial Atlantic was only reduced slightly in the last glaciation.
Entre las actividades de ocio de los/as jóvenes, cabe mencionar las asociadas con los videojuegos. Por ello, la finalidad central de este estudio es analizar las preferencias del colectivo de adolescentes con los videojuegos, así como conocer su dedicación y problemáticas que generan, teniendo en cuenta principalmente la variable de género. El presente trabajo se encuadra en un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo-cualitativo, a partir de la recogida de datos con un cuestionario y la técnica del grupo de discusión. En el estudio han participado un total de 151 adolescentes. 124 a partir de la aplicación de un cuestionario cerrado (62 hombres y 62 mujeres) y 27 a través de la realización de 6 grupos de discusión (17 hombres y 10 mujeres). Como resultados y conclusiones, cabe destacar la existencia diferenciada en el uso de los videojuegos en función de la edad y por razón de género. A su vez, las mujeres muestran una responsabilidad mayor en esta actividad, tanto en el tiempo de dedicación como en la elección. Los chicos destinan una gran cantidad de tiempo a los videojuegos de contenido violento, mientras las chicas prefieren los de estrategia. En general, el juego con videojuegos no genera problemáticas sustanciales y controversias, aunque algunos participantes reflejan manifestaciones de mal humor. Por último, cabe indicar que las prácticas con los videojuegos en la adolescencia se ciñen al mero hecho de divertirse, desperdiciando las posibilidades educativas que esta actividad ofrece.
Future teachers must be competent in creating educational settings, which provide tools to their students future they can develop a conscious mind, able to interpret their experiences, to make decisions and imagine innovative solutions to help you participate autonomously and responsible in society. This requires an educational system that allows them to integrate the subjective into a broader spatial and temporal context. La patrimonializatión of “Cultural artefacts” and oral history, the basis of which, are found in the active mind and links both the personal and the group experience, don’t only serve as a catalyst to achieving this goal, but rather, they facilitate the implementation of established practice in infant education. To gain this experience we offer the opportunity for students of their degree in Infant Education in the Public University of Navarre, training within the framework of social didactics, allowing students to learn about established practice from iconic, materials and oral sources in the Archive of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Navarra. The vidences points to their effectiveness and presented in a work in progress.
El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio del papel que juega el control visual del espacio en las prácticas sociales de las comunidades prehistóricas. Este trabajo se articula a partir de un estudio de caso, el término municipal de Calviá, situado en el sureste de la isla de Mallorca, para analizar las diferentes formas de monumentalidad arquitectónica y cómo estas se constituyen cómo un punto de referencia social dentro del paisaje. Partiendo de una amplia horquilla temporal, que abarcaría el Bronce Naviforme (1550-850 AC), el período Talayótico (850-550 AC) y el Postalayótico (550-123 AC), se propone analizar los cambios y pervivencias en la construcción del paisaje, a través de estrategias de visibilidad, percepción y movimiento alrededor de los monumentos arquitectónicos. A través de la perspectiva de la Arqueología del Paisaje y mediante el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) se propone un análisis de tendencias a largo plazo en la configuración social de un paisaje.