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亚硝酸盐广泛存在于土壤、食品及天然水中 ,是水体中氮循环的重要中间物。亚硝酸盐可引起急性中毒 ,还可以与仲胺和酰胺等结合成致癌的亚硝胺化合物 ,是造成环境污染的主要原因之一。因此 ,亚硝酸盐的含量是环境监测和食品分析的重要指标。荧光法测定亚硝酸根常用的试剂是 2 ,3 二氨基萘[1] ,但需用有机溶剂萃取 ,操作繁琐 ,而且由于试剂本身有毒 ,易造成二次污染。近年来有人报道了荧光猝灭法测定亚硝酸根[2 ,3] 。本文以亚硝酸根与酪氨酸反应产物在碱性介质中呈现强的荧光 ,其激发波长和发射波长分别为 31 8.0nm和 398.4nm ,建立了水样中亚硝酸根的荧光测定法。考察了反应条件对荧光强度的影响 ,NO2-在 1 0~ 2 0 0μg L范围内与△F成线性关系 ,除铁外常见的共存离子不干扰其测定 ,本法已用于水样中NO2-的测定。1 实验部分1 .1 主要仪器及试剂RF 5 0 0 0荧光分光光度计 (日本岛津 )。NO2-标准储备液 :1 .0g L ,使用前稀释为1 0 0mg L工作液 ;酪氨酸 (生化试剂 ) :5 .0g L ,称取 0 .5g酪氨酸于烧杯中先加入少量水 ,再加入 2mL 5mo...
The behavior of arachidic acid on the surface of YCI3 aqueous subphase was studied by LB and Brewster angle microscopy techniques. The results showed that the pre-compressing time and the pH of the subphase played an important role in the forming of the monolayer. The monolayer on the subphase surface was irreversible. If the monolayer was compressed into wrinkles, the monolayer could not become uniform again. The optimum transferring conditions were selected and the ordered yttrium arachidate multilayer with a long spacing of 4.96 nm and a tilt angle of 28.5degrees of the three alkyl chains from the surface normal was fabricated and characterized.
烯烃在催化剂的作用下形成聚合物 .改变催化剂的结构 ,可以得到特定分子结构和特定性能的聚烯烃产物 ,因而催化剂的研究开发是聚烯烃升级换代的核心 .烯烃聚合催化剂的发展大致经历了 3个阶段 :Ziegler- Natta催化剂 -茂金属催化剂 -后过渡金属催化剂 .Ziegler[1]和 Natta[2 ]发现了用于各种 α-烯烃聚合的催化剂 ,并已作为主导技术应用于工业化大生产 . 2 0世纪 80年代初 ,Kaminsky等 [3~ 5] 发现 ,二氯二茂锆与烷基铝氧烷组成的体系(茂金属催化剂 )是一种高催化活性、高立体选择性、长寿命的催化剂 .茂金属催化剂的设计、合成和应用 ,促进了聚烯烃化学的革命 ,目前对于茂金属用于烯烃聚合 ,正从基础研究向实用化、工业化阶段发展 .后过渡金属催化剂是指后过渡金属镍、钯、铁、钴等的配位化合物 .由于后过渡金属有较强的β- H消除倾向 ,因而大多数后过渡金属催化剂只适用于烯烃二聚或齐聚 ,得不到高分子量的烯烃聚合物 [6~ 8] .人们曾尝试用后过渡金属催化烯烃聚合 ,但没有表现出如 和 族体系那样高的活性 ,它们主要用于烯烃的齐聚和双烯烃的聚合反应 ,最近几年来这...
Thin films of an organo-soluble polyimide based on 1,4-(3,4-dicarboxyphenoxy)benzene dianhydride (HQDPA) and 2,2'-dimethyl-4,4'-methylene dianiline (DMMDA) have been studied. A prism coupler was used to measure the refractive indices. The average refractive indices of thin films prepared by annealing at different temperatures and times were chosen to characterize the condensation states of thin films. Thin films annealed at 200 degrees C show irreversible changes in physical properties, eg solubility. FTIR spectroscopy showed that the chain structures of the above thin films remained unchanged. It is proposed that specific molecular interactions induce the irreversible changes revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy. (C) 2000 Society of Chemical Industry.
The probability distribution of the four-phase structure invariants (4PSIs) involving four pairs of structure factors is derived by integrating the direct methods with isomorphous replacement (IR). A simple expression of the reliability parameter for 16 types of invariant is given in the case of a native protein and a heavy-atom derivative. Test calculations on a protein and its heavy-atom derivative using experimental diffraction data show that the reliability for 4PSI estimates is comparable with that for the three-phase structure invariants (3PSIs), and that a large-modulus invariants method can be used to improve the accuracy.
A new scheme for the code of chemical environments of compounds is described in this paper, and three molecular similarity methods have been used to select nearest neighbors from four different types of probe compounds. One of the methods is based on the C-13 NMR spectra. The second method is based on the code of chemical environments and molecular topological index A(x). The third approach, i.e. the Tanimoto coefficient, is also based on the code of chemical environments, but not to use the topological index. Five nearest neighbors for each probe compound using these three molecular similarity methods were determined and taken from the database of 7309 structures. The results indicate that the scheme of the chemical environment code and the method for similarity measure of intermolecules suggested in this study are reasonable. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The bilayer formation behavior of two chiral ferroelectric liquid crystal molecules at the air-water interface was studied.
With Mass Analyzed Ion Kinetic Energy Spectrometry (MIKES), Collisional Induced Dissociation(CID), and Electron Capture Induced Decomposition(ECID) technigues, the doubly charged ions and singly charged ions from o(-), m(-), and p(-) diol benzene in the EI source have been studied. In terms of the values of the kinetic energy releases(T) of the charge separation reactions of the doubly charged ions and the estimated intercharge distances(R) of the exploding doubly charged ions the transition structures were proposed. Some structural information about the transition states was also obtained. It is of interest that the MIKES/CID spectra of singly charged ions [C6H6O2](+) from the three isomers are of significant differences.