267 resultados para zener pinning


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Related with the detection of weak magnetic fields, the anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) effect is widely utilized in sensor applications. Exchange coupling between an antiferromagnet (AF) and the ferromagnet (FM) has been known as a significant parameter in the field sensitivity of magnetoresistance because of pinning effects on magnetic domain in FM layer by the bias field in AF. In this work we have studied the thermal evolution of the magnetization reversal processes in nanocrystalline exchange biased Ni80Fe20/Ni-O bilayers with large training effects and we report the anisotropic magnetoresistance ratio arising from field orientation in the bilayer.


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Related with the detection of weak magnetic fields, the anisotropic magnetoresistive(AMR) effect is widely utilized in sensor applications. Exchange coupling between an antiferromagnet (AF) and the ferromagnet (FM) has been known as a significant parameter in the field sensitivity of magnetoresistance because of pinning effects on magnetic domain in FM layer by the bias field in AF. In this work we have studied the thermal evolution of the magnetization reversal processes in nanocrystalline exchange biased Ni80Fe20/Ni-O bilayers with large training effects and we report the anisotropic magnetoresistance ratio arising from field orientation in the bilayer.


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La investigación realizada en este trabajo de tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la generación, anclaje y desenganche de paredes de dominio magnético en nanohilos de permalloy con defectos controlados. Las últimas tecnologías de nanofabricación han abierto importantes líneas de investigación centradas en el estudio del movimiento de paredes de dominio magnético, gracias a su potencial aplicación en memorias magnéticas del futuro. En el 2004, Stuart Parkin de IBM introdujo un concepto innovador, el dispositivo “Racetrack”, basado en un nanohilo ferromagnético donde los dominios de imanación representan los "bits" de información. La frontera entre dominios, ie pared magnética, se moverían en una situación ideal por medio de transferencia de espín de una corriente polarizada. Se anclan en determinadas posiciones gracias a pequeños defectos o constricciones de tamaño nanométrico fabricados por litografía electrónica. El éxito de esta idea se basa en la generación, anclaje y desenganche de las paredes de dominio de forma controlada y repetitiva, tanto para la lectura como para la escritura de los bits de información. Slonczewski en 1994 muestra que la corriente polarizada de espín puede transferir momento magnético a la imanación local y así mover paredes por transferencia de espín y no por el campo creado por la corriente. Desde entonces muchos grupos de investigación de todo el mundo trabajan en optimizar las condiciones de transferencia de espín para mover paredes de dominio. La fracción de electrones polarizados que viaja en un hilo ferromagnético es considerablemente pequeña, así hoy por hoy la corriente necesaria para mover una pared magnética por transferencia de espín es superior a 1 107 A/cm2. Una densidad de corriente tan elevada no sólo tiene como consecuencia una importante degradación del dispositivo sino también se observan importantes efectos relacionados con el calentamiento por efecto Joule inducido por la corriente. Otro de los problemas científico - tecnológicos a resolver es la diversidad de paredes de dominio magnético ancladas en el defecto. Los diferentes tipos de pared anclados en el defecto, su quiralidad o el campo o corriente necesarios para desenganchar la pared pueden variar dependiendo si el defecto posee dimensiones ligeramente diferentes o si la pared se ancla con un método distinto. Además, existe una componente estocástica presente tanto en la nucleación como en el proceso de anclaje y desenganche que por un lado puede ser debido a la naturaleza de la pared que viaja por el hilo a una determinada temperatura distinta de cero, así como a defectos inevitables en el proceso de fabricación. Esto constituye un gran inconveniente dado que según el tipo de pared es necesario aplicar distintos valores de corriente y/o campo para desenganchar la pared del defecto. Como se menciona anteriormente, para realizar de forma eficaz la lectura y escritura de los bits de información, es necesaria la inyección, anclaje y desenganche forma controlada y repetitiva. Esto implica generar, anclar y desenganchar las paredes de dominio siempre en las mismas condiciones, ie siempre a la misma corriente o campo aplicado. Por ello, en el primer capítulo de resultados de esta tesis estudiamos el anclaje y desenganche de paredes de dominio en defectos de seis formas distintas, cada uno, de dos profundidades diferentes. Hemos realizado un análisis estadístico en diferentes hilos, donde hemos estudiado la probabilidad de anclaje cada tipo de defecto y la dispersión en el valor de campo magnético aplicado necesario para desenganchar la pared. Luego, continuamos con el estudio de la nucleación de las paredes de dominio magnético con pulsos de corriente a través una linea adyacente al nanohilo. Estudiamos defectos de tres formas distintas e identificamos, en función del valor de campo magnético aplicado, los distintos tipos de paredes de dominio anclados en cada uno de ellos. Además, con la ayuda de este método de inyección que es rápido y eficaz, hemos sido capaces de generar y anclar un único tipo de pared minimizando el comportamiento estocástico de la pared mencionado anteriormente. En estas condiciones óptimas, hemos estudiado el desenganche de las paredes de dominio por medio de corriente polarizada en espín, donde hemos conseguido desenganchar la pared de forma controlada y repetitiva siempre para los mismos valores de corriente y campo magnético aplicados. Además, aplicando pulsos de corriente en distintas direcciones, estudiamos en base a su diferencia, la contribución térmica debido al efecto Joule. Los resultados obtenidos representan un importante avance hacia la explotación práctica de este tipo de dispositivos. ABSTRACT The research activity of this thesis was focused on the nucleation, pinning and depinning of magnetic domain walls (DWs) in notched permalloy nanowires. The access to nanofabrication techniques has boosted the number of applications based on magnetic domain walls (DWs) like memory devices. In 2004, Stuart Parkin at IBM, conceived an innovative concept, the “racetrack memory” based on a ferromagnetic nanowire were the magnetic domains constitute the “bits” of information. The frontier between those magnetic domains, ie magnetic domain wall, will move ideally assisted by a spin polarized current. DWs will pin at certain positions due to artificially created pinning sites or “notches” fabricated with ebeam lithography. The success of this idea relies on the careful and predictable control on DW nucleation and a defined pinning-depinning process in order to read and write the bits of information. Sloncsewski in 1994 shows that a spin polarized current can transfer magnetic moment to the local magnetization to move the DWs instead of the magnetic field created by the current. Since then many research groups worldwide have been working on optimizing the conditions for the current induced DW motion due to the spin transfer effect. The fraction of spin polarized electrons traveling through a ferromagnetic nanowire is considerably small, so nowadays the current density required to move a DW by STT exceeds 1 107 A/cm2. A high current density not only can produce a significant degradation of the device but also important effects related to Joule heating were also observed . There are other scientific and technological issues to solve regarding the diversity of DWs states pinned at the notch. The types of DWs pinned, their chirality or their characteristic depinning current or field, may change if the notch has slightly different dimensions, the stripe has different thickness or even if the DW is pinned by a different procedure. Additionally, there is a stochastic component in both the injection of the DW and in its pinning-depinning process, which may be partly intrinsic to the nature of the travelling DW at a non-zero temperature and partly due to the unavoidable defects introduced during the nano-fabrication process. This constitutes an important inconvenient because depending on the DW type different values of current of magnetic field need to be applied in order to depin a DW from the notch. As mentioned earlier, in order to write and read the bits of information accurately, a controlled reproducible and predictable pinning- depinning process is required. This implies to nucleate, pin and depin always at the same applied magnetic field or current. Therefore, in the first chapter of this thesis we studied the pinning and depinning of DW in six different notch shapes and two depths. An statistical analysis was conducted in order to determine which notch type performed best in terms of pinning probability and the dispersion measured in the magnetic field necessary to depin the magnetic DWs. Then, we continued studying the nucleation of DWs with nanosecond current pulses by an adjacent conductive stripe. We studied the conditions for DW injection that allow a selective pinning of the different types of DWs in Permalloy nanostripes with 3 different notch shapes. Furthermore, with this injection method, which has proven to be fast and reliable, we manage to nucleate only one type of DW avoiding its stochastic behavior mentioned earlier. Having achieved this optimized conditions we studied current induced depinning where we also achieved a controlled and reproducible depinning process at always the same applied current and magnetic field. Additionally, changing the pulse polarity we studied the joule heating contribution in a current induced depinning process. The results obtained represent an important step towards the practical exploitation of these devices.


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We quantify the rate and efficiency of picosecond electron transfer (ET) from PbS nanocrystals, grown by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR), into a mesoporous SnO2 support. Successive SILAR deposition steps allow for stoichiometry- and size-variation of the QDs, characterized using transmission electron microscopy. Whereas for sulfur-rich (p-type) QD surfaces substantial electron trapping at the QD surface occurs, for lead-rich (n-type) QD surfaces, the QD trapping channel is suppressed and the ET efficiency is boosted. The ET efficiency increase achieved by lead-rich QD surfaces is found to be QD-size dependent, increasing linearly with QD surface area. On the other hand, ET rates are found to be independent of both QD size and surface stoichiometry, suggesting that the donor–acceptor energetics (constituting the driving force for ET) are fixed due to Fermi level pinning at the QD/oxide interface. Implications of our results for QD-sensitized solar cell design are discussed.


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The countries of Eastern European and China have been increasingly interested in deepening bilateral contacts over the past few years. In the case of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova this has been caused by the bad economic situation which was in part caused by the consequences of the global economic crisis of 2008 and the desire to establish closer political relations with a country whose significance on the international arena is continually growing. Each of these countries has different expectations regarding the scale and the nature of co-operation with China. Chisinau wishes only to boost trade, whereas in Minsk and Kyiv, Beijing is also presented as a strategic partner whose investments may not only help the indebted economies recover but also strengthen the position of these countries in their dealings with the EU, and especially with Russia. Beijing sees co-operation with these countries in differently, and its offer is much more modest than Belarus and Ukraine are expecting. Eastern Europe is one of the last parts of the world with which China is activating its co-operation. This is not a priority region for Beijing. China wants to derive economic benefits and to diversify the markets on which it invests its financial surplus, and it does not intend to extend its political dialogue with Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova beyond the framework which determines its economic interests. The main reason for this is the nature of relations between Russia and China. Beijing sees its partnership with Moscow as more beneficial, and will not offer these countries support in their relations with Russia since in its opinion they belong to Russia’s sphere of influence. Minsk and Kyiv are pinning too much hope on their co-operation with Beijing, while China offers no real counterbalance to the Russian and EU influences in these countries. Nevertheless, it should be expected that China will capitalise on the beneficial political climate in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova to reinforce its influence in a region whose location will facilitate its expansion to the EU and the Customs Union markets. In the medium term, Beijing may become a major economic player in Eastern Europe. In a decade’s time this may translate into political influence. Meanwhile, in the short term, China’s financial engagement in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova will contribute to increasing the debts and deepening the foreign trade deficits of these countries.


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[Ensian caption: "Mike Rodriquez, 157-pound Big Ten Champion, shows his unusual technique, pinning his man in a quick three minutes and fifteen seconds.]


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Capillary rise in porous media is frequently modeled using the Washburn equation. Recent accurate measurements of advancing fronts clearly illustrate its failure to describe the phenomenon in the long term. The observed underprediction of the position of the front is due to the neglect of dynamic saturation gradients implicit in the formulation of the Washburn equation. We consider an approximate solution of the governing macroscopic equation, which retains these gradients, and derive new analytical formulae for the position of the advancing front, its speed of propagation, and the cumulative uptake. The new solution properly describes the capillary rise in the long term, while the Washburn equation may be recovered as a special case. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The influence of low vacuum on quasistatic current-voltage (I–V) dependences and the impact of wet air pulse on dynamic bipolar I-V-loops and unipolar I-V-curves of fungal melanin thin layers have been studied for the first time. The threshold hysteresis voltages of I–V dependences are near to the standard electrode potentials of anodic water decomposition. Short wet air pulse impact leads to sharp increase of the current and appearance of “hump”-like and “knee”-like features of I-V-loops and I-V-curves, respectively. By treatment of I-V-loop allowing for I-V-curve shape the maxima of displacement current are revealed. The peculiarities of I-V-characteristics were modelled by series-parallel RC-circuit with Zener diodes as nonlinear elements. As a reason of appearance of temporal polar media with reversible ferroelectric-like polarization and ionic space charge transfer is considered the water-assisted dissociation of some ionic groups of melanin monomers that significantly influences electrophysical parameters of melanin nanostructures.


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The Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE) drains approximately 35% of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and is one of the most rapidly changing parts of the cryosphere. In order to predict future ice-sheet behaviour, modellers require long-term records of ice-sheet melting to constrain and build confidence in their simulations. Here, we present detailed marine geological and radiocarbon data along three palaeo-ice stream tributary troughs in the western ASE to establish vital information on the timing of deglaciation of the WAIS since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We have undertaken multi-proxy analyses of the cores (core description, shear strength, x-radiographs, magnetic susceptibility, wet bulk density, total organic carbon/nitrogen, carbonate content and clay mineral analyses) in order to: (1) characterise the sedimentological facies and depositional environments; and (2) identify the horizon(s) in each core that would yield the most reliable age for deglaciation. In accordance with previous studies we identify three key facies, which offer the most reliable stratigraphies for dating deglaciation by recording the transition from a grounded ice sheet to open marine environments. These facies are: i) subglacial, ii) proximal grounding-line, and iii) seasonal open-marine. In addition, we incorporate ages from other facies (e.g., glaciomarine diamictons deposited at some distance from the grounding line, such as glaciogenic debris flows and iceberg rafted diamictons and turbates) into our deglacial model. In total, we have dated 78 samples (mainly the acid insoluble organic (AIO) fraction, but also calcareous foraminifers), which include 63 downcore and 15 surface samples. Through careful sample selection prior to dating, we have established a robust deglacial chronology for this sector of the WAIS. Our data show that deglaciation of the western ASE was probably underway as early as 22,351 calibrated years before present (cal 44 yr BP), reaching the mid-shelf by 13,837 cal yr BP and the inner shelf to within c.10-12 km of the present ice shelf front between 12,618 and 10,072 cal yr BP. The deglacial steps in the western ASE broadly coincide with the rapid rises in sea-level associated with global meltwater pulses 1a and 1b, although given the potential dating uncertainty, additional, more precise ages are required before these findings can be fully substantiated. Finally, we show that the rate of ice-sheet retreat increased across the deep (up to1,600 m) basins of the inner shelf, highlighting the importance of reverse slope and pinning points in accelerated phases of deglaciation.


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Iron-chromium alloys are used as a model to study the microstructural evolution of defects in irradiated structural steel components of a nuclear reactor. We examine the effects of temperature and chromium concentration on the defect evolution and segregation behavior in the early stages of damage. In situ irradiations are conducted in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 300°C and 450°C with 150keV iron ions in single crystal Fe14Cr and Fe19Cr bicrystal to doses of 2E15 ions/cm^2. The microstructures resulting from annealing and irradiation of the alloy are characterized by analysis of TEM micrographs and diffraction patterns and compared with those of irradiated pure iron. We found the irradiation temperature to have little effect on the microstructural development. We also found that the presence of chromium in the sample leads to defect populations with small average loop size and no extended or nested loop structures, in contrast to the populations of large extended loops seen in irradiated pure iron. A very weak dependence was found on the specific chromium content of the alloy. Chromium was shown to suppress defect growth by inhibiting defect mobility in the alloy. While defects in pure iron are highly mobile and able to grow, those in the FeCr alloys remained small and relatively motionless due to the pinning effect of the chromium.


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Grey and white carbonate mylonites were collected along thrust planes of the Helvetic Alps. They are characterised by very small grain sizes and non-random grain shape (SPO) and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO). Presumably they deformed in the field of grain size sensitive flow by recrystallisation accommodated intracrystalline deformation in combination with granular flow. Both mylonites show a similar mean grain size, but in the grey mylonites the grain size range is larger, the grain shapes are more elongate and the dynamically recrystallised calcite grains are more often twinned. Grey mylonites have an oblique CPO, while the CPO in white mylonites is symmetric with respect to the shear plane. Combustion analysis and TEM investigations revealed that grey mylonites contain a higher amount of highly structured kerogens with particle sizes of a few tens of nanometers, which are finely dispersed at the grain boundaries. During deformation of the rock, nano-scale particles reduced the migration velocity of grain boundaries by Zener drag resulting in slower recrystallisation rates of the calcite aggregate. In the grey mylonites, more strain increments were accommodated by individual grains before they became refreshed by dynamic recrystallisation than in white mylonites, where grain boundary migration was less hindered and recrystallisation cycles were faster. Consequently, grey mylonites represent ‘deformation’ microfabrics while white mylonites are characterised by ‘recrystallisation’ microfabrics. Field geologists must utilise this different deformation behavior when applying the obliquity in CPO and SPO of the respective mylonites as reliable shear sense indicators.


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Liquid-solid interactions become important as dimensions approach mciro/nano-scale. This dissertation focuses on liquid-solid interactions in two distinct applications: capillary driven self-assembly of thin foils into 3D structures, and droplet wetting of hydrophobic micropatterned surfaces. The phenomenon of self-assembly of complex structures is common in biological systems. Examples include self-assembly of proteins into macromolecular structures and self-assembly of lipid bilayer membranes. The principles governing this phenomenon have been applied to induce self-assembly of millimeter scale Si thin films into spherical and other 3D structures, which are then integrated into light-trapping photovoltaic (PV) devices. Motivated by this application, we present a generalized analytical study of the self-folding of thin plates into deterministic 3D shapes, through fluid-solid interactions, to be used as PV devices. This study consists of developing a model using beam theory, which incorporates the two competing components — a capillary force that promotes folding and the bending rigidity of the foil that resists folding into a 3D structure. Through an equivalence argument of thin foils of different geometry, an effective folding parameter, which uniquely characterizes the driving force for folding, has been identified. A criterion for spontaneous folding of an arbitrarily shaped 2D foil, based on the effective folding parameter, is thus established. Measurements from experiments using different materials and predictions from the model match well, validating the assumptions used in the analysis. As an alternative to the mechanics model approach, the minimization of the total free energy is employed to investigate the interactions between a fluid droplet and a flexible thin film. A 2D energy functional is proposed, comprising the surface energy of the fluid, bending energy of the thin film and gravitational energy of the fluid. Through simulations with Surface Evolver, the shapes of the droplet and the thin film at equilibrium are obtained. A critical thin film length necessary for complete enclosure of the fluid droplet, and hence successful self-assembly into a PV device, is determined and compared with the experimental results and mechanics model predictions. The results from the modeling and energy approaches and the experiments are all consistent. Superhydrophobic surfaces, which have unique properties including self-cleaning and water repelling are desired in many applications. One excellent example in nature is the lotus leaf. To fabricate these surfaces, well designed micro/nano- surface structures are often employed. In this research, we fabricate superhydrophobic micropatterned Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surfaces composed of micropillars of various sizes and arrangements by means of soft lithography. Both anisotropic surfaces, consisting of parallel grooves and cylindrical pillars in rectangular lattices, and isotropic surfaces, consisting of cylindrical pillars in square and hexagonal lattices, are considered. A novel technique is proposed to image the contact line (CL) of the droplet on the hydrophobic surface. This technique provides a new approach to distinguish between partial and complete wetting. The contact area between droplet and microtextured surface is then measured for a droplet in the Cassie state, which is a state of partial wetting. The results show that although the droplet is in the Cassie state, the contact area does not necessarily follow Cassie model predictions. Moreover, the CL is not circular, and is affected by the micropatterns, in both isotropic and anisotropic cases. Thus, it is suggested that along with the contact angle — the typical parameter reported in literature quantifying wetting, the size and shape of the contact area should also be presented. This technique is employed to investigate the evolution of the CL on a hydrophobic micropatterned surface in the cases of: a single droplet impacting the micropatterned surface, two droplets coalescing on micropillars, and a receding droplet resting on the micropatterned surface. Another parameter which quantifies hydrophobicity is the contact angle hysteresis (CAH), which indicates the resistance of the surface to the sliding of a droplet with a given volume. The conventional methods of using advancing and receding angles or tilting stage to measure the resistance of the micropatterned surface are indirect, without mentioning the inaccuracy due to the discrete and stepwise motion of the CL on micropillars. A micronewton force sensor is utilized to directly measure the resisting force by dragging a droplet on a microtextured surface. Together with the proposed imaging technique, the evolution of the CL during sliding is also explored. It is found that, at the onset of sliding, the CL behaves as a linear elastic solid with a constant stiffness. Afterwards, the force first increases and then decreases and reaches a steady state, accompanied with periodic oscillations due to regular pinning and depinning of the CL. Both the maximum and steady state forces are primarily dependent on area fractions of the micropatterned surfaces in our experiment. The resisting force is found to be proportional to the number of pillars which pin the CL at the trailing edge, validating the assumption that the resistance mainly arises from the CL pinning at the trailing edge. In each pinning-and-depinning cycle during the steady state, the CL also shows linear elastic behavior but with a lower stiffness. The force variation and energy dissipation involved can also be determined. This novel method of measuring the resistance of the micropatterned surface elucidates the dependence on CL pinning and provides more insight into the mechanisms of CAH.