927 resultados para glass-ionomer-resin composite hybrid material
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the apical sealing ability and the marginal adaptation of five dental materials used in retrofillings or applied to the bevelled root surface. One hundred and forty extracted single rooted human teeth were used, divided into seven groups of twenty each. ln the first, second, third and fourth groups, the teeth were apicoectomized, submitted to cavity preparations and retrofilled with one of the following materiais: zinc free silver amalgam, a dentin bonding system plus composite resin, a glass ionomer cement ora compomer. In the fifth, sixth and seventh groups, the teeth were apicoectomized and capped on the bevelled root surface with one of the following materiais: a dentin bonding system plus composite resin, a glass ionomer cement or a compomer. Two specimens of each experimental group were evaluated for the marginal adaptation using scanning electron microscopy. The remaining 126 specimens were immersed in 2% methylene blue dye, stored for one week at 37ºC and the infiltration was evaluated with a stereomicroscope. The results showed that the glass ionomer cement presented the lowest values of marginal infiltration when used as retrofilling material, with a significant statistical difference when compared with the others tested materials. When used as apical capping, the glass ionomer cement and the compomer were equivalent and significantly better than the dentin bonding system plus composite resin. Using scanning electron microscopy, all the materials showed some slight adjustment problem. ln the retrofilling, the smallest marginal gaps were observed with the compomer and the dentin bonding system plus composite resin, while the largest were observed with the glass ionomer cement and zinc free silver amalgam. ln the apical capping, the smallest marginal gaps were observed with the compomer and the dentin bonding system plus composite resin and ...
This in vitro study evaluated the bond strength of adhesive restorative materials to sound and eroded dentin. Thirty-six bovine incisors were embedded in acrylic resin and ground to obtain flat buccal dentin surfaces. Specimens were randomly allocated in 2 groups: sound dentin (immersion in artificial saliva) and eroded dentin (pH cycling model - 3x / cola drink for 7 days). Specimens were then reassigned according to restorative material: glass ionomer cement (Ketac (TM) Molar Easy Mix), resin-modified glass ionomer cement (Vitremer (TM)) or adhesive system with resin composite (Adper Single Bond 2 + Filtek Z250). Polyethylene tubes with an internal diameter of 0.76 mm were placed over the dentin and filled with the material. The microshear bond test was performed after 24 h of water storage at 37 degrees C. The failure mode was evaluated using a stereomicroscope (400x). Bond strength data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc tests (alpha = 0.05). Eroded dentin showed bond strength values similar to those for sound dentin for all materials. The adhesive system showed the highest bond strength values, regardless of the substrate (p < 0.0001). For all groups, the adhesive/mixed failure prevailed. In conclusion, adhesive materials may be used in eroded dentin without jeopardizing the bonding quality. It is preferable to use an etch-and-rinse adhesive system because it shows the highest bond strength values compared with the glass ionomer cements tested.
Background. The aim of this study is to critically evaluate the bond strength (BS) of Glass-Ionomer Cements (GIC) to dentine with microtensile (mu TBS) and microshear (mu SBS) BS tests by assessing their rankings and failure patterns. Methods. Samples were made on flat dentine surfaces and submitted to mTBS and mSBS. The materials used were: high viscosity GIC (Ketac (TM) Molar Aplicap-KM), resin-modified GIC (Fuji II-FII), nano-filled resin-modified GIC (Ketac (TM) N100-N100) and an etch-and-rinse adhesive system with a composite resin (Adper (TM) Single Bond 2 and Z100 (TM)-Z100). All tests were performed with a Universal Testing Machine (24 h water storage, crosshead speed of 1 mm/min). Debonded surfaces were examined with a stereomicroscope (x40) to identify the failure mode. The data was analyzed with two-way ANOVA (p < 0.05) and LSD test. Results. Means were statistically different regarding the tests and materials, indicating that values for BS obtained for each material depend on the test performed. Failure analysis revealed that failures produced by mTBS were mainly cohesive for KM and FII. mu SBS failures were mainly adhesive or mixed for all materials. For the mTBS, the rank was Z100 > FII > KM = N100, whereas for the mSBS it was Z100 = FII = KM > N100. Conclusion: It may be concluded that distinct micro-mechanical tests present different failure patterns and rankings depending on the material to be considered.
Statement of problem: Since the introduction of glass fiber posts, irreversible vertical root fractures have become a rare occurrence; however, adhesive failure has become the primary failure mode. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the push-out bond strength of glass fiber posts cemented with different luting agents on 3 segments of the root. Material and methods: Eighty human maxillary canines with similar root lengths were randomly divided into 8 groups (n=10) according to the cement assessed (Rely X luting, Luting and Lining, Ketac Cem, Rely X ARC, Biscem, Duo-link, Rely X U100, and Variolink II). After standardized post space preparation, the root dentin was pretreated for dualpolymerizing resin cements and untreated for the other cements. The mixed luting cement paste was inserted into post spaces with a spiral file and applied to the post surface that was seated into the canal. After 7 days, the teeth were sectioned perpendicular to their long axis into 1-mm-thick sections. The push-out test was performed at a speed of 0.5 mm/min until extrusion of the post occurred. The results were evaluated by 2-way ANOVA and the all pairwise multiple comparison procedures (Tukey test) (?=.05). Results: ANOVA showed that the type of interaction between cement and root location significantly influenced the push-out strength (P<.05). The highest push-out strength results with root location were obtained with Luting and Lining (S3) (19.5 ±4.9 MPa), Ketac Cem (S2) (18.6 ±5.5 MPa), and Luting and Lining (S1) (18.0 ±7.6 MPa). The lowest mean values were recorded with Variolink II (S1) (4.6 ±4.0 MPa), Variolink II (S2) (1.6 ±1.5 MPa), and Rely X ARC (S3) (0.9 ±1.1 MPa). Conclusions: Self-adhesive cements and glass ionomer cements showed significantly higher values compared to dual-polymerizing resin cements. In all root segments, dual-polymerizing resin cements provided significantly lower bond strength. Significant differences among root segments were found only for Duo-link cement.
The aim was to compare eight types of luting agents when used to bond six indirect, laboratory restorative materials to dentin. Cylinders of the six restorative materials (Esteticor Avenir [gold alloy], Tritan [titanium], NobelRondo [feldspathic porcelain], Finesse All-Ceramic [leucite-glass ceramic], Lava [zirconia], and Sinfony [resin composite]) were ground and air-abraded. Cylinders of feldspathic porcelain and glass ceramic were additionally etched with hydrofluoric acid and were silane-treated. The cylinders were luted to ground human dentin with eight luting agents (DeTrey Zinc [zinc phosphate cement], Fuji I [conventional glass ionomer cement], Fuji Plus [resin-modified glass ionomer cement], Variolink II [conventional etch-and-rinse resin cement], Panavia F2.0 and Multilink [self-etch resin cements], and RelyX Unicem Aplicap and Maxcem [self-adhesive resin cements]). After water storage at 37°C for one week, the shear bond strength of the specimens (n=8/group) was measured, and the fracture mode was stereomicroscopically examined. Bond strength data were analyzed with two-factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Newman-Keuls' Multiple Range Test (?=0.05). Both the restorative material and the luting agent had a significant effect on bond strength, and significant interaction was noted between the two variables. Zinc phosphate cement and glass ionomer cements produced the lowest bond strengths, whereas the highest bond strengths were found with the two self-etch and one of the self-adhesive resin cements. Generally, the fracture mode varied markedly with the restorative material. The luting agents had a bigger influence on bond strength between restorative materials and dentin than was seen with the restorative material.
Einleitung: Die Anzahl zahnärztlicher Zemente sowie Restaurationsmaterialien steigt stetig. Die richtige Zementwahl für einen zuverlässigen Haftverbund zwischen Restaurationsmaterial und Zahnsubstanz ist von Interesse für den Kliniker. Ziel der vorliegenden in vitro-Studie war es daher, den Dentinhaftverbund von verschiedenen Zementen in Kombination mit verschiedenen indirekten Restaurationsmaterialien zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden: Zylindrische Probekörper aus sechs Restaurationsmaterialien (Goldlegierung, Titan, Feldspat-Keramik, Leuzit-Glaskeramik, Zirkon sowie Komposit) wurden an einem Ende plangeschliffen und sandgestrahlt. Die Zylinder aus Feldspat-Keramik und Leuzit-Glaskeramik wurden zusätzlich mit Flusssäure geätzt und silanisiert. Die Zylinder wurden anschliessend mit acht Zementen auf plangeschliffenes Dentin extrahierter menschlicher Zähne zementiert (ein Zink-Phosphatzement (DeTrey Zinc), ein konventioneller Glasionomerzement (Fuji I), ein kunststoffmodifizierter Glasionomerzement (Fuji Plus), ein "etch-&-rinse" Kompositzement (Variolink II), zwei "self-etch" Kompositzemente (Panavia F2.0 und Multilink) und zwei "self-adhesive" Kompositzemente (RelyX Unicem Aplicap und Maxcem)). Nach einwöchiger Wasserlagerung bei 37°C wurden die Dentinhaftwerte der Zylinder (n=8 pro Gruppe) mittels Scherkraft-Test gemessen. Zusätzlich wurde das Frakturmuster unter dem Lichtmikroskop bestimmt. Die Haftwerte wurden mittels zweifaktorieller ANOVA und einem post hoc-Test analysiert (Signifikanzniveau α = 0.05). Resultate: Sowohl das Restaurationsmaterial wie auch der Zement hatten einen statistisch signifikanten Effekt auf den Haftverbund. Der Zink-Phosphatzement sowie beide Glasionomerzemente zeigten die niedrigsten Haftwerte. Die höchsten Haftwerte wurden mit beiden "self-etch" und einem der zwei "self-adhesive" Kompositzementen erzielt. Im Allgemeinen variierte das Frakturmuster deutlich je nach Zement und Restaurationsmaterial. Schlussfolgerungen: Der Dentinhaftverbund wurde stärker vom Zement beeinflusst als vom Restaurationsmaterial. Die Kompositzemente erzielten im Grossen und Ganzen die höchsten Haftwerte.
Background: This study aimed to determine the reasons for dentists' choice of materials, in particular amalgam and resin composite, in Australia. Method: A questionnaire was developed to elicit this information. The names and addresses of 1000 dentists in Australia were selected at random. The questionnaire was mailed to these dentists with an explanatory letter and reply-paid envelope. Results: A total of 560 replies were received. Regarding choice of material, 99 per cent of respondents cited clinical indication as an influencing factor, although patients' aesthetic demands (99 per cent), patients' financial situation (82 per cent), and lecturers' suggestions (72 per cent) were also reported to influence respondents' choice of materials. Twelve per cent of respondents used composite 'always', 29 per cent 'often', 32 per cent 'sometimes', 23 per cent 'seldom' and 4 per cent 'never' in extensive load-bearing cavities in molar teeth. For composite restorations in posterior teeth, 84 per cent 'always', 'often' or 'sometimes' used the total etch technique, 84 per cent used a thick glass-ionomer layer and 36 per cent never used rubber dam. Fifty-nine per cent of respondents reported a decreased use of amalgam over the previous five years. Sixty-eight per cent of respondents agreed with the statement 'discontinuation of amalgam restricts a dentist's ability to adequately treat patients'. Seventy-five per cent considered that the growth in the use of composites increased the total cost of oral health care. Conclusions: Of the respondents from Australia 73 per cent place large composite restorations in molar teeth and their choice of material is influenced greatly by clinical indications, and patients' aesthetic demands.
Introdução: O adequado selamento do sistema de canais radiculatres (SCR) obtido através da obturação, evita a infiltração de micro-organismos entre as paredes do canal radicular e o material obturador, reduzindo a possibilidade de insucesso do tratamento endodôntico (TE). A falta de selamento coronal, o atraso da colocação da restauração permanente, a fratura da restauração coronal, assim como uma espessura inadequada da restauração provisória, inferior a 4mm, podem, entre outros factores, ser predisponentes para a recontaminação do SCR obturado. Sendo o selamento da entrada do SCR uma importante etapa do TE, neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar diferentes materiais para tal procedimento, avaliando qual o material que proporciona menor infiltração. Materiais e métodos: Neste estudo foram utilizados 70 dentes humanos monocanalares, que foram divididos aleatoriamente em 6 grupos. Grupo I (15 dentes) foram selados com ionómero de vidro modificado por resina (Ionoseal - VOCO®), Grupo II (15 dentes) foram selados com ionómero de vidro modicifado por resina (GC Fuji II LC- GA America®), Grupo III (15 dentes) foram selados por um compósito fluído (GrandioSO Heavy Flow - VOCO®), Grupo IV (15 dentes) foram selados por um compósito nanohíbrido (GrandioSO - VOCO®). O Grupo V (5 dentes) e o Grupo VI (5 dentes) foram usados como controlo negativo e positivo, respectivamente. Os dentes foram submetidos a termociclagem de 500 ciclos, de 60 segundos de duração cada um, com variações de temperatura de 5°C - 55°C. Em seguida, foram imersos em corante azul de metileno a 2% para avaliação da infiltração dos materiais. Resultados: Em geral, Ionoseal® demonstrou maior infiltração de corante que os outros materiais, e quando comparado com os demais grupos a diferença foi significativa. Porem entre os grupos 1, 2 e 3 não houve diferença estatística significante. Conclusões: LC Fuji II®, GrandioSo® Nano partícula Flow e GrandioSo® Nano partícula podem ser usados como barreira intracanalar.
Aim: To assess in vitro the surface roughness (Ra), Vickers hardness (VHN) and surface morphology of resin and glass ionomer materials used for sealants after dynamic erosive challenge. Methods: Twenty specimens of each material were prepared and divided into experimental (erosive challenge) and control groups (n=10): Protect Riva (SDI), Opallis Flow (3M ESPE), Fluroshield (Dentsply), Filtek Z350 XT Flow (3M ESPE). The erosive challenge was performed 4 times per day (90 s) in cola drink and for 2 h in artificial saliva for 7 days. The control specimens were maintained in artificial saliva. Ra and VHN readings were performed before and after erosion. The percentage of hardness loss (%VHN) was obtained after erosion. The surface morphology was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The data were analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey and paired t tests (α=0.05). Results: After erosion and saliva immersion, there was an increase in Ra values for all groups and Riva group showed the highest Ra values. After erosive challenge, Riva and Filtek groups showed significant decrease in VHN values, but Filtek group showed the greatest %VHN. For all groups there was inorganic particle protrusion and matrix degradation after erosion visualized by SEM images. Conclusions: Erosive challenge affected the surface properties of all materials used as sealants, particularly in the Riva and Filtek groups.
Aim: To evaluate the clinical performance of a composite resin (CR) and a resin-modified glassionomer cement (RMGIC) for the treatment of abfraction lesions. Methods: Thirty patients with abfraction lesions in at least two premolar teeth were selected and invited to participate in this study. All restorations were made within the same clinical time frame. One tooth was restored with CR Z100TM (3M, St. Paul, MN, USA), and the other was restored with RMGIC VitremerTM (3M). The restorations were assessed immediately and 1, 6 and 12 months after the restoration, using modified US Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria: marginal integrity, marginal discoloration, wear, retention, secondary caries and hypersensitivity. The statistical analysis was based on Friedman ANOVA test and Mann-Whitney test, considering p<0.05 for statistical significance. Results: Both materials demonstrated satisfactory clinical performance after one year. In the individual analysis of each material, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the criteria marginal integrity and wear, for both CR and RMGIC. RMGIC exhibited more damage one year after the restoration. Comparing both materials, it was found a significant difference only for marginal discoloration, while the RMGIC restorations showed the worst prognosis after a year of evaluation. There was no significant difference in the number of retentions, caries or hypersensitivity between CR and RMGIC. Conclusions: It was concluded that CR exhibited the best clinical performance according to the cost-effectiveness and evaluation criteria used in this study.
Poster presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Dental Association, Lisbon, 12-14 November 2015.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of pit and fissure sealants and the effectiveness of the two sealant methods applied in every-day practice in public dental health care in Finland. Two sealant methods were evaluated according to their effectiveness in preventing dentin caries and sealant retention. Application time with these sealant methods was compared. The survival rate of sealed first and second molars was followed for nine and 13 year periods, respectively. Caries risk evaluation and observed increased caries risk were the basis for considering sealant application. A questionnaire, sent to all public dental health centers in Finland, monitored the attitudes of the dental profession towards sealant application and explored the current policies used as well as changes noted in the sealant application protocol. DMFT (Decayed, Missing or Filled Teeth) index values collected from the health centers were evaluated. The difference in caries rate between two methods investigated was highly significant. When compared to the glass ionomer sealant method (GIC), the effectiveness of the resin-based method (RB) in preventing dentin caries was 74% and the rate difference 3%. The relative risk for RB-sealed surfaces vs. GIC-sealed surfaces of having detectable dentin caries was 0.3 (95% CI 0.12, 0.57). The retention rate of sealants was higher with RB than GIC (P<0.001). Application of RB sealant material was less time-consuming than application of GIC sealant. Occlusal dentin caries lesions were found in 4% and proximal caries in less than 2% of sealed teeth. The majority of respondents reported application of sealants on a systematic basis along with caries-risk evaluation. Those health centers sealing over suspected or detected enamel caries had lower average DMFT index values (1.0) when compared to DMFT values (1.2) of health centers applying sealants by alternative criteria. It is concluded that the RB sealant method is more effective than the GIC sealant method in preventing dentin caries. Sealant maintenance may increase the costs of a sealant program. Occlusal caries management may be improved if the applied sealant policies are changed towards an interceptive approach i.e. applying the sealants over detected or suspected enamel caries lesions instead of sealing sound teeth in a preventive manner.
The assembly of aerospace and automotive structures in recent years is increasingly carried out using adhesives. Adhesive joints have advantages of uniform stress distribution and less stress concentration in the bonded region. Nevertheless, they may suffer due to the presence of defects in bond line and at the interface or due to improper curing process. While defects like voids, cracks and delaminations present in the adhesive bond line may be detected using different NDE methods, interfacial defects in the form of kissing bond may go undetected. Attempts using advanced ultrasonic methods like nonlinear ultrasound and guided wave inspection to detect kissing bond have met with limited success stressing the need for alternate methods. This paper concerns the preliminary studies carried out on detectability of dry contact kissing bonds in adhesive joints using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique. In this attempt, adhesive joint samples containing varied area of kissing bond were prepared using the glass fiber reinforced composite (GFRP) as substrates and epoxy resin as the adhesive layer joining them. The samples were also subjected to conventional and high power ultrasonic inspection. Further, these samples were loaded till failure to determine the bond strength during which digital images were recorded and analyzed using the DIC method. This noncontact method could indicate the existence of kissing bonds at less than 50% failure load. Finite element studies carried out showed a similar trend. Results obtained from these preliminary studies are encouraging and further tests need to be done on a larger set of samples to study experimental uncertainties and scatter associated with the method. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The note presents a method of constructing dynamic constitutive equations of material by means of Lagrange experiment and analysis. Tests were carried out by a light gas gun and the stress history profiles were recorded on multiple Lagrange positions. The dynamic constitutive equations were deduced from the regression of a series of data which was obtained by Lagrange analysis based upon recorded multiple stress histories. Here constitutive equations of glass fibre reinforced phenolic resin composite(GFRP) in uniaxil strain state under dynamic loading are given. The proposed equations of the material agree well with experimental results.
O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma avaliação tridimensional da rugosidade superficial em 3 tipos de pinos de fibra - DT LightPost, FRC Postec Plus e Transluma Post - submetidos a diferentes tratamentos de superfície e avaliar os efeitos dos pré-tratamentos na resistência adesiva a um compósito de presa dual Biscore. Os tratamentos de superfície foram: imersão em ácido hidrofluorídrico, jateamento com óxido de alumínio a 50m, imersão em peróxido de hidrogênio, jateamento com óxido de alumínio a 50m seguido de imersão em ácido hidrofluorídrico e jateamento com óxido de alumínio a 50m seguido de imersão em peróxido de hidrogênio. No experimento 1, 75 pinos foram divididos em 3 grupos (n = 25), de acordo com seu fabricante e subdivididos em cinco subgrupos. A rugosidade superficial foi medida usando um rugosímetro tridimensional e analisada com o software de análise 3D. Os valores de rugosidade foram obtidos antes e após diferentes tratamentos de superfície na área dos mesmos corpos-de-prova. Para o experimento 2, foram utilizados os mesmos corpos-de-prova, os mesmos grupos e subgrupos do experimento 1, tendo sido adicionado o subgrupo de controle (n=90) e a resistência adesiva a um compósito presa dual Biscore foi mensurada através de um teste push-out. A resistência adesiva foi medida em uma máquina universal de ensaios, com uma célula de carga tipo SLBL-5kN em uma velocidade de 0,5 mm / min. Os resultados do experimento 1 foram analisados através de um teste estatístico t-Student. Jateamento e jateamento seguido de imersão em ácido hidrofluorídrico produziram um aumento estatisticamente significante na rugosidade, contudo somente o tratamento por jateamento proporcionou um aumento significativo nos valores de rugosidade. Os resultados do experimento 2 foram obtidos através de um um teste t-unilateral de hipótese com variância desconhecida. Concluiu-se que o jateamento com óxido de alumínio a 50μm em uma distância de 30 mm a 2,5 bar de pressão por 5 segundos foi suficiente para modificar a topografia dos pinos de fibra de vidro e quartzo e que o jateamento com partículas de 50 μ alumina a distância de 30 mm a 2,5 bar de pressão por 5 segundos foi o único tratamento de superfície que aumentou a resistência adesiva do compósito Biscore aos pinos DT Light Post e Transluma Post. Os pinos FRC Postec Plus não demostraram um aumento estatisticamente significante na resistência adesiva em nenhum grupo.