288 resultados para descontinuidade litológica
Este trabajo de investigación, centrado en el Flysch carbonatado de Alicante, tiene como objetivos principales caracterizar los mecanismos de inestabilidad que afectan a los taludes de estas formaciones carbonatas heterogéneas, evaluar las medidas correctivas implementadas, y por último, caracterizar comportamiento diferencial frente a la degradación ambiental de las diferentes litologías aflorantes. Para ello, se ha realizado un extenso inventario de 194 taludes, permitiendo generar una base de datos que incluye las litologías, su competencia y la posición relativa entre ellas, las relaciones geométricas entre talud y estratificación y los mecanismos de inestabilidad asociados. También se han inventariado las medidas correctivas observadas y la valoración de su efectividad, ligadas al tipo de afloramiento y sus inestabilidades asociadas. Asimismo, se ha caracterizado el comportamiento frente al slaking de la roca matriz a través de cinco ciclos de slake, basado en los índices Id1, Id5, y en el Index of Weathering propuesto (IW5). Estos parámetros, junto con la identificación litológica y las propiedades mecánicas de las litologías representativas de la zona de estudio han permitido caracterizar su comportamiento frente a la degradación ambiental, que además ha sido relacionado con los patrones, longitudes y tasas de degradación observados in situ. Como resultado de lo anteriormente expuesto, este trabajo proporciona unas nuevas herramientas básicas, que pueden utilizarse fácilmente en fases de anteproyecto, para conocer los mecanismos de inestabilidad, el comportamiento frente a la degradación ambiental, así como recomendar las medidas correctivas adecuadas en estos taludes, u otros de características similares.
A importância das micro e pequenas empresas na economia brasileira já é sentida desde há muito tempo, pois esse segmento é fundamental na geração de riqueza para a sociedade. Apesar da importância econômica, ainda persiste um elevado grau de descontinuidade nas mesmas, o que lhes outorga dificuldades de transporem os dois primeiros e mais críticos anos de existência. Esta pesquisa visa identificar os fatores determinantes da sobrevivência das micro e pequenas empresas do setor industrial na cidade de Santos. A relevância do estudo se intensifica em decorrência da cidade de Santos estar vivenciando um momento de desenvolvimento econômico impulsionado pelas descobertas de petróleo na camada do pré-sal. Isso poderá aumentar ainda mais o número de criação de MPEs, principalmente no setor industrial, e que provavelmente necessitarão de informações nas quais possam se espelhar. O estudo é de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Os dados foram colhidos por meio de uma pesquisa de campo com aplicação de um questionário baseado em quatro dimensões: empreendedorismo, ambiental, recursos financeiros e organização interna. A pesquisa apresentou como principais fatores de sobrevivência o tempo dedicado à empresa; a adequação dos produtos a demanda; a capacidade de assumir riscos e a liderança do gestor. A amostra de estudo foi definida por conveniência, constituída de MPEs pertencentes ao setor econômico industrial, pois é o mais aderente à cadeia de exploração de petróleo. Foram consideradas as empresas que ultrapassaram os dois primeiros anos de existência, de acordo com os critérios de avaliação de sobrevivência adotado pelo SEBRAE (2011).
A discussão sobre a formação de Professores sempre foi um desafio, especialmente em se tratando dos caminhos e descaminhos acerca das práticas cotidianas e, muito mais, ainda hoje, com a inserção da tecnologia dentro das salas de aula. A pesquisa investigou se o uso da tecnologia favorece a interação professor-aluno e se isso se torna um facilitador na busca de novos conhecimentos, colaborando para a alteração da prática cotidiana. Para desenvolver tais discussões realizamos uma revisão da literatura e da legislação sobre a formação de professores no contexto brasileiro e sobre a formação de professores e as tecnologias. Elaboramos análises das ações do Governo Federal, privilegiando o contexto do Estado de São Paulo por ser o foco da nossa investigação. Para a realização da pesquisa de campo contamos com a colaboração de professores do Ensino Fundamental II e do Ensino Médio de Escolas Estaduais e os responsáveis das Oficinas Pedagógicas das Diretorias de Ensino dos Municípios de Santo André e Mauá para a aplicação de um questionário e realização de entrevistas de aprofundamento. Verificamos que os esforços de implantação de projetos desenvolvidos pela rede estadual esbarram na burocracia e na descontinuidade, provocadas pela mudança de administração, onde se priorizam os interesses pessoais em detrimento dos interesses coletivos. Em contrapartida, encontramos os formadores nas Diretorias de Ensino, que precisam atender todas as questões administrativas e políticas, e, ao mesmo tempo, darem conta da formação continuada dos professores, resolvendo problemas que, muitas vezes, estão longe de suas possibilidades e verificamos também que o uso da tecnologia na atividade docente ainda não é o esperado, ou seja, estes professores não fazem uso pedagógico do computador, porém, o uso aumentou sistematicamente, mas trazê-lo para a sala de aula ainda é um desafio e reflete a forma de agir e de pensar dos professores envolvidos no processo desta pesquisa.
The National Reading Incentive Program (PROLER) is a national initiative to promote and encourage reading throughout the country, linked to the National Library Foundation (FBN) of the Ministry of Culture (MinC). This research aims to assess the PROLER’s implementation process in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the actions of their local committee. The framework is based on contextualize the policies that seek to encourage the book and reading, as well as the processes of implementation and evaluation of public policies. The research is understood as a qualitative descriptive-exploratory study, comprising a single case study. Makes use of semi-structured interview as a tool for data collection, which was attended by 8 members of Potiguar Committee as respondents. The techniques of bibliographical and documentary analysis were used for the analysis and discussion of data obtained from surveys and documents on PROLER; as to the content of the interviews, the technique used was the analysis of conversations. As for the results, the existence of four barriers to program implementation in the state that are worth mentioning is observed: a) the political-administrative discontinuity; b) the limited resources and few partnerships; c) the management of school libraries and absence from the post of librarian in the state and; d) the absence of a process or assessment tool able to evaluate the results or the impacts of actions taken by the Potiguar Committee. It was noticed that these limiting four come PROLER making the implementation of the Rio Grande do Norte a process that, although complying with the national regulations of teacher training and follow school libraries and their needs, not flawed to develop assessments that can measure program impacts, making the feedback process of ineffective policy. Another observation of this study is seen in the fact that the Committee did not get enough to supply their shares resources, as well as not being able to articulate new partnerships, thus contributing negatively to the scope of the program form and, consequently, for the effectiveness of their actions. Has even mentioning the fact that the Committee do nothing regarding the mismanagement of the libraries that are in their care, ie, do not use the power of coercion as guaranteed by the National Policy on Reading and federal laws that treat the school library, and is therefore ineffective in relation to compliance with the program guidelines
Inúmeras estruturas de concreto no Brasil e no mundo estão atingindo o limite de sua vida útil projetada, completando um ciclo de cinco ou mais décadas de uso e operação. Além das estruturas mais antigas, existem ainda estruturas com reduzido tempo de serviço, e qualidade discutível, que já apresentam patologias em estado tão avançado que chegam a comprometer o seu desempenho. Vindo ao encontro dessas necessidades e no sentido de contribuir para o avanço científico e tecnológico do setor, este trabalho apresenta um método para dosagem, preparo e aplicação de argamassas de alto desempenho para recuperação de estruturas deterioradas, além de sugerir procedimentos para a realização desses reparos, fomentando a cultura das manutenções preventivas e desmistificando a complexidade atribuída a tais operações. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios mecânicos, microestruturais e relacionados à durabilidade em corpos-de-prova moldados com sílica ativa e látex de estireno-butadieno. Os resultados indicaram que a adoção desses ingredientes, na composição da argamassa de reparo, provocou uma redução significativa da permeabilidade total e descontinuidade de poros, assim como promoveu uma melhor integridade dos constituintes da argamassa, traduzindo-se em uma ampliação, expressiva, das suas capacidades mecânicas. Quando comparada aos produtos industrializados da construção civil, com padrões similares, proporcionou uma economia da ordem de 85%, que permitiria recuperar, com os mesmos custos, quase cinco vezes mais estruturas comprometidas. Este estudo, de viés altamente tecnológico, vem oferecer à construção civil uma argamassa polimérica de alto desempenho, com função reparadora e custo mais acessível, que pode ser adotada em canteiros de obras, implementando ações de natureza sustentável e ainda atendendo às atuais exigências elencadas pela literatura, relacionadas à desempenho, vida útil e durabilidade das estruturas reparadas.
Despite numerous government projects aimed at reorganizing and qualifying obstetric and neonatal care in Brazil, it remains problematic, with repercussions for maternal and newborn mortality and humanized care of both the mother and child. The objective of this study was to analyze the care provided to women during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle, based on reports of public health service users regarding their pregnancy and delivery experiences, using comprehensiveness and humanization as reference. The study applied a qualitative approach and the methodological strategy consisted of listening to the women, in order to identify, based on the meanings of their discourse concerning their experiences with health services, continuities and discontinuities of care during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Study participants were women who gave birth at a municipal public maternity, residents of Natal, Brazil, who at the time of the interviews, were between 10 and 42 days postpartum. Seven women reported their pregnancy and delivery experiences at public services. As interviews and observation took place, the material produced was also analyzed, in order to achieve simultaneous production and data analysis. Using systematization, a dialogue was established between the women’s discourses and production in the field of Collective Health, with respect to concepts and discussion about obstetric and neonatal care as well as the Comprehensiveness and Humanization of such care. Participant discourses underscored aspects related to prenatal care starting at pregnancy and its repercussions as well as prenatal monitoring by health services; aspects associated with care during labor and delivery, as well as those involved in postpartum in the maternity, both with respect to newborn and maternal careç and lastly, puerperium care after discharge from the maternity. Analysis of results sought to identify lines of continuity and discontinuity in the comprehensiveness and humanization of care. Based on these lines and as final contributions of the study, the following paths were proposed to achieve comprehensive and humanized production of health care for women during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle: Path 1- Reassess care in the maternal and newborn health network, aimed at comprehensiveness in terms of guaranteeing access to the various services and technological resources available to enhance health and life. Path 2- Reorganize work processes in order to attain comprehensive and humanized care for women in the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Path 3 – Qualify the professional-user relationship in care management during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Path 4 – Invest in the qualification of communication processes in the different dimensions of care during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle.
Despite numerous government projects aimed at reorganizing and qualifying obstetric and neonatal care in Brazil, it remains problematic, with repercussions for maternal and newborn mortality and humanized care of both the mother and child. The objective of this study was to analyze the care provided to women during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle, based on reports of public health service users regarding their pregnancy and delivery experiences, using comprehensiveness and humanization as reference. The study applied a qualitative approach and the methodological strategy consisted of listening to the women, in order to identify, based on the meanings of their discourse concerning their experiences with health services, continuities and discontinuities of care during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Study participants were women who gave birth at a municipal public maternity, residents of Natal, Brazil, who at the time of the interviews, were between 10 and 42 days postpartum. Seven women reported their pregnancy and delivery experiences at public services. As interviews and observation took place, the material produced was also analyzed, in order to achieve simultaneous production and data analysis. Using systematization, a dialogue was established between the women’s discourses and production in the field of Collective Health, with respect to concepts and discussion about obstetric and neonatal care as well as the Comprehensiveness and Humanization of such care. Participant discourses underscored aspects related to prenatal care starting at pregnancy and its repercussions as well as prenatal monitoring by health services; aspects associated with care during labor and delivery, as well as those involved in postpartum in the maternity, both with respect to newborn and maternal careç and lastly, puerperium care after discharge from the maternity. Analysis of results sought to identify lines of continuity and discontinuity in the comprehensiveness and humanization of care. Based on these lines and as final contributions of the study, the following paths were proposed to achieve comprehensive and humanized production of health care for women during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle: Path 1- Reassess care in the maternal and newborn health network, aimed at comprehensiveness in terms of guaranteeing access to the various services and technological resources available to enhance health and life. Path 2- Reorganize work processes in order to attain comprehensive and humanized care for women in the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Path 3 – Qualify the professional-user relationship in care management during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle. Path 4 – Invest in the qualification of communication processes in the different dimensions of care during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle.
In this work it was performed a study to obtain parameters for an 1D regional velocity model for the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. It was used earthquakes occurred between 2001 and 2013 with magnitude greater than 2.9 mb either from epicentres determined from local seismic networks or by back azimuth determination, when possible. We chose seven events which occurred in the main seismic areas in the Borborema Province. The selected events were recorded in up to 74 seismic stations from the following networks: RSISNE, INCT-ET, João Câmara – RN, São Rafael – RN, Caruaru - PE, São Caetano - PE, Castanhão - CE, Santana do Acarau - CE, Taipu – RN e Sobral – CE, and the RCBR (IRIS/USGS—GSN). For the determination of the model parameters were inverted via a travel-time table and its fit. These model parameters were compared with other known model (global and regional) and have improved the epicentral determination. This final set of parameters model, we called MBB is laterally homogeneous with an upper crust at 11,45 km depth and total crustal thickness of 33,9 km. The P-wave velocity in the upper crust was estimated at 6.0 km/s and 6.64 km/s for it lower part. The P-wave velocity in the upper mantle we estimated at 8.21 km/s with an VP/VS ratio of approximately 1.74.
In this work it was performed a study to obtain parameters for an 1D regional velocity model for the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. It was used earthquakes occurred between 2001 and 2013 with magnitude greater than 2.9 mb either from epicentres determined from local seismic networks or by back azimuth determination, when possible. We chose seven events which occurred in the main seismic areas in the Borborema Province. The selected events were recorded in up to 74 seismic stations from the following networks: RSISNE, INCT-ET, João Câmara – RN, São Rafael – RN, Caruaru - PE, São Caetano - PE, Castanhão - CE, Santana do Acarau - CE, Taipu – RN e Sobral – CE, and the RCBR (IRIS/USGS—GSN). For the determination of the model parameters were inverted via a travel-time table and its fit. These model parameters were compared with other known model (global and regional) and have improved the epicentral determination. This final set of parameters model, we called MBB is laterally homogeneous with an upper crust at 11,45 km depth and total crustal thickness of 33,9 km. The P-wave velocity in the upper crust was estimated at 6.0 km/s and 6.64 km/s for it lower part. The P-wave velocity in the upper mantle we estimated at 8.21 km/s with an VP/VS ratio of approximately 1.74.
Chronic Hepatitis C is the leading cause of chronic liver disease in advanced final stage of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and of death related to liver disease. Evolves progressively in time 20-30 years. Evolutionary rates vary depending on factors virus, host and behavior. This study evaluated the impact of hepatitis C on the lives of patients treated at a referral service in Hepatology of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes - Liver Study Group - from May 1995 to December 2013. A retrospective evaluation was performed on 10,304 records, in order to build a cohort of patients with hepatitis C, in which all individuals had their diagnosis confirmed by gold standard molecular biological test. Data were obtained directly from patient charts and recorded in an Excel spreadsheet, previously built, following an elaborate encoding with the study variables, which constitute individual data and prognostic factors defined in the literature in the progression of chronic hepatitis C. The Research Ethics Committee approved the project. The results were statistically analyzed with the Chi-square test and Fisher's exact used to verify the association between variable for the multivariate analysis, we used the Binomial Logistic regression method. For both tests, it was assumed significance p < 0.05 and 95%. The results showed that the prevalence of chronic hepatitis C in NEF was 4.96 %. The prevalence of cirrhosis due to hepatitis C was 13.7%. The prevalence of diabetes in patients with Hepatitis C was 8.78 % and diabetes in cirrhotic patients with hepatitis C 38.0 %. The prevalence of HCC was 5.45%. The clinical follow-up discontinuation rates were 67.5 %. The mortality in confirmed cases without cirrhosis was 4.10% and 32.1% in cirrhotic patients. The factors associated with the development of cirrhosis were genotype 1 (p = 0.0015) and bilirubin > 1.3 mg % (p = 0.0017). Factors associated with mortality were age over 35 years, abandon treatment, diabetes, insulin use, AST> 60 IU, ALT> 60 IU, high total bilirubin, extended TAP, INR high, low albumin, treatment withdrawal, cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma. The occurrence of diabetes mellitus increased mortality of patients with hepatitis C in 6 times. Variables associated with the diagnosis of cirrhosis by us were blood donor (odds ratio 0.24, p = 0.044) and professional athlete (odds ratio 0.18, p = 0.35). It is reasonable to consider a revaluation in screening models for CHC currently proposed. The condition of cirrhosis and diabetes modifies the clinical course of patients with chronical hepatitis C, making it a disease more mortality. However, being a blood donor or professional athlete is a protective factor that reduces the risk of cirrhosis, independent of alcohol consumption. Public policies to better efficient access, hosting and resolution are needed for this population.
The analysis of urban conurbations demands the understanding regarding the difference between urban territorial continuity and spatial continuity. While the spatial continuity is understood due to its interrelations and established fluxes, in other words, through the spatial integration, the territorial continuity is related to the urban tissue. Therefore, the spatial continuity can manifest in a simultaneous way or associated to the territorial discontinuity. From this perspective, the main objective of this research consists on identifying and dimensioning the spatial interactions that are driven to a urban conurbation process between the municipalities of Araguari and Uberlândia/MG, besides the not continuity of the territorial urban area. The intensity of these interactions was identified from the displacements by the dwellers from both municipalities in search of job occupations, education and health assistance. So it would be able to reach the proposed objectives we used several methodological procedures, such as a bibliographic and documental researches. In order to identify the education and work fluxes we analyzed the micro data from the Demographic Census 2010. For the educational sector it was also accomplished a research, in Araguari, the place of residence of students enrolled at Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos (IMEPAC) and, in Uberlândia, the place of residence of students enrolled at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). The identification of health fluxes was done through a research, in Uberlândia, of the inpatients' origin at Hospital de Clínicas de Uberlândia of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (HCU/UFU) and, in Araguari, of the origin of patients that are attended at the Pronto-Socorro Municipal. Semi structured interviews were also accomplished with different social actors. Another important step was the use of questionnaires with the inter-municipal public transportation users at their boarding place in Araguari and Uberlândia. This paper was organized in five chapters, while in the first one we accomplished a theoretical discussion over the concept of urban conurbation, in order to presenting the identification and classification criteria and the urban conurbation of non metropolitan criteria. The second chapter analyses the differentiation process between Araguari and Uberlândia, which is a result of the distinct territorial formation of the municipalities. The third chapter analyses the intensity and degree of the spatial interactions between the two municipalities, having as a focus the established fluxes in the work sector. The fourth chapter, on the other hand, focuses on the education and health sectors, while the last chapter accomplishes a discussion to investigate if the analyzed fluxes in the previous chapters make it able to identify if the spatial interactions established between Araguari and Uberlândia are measured through complementarities or dependence. As a result it was possible to identify that, due to the expressiveness of the established fluxes between the two municipalities, beyond the further ones of Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba in the three selected sectors, there is a configuration of a discontinuous urban conurbation process. It was also possible to conclude that, despite the fluxes between Araguari and Uberlândia being more representative than the other way around there's a coexistence dependence relationship and complementarity between the two municipalities.
Introdução: A transmissão intergeracional dos estilos educativos parentais tem sido comprovada em diversos estudos, maioritariamente em estudos de famílias de duas gerações. Neste estudo, pretende-se analisar a transmissão intergeracional da perceção dos estilos educativos parentais em famílias compostas por três gerações, explorando as associações e eventuais padrões preditivos. Metodologia: Foi recolhida uma amostra de conveniência com 143 participantes, pertencentes a um subsistema de linhagem feminina, divididas em 3 gerações: G1/avó materna (n = 41; idade média = 74,8; DP = 6,26); G2/mãe (n = 41; idade média = 42,4; DP = 5,61); G3/filha (n = 41; idade média = 22,3; DP = 4,50). Todos os participantes preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, contendo questões familiares e educacionais, e o EMBU – Memórias de Infância. Resultados: Verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as 3 gerações (Kruskal-Wallis) com G3 a distinguir-se significativamente de G1 e G2 quanto à perceção de Suporte Emocional (face à mãe e ao pai) e G3 a distinguir-se significativamente de G1 relativamente à perceção de Rejeição (por parte do pai). Correlações de Spearman revelaram diversas associações significativas entre as dimensões do EMBU – Memórias de Infância, entre a G1 e a G2. Não se encontraram associações significativas nas mesmas dimensões do instrumento entre a G2 e a G3. Regressões múltiplas demonstraram o papel preditivo do Suporte Emocional da G1 para a G2 (quando ambas respondem relativamente às suas mães e aos seus pais, respetivamente) e da Sobreproteção da G1 para a G2 (quando respondem ambas relativamente às suas mães). Conclusão/Discussão: Os resultados parecem apontar para a transmissão intergeracional da G1 para a G2 mas não da G2 para a G3. É possível também referir uma aparente descontinuidade da perceção de Suporte Emocional face à mãe e ao pai e perceção de Rejeição face ao pai. Os resultados deste estudo contribuem para a compreensão da transmissão e (des)continuidade intergeracional, neste caso da perceção de estilos educativos parentais, e do sistema familiar multigeracional em que ocorre.
MEDEIROS, A. L.; VANTI, Nadia. Vannevar Bush e as matrizes discursivas de As we may think: por uma possível história da Ciência da Informação. Informação & sociedade:Estudos. João Pessoa, v. 21, p. 31-39, 2011
To implement policies and plans at the tourist sector involve disposition to the establishment of parceries among government and private initiative, space to the action of studious, researchers and professionals of several areas of knowledge and formation, able of to give new courses no only at the tourism, but to the economy how a every, seen which the tourism had a effect multiplicator, reaching 52 sectors of the economy. At this sense, the Brazil came pruning for a new phase of politic actuation at the touristy activity. Until the year 2002, the tourism politic in the Brazil no had detail, because herself treated of isolated actions and many without continuity. However, at to start 2003, several actions were developed in order to contribute for the national touristy planning. The principal was the creation of Ministério do Turismo, accompanied of the formulation and implementation of the Plano Nacional do Turismo (2003/2007). This work pretend to understand the implementation at the Rio Grande do Norte of the model of participative administration extolled by Plano Nacional do Turismo. The your centre detail the action of the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte (CONETUR), to promote the participation at the tourism public policies. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the participation and to the tourism public policies, especially at the Brazil. A qualitative perspective the case study was adapted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The principal actuations of the CONETUR, the directives tourism public policies already made and directed to implementation, the type of participation at made decision, the principal difficulties of the implementation of the participative administration model of the Plano Nacional do Turismo and the degree of participation of the members of the Conselho at the reunions had been identified. The results had shown that exist some difficulties at the implementation of the participation at the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte, knowledge of the Conselheiros of CONETUR function, the presence of bodies which doesn t directly connected at the touristy activity; the absence of time of the Conselheiros to be presents at reunions; the discontinuity of the presidency of the Conselho; among others. So, the CONETUR show himself how a Conselho with participative characteristics, but with some adapted needs.
A sustentabilidade das startups é muito frágil, temos hoje um percentual elevado dessas empresas, que são descontinuadas em um curto prazo de tempo, sendo que as práticas tradicionais de administração não conseguem minimizar esta mortalidade. Assim pensando, destacam-se as startups da área de tecnologia de informação com alto grau de descontinuidade. Por isso, a proposta deste projeto analisar a relação entre os constructos inovação, empreendedorismo e gestão do conhecimento que possam a vir contribuir com a melhoria dos resultados organizacionais das startups brasileiras da área de tecnologia da informação. Os autores Geraldes (2013), Arruda et al (2012), Stefanovic, Prokic e Rankovic (2010), Helm e Mauroner (2007) e Cressy (2006) apontam indícios de que a morte prematura das startups é uma tendência mundial e enfatizam a necessidade do estudo sobre o tema como forma de potencializar a taxa de sobrevivência dessas empresas. Bessant, Tidd, e Pavitt (2008) assinalam que a sobrevivência das empresas no mercado vem a partir da capacidade em inovar e de ser dinâmica em sua adaptação ao ambiente. Por conseguinte, levanta-se a seguinte pergunta problema: Qual a relação entre inovação, empreendedorismo e gestão do conhecimento, segundo parâmetro do resultado organizacional das startups brasileiras da área de tecnologia da informação? A metodologia dessa pesquisa é caracterizada como qualitativa, estudo de caso múltiplo, utilizando-se técnica descritiva.Palavras-chave: Inovação. Empreendedorismo. Gestão do conhecimento. Startup.