931 resultados para Thin film stress
Conjugated polymers in the form of thin films play an important role in the field of materials science due to their interesting properties. Polymer thin films find extensive applications in the fabrication of devices, such as light emitting devices, rechargeable batteries, super capacitors, and are used as intermetallic dielectrics and EMI shieldings. Polymer thin films prepared by plasma-polymerization are highly cross-linked, pinhole free, and their permittivity lie in the ultra low k-regime. Electronic and photonic applications of plasma-polymerized thin films attracted the attention of various researchers. Modification of polymer thin films by swift heavy ions is well established and ion irradiation of polymers can induce irreversible changes in their structural, electrical, and optical properties. Polyaniline and polyfurfural thin films prepared by RF plasmapolymerization were irradiated with 92MeV silicon ions for various fluences of 1×1011 ions cm−2, 1×1012 ions cm−2, and 1×1013 ions cm−2. FTIR have been recorded on the pristine and silicon ion irradiated polymer thin films for structural evaluation. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra were recorded for RF plasma-polymerized thin film samples before and after irradiation. In this paper the effect of swift heavy ions on the structural and photoluminescence spectra of plasma-polymerized thin films are investigated.
Co–Fe–Si based films exhibit high magnetic moments and are highly sought after for applications like soft under layer sinper pendicular recording mediatomagneto-electro-mechanical sensor applications.In this workt he effect of annealing on s tructural,morphologicaland magnetic propertiesofco–Fe–Si thin films wasinvestigated.compositional analysis using x-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion massspectroscopyrevealedanativeoxidesurfacelayerconsistingofoxidesofco,feandsionthe surface. The morphology of theas deposited films shows mound like structures conformingtothe Volmer–Webergrowthmodel.Nanocrystallisationofamorphous films upon annealing was observed by glancing anglex-raydiffraction and transmission electron microscopy.Theevolutionofmagnetic properties with annealing is explained using the Herzermodel.Vibrating sample magnetometry measurements carried out at various angles from01 to 901 to the applied magnetic field were employed to study the angula rvariation of coercivity.The angular variation fits the modified Kondorsky model. Interestingly,the coercivity evolution with annealing deduced frommagneto-opticalKerreffectstudies indicates areversetrendcomparedtomagetisationobservedinthebulk.Thiscanbeattributedtoa domain wallpinningatnativeoxidelayeronthesurfaceofthin films. Theevolutionofsurfacemagnetic properties iscorrelatedwithmorphologyevolutionprobedusingatomicforcemicroscopy.The morphology aswellasthepresenceofthenativeoxidelayerdictatesthesurfacemagneticproperties and this is corroborated by the apparent difference in the bulk and surface magnetic properties
Metglas 2826 MB having a nominal composition of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 is an excellent soft magnetic material and finds application in sensors and memory heads. However, the thin-film forms of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 are seldom studied, although they are important in micro-electro-mechanical systems/nano-electromechanical systems devices. The stoichiometry of the film plays a vital role in determining the structural and magnetic properties of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 thin films: retaining the composition in thin films is a challenge. Thin films of 52 nm thickness were fabricated by RF sputtering technique on silicon substrate from a target of nominal composition of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18. The films were annealed at temperatures of 400 °C and 600 °C. The micro-structural studies of films using glancing x-ray diffractometer (GXRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) revealed that pristine films are crystalline with (FeNiMo)23B6 phase. Atomic force microscope (AFM) images were subjected to power spectral density analysis to understand the probable surface evolution mechanism during sputtering and annealing. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to determine the film composition. The sluggish growth of crystallites with annealing is attributed to the presence of molybdenum in the thin film. The observed changes in magnetic properties were correlated with annealing induced structural, compositional and morphological changes
Effect of chlorine doping on the opto-electronic properties of β-In2S3 thin film, deposited by spray pyrolysis technique is studied for the first time. Chlorine was incorporated in the spray solution, using HCl. Pristine sample prepared using In(NO3)3 and thiourea as the precursors showed very low photosensitivity. But upon adding optimum quantity of chlorine, the photosensitivity increased by 3 orders. X-ray analysis revealed that crystallinity was also increasing up to this optimum level of Cl concentration. It was also observed that samples with high photosensitivity were having higher band gap. The present study proved that doping with chlorine was beneficial as this could result in forming crystalline and photosensitive films of indium sulfide.
b-In2S3 thin filmsweredepositedonIndiumTinOxidesubstratesusingtheChemical SprayPyrolysistechnique.Metalcontactwasdepositedoverthe b-In2S3 thin filmto formahetero-structureofthetypeITO/b-In2S3/Metal.Theintensityoftwophoto- luminescenceemissionsfromthe b-In2S3 thin film,centeredat520and690nmcould be variedbytheapplicationofanexternalbiasvoltagetothishetero-structure.The emissionscouldbeswitchedonoroffdependinguponthemagnitudeoftheexternal appliedbiasvoltage.Thusthepresenceoftwoconductingstatesinthishetero-structure could beidentified.Thetemporalvariationinintensityofthephotoluminescence emissionwiththeapplicationofthebiasvoltagehasalsobeenstudied.Thecondition underwhichphotoluminescencequenchingoccurshasbeenrepresentedbyafirst order differentialequationbetweendiffusionlengthandcarrierconcentration
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is the elastomer of choice to create a variety of microfluidic devices by soft lithography techniques (eg., [1], [2], [3], [4]). Accurate and reliable design, manufacture, and operation of microfluidic devices made from PDMS, require a detailed characterization of the deformation and failure behavior of the material. This paper discusses progress in a recently-initiated research project towards this goal. We have conducted large-deformation tension and compression experiments on traditional macroscale specimens, as well as microscale tension experiments on thin-film (≈ 50µm thickness) specimens of PDMS with varying ratios of monomer:curing agent (5:1, 10:1, 20:1). We find that the stress-stretch response of these materials shows significant variability, even for nominally identically prepared specimens. A non-linear, large-deformation rubber-elasticity model [5], [6] is applied to represent the behavior of PDMS. The constitutive model has been implemented in a finite-element program [7] to aid the design of microfluidic devices made from this material. As a first attempt towards the goal of estimating the non-linear material parameters for PDMS from indentation experiments, we have conducted micro-indentation experiments using a spherical indenter-tip, and carried out corresponding numerical simulations to verify how well the numerically-predicted P(load-h(depth of indentation) curves compare with the corresponding experimental measurements. The results are encouraging, and show the possibility of estimating the material parameters for PDMS from relatively simple micro-indentation experiments, and corresponding numerical simulations.
A lubrication-flow model for a free film in a corner is presented. The model, written in the hyperbolic coordinate system ξ = x² – y², η = 2xy, applies to films that are thin in the η direction. The lubrication approximation yields two coupled evolution equations for the film thickness and the velocity field which, to lowest order, describes plug flow in the hyperbolic coordinates. A free film in a corner evolving under surface tension and gravity is investigated. The rate of thinning of a free film is compared to that of a film evolving over a solid substrate. Viscous shear and normal stresses are both captured in the model and are computed for the entire flow domain. It is shown that normal stress dominates over shear stress in the far field, while shear stress dominates close to the corner.
Increasing legislation has steadily been introduced throughout the world to restrict the use of heavy metals, particularly cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in high temperature pigments, ceramics, and optoelectronic material applications. Removal of cadmium from thin-film optical and semiconductor device applications has been hampered by the absence of viable alternatives that exhibit similar properties with stability and durability. We describe a range of tin-based compounds that have been deposited and characterized in terms of their optical and mechanical properties and compare them with existing cadmium-based films that currently find widespread use in the optoelectronic and semiconductor industries. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
Coatings and filters for spaceflight far-infrared components require a robust, non-absorptive low-index thin film material to contrast with the typically higher refractive index infrared materials. Barium fluoride is one such material for the 10 to 20µm wavelength infrared region, however its optical and mechanical properties vary depending on the process used to deposit it in thin film form. Thin films of dielectric produced by thermal evaporation are well documented as having a lower packing density and refractive index than bulk material. The porous and columnar micro structure of these films causes possible deterioration of their performance in varied environmental conditions, primarily because of the moisture absorption. Dielectric thin films produced by the more novel technique of ion-beam sputtering are denser with no columnar micro structure and have a packing density and refractive index similar to the bulk material. A comparative study of Barium Fluoride (BaF2) thin films made by conventional thermal evaporation and ion-beam sputtering is reported. Films of similar thicknesses are deposited on Cadmium Telluride and Germanium substrates. The optical and mechanical properties of these films are then examined. The refractive index n of the films is obtained from applying the modified Manifacier's evvelope method to the spectral measurements made on a Perkin Elmer 580 spectrophotometer. An estimate is also made of the value of the extinction coefficient k in the infrared wavelength transparent region of the thin film. In order to study the mechanical properties of the BaF2 films, and evaluate their usefulness in spaceflight infrared filters and coatings, the thin film samples are subjected to MIL-F-48616 environmental tests. Comparisons are made of their performance under these tests.
Optical thin films are coatings of amorphous, crystalline or polymerized materials, in single or multiple layers, on surfaces of optical components such as lenses and mirrors. These thin film coatings are used in optics to reduce reflections from optical parts (antireflection coatings) or to provide highly reflective surfaces (dielectric mirrors), as well as to protect components against abrasion and ambient moisture.
Residual stress having been further reduced, selected infrared coatings composed of thin films of (PbTe/ ZnS (or ZnSe) can now be made which comply with the durability requirements of MIL-48616 whilst retaining transparency. Such improved durability is due to the sequence:- i) controlled deposition, followed by ii) immediate exposure to air, followed by iii) annealing in vacuo to relieve stress. (At the time of writing we assume the empiric procedure "exposure to air/annealing in vacuo" acts to relieve the inherent stresses of deposition). As part of their testing, representative sample filters prepared by the procedure are being assembled for the shuttle's 1st Long Duration Exposure Facility (to be placed in earth orbit for a considerable period and then recovered for analysis). The sample filters comprise various narrowband-designs to permit deduction of the constituent thin film optical properties. The Reading assembly also contains representative sample of the infrared crystals, glasses, thin-film absorbers and bulk absorbers, and samples of shorter-wavelength filters prepared similarly but made with Ge/SiO. Findings on durability and transparency after exposure will be reported.
Lipid cubic phases are complex nanostructures that form naturally in a variety of biological systems, with applications including drug delivery and nanotemplating. Most X-ray scattering studies on lipid cubic phases have used unoriented polydomain samples as either bulk gels or suspensions of micrometer-sized cubosomes. We present a method of investigating cubic phases in a new form, as supported thin films that can be analyzed using grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). We present GISAXS data on three lipid systems: phytantriol and two grades of monoolein (research and industrial). The use of thin films brings a number of advantages. First, the samples exhibit a high degree of uniaxial orientation about the substrate normal. Second, the new morphology allows precise control of the substrate mesophase geometry and lattice parameter using a controlled temperature and humidity environment, and we demonstrate the controllable formation of oriented diamond and gyroid inverse bicontinuous cubic along with lamellar phases. Finally, the thin film morphology allows the induction of reversible phase transitions between these mesophase structures by changes in humidity on subminute time scales, and we present timeresolved GISAXS data monitoring these transformations.
Nanocrystalline ZnO thin films prepared by the sol-gel dip-coating technique were characterized by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray reflectivity (XR) and grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS). The structures of several thin films subjected to (i) isochronous annealing at 350, 450 and 550 degrees C, and (ii) isothermal annealing at 450 degrees C during different time periods, were characterized. The studied thin films are composed of ZnO nanocrystals as revealed by analysing several GIXD patterns, from which their average sizes were determined. Thin film thickness and roughness were determined from quantitative analyses of AFM images and XR patterns. The analysis of XR patterns also yielded the average density of the studied films. Our GISAXS study indicates that the studied ZnO thin films contain nanopores with an ellipsoidal shape, and flattened along the direction normal to the substrate surface. The thin film annealed at the highest temperature, T = 550 degrees C, exhibits higher density and lower thickness and nanoporosity volume fraction, than those annealed at 350 and 450 degrees C. These results indicate that thermal annealing at the highest temperature (550 degrees C) induces a noticeable compaction effect on the structure of the studied thin films. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Vitreous samples containing high concentrations of WO3 (above 40% M) have been used as a target to prepare thin films. Such films were deposited using the electron beam evaporation method onto soda-lime glass substrates. These films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), perfilometry, X-ray energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS), M-Lines and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. In this work, experimental parameters were established to obtain stable thin films showing a chemical composition close to the glass precursor composition and with a high concentration of WO3. These amorphous thin films of about 4 mu m in thickness exhibit a deep blue coloration but they can be bleached by thermal treatment near the glass transition temperature. Such bleached films show several guided modes in the visible region and have a high refractive index. Controlled crystallization was realized and thus it was possible to obtain WO3 microcrystals in the amorphous phase. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work. XG extracted from Tamarindus indica (XGT) and Copaifera langsdorffii (XGC) seeds were deposited onto Si wafers as thin films. The characteristics of XGT and XGC adsorbed layers were compared with a commercial XG sample (TKP, Tamarind kernel powder) by ellipsometry, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Moreover, the adsorption of oxidized derivative of XGT (To60) onto amino-terminated Si wafers and the immobilization of bovine serum albumin (BSA) onto polysaccharides covered wafers, as a function of pH, were also investigated. The XG samples presented molar ratios Glc:Xyl:Gal of 2.4:2.1:1 (XGC) 2.8: 23: 1 (XGT) and 1.91.91 (TKP). The structure of XGT and XGC was determined by O-methy alditol acetate derivatization and showed similar features, but XGC confirmed the presence of more alpha-D-Xyl branches due to more beta-D-Gal ends. XGT deposited onto Si adsorbed as fibers and small entities uniformly distributed, as evidenced by AFM, while TPK and XGC formed larger aggregates. The thickness of To60 onto amino-terminated surface was similar to that determined for XGT onto Si wafers. A maximum in the adsorbed amount of BSA occurred close to its isoelectric point (5.5). These findings indicate that XGT and To60 are potential materials for the development of biomaterials and biotechnological devices. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.