351 resultados para SWEEP


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The electrochemical behaviour of copper in 6.0 mol 1-1 sulfuric acid at 30°C, was studied by means of the potentiodynamic method. At low potential sweep rates, v < 200 m V s-1, the data reveal that the anodic process is basically constituted of copper dissolution and a film formation which inhibits further metal oxidation and which may undergo further dissolution. For higher potential sweep rates, a modification in the passivation region of the voltammogram is observed. It can be ascribed to a change in the passivation mechanism which possibly involves different surface species. The kineticrelationships derived from the potentiodynamic I/E curves obtained at low v suggest a film formation via a dissolution/precipitation mechanism. © 1993.


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Contrast sensitivity (CS) was evaluated in 41 former workers from a lamp manufacturing plant who were on disability retirement due to exposure to mercury and 14 age-matched controls. The CS was measured monocularly using the sweep visual evoked potential (sVEP) paradigm at 6 spatial frequencies (0.2, 0.8, 2.0, 4.0, 15.0, and 30 cpd). Statistical difference (p < 0.05) was found between the controls and the patient right and left eyes for 2.0 and 4.0 cpd. According the results in those spatial frequencies the eyes were classified in best and worst. Statistical differences were found between the controls and the best eyes for 2.0 and 4.0 cpd and for 0.8, 2.0, and 4.0 cpd for their worst eyes. No correlation was found between CS results and the time of exposure (mean 8.9 yr +/- 4.1), time away from the mercury source (mean = 6.0 yr +/- 3.9), urinary mercury level at the time of work (mean = 40.6 mu g/g +/-36.3) or with the mercury level at the CS measurement time (mean = 1.6 mu g/g +/-1.1). We show the first evidence of a permanent impairment in CS measured objectively with the sVEP. Our data complement the previous psychophysical works reporting a diffuse impairment in the CS function showing a CS reduction in the low to middle spatial frequencies. In conclusion, non-reversible CS impairment was found in occupational exposure to mercury vapor. We suggest that CS measurement should be included in studies of the mercury effects of occupational exposure. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Huanglongbing (HLB) is a severe citrus (Citrus spp.) disease associated with the bacteria genus Candidatus Liberibacter, detected in Brazil in 2004. Another bacterium was found in association with HLB symptoms and characterized as a phytoplasma belonging to the 16SrIX group. The objectives of this study were to identify potential leafhopper vectors of the HLB-associated phytoplasma and their host plants. Leafhoppers were sampled every other week for 12 mo with sticky yellow cards placed at two heights (0.3 and 1.5 m) in the citrus tree canopy and by using a sweep net in the ground vegetation of two sweet orange, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, groves infected by the HLB-phytoplasma in Sao Paulo state. Faunistic analyses indicated one Agalliinae (Agallia albidula Uhler) and three Deltocephalinae [Balclutha hebe (Kirkaldy), Planicephalus flavicosta (Stal), and Scaphytopius (Convelinus) marginelineatus (Stal)] species, as the most abundant and frequent leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Visual observations indicated an association of leafhopper species with some weeds and the influence of weed species composition on leafhopper abundance in low-lying vegetation. S. marginelineatus and P. flavicosta were more frequent on Sida rhombifolia L. and Althernantera tenella Colla, respectively, whereas A. albidula was observed more often on Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq. and B. hebe only occurred on grasses. DNA samples of field-collected S. marginelineatus were positive by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing tests for the presence of the HLB-phytoplasma group, indicating it as a potential vector. The association of leafhoppers with their hosts may be used in deciding which management strategies to adopt against weeds and diseases in citrus orchards.


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Several phylogeographic studies of seabirds have documented low genetic diversity that has been attributed to bottleneck events or individual capacity for dispersal. Few studies have been done in seabirds on the Brazilian coast and all have shown low genetic differentiation on a wide geographic scale. The Kelp Gull is a common species with a wide distribution in the Southern Hemisphere. In this study, we used mitochondrial and nuclear markers to examine the genetic variability of Kelp Gull populations on the Brazilian coast and compared this variability with that of sub-Antarctic island populations of this species. Kelp Gulls showed extremely low genetic variability for nnitochondrial markers (cytb and ATPase) and high diversity for a nuclear locus (intron 7 of the beta-fibrinogen). The intraspecific evolutionary history of Kelp Gulls showed that the variability found in intron 7 of the beta-fibrinogen gene was compatible with the variability expected under neutral evolution but suggested an increase in population size during the last 10,000 years. However, none of the markers revealed evidence of a bottleneck population. These findings indicate that the recent origin of Kelp Gulls is the main explanation for their nuclear diversity, although selective pressure on the mtDNA of this species cannot be discarded.


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In Brazil, the newly created Republic expressed interests of the elite increasingly committed to foreign capital. The Rio de Janeiro saw accumulate vast resources in trade and finance, deriving for industrial applications. The city appears as articulator of Brazilian territory and mediation between it and the international market. In the capital of the Republic, the conservative plan would sweep the old city and inaugurate images copied from Europe and installed in the tropics with civilizing purpose. This materialized with infrastructure financing and loans to entrepreneurs in Europe and North America, awarded public service concessions. The project relied on strong support of mayors (members or representatives of the companies involved in the reforms). This work aims to address the relationship between the mayors of Rio de Janeiro during the First Republic and international capital, focusing on strategies for the production of new spaces in motion the modernization of Brazil and its international image.


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An interesting method to investigate the effect of fuel crossover in low temperature fuel cells consists of studying the open circuit interaction between the reducing fuel and an oxide-covered catalyst. Herein we report the experimental study of the open circuit interaction between borohydride and oxidized platinum surfaces in alkaline media. When compared to the case of hydrogen and other small organic molecules, two remarkable new features were observed. Firstly, the interaction with borohydride resulted in a very-fast reduction process with transient times about two to three orders of magnitude smaller. The second peculiarity was that the decrease of the open circuit potential was found to occur in two-stages and this, previously unseen, feature was correlated with the two-hump profile found in the backward sweep in the cyclic voltammogram The consequences of our findings are discussed in connection with fundamental and applied aspects. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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An electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance Au electrode modified with a Se thin film was used to investigate the electrochemical behavior of lead ad-atoms using underpotential deposition (UPD) conditions. A specific quasi-reversible process was observed during the reduction of Pb2+ on Se thin films in perchloric acid media. The charge density of Pb ad-atoms on Se thin film (46.86 mu C cm(-2)) suggests a recovery of 0.1 monolayers, which is in good agreement with EQCM data. The Se thin film can be successfully alloyed with Pb atoms that are deposited by chronoamperometry using time intervals large enough to allow for diffusion toward the inner Se phase. Linear sweep voltammetry combined with EQCM in perchloric acid was used to characterize the amount of Pb absorbed in the Se thin film. These findings offer a new strategy for alloy formation in semiconductor films using UPD as an effective tool to quantify the exact amount of the incorporated metal.


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Background: This study measured grating visual acuity in 173 children between 6-48 months of age who had different types of spastic cerebral palsy (CP). Method: Behavioural acuity was measured with the Teller Acuity Cards (TAC) using a staircase psychophysical procedure. Electrophysiological visual acuity was estimated using the sweep VEP (sVEP). Results: The percentage of children outside the superior tolerance limits was 44 of 63 (69%) and 50 of 55 (91%) of tetraplegic, 36 of 56 (64%) and 42 of 53 (79%) of diplegic, 10 of 48 (21%) and 12 of 40 (30%) of hemiplegic for sVEP and TAC, respectively. For the sVEP, the greater visual acuity deficit found in the tetraplegic group was significantly different from that of the hemiplegic group (p < 0.001). In the TAC procedure the mean visual acuity deficits of the tetraplegic and diplegic groups were significantly different from that of hemiplegic group (p < 0.001). The differences between sVEP and TAC means of visual acuity difference were statistically significant for the tetraplegic (p < 0.001), diplegic (p < 0.001), and hemiplegic group (p = 0.004). Discussion: Better visual acuities were obtained in both procedures for hemiplegic children compared to diplegic or tetraplegic. Tetraplegic and diplegic children showed greater discrepancies between the TAC and sVEP results. Inter-ocular acuity difference was more frequent in sVEP measurements. Conclusions: Electrophysiologically measured visual acuity is better than behavioural visual acuity in children with CP.


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Lo studio è stato effettuato su esemplari di Palinurus elephas, decapodi appartenenti alla famiglia dei Palinuridae. Tali organismi oltre ad essere importanti dal punto di vista bio-ecologico, data l’ampia distribuzione geografica e il ruolo critico che rivestono in numerose reti trofiche marine, costituiscono una risorsa commerciale considerevole in tutto il Mediterraneo. Questo studio nasce dall’assunzione che il rumore di natura antropica potrebbe avere effetti negativi sugli stock di aragoste, andando a mascherare sia il suono del fondo marino, avente un ruolo di orientamento nelle fasi larvali di molti decapodi, sia i suoni d’importanza bio-ecologica prodotti da conspecifici e non. Negli ultimi anni si sono indagati i meccanismi d’emissione acustica di Palinurus elephas dimostrando che questi stimoli sonori, chiamati Rasp (range di frequenza = 2-75 kHz), avvengono in associazione a comportamenti anti-predatoriali, ossia in tutti quei comportamenti che implicano un movimento dell’apparato antennale. Tuttavia ben poco si conosce sull’ecologia di questa specie, in particolare per quanto concerne la comunicazione intraspecifica e l’abilità di questi animali nella percezione di segnali acustici (inclusi quelli emessi da conspecifici) a diverse frequenze. Nel corso di questo studio si sono volute indagare le risposte comportamentali di questo crostaceo a suoni di diversa natura: Sweep Basso = 0.1-20 kHz; Sweep Alto = 20-80 kHz; Rasp = 2-75 kHz, desumendo la sensibilità di questa specie a spettri sonori diversi in frequenza e ampiezza. Le alterazioni del comportamento sono state monitorate e analizzate attraverso filmati audio-visivi. Nella fase sperimentale, sono state valutate 6 diverse variabili comportamentali: Distanza Percorsa, Mobilità, Velocità, Movimento, Tail Flip ed Emissioni Acustiche, al fine di evidenziare eventuali differenze significative tra i gruppi esposti a uno dei tre segnali e il gruppo di controllo.


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In questa tesi si è studiato un metodo per modellare e virtualizzare tramite algoritmi in Matlab le distorsioni armoniche di un dispositivo audio non lineare, ovvero uno “strumento” che, sollecitato da un segnale audio, lo modifichi, introducendovi delle componenti non presenti in precedenza. Il dispositivo che si è scelto per questo studio il pedale BOSS SD-1 Super OverDrive per chitarra elettrica e lo “strumento matematico” che ne fornisce il modello è lo sviluppo in serie di Volterra. Lo sviluppo in serie di Volterra viene diffusamente usato nello studio di sistemi fisici non lineari, nel caso in cui si abbia interesse a modellare un sistema che si presenti come una “black box”. Il metodo della Nonlinear Convolution progettato dall'Ing. Angelo Farina ha applicato con successo tale sviluppo anche all'ambito dell'acustica musicale: servendosi di una tecnica di misurazione facilmente realizzabile e del modello fornito dalla serie di Volterra Diagonale, il metodo permette di caratterizzare un dispositivo audio non lineare mediante le risposte all'impulso non lineari che il dispositivo fornisce a fronte di un opportuno segnale di test (denominato Exponential Sine Sweep). Le risposte all'impulso del dispositivo vengono utilizzate per ricavare i kernel di Volterra della serie. L'utilizzo di tale metodo ha permesso all'Università di Bologna di ottenere un brevetto per un software che virtualizzasse in post-processing le non linearità di un sistema audio. In questa tesi si è ripreso il lavoro che ha portato al conseguimento del brevetto, apportandovi due innovazioni: si è modificata la scelta del segnale utilizzato per testare il dispositivo (si è fatto uso del Synchronized Sine Sweep, in luogo dell'Exponential Sine Sweep); si è messo in atto un primo tentativo di orientare la virtualizzazione verso l'elaborazione in real-time, implementando un procedimento (in post-processing) di creazione dei kernel in dipendenza dal volume dato in input al dispositivo non lineare.


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Kolumnare Apfelbäume (Malus x domestica) stellen aufgrund ihres auffälligen Phänotyps eine ökonomisch interessante Wuchsform dar. Diese extreme Form des Kurztriebwuchses zeichnet sich durch einen insgesamt sehr schlanken, säulenförmigen Habitus aus, welcher eine dichte Pflanzung und damit einhergehend Ertragssteigerungen im Vergleich zu normalwüchsigen Bäumen ermöglicht. Verursacht wird der Phänotyp durch die Anwesenheit eines einzelnen, dominanten Allels des Columnar (Co)-Gens. Bis auf die approximative Lokalisation des Gens auf Chromosom 10 ist über mögliche Identität und Funktion bislang nichts bekannt.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein erster Versuch unternommen, mit Hilfe von Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Technologien und RNA-Seq Einblicke in das Transkriptom des Sprossapikalmeristems (SAM) kolumnarer Apfelbäume zu gewinnen. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass unabhängig vom Zeitpunkt der Entnahme des Materials mehrere hundert Gene differentiell reguliert werden. Diese lassen sich funktional in mehrere überrepräsentierte Kategorien gruppieren, von denen sich einige wiederum mit dem kolumnaren Phänotyp assoziieren lassen. Durch den Einsatz weiterer Expressionsstudien (Microarrays, qRT-PCR) konnten frühere Ergebnisse bezüglich des Hormonhaushalts auf Genebene bestätigt und neue Erkenntnisse gewonnen werden, die eine mögliche Erklärung für den Phänotyp darstellen. Weiterhin ergab der Vergleich aller durchgeführten Expressionsstudien eine Anreicherung signifikant differentiell regulierter Gene auf Chromosom 10, was auf einen „selective sweep“ hindeutet. Eine potentielle epigenetische Regulation dieser Gene durch das Genprodukt von Co könnte daher möglich sein. Mehr als die Hälfte dieser Gene lassen sich darüber hinaus aufgrund ihrer Funktion direkt mit dem kolumnaren Phänotyp assoziieren.rnDiese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Anwesenheit des Co-Allels massive Veränderungen in der Genregulation des SAMs mit sich bringt, wobei einige dieser differentiell regulierten Gene mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit an der Etablierung des kolumnaren Phänotyps beteiligt sind. Auch wenn die Funktion des Co-Genproduktes nicht abschließend geklärt werden konnte, sind doch anhand der Resultate schlüssige Hypothesen diesbezüglich möglich.rn


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In technical design processes in the automotive industry, digital prototypes rapidly gain importance, because they allow for a detection of design errors in early development stages. The technical design process includes the computation of swept volumes for maintainability analysis and clearance checks. The swept volume is very useful, for example, to identify problem areas where a safety distance might not be kept. With the explicit construction of the swept volume an engineer gets evidence on how the shape of components that come too close have to be modified.rnIn this thesis a concept for the approximation of the outer boundary of a swept volume is developed. For safety reasons, it is essential that the approximation is conservative, i.e., that the swept volume is completely enclosed by the approximation. On the other hand, one wishes to approximate the swept volume as precisely as possible. In this work, we will show, that the one-sided Hausdorff distance is the adequate measure for the error of the approximation, when the intended usage is clearance checks, continuous collision detection and maintainability analysis in CAD. We present two implementations that apply the concept and generate a manifold triangle mesh that approximates the outer boundary of a swept volume. Both algorithms are two-phased: a sweeping phase which generates a conservative voxelization of the swept volume, and the actual mesh generation which is based on restricted Delaunay refinement. This approach ensures a high precision of the approximation while respecting conservativeness.rnThe benchmarks for our test are amongst others real world scenarios that come from the automotive industry.rnFurther, we introduce a method to relate parts of an already computed swept volume boundary to those triangles of the generator, that come closest during the sweep. We use this to verify as well as to colorize meshes resulting from our implementations.


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La preparazione di catalizzatori attivi nella reazione di ossidazione parziale catalitica del metano a base di Rh, è stata condotta utilizzando tecniche di sintesi elettrochimiche su schiume metalliche a base di FeCrAlY. Sono stati depositati precursori a base di Rh/Al (Al2O3) e successivamente comparati ai catalizzatori a base idrotalcitica Rh/Mg/Al, precedentemente studiati. La precipitazione dei composti di Al ed idrotalciti sono stati ottenute tramite la tecnica di elettrogenerazione di basi. Sono state svolte prove di Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) in soluzioni di KNO3 per determinare i potenziali ai quali si ottiene la riduzione dei nitrati, individuando il potenziale di sintesi a -1,2V. Tramite la tecnica potenziostatica (CronoAmperometria, CA) è stato possibile ottenere indicazioni sulle correnti in gioco durante la riduzione dei nitrati per tutto il tempo di reazione. Sono state eseguite successivamente cronoamperometrie in soluzione di Al(NO3)3 0,06M nelle condizioni -1,2V per tempi variabili, per poter determinare il grado di ricoprimento e l’adesione dei rivestimenti in ossoidrossido di alluminio su differenti supporti, partendo da geometrie semplici, come lamine metalliche in lega FeCrAlY, e passando mano a mano a geometrie più complesse, come fibre metalliche e schiume dello stesso materiale. La sintesi dei precursori catalitici è stata ottenuta su schiume di FeCrAlY in cronoamperometria utilizzando come specie in soluzione i nitrati dei metalli da depositare sottoforma di osso idrossidi. la sintesi viene effettuata successivamente su una cella in flusso più innovativa che da risultati migliori sia di ricoprimento che sulle percentuali di Rh depositato. Le schiume ottenute sono state successivamente caratterizzate, tramite analisi SEM-EDS, per poi essere calcinate a 900°C e provate, per determinarne l’attività nella reazione di ossidazione parziale catalitica del metano ad una temperatura di 750°C.


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Questa tesi è essenzialmente focalizzata sullo sviluppo di un sistema di controllo in tempo reale per uno Shaker Elettrodinamico usato per riprodurre profili di vibrazione ambientale registrati in contesti reali e di interesse per il recupero di energia. Grazie all'utilizzo di uno shaker elettrodinamico è quindi possibile riprodurre scenari di vibrazione reale in laboratorio e valutare più agevolmente le prestazioni dei trasduttori meccanici. Tuttavia, è richiesto un controllo dello Shaker non solo in termini di stabilità ma anche per garantire l'esatta riproduzione del segnale registrato nel contesto reale. In questa tesi, si è scelto di sviluppare un controllo adattivo nel dominio del tempo per garantire la corretta riproduzione del profilo di accelerazione desiderato. L'algoritmo è stato poi implementato sul sistema di prototipazione rapida dSPACE DS1104 basata su microprocessore PowerPC. La natura adattiva dell'algoritmo proposto permette di identificare cambiamenti nella risposta dinamica del sistema, e di regolare di conseguenza i parametri del controllore. Il controllo del sistema è stato ottenuto anteponendo al sistema un filtro adattivo la cui funzione di trasferimento viene continuamente adattata per rappresentare al meglio la funzione di trasferimento inversa del sistema da controllare. Esperimenti in laboratorio confermano l'efficacia del controllo nella riproduzione di segnali reali e in tipici test di sweep frequenziale.


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Several members of the human kallikrein-related peptidase family, including KLK6, are up-regulated in ovarian cancer. High KLK6 mRNA or protein expression, measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunoassay, respectively, was previously found to be associated with a shortened overall and progression-free survival (OS and PFS, respectively). In the present study, we aimed at analyzing KLK6 protein expression in ovarian cancer tissue by immunohistochemistry. Using a newly developed monospecific polyclonal antibody, KLK6 immunoexpression was initially evaluated in normal tissues. We observed strong staining in the brain and moderate staining in the kidney, liver, and ovary, whereas the pancreas and the skeletal muscle were unreactive, which is in line with previously published results. Next, both tumor cell- and stromal cell-associated KLK6 immunoexpression were analyzed in tumor tissue specimens of 118 ovarian cancer patients. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, only stromal cell-associated expression, besides the established clinical parameters FIGO stage and residual tumor mass, was found to be statistically significant for OS and PFS [high vs. low KLK6 expression; hazard ratio (HR), 1.92; p=0.017; HR, 1.80; p=0.042, respectively]. These results indicate that KLK6 expressed by stromal cells may considerably contribute to the aggressiveness of ovarian cancer.