1000 resultados para Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego (Pronatec)
Studies have shown that resident informally plays the role of teacher. It is estimated that up to 25% of the residents of the time is devoted to teaching, mainly contributing as a facilitator, however, almost the entire medical residency programs in Brazil did not offer teacher training during residency education. This paper aims to introduce educational content initiation to teaching as part of the training of resident physician inserted in residency program of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL). It is an exploratory, descriptive and prospective study in HUOL the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Three steps were developed: preparation and planning of a pedagogic course, associated with a motivating technical content (basic and advanced life support); second stage, testing of pedagogical model for medical students; and finally, replication to residents. The interventions were made two practice stations life support with performance evaluation in practical activity through OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination). The techniques presented teachings were one-minute preceptor and feedback. Data collection was conducted through a structured evaluation form during the life support stations and at the end of the course, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the feedback and one minute preceptor were considered important for teaching and learning for more than 85% of participants. The feedback from evaluators practices stations added information about the performance and were held appreciatively way, according to 100% of the participants. Positive aspects highlighted by the participants were related to educational content, especially the participants of the first intervention. The time of the lectures of motivating technical content was the most repeated negative. Based on the good acceptance of pedagogical contents, this pioneer teacher training strategy was included in the formal residency program in Cardiology of our institution. It is considered therefore that the educational training model with motivating technical content was feasible and had a good evaluation and acceptance by most participants in both interventions. Thus, we believe that the educational content can be inserted in the formal curriculum of medical residency of other programs at HUOL through the training model developed in this study.
Studies have shown that resident informally plays the role of teacher. It is estimated that up to 25% of the residents of the time is devoted to teaching, mainly contributing as a facilitator, however, almost the entire medical residency programs in Brazil did not offer teacher training during residency education. This paper aims to introduce educational content initiation to teaching as part of the training of resident physician inserted in residency program of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL). It is an exploratory, descriptive and prospective study in HUOL the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Three steps were developed: preparation and planning of a pedagogic course, associated with a motivating technical content (basic and advanced life support); second stage, testing of pedagogical model for medical students; and finally, replication to residents. The interventions were made two practice stations life support with performance evaluation in practical activity through OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination). The techniques presented teachings were one-minute preceptor and feedback. Data collection was conducted through a structured evaluation form during the life support stations and at the end of the course, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the feedback and one minute preceptor were considered important for teaching and learning for more than 85% of participants. The feedback from evaluators practices stations added information about the performance and were held appreciatively way, according to 100% of the participants. Positive aspects highlighted by the participants were related to educational content, especially the participants of the first intervention. The time of the lectures of motivating technical content was the most repeated negative. Based on the good acceptance of pedagogical contents, this pioneer teacher training strategy was included in the formal residency program in Cardiology of our institution. It is considered therefore that the educational training model with motivating technical content was feasible and had a good evaluation and acceptance by most participants in both interventions. Thus, we believe that the educational content can be inserted in the formal curriculum of medical residency of other programs at HUOL through the training model developed in this study.
The present work turns on the public politics of digital inclusion and of the impact of the Technologies of the Information and Communication in the formation of the citizenship. For this, it was opted for doing an analysis of effectiveness of the performance of the objectives of the Proinfo (National Program of Computer Science in the Education) municipal district of Natal-RN. As instrument of collection of data, three types of questionnaires were used. The collected data were analyzed and discussed starting from it analyzes it descriptive of averages and analyze of multiple regression. The results of the research pointed that the teachers and the students use the computer science in a restricted way. On the other hand, the digital education is not still totally contemplated in the schools beneficiaries' digital rérumé by Proinfo municipal and thus, the inefficacy of the program was verified with relationship the educational training and the students' digital inclusion
You cannot teach architectonic design, but only learn it. This sentence was, during some decades, especially during the modernism, the starting point, adopted by several architectonic design professors, when they had to approach their subject. An attitude that, some years ago, was reviewed and fighted by area s experts. This paper join this criticism, and try to add something to the pre-existing discussion, analyzing with the case-study method all the subjects related with architectonic design of the Architecture and Urbanism degree, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte CAU/UFRN . The aim is to identify and analyze the teaching methodologies used by the professors and their effects related to the students. To reach this purpose four different methods were used: i) Professors interviews; ii) Different forms submitted to students and professors; iii) Daily practice s observation, developed during classes; iv) Documents analysis about the degree (historical development and subjects) and about the subjects themselves (summaries, table of contents and planning). Studying the results, it was possible to underline that, in spite of the efforts of some of the professors to find a way to teach with more appropriate educational and pedagogic bases, some of the teaching methodologies, criticized in articles dealing with the matter, were still used. With regard to these, the research pointed out some suggestions that could help to improve the teaching and learning process, joining professors and students that are the most important subjects of the teaching activity. Developing the idea living in the paper s title Teaching and learning , it s now clear that only the practice, through the improvement of the pedagogic techniques, together with critical analysis can help the professors to reach a relationship level, regarding the teaching and learning process, as that described in the epigraph s text, into which teaching and learning, can t be done only by one of the process subject, but must be lived by both of them: professors and students
The present work turns on the public politics of digital inclusion and of the impact of the Technologies of the Information and Communication in the formation of the citizenship. For this, it was opted for doing an analysis of effectiveness of the performance of the objectives of the Proinfo (National Program of Computer Science in the Education) municipal district of Natal-RN. As instrument of collection of data, three types of questionnaires were used. The collected data were analyzed and discussed starting from it analyzes it descriptive of averages and analyze of multiple regression. The results of the research pointed that the teachers and the students use the computer science in a restricted way. On the other hand, the digital education is not still totally contemplated in the schools beneficiaries' digital rérumé by Proinfo municipal and thus, the inefficacy of the program was verified with relationship the educational training and the students' digital inclusion
You cannot teach architectonic design, but only learn it. This sentence was, during some decades, especially during the modernism, the starting point, adopted by several architectonic design professors, when they had to approach their subject. An attitude that, some years ago, was reviewed and fighted by area s experts. This paper join this criticism, and try to add something to the pre-existing discussion, analyzing with the case-study method all the subjects related with architectonic design of the Architecture and Urbanism degree, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte CAU/UFRN . The aim is to identify and analyze the teaching methodologies used by the professors and their effects related to the students. To reach this purpose four different methods were used: i) Professors interviews; ii) Different forms submitted to students and professors; iii) Daily practice s observation, developed during classes; iv) Documents analysis about the degree (historical development and subjects) and about the subjects themselves (summaries, table of contents and planning). Studying the results, it was possible to underline that, in spite of the efforts of some of the professors to find a way to teach with more appropriate educational and pedagogic bases, some of the teaching methodologies, criticized in articles dealing with the matter, were still used. With regard to these, the research pointed out some suggestions that could help to improve the teaching and learning process, joining professors and students that are the most important subjects of the teaching activity. Developing the idea living in the paper s title Teaching and learning , it s now clear that only the practice, through the improvement of the pedagogic techniques, together with critical analysis can help the professors to reach a relationship level, regarding the teaching and learning process, as that described in the epigraph s text, into which teaching and learning, can t be done only by one of the process subject, but must be lived by both of them: professors and students
Ementa do curso online sobre a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral às Pessoas com Doenças Raras no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Iniciativa do Programa Nacional de Telessaúde Brasil Redes, através da Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e Educação na Saúde (SGTES) do Ministério da Saúde, o curso envolveu parceria com as seguintes instituições: Sociedade Brasileira de Genética Médica, Serviço de Genética Médica do Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Departamento de Genética da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Núcleo de Telessaúde Técnico-Científico do Rio Grande do Sul (TelessaúdeRS/ UFRGS) e Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP). Desenvolvido no segundo semestre de 2014 e composto por seis módulos, o curso teve como objetivo principal qualificar teleconsultores atuantes em núcleos de telessaúde do Programa Nacional de Telessaúde Brasil Redes no tema doenças raras e, em especial, nas questões relacionadas aos procedimentos de encaminhamento de pacientes com doenças raras aos serviços especializados do SUS.
O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a experiência do Núcleo Técnico-Científico do Programa Nacional Telessaúde Brasil Redes em Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), bem como das atividades desenvolvidas através de teleconsultorias assíncronas e webconferências.Têm se revelado como potentes ferramentas de educação permanente em saúde capaz de ampliar o acesso dos profissionais da APS à informação, promovendo a atualização de práticas e fomentando a discussão acerca da melhoria do acesso e da qualidade da assistência prestada.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
No Brasil, h?? uma escassez de informa????es estat??sticas sobre a aus??ncia de documenta????o civil e trabalhista, al??m de outros problemas relacionados a esse tema, como dispers??o de ??rg??os emissores, aus??ncia de recursos da popula????o pobre para custear a emiss??o dos documentos,desinforma????o sobre os pr??-requisitos para a sua obten????o, falta de reconhecimento da cidadania plena das mulheres. Por reivindica????o dos movimentos sociais, o governo federal, por meio do Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Agr??rio (MDA) e do Instituto Nacional de Coloniza????o e Reforma Agr??ria (Incra), implantou, em 2004, o Programa Nacional de Documenta????o da Trabalhadora Rural (PNDTR). O programa j?? atendeu mais de 275 mil mulheres com a emiss??o de 561 mil documentos e incrementou a participa????o delas nas pol??ticas de desenvolvimento rural. A iniciativa envolve diversos ??rg??os governamentais e a representa????o da sociedade civil, por meio de comit??s gestores
O Sistema de Controle de Remanejamento e Reserva T??cnica (SISCORT) ?? uma tecnologia social in??dita na gest??o p??blica. ?? um inovador instrumento de gest??o no desenvolvimento de pol??ticas p??blicas voltadas para a melhoria da qualidade da educa????o. O SISCORT, por meio de suas consultas e cadastros dispon??veis, ?? ferramenta eficaz na concretiza????o das a????es propostas. Ele facilita, registra e controla o remanejamento dos livros adquiridos e distribu??dos em todas as escolas p??blicas de ensino fundamental, no ??mbito do maior programa do g??nero no mundo, o Programa Nacional do Livro Did??tico (PNLD). Acessando o SISCORT, no s??tio eletr??nico do FNDE, ?? poss??vel saber a quantidade de livros enviados para cada escola, por t??tulo, por s??rie e por componente curricular, permitindo que as escolas, ap??s informar o seu alunado real, saibam, automaticamente, se e onde h?? excesso ou escassez de livros, proporcionando mais transpar??ncia e maior controle social dos recursos p??blicos
A Funda????o Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica - ENAP, ??rg??o vinculado a esta Secretaria da Administra????o Federal - SAF, apresenta ?? comunidade de recursos humanos, dirigentes, e servidores p??blicos e demais segmentos da sociedade as diretrizes e linhas program??ticas que orientam as suas atividades. As linhas de atua????o da Escola mostram a amplitude de sua capacidade de atendimento ??s necessidades de profissionaliza????o do servidor p??blico, ?? sua valoriza????o como indiv??duo e ?? moderniza????o do Estado brasileiro, consolidando a ENAP como centro de refer??ncia e f??rum de discuss??es dos temas afetos ao setor p??blico, ao servidor e ao cidad??o. A divulga????o deste documento que define a miss??o institucional da ENAP objetiva sinalizar o potencial de a????es que esta Escola coloca ?? disposi????o do setor p??blico e ainda, atuar como geradora de demandas.
A partir do exame qualitativo de dados e informa????es coletadas, lastreado nas teorias do ciclo de pol??ticas p??blicas, esse texto analisa duas recentes iniciativas do governo federal brasileiro na ??rea de seguran??a p??blica ??? os projetos ???Bolsa Forma????o??? e ???Mulheres da Paz???, ambos do Programa Nacional de Seguran??a P??blica com Cidadania (Pronasci). A partir da descri????o e reconstru????o hist??rica desses projetos, tentamos realizar uma compara????o entre alguns de seus principais elementos ou caracter??sticas, concatenando-os com conceitos e abordagens te??ricas, a fim de trazer conclus??es ??teis ?? an??lise e formula????o de pol??ticas p??blicas.
Este trabalho é resultado da investigação que teve como objetivo analisar o processo de construção dos Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos dos cursos do Proeja no contexto do Ifes campus Vitória. O problema de pesquisa buscou captar os movimentos e as experiências desencadeados nesse processo. No percurso metodológico, com ênfase na pesquisa qualitativa, foi necessário entrelaçar duas abordagens: a etnografia escolar e a pesquisa-ação em função da atuação profissional da pesquisadora no lócus de estudo. Variados instrumentos foram utilizados para levantamento e a produção dos dados, dentre os quais: questionários, entrevistas, diário de campo das observações, pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Participaram da pesquisa aproximadamente 80 pessoas, entre docentes, alunos e gestores, abordados em contextos específicos: o grupo de formação continuada, a comissão dos projetos, o encontros dos alunos, a reunião intermediária dentre outros. O referencial teórico-metodológico pautado na perspectiva do materialismo histórico dialético embasou toda a trajetória investigativa, em coerência com a base da produção das pesquisas sobre trabalho e educação e por se constituir a referência que fundamenta os princípios estruturantes do currículo integrado na perspectiva da formação humana. Por meio da metáfora dos observatórios, focamos nossas lentes sobre as questões que desafiaram a construção dos projetos políticos pedagógicos e sua coerência com os princípios epistemológicos, políticos e pedagógicos do Proeja. Nesse movimento, diversos olhares foram captados, possibilitando-nos levantar os seguintes resultados: o percurso de construção dos projetos foi marcado por contradições que perpassam todo o processo e que constituíram um debate profícuo que tenciona a gestão pedagógica, administrativa e financeira do Ifes campus Vitória. O movimento se constituiu também em um processo de construção, partilha de saberes e experiências, impulsionado pela busca da apreensão dos sentidos da integração, que contraditoriamente não alcançou seus objetivos, embora não se possa negar os resultados positivos do processo no interior da Instituição. Dessa forma, os desafios para efetivação da formação integrada no Ifes persistem. Ganha centralidade nessa discussão os sujeitos a quem o programa se volta e suas demandas de formação, bem como as condições materiais de oferta dos cursos e de forma especial as condições de envolvimento dos professores com o programa e as reflexões sobre suas práticas.
Neste artigo reflete-se sobre os mecanismos institucionais de repasse regular de recursos federais a organizações não-governamentais (ONGs), quando consideradas executoras de políticas públicas. A partir de um referencial teórico que analisa as relações entre governo e ONGs na prestação de serviços públicos e a criação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), descreve-se a sistemática de contratualização da política nacional de combate ao HIV/Aids implementada pelo Programa Nacional de DST/Aids, inicialmente centralizada e que nos últimos anos vem incluindo de forma mais intensa estados e municípios. O artigo desenvolve comparações entre as sistemáticas adotadas, centralizada e descentralizada, mostrando as dificuldades nessa transição. Foram analisados documentos que disciplinam o repasse de recursos a ONGs na política de HIV/Aids e ouvidos gestores federais e membros de ONGs. Conclui-se que o modelo federal institucionalizou o apoio a projetos de ONGs e que essa sistemática passa por uma nova fase a partir da descentralização.