934 resultados para Pre-service primary teacher‘s learning


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Physics teachers are in a key position to form the attitudes and conceptions of future generations toward science and technology, as well as to educate future generations of scientists. Therefore, good teacher education is one of the key areas of physics departments education program. This dissertation is a contribution to the research-based development of high quality physics teacher education, designed to meet three central challenges of good teaching. The first challenge relates to the organization of physics content knowledge. The second challenge, connected to the first one, is to understand the role of experiments and models in (re)constructing the content knowledge of physics for purposes of teaching. The third challenge is to provide for pre-service physics teachers opportunities and resources for reflecting on or assessing their knowledge and experience about physics and physics education. This dissertation demonstrates how these challenges can be met when the content knowledge of physics, the relevant epistemological aspects of physics and the pedagogical knowledge of teaching and learning physics are combined. The theoretical part of this dissertation is concerned with designing two didactical reconstructions for purposes of physics teacher education: the didactical reconstruction of processes (DRoP) and the didactical reconstruction of structures (DRoS). This part starts with taking into account the required professional competencies of physics teachers, the pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning, and the benefits of the graphical ways of representing knowledge. Then it continues with the conceptual and philosophical analysis of physics, especially with the analysis of experiments and models role in constructing knowledge. This analysis is condensed in the form of the epistemological reconstruction of knowledge justification. Finally, these two parts are combined in the designing and production of the DRoP and DRoS. The DRoP captures the knowledge formation of physical concepts and laws in concise and simplified form while still retaining authenticity from the processes of how concepts have been formed. The DRoS is used for representing the structural knowledge of physics, the connections between physical concepts, quantities and laws, to varying extents. Both DRoP and DRoS are represented in graphical form by means of flow charts consisting of nodes and directed links connecting the nodes. The empirical part discusses two case studies that show how the three challenges are met through the use of DRoP and DRoS and how the outcomes of teaching solutions based on them are evaluated. The research approach is qualitative; it aims at the in-depth evaluation and understanding about the usefulness of the didactical reconstructions. The data, which were collected from the advanced course for prospective physics teachers during 20012006, consisted of DRoP and DRoS flow charts made by students and student interviews. The first case study discusses how student teachers used DRoP flow charts to understand the process of forming knowledge about the law of electromagnetic induction. The second case study discusses how student teachers learned to understand the development of physical quantities as related to the temperature concept by using DRoS flow charts. In both studies, the attention is focused on the use of DRoP and DRoS to organize knowledge and on the role of experiments and models in this organization process. The results show that students understanding about physics knowledge production improved and their knowledge became more organized and coherent. It is shown that the flow charts and the didactical reconstructions behind them had an important role in gaining these positive learning results. On the basis of the results reported here, the designed learning tools have been adopted as a standard part of the teaching solutions used in the physics teacher education courses in the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki.


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The growing visibility of various forms of creationism in Northern Ireland raises issues for science education. Attempts have been made at political levels to have such “alternatives” to evolution taught in the science classroom, and the issue has received coverage in local press and media. A sample of 112 pre-service science teachers answered a survey on attitudes toward evolution. Preliminary analysis revealed many of these new teachers held views contrary to scientific consensus—over one fifth doubt the evidence for human evolution, and over one quarter dispute the common ancestry of life. Over two thirds indicated a preference for teaching a “range of theories” regarding these issues in science. In addition, 49 pre-service biology teachers viewed a DVD resource promoting “intelligent design” and completed an evaluation of it. The biology teachers also took part in either focus groups or additional questionnaires. A majority took the resource at face value and made positive comments regarding its utility. Many articulated views contrary to the stated positions of science academies, professional associations, and the UK government teaching directives regarding creationism. Most indicated a perception that intelligent design is legitimate science and that there is a scientific “controversy” regarding the legitimacy of evolution. Concern is raised over the ability of these new teachers to distinguish between scientific and non-scientific theories. The suggestion is made that the issue should be addressed directly with pre-service science teachers to make clear the status of such “alternatives.” The paper raises implications for science education and questions for further research.


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A educação integral ao longo da vida de todos os indivíduos, em contextos formais, não formais e informais, com vista ao desenvolvimento inteligente, sustentável e inclusivo das nações é, actualmente, uma recomendação unânime de entidades e organizações a nível internacional (ex. UNESCO, UNICEF, NU, OCDE, OEI, UE). Neste âmbito, destaca-se o papel fulcral da literacia científica dos indivíduos, como motor do crescimento, produtividade e competitividade dos países e como um dos pilares basilares para o exercício de uma cidadania consciente na vida política, social e cultural. Para alcançar tais propósitos é necessário uma forte aposta numa educação de qualidade desde os primeiros anos de vida dos indivíduos. Para tal, é fundamental: (re)pensar perspectivas de educação, de ensino e de aprendizagem; dar reposta às amplamente reconhecidas necessidades de formação inicial e continuada de professores; e assegurar a existência de infraestruturas e recursos de suporte à concretização de tais anseios. O presente estudo pretende ser um contributo para a operacionalização de tais intenções, no campo particular da educação em ciências ao nível do ensino básico, tendo subjacente uma perspectiva de abordagem integrada e integradora da educação em ciências. O percurso de investigação, de natureza qualitativa, foi desenvolvido incidindo em dois focos fundamentais: (i) o desenvolvimento de infra-estruturas e recursos de suporte à educação em ciências e (ii) o desenvolvimento de um programa de formação continuada para professores do 1º CEB de educação em ciências na perspectiva considerada. Assim uma das grandes finalidades do estudo foi desenvolver (conceber, planificar, implementar e validar) um Centro Integrado de Educação em Ciências (CIEC) como parte integrante de uma escola do 1ºCEB. Partindo de orientações da literatura, da proficiência da equipa multidisciplinar e dos contributos de avaliadores externos procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento do conceito CIEC e respectivo espaço físico de suporte: espaço de educação formal - laboratório de ciências para o 1ºCEB; espaço de educação não formal – Centro de Ciência do CIEC.A segunda grande finalidade do estudo, foi o desenvolvimento (concepção, planificação, implementação e avaliação) de um programa de formação continuada que habilitasse os professores do 1ºCEB a desenvolverem actividades integradas de educação em ciências (AIEC). Tendo por base as orientações da literatura, bem como a caracterização das práticas, necessidades e expectativas dos professores-formandos, concebeu-se, planificou-se e implementou-se o programa de formação. A avaliação do programa efectuou-se tendo por base a análise dos dados recolhidos através de fontes distintas, e o seu cruzamento com recurso a métodos, técnicas e instrumentos diversificados. Assumindo-se como um contributo para a melhoria da educação em ciências nos primeiros anos de escolaridade, o presente estudo apresenta como resultados orientações para: o desenvolvimento de laboratórios em escolas do 1ºCEB; o desenvolvimento de centros de ciência, e ou espaços de educação não formal similares, e respectivo funcionamento; a implementação de actividades integradas da educação em ciências; o desenvolvimento de programas de formação continuada de professores; o processo de auto e hetero avaliação de práticas de professores no que respeita ao ensino das ciências em contextos formal e não formal.


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This qualitative research project explores the insights of Muslim women as teacher candidates completing pre-service programs in Ontario. Ontario schools cater to students from many ethnic, cultural and religious groups, including a sizable Muslim population. Muslims make up 4.6% of Ontario’s population with the highest concentration of Muslims in the GTA (Statistics Canada, 2011). The Muslim population in Ontario is of a significant enough number that, in a post 9/11 world, it has prompted discussion of how to integrate Muslim populations in Canada. In this research, I explore how Islamophobic sentiment is experienced in Ontario-based teacher education programs. I use Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Critical Race Feminism (CRF) to analyse and deconstruct experiences of female Muslim teacher candidates in pre-service programs. I discuss how Muslims are a racialized group that experience racism as discussed by critical race literature; however, there is a marked difference between how Muslim men and women experience gendered Islamophobia. By using in-depth research-based interviews, I explore how Muslim women perceived diversity, education, accommodations and Islamophobia in pre-service programs. This study adds to the current literature on critical race theory and anti-racist practices in education. Furthermore, this study adds to the voice of Muslim women in the discussion of diversity and inclusivity in educational institutions.


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Este manual es el documento oficial del Programa Nacional de Estudios (National Currículo) para las escuelas primarias, desde septiembre de 2000. En él se establece, de forma legal, el derecho a la educación para todos los alumnos; se determina el contenido de lo que se enseña, y garantiza el cumplimiento de unos objetivos: los niños de edades comprendidas entre cinco y once años, deben aprender unos conocimientos esenciales de lectura, escritura, comprensión y aritmética. Igualmente, dispone que la forma de ejecución de este programa de estudios sea evaluable, y procedan informes al respecto.


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Un recurso para todos los profesores de ciencias de primaria, especialmente los no especialistas, ya que proporciona claras y accesibles explicaciones de cuestiones complejas como la flotación y la nutrición de las plantas.


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Proporciona una guía práctica a los profesores que están aplicando la estrategia nacional de alfabetización para las etapas 1 y 2 (key stage 1 y 2). Se muestra como se pueden lograr los objetivos de aprendizaje a través de actividades significativas relacionadas con el texto elegido. Así, para enseñar a leer y escribir se utilizan cuentos populares, poemas, mitos y leyendas de diferentes tradiciones culturales. A cada libro propuesto le acompaña una detallada descripción de las actividades a realizar y hojas con actividades para fotocopiar.


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El objetivo de este recurso es proporcionar a los profesores de primaria los conocimientos requeridos en la materia de lengua para cumplir con los requisitos del programa nacional de estudios y con los objetivos de la estrategia nacional de alfabetización (National Literacy Strategy Framework) para las etapas 1 y 2 (key stage 1 y 2). Estos objetivos incluyen textos, oraciones y palabras; además, se destaca la importancia de la aplicación de los conocimientos lingüísticos en distintos tipos de textos.


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Este recurso no ofrece un material que pueda ser utilizado en las aulas, está diseñado para apoyar y ampliar la comprensión de la ciencia de los profesores en formación y los profesores de aula. Consta de tres secciones: la vida y los procesos vivos; materiales y sus propiedades; procesos físicos. En cada sección se sugieren ideas clave que se amplían posteriormente en el texto. Proporciona un conocimiento exhaustivo de la ciencia en la etapa clave 1 y 2 (Key Stage 1 y 2), así como la preparación para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la etapa clave 3 (Key Stage 3).


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Guía para tener una comprensión más clara de las matemáticas y de los materiales que se utilizan en el aula con niños de tres a ocho años. Muestra cómo ayudarlos en el desarrollo y la comprensión de las matemáticas por sí mismos, en lugar de aprender recetas y rutinas. Al final de cada capítulo se incluyen algunos ejemplos de actividades que pueden ser utilizadas en las distintas edades. Contiene estrategias para el cálculo mental.