994 resultados para Organisme sans but lucratif
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar as possíveis articulações com o conceito de angústia e gozo a partir da escrita de Clarice Lispector. Partimos do estudo do conceito de angústia nos textos de Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan, para pesquisar em seguida os modos de subjetivação da arte que estão em jogo na clínica, para isto abordamos o conceito de sublimação em Freud e Lacan. Adiante procuramos desdobrar os avatares da relação da arte com a psicanálise, a partir do conceito de unheimlich para Freud. A arte, segundo Lacan, nos dá a ver o que de outro modo não se veria, mantendo o que há de inapreensível no objeto. Saímos, assim, da metáfora do psicanalista como decifrador da arte para pensar a arte como aquilo que coloca questões ao psicanalista. Neste lugar estaríamos mais na posição de catadores de migalhas, como afirma Lacan. No último capítulo abordo o conceito de gozo desenvolvido por Lacan ao longo dos seus seminários e ao final lanço mão da hipótese da escrita de Clarice como uma escrita gozante e proponho diferenciá-la da escrita mística
Com a presente dissertação intitulada O Serviço Social do Instituto Nacional de Seguro Social - INSS a partir da década de 90 Uma Análise da implantação da Matriz Teórico-Metodológica, a autora buscou avaliar a concretização de uma nova proposta de trabalho profissional do assistente social do INSS, órgão responsável pela operacionalização da política previdenciária pública brasileira. A ação prioritária desenvolvida na nova proposta volta-se para assegurar o direito e acesso aos serviços e benefícios contribuindo para formação de consciência de proteção ao trabalho. Há um posicionamento dos assistentes sociais na defesa dos direitos sociais e da cidadania e a recusa dos profissionais a serem meros interlocutores institucionais, resgatando o caráter contraditório das políticas sociais na relação capital/trabalho, em favor da luta dos trabalhadores. A realidade brasileira apontou na década de 90, para uma crescente concentração de renda, aumento do desemprego e trabalho informal com o aumento das desigualdades sociais. Houve a adesão do país à política neoliberal configurando uma nova organização do trabalho, marcada por maior precarização e flexibilização das relações de trabalho e uma nova atuação do Estado, sendo realizada a contra-reforma com ênfase nas privatizações, reforma da previdência e do aparelho do Estado, dentre outras ações. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida numa abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Visou analisar a implantação, as ações realizadas, as possibilidades e limites da consolidação da Matriz Teórico-Metodológica adotada pelo Serviço Social do INSS a partir da década de 90, no Brasil, no contexto do neoliberalismo. Houve a concretização da proposta delineada no novo paradigma, conforme conclui a pesquisa. Este processo não se deu de forma homogênea, mas com o envolvimento dos profissionais em todo o Brasil, que se traduziu em desenvolvimento de projetos e ações nacionais. No entanto, a consolidação desse processo exige longo prazo além de um constante aperfeiçoamento teórico metodológico, capacidade técnico-operativa e compromisso ético político do assistente social.
Cross-species painting (fluorescence in situ hybridization) with 23 human (Homo sapiens (HSA)) chromosome-specific painting probes (HSA 1-22 and the X) was used to delimit regions of homology on the chromosomes of the golden mole (Ghrysochloris asiaticus) and elephant-shrew (Elephantulus rupestris). A cladistic interpretation of our data provides evidence of two unique associations, HSA 1/19p and 5/21/3, that support Afrotheria. The recognition of HSA 5/3/21 expands on the 3/21 synteny originally designated as an ancestral state for all eutherians. We have identified one adjacent segment combination (HSA2/8p/4) that is supportive of Afroinsectiphillia (aardvark, golden mole, elephant-shrew). Two segmental combinations (HSA 10q/17 and HSA 3/20) unite the aardvark and elephant-shrews as sister taxa. The finding that segmental syntenies in evolutionarily distant taxa can improve phylogenetic resolution suggests that they may be useful for testing sequence-based phylogenies of the early eutherian mammals. They may even suggest clades that sequence trees are not recovering with any consistency and thus encourage the search for additional rare genomic changes among afrotheres.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous similar to 22 nucleotide noncoding RNAs that regulate the expression of complementary messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Thousands of miRNA genes have been found in diverse species, and many of them are highly conserved. With the mi
An association of the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) gene located on chromosome 11p15.5 and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been demonstrated and replicated by multiple investigators. A specific allele [the 7-repeat of a 48-bp variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) in exon 3] has been proposed as an etiological factor in attentional deficits manifested in some children diagnosed with this disorder. In the current study, we evaluated ADHD subgroups defined by the presence or absence of the 7-repeat allele of the DRD4 gene, using neuropsychological tests with reaction time measures designed to probe attentional networks with neuroanatomical foci in D4-rich brain regions. Despite the same severity of symptoms on parent and teacher ratings for the ADHD subgroups, the average reaction times of the 7-present subgroup showed normal speed and variability of response whereas the average reaction times of the 7-absent subgroup showed the expected abnormalities (slow and variable responses). This was opposite the primary prediction of the study. The 7-present subgroup seemed to be free of some of the neuropsychological abnormalities thought to characterize ADHD.
AIM: To identify the anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) activities of alpha-momorcharin ( alpha-MMC) from Momordica charantia in acutely and chronically infected lymphocytes. METHODS: The anti-HIV activities of alpha-MMC were examined by 1) the inhibition of syncytia formation induced by HIV-1 III B; 2) reduction of p24 core antigen expression level and decrease in numbers of HIV antigen positive cells in acutely and chronically infected cultures. The cytotoxic effects of alpha-MMC was tested by trypan blue dye exclusion or colorimetric MTT assay. RESULTS: alpha-MMC was found to obviously inhibit HIV-1 III B-inducing C8166 syncytia formation and markedly reduced both expression of p24 core antigen and the numbers of HIV antigen positive cells in acutely but not chronically HTV-1-infected culture. The median effective concentration (EC50) in these assays were 0.016, 0.07, and 0.32 mg.L-1, respectively. CONCLUSION: alpha-MMC is a unique component of momorcharin with anti-HIV activity, and markedly inhibited HIV-1 replication in acutely but not chronically HIV-1-infected T-lymphocytes.
Drug addiction is increasingly viewed as the expression of abnormal associative learning following repeated exposures to the drugs of abuse Previous I studies have demonstrated that the patterns of repetition such as frequency and spacing are important to many kinds of learning and memory retention We hypothesized that drug repetition pattern might affect the reward-related learning although the total doses of the drug were the same. In the present study, we tested morphine-induced place preference following either regular or irregular pattern of morphine pairing in rats Regular morphine group received morphine administration daily at a regular time with the same dose Irregular morphine groups received morphine administration either at the same time but irregular doses, irregular time but same dose, or irregular time and irregular doses. We found that rats, who received irregular morphine pairing, exhibited similar acquisition of peace preference but different preference retentions compared with regular morphine-treated rats after the same total dose of morphine Rats, who received morphine administration at the same time but irregular doses and at irregular time and irregular doses, showed rapid disruption of place preference than the regular morphine group. Rats, who received morphine at irregular time but the same dose, showed similar retention of place preference to regular morphine group Our results suggest that the pattern of drug pairing plays an important role in the retention of reward-related memory This study may provide new evidence to broaden our understanding of the development and maintenance of drug craving (C) 2009 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved