869 resultados para Niagara-Welland Power Company Limited


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George Upper is a Niagara area artist. His limited edition prints feature local scenes, many from Port Dalhousie, Ontario.


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A booklet of rules and regulations for industrial alcohol. A portion of the preparatory note reads: "We endeavoured to bring together in this booklet as much information as possible regarding the Dominion and Provincial rules and regulations at present in force controlling the sale and use of Alcohol for manufacturing, etc."


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A by-law that reads in part, "Be it therefore enacted by the Ontario Grape Growing & Wines Manufacturing Company Limited, that the said George Plunkett Magann is hereby directed and required to convey premises, namely all and singular that certain parcel or track of land situate lying and being in the Township of Grantham and Louth in the County of Lincoln, containing by the same more or less being composed of parts of lots numbered twenty-one and twenty-three in the third and fourth follows, that is to say etc. etc. Adopted and passed this second day of September A.D. 1901."


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The by-law reads: "Be it enacted as a By-Law of the Ontario Grape Growing & Wine Manufacturing Company Limited that the Directors be and they are hereby authorized to make application to the lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario, for issuance of Supplementary letters Patent providing for, 1) Changing the name of the said Company to Barnes Wines, Limited. 2) The Management of the affairs of the Company by a Board of 7 Directors. 3) Re-dividing the Capitol Stock of the Company from 60 shares of par value of $500.00 each, to 6000 shares of par value of $5.00 each. Passed this 5th day of February A.D. 1934."


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List (4 pages of printed material) tracing the details of the water race to go through the lands of Phelps, Clendinnan, Sanderson, Butler and Chase. This includes a copy of the following: the authority dated Dec. 22, 1829; a letter of encouragement dated Oct. 24, 1833; a transfer from Dittrick, Adams and others to the Welland Canal Company dated Dec. 6, 1834; a lease from the Welland Canal Co. to Adams and others dated Nov. 28, 1834 and the terms of the indenture dated May 24, 1847.


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Indenture of Agreement for Sale of Land between Samuel Woodruff of St. Catharines to Calvin and Ezekiel Cudney of the Township of Niagara regarding a footpath and parts of the lots 9 and 10 on the Welland River (78 acres), Oct. 30, 1883.


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Letter to W.D. Woodruff from E.E. Black of N.W. Harris and Co. Bankers of New York (1 page, printed), which accompanied a bill showing $10,000 due on the Dominion Power Company, July 23, 1907.


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Letter to W.D. Woodruff from E.E. Black of N.W. Harris and Co. Bankers of New York (1 page, printed) regarding $41,000 in Dominion Power Company bonds that they have put in safekeeping, Oct. 30, 1907.


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Letter to W.D. Woodruff from Mr. Harris of N.W. Harris and Co. Bankers of New York (1 page, printed) which accompanied a receipt for the $41,000 Dominion Power Company bonds, Nov. 4, 1907.


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Letter to W.D. Woodruff from E.C. Wheeler Jr. of N.W. Harris and Co. Bankers of New York (1 page, printed) saying that he is pleased that Mr. Woodruff has decided to take the $10,000 Dominion Powers at 90 and interest. They will expect Mr. Woodruff in a few days, Dec. 10, 1907.


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Urban air pollution and climate are closely connected due to shared generating processes (e.g., combustion) for emissions of the driving gases and aerosols. They are also connected because the atmospheric lifecycles of common air pollutants such as CO, NOx and VOCs, and of the climatically important methane gas (CH4) and sulfate aerosols, both involve the fast photochemistry of the hydroxyl free radical (OH). Thus policies designed to address air pollution may impact climate and vice versa. We present calculations using a model coupling economics, atmospheric chemistry, climate and ecosystems to illustrate some effects of air pollution policy alone on global warming. We consider caps on emissions of NOx, CO, volatile organic carbon, and SOx both individually and combined in two ways. These caps can lower ozone causing less warming, lower sulfate aerosols yielding more warming, lower OH and thus increase CH4 giving more warming, and finally, allow more carbon uptake by ecosystems leading to less warming. Overall, these effects significantly offset each other suggesting that air pollution policy has a relatively small net effect on the global mean surface temperature and sea level rise. However, our study does not account for the effects of air pollution policies on overall demand for fossil fuels and on the choice of fuels (coal, oil, gas), nor have we considered the effects of caps on black carbon or organic carbon aerosols on climate. These effects, if included, could lead to more substantial impacts of capping pollutant emissions on global temperature and sea level than concluded here. Caps on aerosols in general could also yield impacts on other important aspects of climate beyond those addressed here, such as the regional patterns of cloudiness and precipitation.


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En este documento, el lector encontrará aspectos teóricos que le permitirán entender los conceptos de liderazgo y poder, mediante la inclusión de tópicos como la evolución y escenarios en los cuales éstos se han venido desarrollando. Con el fin de que el lector genere su propia configuración del líder, el trabajo contiene además la categorización y estilos de liderazgo y las fuentes y usos del poder. Conjuntamente se resaltará la labor del líder y el manejo de su poder dentro de las organizaciones desde un marco competitivo y global, teniendo en cuenta su efectividad, sus distinciones y diferentes manifestaciones. Además, se logra determinar la comunicación y visión del líder como un factor determinante en el entorno empresarial.


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Modernización del Congreso de Colombia, entendido como una responsabilidad académica, más que un punto de negociación de los grupos guerrilleros o al margen de la ley, y menos aún bandera de campaña política y calculadora revancha entre partidos


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A Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company ("Light"), formada por empreendedores canadenses em 1899, operou por 80 anos praticamente toda a infraestrutura (bondes, luz, telefones, gás) do eixo Rio-São Paulo. A empresa passou por vários ciclos políticos, desde sua fundação até sua estatização em 1979. Durante este período de 80 anos, a infra-estrutura nacional, inicialmente privada, foi gradativamente passando para as mãos do Estado. O setor voltaria a ser privado a partir dos anos 90, configurando o ciclo privado-público-privado, similar ao ocorrido nos países mais desenvolvidos. A Light, símbolo maior do capital estrangeiro até os anos 50, foi inicialmente bem recebida no país, posto que seu desenvolvimento era simbiótico, causa e conseqüência, ao desenvolvimento industrial. Dos anos 20 em diante, crescem os debates econômicos ou ideológicos quanto ao papel do capital privado estrangeiro no desenvolvimento nacional, vis-a-vis a opção do setor público como ator principal. Sempre permaneceu sob névoa quais teriam sido os lucros da Light no Brasil, e se esses seriam excessivos, acima do razoável. Outra questão recorrente se refere até que ponto os congelamentos de tarifas teriam contribuido para a crise de oferta de infra-estrutura. Através de um trabalho de pesquisa em fontes primárias, esta dissertação procura reconstituir a história da Light, sob um foco de Taxa de Retorno sob o capital investido. Foi reconstruída a história financeira da Light no Brasil, a partir da qual calculou-se, para vários períodos e para os seus 80 anos de vida, os retornos obtidos pelos acionistas da empresa. A partir dos resultados obtidos, e utilizando-se de benchmarks comparativos, foi possível mostrar que: i) ao contrário da crença vigente à época, o retorno obtido pelo maior investidor estrangeiro no setor de infra-estrutura do Brasil do Séc. XX, se mostrou bem abaixo do mínimo aceitável, e ii) o represamento de tarifas, por várias décadas, foi de fato determinante para o subdesenvolvimento do setor de infra-estrutura no Brasil.


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This paper approaches the strategy in business management and aimed at identifying and outlining the interests and commitment of stakeholders in strategic resources management concerning production and implementation of wind turbine equipment of a Brazilian wind power company and also verifying if internal and external results deriving from such activities were sustainable, taking as main reference seminal publications and periodicals relevant to the research point that discuss the Resource Theory, Stakeholders and Sustainability. An analysis was carried out to assess how stakeholders, beyond the temporal context, intermediated the composition, development and management of the organization´s resources, as well as the social, environmental and economic results obtained from resources management in the production and supply of wind turbines to a Wind Power Plant located in the State of Ceara, in order to portray that Brazil sustainability can be an important competitive advantage source that creates value for shareholders and the community (Hart & Milstein, 2003). The strategy herein applied was the qualitative investigation using a single study case, which allowed for the thorough examination of an active organization operating in the Brazilian industry of wind power and also the resources used in the production and implementation of wind turbines supplied to the a Wind Power Plant in Ceara. Considering the content analysis and the triangulation principle, three qualitative data collection methods were applied to identify and characterize stakeholders’ interest and commitment in resource management of the organization operating in the Brazilian wind power industry, as follows, semistructured deep interview with managers of tactic-strategic level and analysts of organization´s value chain nine activities, analysis of public internal and external documents; and analysis of audio-visual material. Nonetheless, to identify the internal and external economic, social and environmental results of implementation and supply of wind turbines to the Wind Power Plant in Ceara, semistructured interviews were also carried out with the residents of the region. Results showed the BNDES (Brazilian Development Bank) and the organization head office were the stakeholders who exerted the strongest influence on resources related to production and implementation of the aerogenerator product at Trairi Wind Plant in Ceara. Concerning the organization resources, at the current stage of the Brazilian Wind Industry ,although the brand, reliability and reputation of the organization under study were valuable esources, rare, hard to imitate and exploited by the organization, it was noticed that opposed to RBV, they did not actually represent a source of competitive advantage . For the local community the social, economic and environmental results related to the wind turbines implementation were more positive than negative, despite the fact that the productive process caused negative environmental impacts such as the high emission of CO2 to transport wind turbines components to Trairi Wind Power Plant.