977 resultados para Mucuge municipality


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A estratégia saúde da família foi o modelo de escolha utilizado para a reorganização da atenção básica brasileira. No município do Rio de Janeiro sua implantação tem início em 1995 em passos lentos. A partir do ano de 2009, inicia-se um processo de implantação e expansão da ESF e a área de planejamento 5.3 é escolhida como área prioritária para essa expansão. Acredita-se que a expansão da ESF, o aumento da cobertura da população atendida e o aumento do acesso aos serviços de saúde, implicarão na melhoria da saúde da população e consequentemente impactarão positivamente nos indicadores de saúde. Este trabalho busca analisar os impactos da expansão da ESF em indicadores de saúde, na AP 5.3 do município do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 2009 a 2012. Tendo como objetivos específicos (1) descrever a expansão da cobertura da ESF entre os anos de 2009 e 2012 na AP 5.3; (2) analisar a evolução dos indicadores de saúde nesse mesmo período; (3) correlacionar os indicadores de saúde com o aumento de cobertura do saúde da família; e (4) comparar os dados encontrados na AP 5.3 com os do município do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de um estudo ecológico de séries temporais. Os indicadores de saúde selecionados para análise deste estudo foram escolhidos considerando elementos de estrutura e desempenho da ESF, assim como o estado de saúde da população, nas situações em que seria possível estabelecer relações entre ações da ESF e modificações no perfil de saúde. Os resultados encontrados em relação à evolução da expansão da cobertura da ESF na AP 5.3 evidenciou um aumentou que passou de 41% em agosto de 2010 para 98%, em junho de 2012, tendo atingido a meta de 100% em setembro de 2013. A produção ambulatorial, nessa região, aumentou em 130%. O percentual de nascidos vivos que realizaram 7 consultas pré-natais e mais, entre os anos de 2009 e 2012, aumentou em 3%. O percentual de nascidos vivos por partos cesáreos na AP 5.3 vem aumentando ao longo do período analisado. No entanto, nessa região mais de 50% dos partos realizados ainda são vaginais. O coeficiente de mortalidade infantil na AP 5.3, sofreu um decréscimo de 6,84%, no período de 2009 a 2012. Já o coeficiente de mortalidade neonatal, no mesmo período, apresentou um aumento de 16%. Enquanto o coeficiente de mortalidade pós-neonatal, nessa região, apresentou, do período de 2009 até o ano de 2012, uma redução de 33%. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo sugerem a contribuição positiva do programa na evolução de muitos dos indicadores de saúde da população. Todavia, algumas ações e serviços carecem de melhorias para garantir uma assistência integral e de maior qualidade aos usuários. Mais do que a ampliação do acesso, com aumento da cobertura é necessário garantir a qualidade da assistência.


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Essa dissertação tem como objeto o estudo da atuação dos Partidos Políticos, que compõem o Fórum de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro - quais sejam: Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado (PSTU) e Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (PSOL) - na luta pela saúde, compreendendo essa última como um elemento táticoestratégico para a transformação social. A análise situa-se no município do Rio de Janeiro e compreende o período dado entre os anos de 2009 a 2013. A pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar a saúde como um elemento tático-estratégico na busca pela emancipação humana, analisando os limites e as possibilidades da ação dos Partidos Políticos na área. Sua referência teórico-metodológica é o método histórico-dialético e o principal procedimento metodológico foi o levantamento bibliográfico de fontes primárias e secundárias. Além do levantamento bibliográfico, a observação participante também foi um instrumento utilizado no acompanhamento das reuniões realizadas pelo Fórum de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro. A dissertação está dividida em dois momentos: o primeiro consiste em um debate sobre concepção de saúde e atualidade do Projeto de Reforma Sanitária, no cenário brasileiro, bem como a análise sobre noção de Partido Revolucionário e discussão tático-estratégica e programática da esquerda brasileira. A segunda parte compreende o debate sobre Partidos Políticos e a saúde no município do Rio de Janeiro, na qual se encontram os resultados da pesquisa realizada.


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O trabalho realizado contempla a configuração de um caminho de pensamento sobre a espacialização do lixo no município do Rio de Janeiro. Apresenta o problema da destinação do lixo os transtornos causados à população e agravados pela industrialização; adoção de técnicas de coleta e destinação, o surgimento de empresas com o propósito de garantir a limpeza e o aperfeiçoamento técnico para confinamento do lixo. Demonstra um detalhamento da geração dos resíduos sólidos urbanos do município do Rio de Janeiro e sua destinação no fim do século XX. Apresentando quantitativo dos resíduos gerados e posteriormente destinados aos lixões. Analisa também o processo de esgotamento dos aterros sanitários existentes e a constituição de uma nova rede geográfica para destinação final dos resíduos. O exemplo da Central de Tratamento de Resíduos (CTR Rio), projeto executado por iniciativa privada, empresa Ciclus, instalada no município de Seropédica, responsável por receber todo o lixo do município do Rio de Janeiro e tratá-lo por meio de novas técnicas e tecnologias. Os resíduos são recebidos através de estações de transferência (ETR) instaladas em pontos geográficos específicos das regiões administrativas do município do Rio de Janeiro e transportado à CTR Rio para o devido confinamento, por meio de uma nova rede geográfica paradestinação final


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A pesquisa buscou apresentar elementos para a compreensão das proximidades entre a política pública de educação em tempo integral do governo federal o Programa Mais Educação (PME) e os sentidos para educação defendidos pela mobilização de um segmento do empresariado brasileiro, o movimento Todos Pela Educação, que assume um determinado projeto de sociedade. Nesta pesquisa, o movimento Todos Pela Educação é configurado como uma rede de políticas (BALL, 2001; 2005; 2010) que, ao promover ações educacionais e se articular a atores governamentais, tem influenciado os rumos do ensino público nacional e inserido valores característicos da lógica de mercado como gerencialismo e performatividade. A teoria do discurso de Ernesto Laclau (2011, 2013) viabilizou a análise da dinâmica das articulações políticas no intuito de estabelecer hegemonias no campo da educação. Experiências de educação no país associaram a ampliação da jornada escolar à promoção de uma educação integral que, no Brasil, teve grande influência do movimento escolanovista. Associando a qualidade da educação aos níveis de Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) alcançados pelas escolas, o PME anuncia promover uma educação integral que se mostrou preenchida pelos sentidos defendidos pelo TPE como: a defesa por uma Base Curricular Comum, associação entre o setor público e o privado para a promoção de ações educativas e ampliação do tempo escolar como maior exposição à situações de aprendizagem de conteúdos. A partir de uma experiência premiada e reconhecida nacionalmente pela promoção de uma educação integral, investiguei os sentidos de educação integral assumidos pelos Programas Bairro-Escola, Mais Educação e Escola Viva desenvolvidos em Nova Iguaçu. O trabalho conclui que o modelo de educação em tempo integral implementado no município não favorece a democratização do ensino uma vez que não se estende a todos os alunos da rede e oferece condições desiguais para realização entre as escolas. Além disso, priorizando atividades de reforço escolar, o atendimento das atividades de contraturno está voltado às turmas que serão avaliadas na avaliação nacional Prova Brasil, o que configura a valorização da aprendizagem de conteúdo e aumento de IDEB em detrimento de experiências significativas e ampliadas na educação dos alunos. Nos moldes que se implementa, a realização de atividades a partir da ampliação do tempo escolar embaraça a rotina escolar por não contar com as condições adequadas para sua realização.


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Since the 1940s, portions of the Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico have been used by the United States Navy (USN) as an ammunition support detachment and bombing and maneuver training range. In April 2001, the USN began phasing out military activities on the island and transferring military property to the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Municipality of Vieques, and the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust. A small number of studies have been commissioned by the USN in the past few decades to assess selected components of the coral reef ecosystem surrounding the island; however, these studies were generally of limited geographic scope and short duration. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), in consultation with NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) and other local and regional experts, conducted a more comprehensive characterization of coral reef ecosystems, contaminants, and nutrient distribution patterns around Vieques. This work was conducted using many of the same protocols as ongoing monitoring work underway elsewhere in the U.S. Caribbean and has enabled comparisons among coral reef ecosystems in Vieques and other locations in the region. This characterization of Vieques’ marine ecosystems consists of a two part series. First, available information on reefs, fish, birds, seagrasses, turtles, mangroves, climate, geology, currents, and human uses from previous studies was gathered and integrated into a single document comprising Part I of this two part series (Bauer et al. 2008). For Part II of the series, presented in this document, new field studies were conducted to fill data gaps identified in previous studies, to provide an island-wide characterization, and to establish baseline values for the distribution of habitats, nutrients, contaminants, fish, and benthic communities. An important objective underlying this suite of studies was to quantify any differences in the marine areas adjacent to the former and current land-use zoning around Vieques. Specifically of interest was the possibility that either Naval (e.g., practice bombing, munitions storage) or civilian activities (e.g., sewage pollutants, overfishing) could have a negative impact on adjacent marine resources. Measuring conditions at this time and so recently after the land transfer was essential because present conditions are likely to be reflective of past land-use practices. In addition, the assessment will establish benchmark conditions that can be influenced by the potentially dramatic future changes in land-use practices as Vieques considers its development. This report is organized into seven chapters that represent a suite of interrelated studies. Chapter 1 provides a short introduction to the island setting, the former and current land-use zoning, and how the land zoning was used to spatially stratify much of the sampling. Chapter 2 is focused on benthic mapping and provides the methods, accuracy assessment, and results of newly created benthic maps for Vieques. Chapter 3 presents the results of new surveys of fish, marine debris, and reef communities on hardbottom habitats around the island. Chapter 4 presents results of flora and fauna surveys in selected bays and lagoons. Chapter 5 examines the distribution of nutrients in lagoons, inshore, and offshore waters around the island. Chapter 6 is focused on the distribution of chemical contaminants in sediments and corals. Chapter 7 is a brief summary discussion that highlights key findings of the entire suite of studies.


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From the 1940s until 2003, portions of the island of Vieques, a municipality within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, were used by the US Navy as a base and training facility, resulting in development and zoning history that differ in comparison to other Caribbean islands. The majority of former Navy lands are now under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service as a National Wildlife Refuge, while a smaller percentage of land was transferred to the Vieques municipality and the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust. An analysis of the distribution and status of the marine resources is timely in light of the recent land transfer, increases in development and tourism, and potential changes in marine zoning around the island. To meet this need, NOAA’s Biogeography Branch, in cooperation with the Office of Response and Restoration and other local and regional partners, conducted Part I of an ecological characterization to integrate historical data and research into a synthesis report. The overall objective of this report is to provide resource managers and residents a comprehensive characterization of the marine resources of Vieques to support research, monitoring, and management. For example, knowledge of the spatial distribution of physical features, habitats, and biological communities is necessary to make an informed decision of the establishment and placement of a marine protected area (MPA). The report is divided into chapters based on the physical environment (e.g., climate, geology, bathymetry), habitat types (e.g., reefs and hardbottom, seagrasses, mangroves) and major faunal groups (e.g. fish, turtles, birds). Each section includes five subsections: an overview, description of the relevant literature, methods of analysis, information on the distribution, status and trends of the particular resource, and a discussion of ecological linkages with other components of the Vieques marine ecosystem and surrounding environment. The physical environment of Vieques is similar to other islands within the Greater Antilles chain, with some distinctions. The warm, tropical climate of Vieques, mediated by the northeasterly trade winds, is characterized by a dry season (December-April) and a rainy season (May-November), the latter of which is characterized by the occasional passage of tropical cyclones. Compared to mainland Puerto Rico, Vieques is characterized by lower elevation, less annual precipitation, and higher average temperatures. The amount of annual precipitation also varies spatially within Vieques, with the western portion of the island receiving higher amounts of rainfall than further east. While the North Equatorial Current dominates the circulation pattern in the Greater Antilles region, small scale current patterns specific to Vieques are not as well characterized. These physical processes are important factors mitigating the distribution and composition of marine benthic habitats around Vieques. In general, the topography of Vieques is characterized by rolling hills. Mt. Pirata, the tallest point at 301 m, is located near the southwest coast. In the absence of island wide sedimentation measurements, information on land cover, slope, precipitation, and soil type were used to estimate relative erosion potential and sediment delivery for each watershed. While slope and precipitation amount are the primary driving factors controlling runoff, land use practices such as urban development, military activity, road construction, and agriculture can increase the delivery of pollution and sediments to coastal waters. Due to the recent land transfer, increased development and tourism is expected, which may result in changes in the input of sediments to the coastal environment.


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Lake Victoria shoreline in Jinja Municipality has four urban wetlands of Kirinya West/Loco, Kirinya East/Walukuba, Masese and Budumbuli which have undergone major changes during the past fifty years due to increased human activities. Amongst these activities is the continuous inflow of agricultural run-off, industrial and municipal wastewater. A significant increase in nutrient loads of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from the catchment area continues to enhance eutrophication of Lake Victoria. Pollution from point sources (Industrial plants and NWSC Kirinya final maturation pond) into Jinja’s urban wetlands were therefore studied using a simplified material flux analysis methodology to identify the active elements and estimate the pollution loads due to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Carbon (nutrients), Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Manganese metals.


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Three new types of aryl diketo acid (ADK) isosteres were designed by conversion of the biologically labile 1,3-diketo unit into heteroaromatic motif such as isoxazole, isothiazole, or 1H-pyrazole to improve the physicochemical property of ADK-based HIV-1


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Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been successfully used in many species to produce live cloned offspring, albeit with low efficiency. The low frequency of successful development has usually been ascribed to incomplete or inappropriate reprogramming of the transferred nuclear genome. Elucidating the genetic differences between normal fertilized and cloned embryos is key to understand the low efficiency of SCNT. Here, we show that expression of HSPC117, which encodes a hypothetical protein of unknown function, was absent or very low in cloned mouse blastocysts. To investigate the role of HSPC117 in embryo development, we knocked-down this gene in normal fertilized embryos using RNA interference. We assessed the post-implantation survival of HSPC117 knock-down embryos at 3 stages: E9 (prior to placenta formation); E12 (after the placenta was fully functional) and E19 (post-natal). Our results show that, although siRNA-treated in vivo fertilized/produced (IVP) embryos could develop to the blastocyst stage and implanted without any difference from control embryos, the knock-down embryos showed substantial fetal death, accompanied by placental blood clotting, at E12. Furthermore, comparison of HSPC117 expression in placentas of nuclear transfer (NT), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and IVP embryos confirmed that HSPC117 deficiency correlates well with failures in embryo development: all NT embryos with a fetus, as well as IVP and ICSI embryos, had normal placental HSPC117 expression while those NT embryos showing reduced or no expression of HSPC117 failed to form a fetus. In conclusion, we show that HSPC117 is an important gene for post-implantation development of embryos, and that HSPC117 deficiency leads to fetal abnormalities after implantation, especially following placental formation. We suggest that defects in HSPC117 expression may be an important contributing factor to loss of cloned NT embryos in vivo. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The optical properties of Au nanoparticles deposited on thermochromic thin films of VO2 are investigated using spectroscopy. A localized modification on the transmittance spectrum of VO2 film is formed due to the presence of Au nanoparticles which exhibit localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the visible-near IR region. The position of the modification wavelength region shows a strong dependence on the Au mass thickness and shifts toward the red as it increases. On the other hand, it was found that the LSPR of Au nanoparticles can be thermally tunable because of the thermochromism of the supporting material of VO2. The LSPR wavelength, lambda(SPR), shifts to the blue with increasing temperature, and shifts back to the red as temperature decreases. A fine tuning is achieved when the temperature is increased in a stepwise manner.


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We report on the utilization of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of Ag nanoparticles to tailor the optical properties Of VO2 thin film. Interaction of nano-Ag with incident light yields a salient absorption band in the visible-near IR region and modifies the spectrum Of VO2 locally. The wavelength of modification occurs in a limited spectral region rather than affects the full spectrum. The wavelength of modification shows a strong dependence on the metal nanoparticle size and shifts toward the red as the particle size or the mass thickness of nano-Ag increases. Also, we found that the wavelength can be shifted into the IR further by introducing a thin layer of TiO2 onto the nano-Ag. Interestingly, with the help of LSPR effects the VO2 film exhibits an anomalous thermochromic behavior in the modification wavelength region, which may be useful in optical switching applications.


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The semiconductor-metal transition of vanadium dioxide (VO2) thin films epitaxially grown on C-plane sapphire is studied by depositing Au nanoparticles onto the thermochromic films forming a metal-semiconductor contact, namely, a nano-Au-VO2 junction. It reveals that Au nanoparticles have a marked effect on the reduction in the phase transition temperature of VO2. A process of electron injection in which electrons flow from Au to VO2 due to the lower work function of the metal is believed to be the mechanism. The result may support the Mott-Hubbard phase transition model for VO2.


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采用野外定点采样与室内土壤种子萌发试验相结合的研究方法,选取黄土丘陵区典型草原带宁夏固原地区不同植被恢复年限(2,5,12,24,35,55,75 a)及当年农地(对照)的8个样地,研究该区土壤种子库萌发数量特征及动态变化。结果表明,8个不同植被恢复年限样地土壤中可萌发的种子的平均数量为3542.5粒/m2,可萌发种子以双子叶植物为主,约占萌发总数的90%。0~5 cm土层可萌发种子数量变化于166.7~9100.0粒/m2;5~10 cm土层变化于133.38~2120.02粒/m2。土壤中可萌发种子数量随着恢复年限的增加表现先增加后下降的趋势。土壤中可萌发的种子数量随时间的变化近似单峰型,双子叶植物峰值主要出现在第4~6周,而单子叶植物萌发高峰在5~6周。表明在环境,气候等条件适宜时,黄土丘陵区典型草原带可萌发的土壤中的种子可形成萌发高峰。


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大气CO2浓度升高能够对农田生态系统产生一系列的影响。土壤线虫在农田生态系统腐屑食物网中占有重要的地位,能够对外界环境变化作出较迅速的响应。本文利用江苏省江都市小记镇的稻-麦轮作FACE系统研究平台,在2007-2008年小麦生长季,研究了大气CO2浓度升高和不同氮肥处理(高N和低N)对农田土壤线虫群落的影响。 研究结果表明:高氮肥施用情况下, CO2浓度升高显著降低了麦田土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量。不同氮肥处理中CO2浓度升高条件下土壤可溶性碳的含量显著低于对照,而土壤总有机碳和微生物量碳含量高于对照。 大气CO2浓度升高条件下,麦田土壤线虫群落组成和多样性与对照相比表现出显著差异。CO2浓度升高显著增加了麦田土壤线虫总数、食细菌线虫、食真菌线虫和植物寄生线虫数量。在小麦拔节期和成熟期,低N和高N施用条件下,FACE处理中土壤线虫多样性指数(H’)、成熟度指数(MI和PPI)均低于对照处理,而结构指数(SI)高于对照处理。线虫生态指数的结果表明,大气CO2浓度升高条件下,土壤线虫群落多样性降低,土壤环境受到一定的干扰,食物网趋于结构化。


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As one part of national road No. 318, Sichuan-Tibet (Chengdu-Lasha) Highway is one of traffic life lines connecting Tibet municipality to the inland, which is very important to the economic development of Tibet. In addition, it is still an important national defence routeway, with extremely important strategic position on maintaining the stability and solidarity of Tibet municipality and consolidating national defence. Particular geological condition, terrain and landform condition and hydrometeorological condition induce large-scale debris flows and landslides (including landslips) and the like geological hazards frequently occur along the highway. High frequency geological hazards not only result in high casualties and a great property loss, but also block traffic at every turn, obstructing the Sichuan-Tibet highway seriously. On the basis of considerable engineering geological investigation and analysis to the relative studying achievements of predecessors, it is found that one of the dominating reason incurring landslides or debris flows again and again in a place is that abundant loose materials are accumulated in valleys and slopes along the highway. Taking landslides' and debris flows along Ranwu-Lulang section of Sichuan-Tibet highway as studying objects, the sources and cause of formation of loose accumulation materials in the studying area are analyzed in detail, the major hazard-inducing conditions, hazard, dynamic risk, prediction of susceptibility degree of landslides and debris flows, and the relations between landslides and debris flows and various hazard-inducing conditions are systematically researched in this paper. All of these will provide scientific foundation for the future highway renovating and reducing and preventing geological hazards. For the purpose of quantitatively analyzing landslide and debris flow hazards, the conception of entropy and information entropy are extended, the conception of geological hazard entropy is brought forward, and relevant mathematics model is built. Additionally, a new approach for the dynamic risk analysis of landslide and debris flow is put forward based on the dynamic characteristics of the hazard of hazard-inducings and the vulnerability of hazard-bearings. The formation of landslide and debris flow is a non-linear process, which is synthetically affected by various factors, and whose formation mechanics is extremely complex. Aiming at this question, a muli-factors classifying and overlapping technique is brought forward on the basis of engineering geomechanics meta-synthesis (EGMS) thought and approach, and relevant mathematics model is also built to predict the susceptibility degree of landslide or debris flow. The example analysis result proves the validity of this thought and approach. To studying the problem that whether the formation and space distribution of landslides and debris flows are controlled by one or several hazard-inducing conditions, the theme graphics of landslides and debris flows hazard and various hazard-inducing conditions are overlapped to determine the relationship between hazard and hazard-inducing conditions. On this basis, the semi-quantitative engineering zonation of the studying area is carried out. In addition, the overlapping analysis method of the hazard-indue ing conditions of landslides and debris flows based on "digital graphics system" is advanced to orderly organize and effectively manage the spatial and attributive data of hazard and hazard-inducing conditions theme graphics, and to realize the effectively combination of graphics, images and figures.