949 resultados para Higher temperatures


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Several inorganic substances (e.g., C£ , Mg , Ca , H ) are potent negative modulators of hemoglobin-oxygen affinity. To evaluate the possibility that potentially adaptive changes in the red cell ionic environment of hemoglobin may take place during acclimation of fishes to increased environmental temperature, hematological status (hemoglobin, hematocrit, red cell numbers, mean erythrocytic volume and hemoglobin content), plasma + + 2+ 2+ and packed red cell electrolyte levels (Na , K , Ca , Mg , C£ ) were evaluated in summer and winter populations of the stenothermal rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, following acclimation to 2°, 10°, 18°C, and in a spring population of eurythermal carp, Cyprinus carpio, held at 2°, 16° and 30°C. From these data cell ion concentrations and ion:hemoglobin ratios were estimated. In view of the role of red cell carbonic anhydrase in the reductions of blood C02 tensions and the recruitment of Na and C£~ lost by fishes, a preliminary investigation of thermoacclimatory changes in the activity of this system in rainbow trout erythrocytes was conducted. Few changes in hematological status were encountered following acclimation. There was, however, some evidence of weight-specific differential hematological response in carp. This lead to markedly greater increases in hemoglobin, hematocrit and red cell numbers in smaller rather than in larger specimens at higher temperatures; variations which were 2+ well correlated with changes in plasma Ca . Plasma composition in summer trout was not altered by acclimation. In winter trout plasma Na and K increased at higher temperatures. Carp were characterized by increases in plasma calcium, and reductions in sodium and magnesium under these conditions. Several significant seasonal differences in plasma ion levels were observed in the trout. (n) In trout, only erythrocytic K and K :Hb were altered by acclimation, rising at higher temperatures. In carp Na , Na :Hb, C£~ and C£~:Hb in- 2+ 2+ creased with temperature, while Mg and Mg :Hb declined. Changes in overall ionic composition in carp red cells were consistent with increases in H content. In both species significant reciprocal variations in C£~ 2+ - + and Mg were found. In mammalian systems increases in C£ and H reduce hemoglobin-oxygen affinity by interaction with hemoglobin. Reduction in 2+ 2+ Mg maximizes organophosphate modulator availability by decreasing ATP»Mg complex formation. Thus, the changes observed may be of adaptive value in reducing hemoglobin-oxygen affinity, and facilitating oxygen release to cells at higher temperatures. Trout appear to maintain a high chloridelow magnesium state over the entire thermal tolerance zone. Carp, however, achieved this state only at higher temperatures. In both species mean erythrocytic volume was decreased at higher temperatures and this may facilitate branchial oxygen loading. Since mean erythrocytic volume was inversely related to red cell ion content, it is hypothesized that reductions in cell volume are achieved by export of some unidentified solute or solutes. Variations in the carbonic anhydrase activity that could be attributed to the thermoacclimatory process were quite modest. On the other hand, assays performed at the temperature of acclimation showed a large temperature effect where under in vivo conditions of temperature fish acclimated to higher temperatures might be expected to have higher activities. Furthermore, since hematocrit increased with temperature in these fish, while carbonic anhydrase is present only in the erythrocyte, the whole blood levels of this enzyme are expected to increase and further augment the temperature effect. This, in turn, could aid in the reduction of C02 (111) tension and increase the production of H and HC0~~ used in the active uptake of Na and C£ at higher temperatures.


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Using the energy dispersive x ...ray diffraction (EDXD) technique, the room temperature diffraction pattern of Al powder was obtained at diffraction angles ~ 30° and 50°. From the small angle diffraction pattern the average relative intensities (IR) of the (111), (200), and (220) lines were measured to be equal to 100, 62, and 32 respectively. From the large diffraction angle IR for the (220), (311+222), (400), (331+420), and (422) lines were measured to be 100,201,17,90, and 19.5 respectively. The diffraction pattern at those two angles were obtained at several higher temperatures to measure the change in the intensities of the Al lines. From the intensity changes the increase of the Debye- Waller temperature factor, i.e ~B(T), with respect to the value at room temperature was determined to be 0.6+0.1 at 250°C, 1.10+0.15 at 350°C, 1.45+0.20 at 450°C, and 2.20±0.35 at 550°C.


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Boron trihalide and mixed boron trihalide adducts of trimethylamine have been prepared, and characterized by proton and fluorine N.M.R. spectroscopy. The acceptor power of the boron trihalides was seen to increase in the order BF3 < BC13 < BBr3 < BI3, corroborating previous evidence. The mixed boron trihalides had intermediate Lewis acidities. Solution reactions between adducts and free boron trihalides rapidly led to the formation of mixed adducts when the free boron trihalide is a stronger Lewis acid than that in the adduct. A slower reaction is observed when the free BX3 is a weaker Lewis aoid than that complexed. The mechanism of halogen exchange leading to the mixed (CH3)3NBX3 adducts was investigated. 10B labelling experiments precluded B-N bond rupture as a possible mechanism in solution; results are discussed in terms of halogen-bridged intermediates. Pre-ionization may be important for some systems. At higher temperatures, during gas phase reactions,B-N coordinate bond rupture may be the initial step of reaction. Two mixed adduots, namely (CH3)3NBClBr2 and (CH3)3NBHOIBr were prepared and characterized by Mass Spectrometry


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Les observations astronomiques et cosmologiques suggèrent fortement la présence d’une matière exotique, non-relativiste et non-baryonique qui représenterait 26% du contenu de masse-énergie de l’Univers actuel. Cette matière dite sombre et froide serait compo- sée de particules neutres, massives et interagissant faiblement avec la matière ordinaire (WIMP : Weakly Interactive Massive Particles). Le projet PICASSO (Projet d’Identification des CAndidats Supersymétriques de la matière SOmbre) est une des expériences installées dans le site souterrain de SNOLAB à Sudbury en Ontario, qui tente de détecter directement un des candidats de la matière sombre, proposé dans le cadre des extensions supersymétriques du modèle standard : le neutralino. Pour cela, PICASSO utilise des détecteurs à gouttelettes surchauffées de C4F10, basés sur le principe de la chambre à bulles. Les transitions de phase dans les liquides surchauffés peuvent être déclenchées par le recul du 19 F, causé par une collision élastique avec les neutralinos. La nucléation de la gouttelette génère une onde sonore enregistrée par des senseurs piézo-électriques. Cette thèse présentera les récents progrès de l’expérience PICASSO qui ont conduit à une augmentation substantielle de sa sensibilité dans la recherche du neutralino. En effet, de nouvelles procédures de fabrication et de purification ont permis de réduire à un facteur de 10, la contamination majeure des détecteurs, causée par les émetteurs alpha. L’étude de cette contamination dans les détecteurs a permis de localiser la source de ces émetteurs. Les efforts effectués dans le cadre de l’analyse des données, ont permis d’améliorer l’effet de discrimination entre des évènements engendrés par les particules alpha et par les reculs nucléaires. De nouveaux outils d’analyse ont également été implémentés dans le but de discriminer les évènements générés par des particules de ceux générés par des bruits de fond électroniques ou acoustiques. De plus, un mécanisme important de suppression de bruit de fond indésirable à haute température, a permis à l’expérience PICASSO d’être maintenant sensible aux WIMPs de faibles masses.


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La cartographie peptidique est une technique de grande importance utilisée lors de l’identification des protéines et la caractérisation des modifications post-traductionnelles des protéines. Deux méthodes sont utilisées afin de couper les protéines en peptides pour la cartographie : les méthodes chimiques et les méthodes enzymatiques. Dans ce projet, l’enzyme chymotrypsine a été utilisée pour l’hydrolyse (la digestion) des liens peptidiques. Cependant, l’autoprotéolyse des enzymes peut augmenter la complexité des échantillons, rendant ainsi ardue l’obtention de pics résolus suite à l’apparition de pics non-désirés dans la carte peptidique. Par conséquent, nous avons utilisé la réticulation des enzymes protéolytiques par réaction avec le glutaraldéhyde (GA) donnant une enzyme insoluble afin de réduire l’autoprotéolyse. L’immobilisation de la chymotrypsine par GA a été effectuée selon une méthode rapportée précédemment par le groupe Waldron. L’électrophorèse capillaire (CE) couplée à l’absorption UV-visible a été utilisée pour la séparation et la détection de peptides et pour obtenir ainsi une cartographie peptidique. Deux tampons différents ont été évalués afin d’obtenir les meilleures conditions pour la digestion de substrats protéiques par la chymotrypsine libre (soluble) ou la GAchymotrypsine et l’analyse par CE. Les cartes des peptides autoprotéolytiques ont été comparées entre les deux formats de chymotrypsine. Afin d’améliorer la cartographie peptidique, nous avons évalué trois méthodes de conditionnement du capillaire CE et deux méthodes pour stopper la digestion. Le bicarbonate d’ammonium s’est avéré être le tampon optimal pour la digestion en solution et l’utilisation d’un bain d’acétone et de glace sèche s’est avérée être la méthode optimale pour stopper la digestion. Une solution de SDS, 25 mM, dans l’étape de rinçage a été utilisée après chaque analyse CE et a permis d’améliorer la résolution des cartes peptidiques. La comparaison entre l’autoprotéolyse de la chymotrypsine libre et de celle immobilisé par GA a été effectuée par des tests utilisant une gamme de six différentes combinaisons de conditions afin d’évaluer le temps (30 et 240 min) et la température de digestion (4, 24 et 37°C). Dans ces conditions, nos résultats ont confirmé que le GA-chymotrypsine réduit l’autoprotéolyse par rapport à l’enzyme libre. La digestion (à 37°C/240 min) de deux substrats modèles par la chymotrypsine libre et immobilisée en fonction de la température de dénaturation du substrat a été étudiée. iii Avant la digestion, les substrats (l’albumine de sérum bovine, BSA, et la myoglobine) ont été dénaturés par chauffage pendant 45 min à trois températures différentes (60, 75 et 90°C). Les résultats ont démontré que la dénaturation par chauffage du BSA et de la myoglobine n’a pas amélioré la cartographie peptidique pour la GA-chymotrypsine, tandis que la digestion de ceux-ci en présence de la chymotrypsine libre a amélioré de façon quantifiable à des températures élevées. Ainsi, le chauffage du substrat à 90°C avec l’enzyme soluble facilite le dépliement partiel du substrat et sa digestion limitée, ce qui a été mieux pour la myoglobine que pour la BSA.


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La synthèse de siliciures métalliques sous la forme de films ultra-minces demeure un enjeu majeur en technologie CMOS. Le contrôle du budget thermique, afin de limiter la diffusion des dopants, est essentiel. Des techniques de recuit ultra-rapide sont alors couramment utilisées. Dans ce contexte, la technique de nanocalorimétrie est employée afin d'étudier, in situ, la formation en phase solide des siliciures de Ni à des taux de chauffage aussi élevés que 10^5 K/s. Des films de Ni, compris entre 9.3 et 0.3 nm sont déposés sur des calorimètres avec un substrat de a-Si ou de Si(100). Des mesures de diffraction de rayons X, balayées en température à 3 K/s, permettent de comparer les séquences de phase obtenues à bas taux de chauffage sur des échantillons de contrôle et à ultra-haut taux de chauffage sur les calorimètres. En premier lieu, il est apparu que l'emploi de calorimètres de type c-NC, munis d'une couche de 340 nm de Si(100), présente un défi majeur : un signal endothermique anormal vient fausser la mesure à haute température. Des micro-défauts au sein de la membrane de SiNx créent des courts-circuits entre la bande chauffante de Pt du calorimètre et l'échantillon métallique. Ce phénomène diminue avec l'épaisseur de l'échantillon et n'a pas d'effet en dessous de 400 °C tant que les porteurs de charge intrinsèques au Si ne sont pas activés. Il est possible de corriger la mesure de taux de chaleur en fonction de la température avec une incertitude de 12 °C. En ce qui a trait à la formation des siliciures de Ni à ultra-haut taux de chauffage, l'étude montre que la séquence de phase est modifiée. Les phases riches en m étal, Ni2Si et théta, ne sont pas détectées sur Si(100) et la cinétique de formation favorise une amorphisation en phase solide en début de réaction. Les enthalpies de formation pour les couches de Ni inférieures à 10 nm sont globalement plus élevées que dans le cas volumique, jusqu' à 66 %. De plus, les mesures calorimétriques montrent clairement un signal endothermique à haute température, témoignant de la compétition que se livrent la réaction de phase et l'agglomération de la couche. Pour les échantillons recuits a 3 K/s sur Si(100), une épaisseur critique telle que décrite par Zhang et Luo, et proche de 4 nm de Ni, est supposée. Un modèle est proposé, basé sur la difficulté de diffusion des composants entre des grains de plus en plus petits, afin d'expliquer la stabilité accrue des couches de plus en plus fines. Cette stabilité est également observée par nanocalorimétrie à travers le signal endothermique. Ce dernier se décale vers les hautes températures quand l'épaisseur du film diminue. En outre, une 2e épaisseur critique, d'environ 1 nm de Ni, est remarquée. En dessous, une seule phase semble se former au-dessus de 400 °C, supposément du NiSi2.


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The increasing interest in the interaction of light with electricity and electronically active materials made the materials and techniques for producing semitransparent electrically conducting films particularly attractive. Transparent conductors have found major applications in a number of electronic and optoelectronic devices including resistors, transparent heating elements, antistatic and electromagnetic shield coatings, transparent electrode for solar cells, antireflection coatings, heat reflecting mirrors in glass windows and many other. Tin doped indium oxide (indium tin oxide or ITO) is one of the most commonly used transparent conducting oxides. At present and likely well into the future this material offers best available performance in terms of conductivity and transmittivity combined with excellent environmental stability, reproducibility and good surface morphology. Although partial transparency, with a reduction in conductivity, can be obtained for very thin metallic films, high transparency and simultaneously high conductivity cannot be attained in intrinsic stoichiometric materials. The only way this can be achieved is by creating electron degeneracy in a wide bandgap (Eg > 3eV or more for visible radiation) material by controllably introducing non-stoichiometry and/or appropriate dopants. These conditions can be conveniently met for ITO as well as a number of other materials like Zinc oxide, Cadmium oxide etc. ITO shows interesting and technologically important combination of properties viz high luminous transmittance, high IR reflectance, good electrical conductivity, excellent substrate adherence and chemical inertness. ITO is a key part of solar cells, window coatings, energy efficient buildings, and flat panel displays. In solar cells, ITO can be the transparent, conducting top layer that lets light into the cell to shine the junction and lets electricity flow out. Improving the ITO layer can help improve the solar cell efficiency. A transparent ii conducting oxide is a material with high transparency in a derived part of the spectrum and high electrical conductivity. Beyond these key properties of transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), ITO has a number of other key characteristics. The structure of ITO can be amorphous, crystalline, or mixed, depending on the deposition temperature and atmosphere. The electro-optical properties are a function of the crystallinity of the material. In general, ITO deposited at room temperature is amorphous, and ITO deposited at higher temperatures is crystalline. Depositing at high temperatures is more expensive than at room temperature, and this method may not be compatible with the underlying devices. The main objective of this thesis work is to optimise the growth conditions of Indium tin oxide thin films at low processing temperatures. The films are prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering under various deposition conditions. The films are also deposited on to flexible substrates by employing bias sputtering technique. The films thus grown were characterised using different tools. A powder x-ray diffractometer was used to analyse the crystalline nature of the films. The energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for evaluating the composition and morphology of the films. Optical properties were investigated using the UVVIS- NIR spectrophotometer by recording the transmission/absorption spectra. The electrical properties were studied using vander Pauw four probe technique. The plasma generated during the sputtering of the ITO target was analysed using Langmuir probe and optical emission spectral studies.


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Xylanases with hydrolytic activity on xylan, one of the hemicellulosic materials present in plant cell walls, have been identified long back and the applicability of this enzyme is constantly growing. All these applications especially the pulp and paper industries require novel enzymes. There has been lot of documentation on microbial xylanases, however, none meeting all the required characteristics. The characters being sought are: higher production, higher pH and temperature optima, good stabilities under these conditions and finally the low associated cellulase and protease production. The present study analyses various facets of xylanase biotechnology giving emphasis on bacterial xylanases. Fungal xylanases are having problems like low pH values for both enzyme activity and growth. Moreover, the associated production of cellulases at significant levels make fungal xylanases less suitable for application in paper and pulp industries.Bacillus SSP-34 selected from 200 isolates was clearly having xylan catabolizing nature distinct from earlier reports. The stabilities at higher temperatures and pH values along with the optimum conditions for pH and temperature is rendering Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase more suitable than many of the previous reports for application in pulp and paper industries.Bacillus SSP-34 is an alkalophilic thertmotolerant bacteria which under optimal cultural conditions as mentioned earlier, can produce 2.5 times more xylanase than the basal medium.The 0.5% xylan concentration in the medium was found to the best carbon source resulting in 366 IU/ml of xylanase activity. This induction was subjected to catabolite repression by glucose. Xylose was a good inducer for xylanase production. The combination of yeast extract and peptone selected from several nitrogen sources resulted in the highest enzyme production (379+-0.2 IU/ml) at the optimum final concentration of 0.5%. All the cultural and nutritional parameters were compiled and comparative study showed that the modified medium resulted in xylanase activity of 506 IU/ml, 5 folds higher than the basal medium.The novel combination of purification techniques like ultrafiltraton, ammonium sulphate fractionation, DEAE Sepharose anion exchange chromatography, CM Sephadex cation exchange chromatography and Gel permeation chromatography resulted in the purified xylanase having a specific activity of 1723 U/mg protein with 33.3% yield. The enzyme was having a molecular weight of 20-22 kDa. The Km of the purified xylanase was 6.5 mg of oat spelts xylan per ml and Vmax 1233 µ mol/min/mg protein.Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase resulted in the ISO brightness increase from 41.1% to 48.5%. The hydrolytic nature of the xylanase was in the endo-form.Thus the organism Bacillus SSP-34 was having interesting biotechnological and physiological aspects. The SSP-34 xylanase having desired characters seems to be suited for application in paper and pulp industries.


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There are a large number of agronomic-ecological interactions that occur in a world with increasing levels of CO2, higher temperatures and a more variable climate. Climate change and the associated severe problems will alter soil microbial populations and diversity. Soils supply many atmospheric green house gases by performing as sources or sinks. The most important of these gases include CH4, CO2 and N2O. Most of the green house gases production and consumption processes in soil are probably due to microorganisms. There is strong inquisitiveness to store carbon (C) in soils to balance global climate change. Microorganisms are vital to C sequestration by mediating putrefaction and controlling the paneling of plant residue-C between CO2 respiration losses or storage in semi-permanent soil-C pools. Microbial population groups and utility can be manipulated or distorted in the course of disturbance and C inputs to either support or edge the retention of C. Fungi play a significant role in decomposition and appear to produce organic matter that is more recalcitrant and favor long-term C storage and thus are key functional group to focus on in developing C sequestration systems. Plant residue chemistry can influence microbial communities and C loss or flow into soil C pools. Therefore, as research takings to maximize C sequestration for agricultural and forest ecosystems - moreover plant biomass production, similar studies should be conducted on microbial communities that considers the environmental situations


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Nanoparticles of manganese ferrite were prepared by the chemical co-precipitation technique. The dielectric parameters, namely, real and imaginary dielectric permittivity (ε and ε ), ac conductivity (σac) and dielectric loss tangent (tan δ), were measured in the frequency range of 100 kHz–8MHz at different temperatures. The variations of dielectric dispersion (ε ) and dielectric absorption (ε ) with frequency and temperature were also investigated. The variation of dielectric permittivity with frequency and temperature followed the Maxwell–Wagner model based on interfacial polarization in consonance with Koops phenomenological theory. The dielectric loss tangent and hence ε exhibited a relaxation at certain frequencies and at relatively higher temperatures. The dispersion of dielectric permittivity and broadening of the dielectric absorption suggest the possibility of a distribution of relaxation time and the existence of multiple equilibrium states in manganese ferrite. The activation energy estimated from the dielectric relaxation is found to be high and is characteristic of polaron conduction in the nanosized manganese ferrite. The ac conductivity followed a power law dependence σac = Bωn typical of charge transport assisted by a hopping or tunnelling process. The observed minimum in the temperature dependence of the frequency exponent n strongly suggests that tunnelling of the large polarons is the dominant transport process


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In this venture three distinct class of catalysts such as, pillared clays and transition metal loaded pillared clays , porous clay heterostructures and their transition metal loaded analogues and DTP supported on porous clay heterostructures etc. were prepared and characterized by various physico chemical methods. The catalytic activities of prepared catalysts were comparatively evaluated for the industrially important alkylation, acetalization and oxidation reactions.The general conclusions drawn from the present investigation are  Zirconium, iron - aluminium pillared clays were synthesized by ion exchange method and zirconium-silicon porous heterostructures were Summary and conclusions 259 prepared by intergallery template method. Transition metals were loaded in PILCs and PCHs by wet impregnation method.  Textural and acidic properties of the clays were modified by pillaring and post pillaring modifications.  The shift in 2θ value to lower range and increase in d (001) spacing indicate the success of pillaring process.  Surface area, pore volume, average pore size etc. increased dramatically as a result of pillaring process.  Porous clay heterostructures have higher surface area, pore volume, average pore diameter and narrow pore size distribution than that of pillared clays.  The IR spectrum of PILCs and PCHs are in accordance with literature without much variation compared to parent montmorillonite which indicate that basic clay structure is retained even after modification.  The silicon NMR of PCHs materials have intense peaks corresponding to Q4 environment which indicate that mesoporous silica is incorporated between clay layers.  Thermo gravimetric analysis showed that thermal stability is improved after the pillaring process. PCH materials have higher thermal stability than PILCs.  In metal loaded pillared clays, up to 5% metal species were uniformly dispersed (with the exception of Ni) as evident from XRD and TPR analysis. Chapter 9 260  Impregnation of transition metals in PILCs and PCHs enhanced acidity of catalysts as evident from TPD of ammonia and cumene cracking reactions.  For porous clay heterostructures the acidic sites have major contribution from weak and medium acid sites which can be related to the Bronsted sites as evident from TPD of ammonia.  Pillared clays got more Lewis acidity than PCHs as inferred from α- methyl styrene selectivity in cumene cracking reaction.  SEM images show that layer structure is preserved even after modification. Worm hole like morphology is observed in TEM image of PCHs materials  In ZrSiPCHS, Zr exists as Zr 4+ and is incorporated to silica pillars in the intergallary of clay layers as evident from XPS analysis.  In copper loaded zirconium pillared clays, copper exists as isolated species with +2 oxidation state at lower loading. At higher loading, Cu exists as clusters as evident from reduction peak at higher temperatures in TPR.  In vanadium incorporated PILCs and PCHs, vanadium exist as isolated V5+ in tetrahedral coordination which is confirmed from TPR and UVVis DRS analysis.  In cobalt loaded PCHs, cobalt exists as CoO with 2+ oxidation state as confirmed from XPS.  Cerium incorporated iron aluminium pillared clay was found to be the best catalyst for the hydroxylation of phenol in aqueous media due to the additional surface area provided by ceria mesopores and its redox properties. Summary and conclusions 261  Cobalt loaded zirconium porous clay heterostructures were found to be promising catalyst for the tertiary butylation of phenol due to higher surface area and acidic properties.  Copper loaded pillared clays were found to be good catalyst for the direct hydroxylation of benzene to phenol.  Vanadium loaded PCHs catalysts were found to be efficient catalysts for oxidation of benzyl alcohol.  DTP was firmly fixed on the mesoporous channels of PCHs by Direct method and functionalization method.  DTP supported PCHs catalyst were found to be good catalyst for acetalization of cyclohexanone with more than 90% conversion.


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The impacts of climate change on nitrogen (N) in a lowland chalk stream are investigated using a dynamic modelling approach. The INCA-N model is used to simulate transient daily hydrology and water quality in the River Kennet using temperature and precipitation scenarios downscaled from the General Circulation Model (GCM) output for the period 1961-2100. The three GCMs (CGCM2, CSIRO and HadCM3) yield very different river flow regimes with the latter projecting significant periods of drought in the second half of the 21st century. Stream-water N concentrations increase over time as higher temperatures enhance N release from the soil, and lower river flows reduce the dilution capacity of the river. Particular problems are shown to occur following severe droughts when N mineralization is high and the subsequent breaking of the drought releases high nitrate loads into the river system. Possible strategies for reducing climate-driven N loads are explored using INCA-N. The measures include land use change or fertiliser reduction, reduction in atmospheric nitrate and ammonium deposition, and the introduction of water meadows or connected wetlands adjacent to the river. The most effective strategy is to change land use or reduce fertiliser use, followed by water meadow creation, and atmospheric pollution controls. Finally, a combined approach involving all three strategies is investigated and shown to reduce in-stream nitrate concentrations to those pre-1950s even under climate change. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Information is provided on phosphorus in the River Kennet and the adjacent Kennet and Avon Canal in southern England to assess their interactions and the changes following phosphorus reductions in sewage treatment work (STW) effluent inputs. A step reduction in soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration within the effluent (5 to 13 fold) was observed from several STWs discharging to the river in the mid-2000s. This translated to over halving of SRP concentrations within the lower Kennet. Lower Kennet SRP concentrations change from being highest under base-flow to highest under storm-flow conditions. This represented a major shift from direct effluent inputs to a within-catchment source dominated system characteristic of the upper part to the catchment. Average SRP concentrations in the lower Kennet reduced over time towards the target for good water quality. Critically, there was no corresponding reduction in chlorophyll-a concentration, the waters remaining eutrophic when set against standards for lakes. Following the up gradient input of the main water and SRP source (Wilton Water), SRP concentrations in the canal reduced down gradient to below detection limits at times near its junction with the Kennet downstream. However, chlorophyll concentrations in the canal were in an order of magnitude higher than in the river. This probably resulted from long water residence times and higher temperatures promoting progressive algal and suspended sediment generations that consumed SRP. The canal acted as a point source for sediment, algae and total phosphorus to the river especially during the summer months when boat traffic disturbed the canal's bottom sediments and the locks were being regularly opened. The short-term dynamics of this transfer was complex. For the canal and the supply source at Wilton Water, conditions remained hypertrophic when set against standards for lakes even when SRP concentrations were extremely low.


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The myxozoan, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, exploits freshwater bryozoans as definitive hosts, occurring as cryptic stages in bryozoan colonies during covert infections and as spore-forming sacs during overt infections. Spores released from sacs are infective to salmonid fish, causing the devastating Proliferative Kidney Disease (PKD). We undertook laboratory studies using mesocosm systems running at 10, 14 and 20 degrees C to determine how infection by T bryosalmonae and water temperature influence fitness of one of its most important bryozoan hosts, Fredericella sultana, over a period of 4 weeks. The effects of infection were context-dependent and often undetectable. Covert infections appear to pose very low energetic costs. Thus, we found that growth of covertly infected F. sultana colonies was similar to that of uninfected colonies regardless of temperature, as was the propensity to produce dormant resting stages (statoblasts). Production of statoblasts, however, was associated with decreased growth. Overt infections imposed greater effects on correlates of host fitness by: (i) reducing growth rates at the two higher temperatures: (ii) increasing mortality rates at the highest temperature: (iii) inhibiting statoblast production. Our results indicate that parasitism should have a relatively small effect on host fitness in the field as the negative effects of infection were mainly expressed in environmentally extreme conditions (20 degrees C for 4 weeks). The generally low virulence of T. bryosalmonae is similar to that recently demonstrated for another myxozoan endoparasite of freshwater bryozoans. The unique opportunity for extensive vertical transmission in these colonial invertebrate hosts couples the reproductive interests of host and parasite and may well give rise to the low virulence that characterises these systems. Our study implies that climate change can be expected to exacerbate PKD outbreaks and increase the geographic range of PKD as a result of the combined responses of T. bryosalmonae and its bryozoan hosts to higher temperatures. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effects of temperature and light integral on fruit growth and development of five cacao genotypes (Amelonado, AMAZ 15/15, SCA 6, SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) were studied in semi-controlled environment glasshouses in which the thermal regimes of cacao-growing regions of Brazil, Ghana and Malaysia were simulated. Fruit losses because of physiological will (cherelle will) were greater at higher temperatures and also differed significantly between genotypes, reflecting genetic differences in competition for assimilates between vegetative and reproductive components. Short-term measurements of fruit growth indicated faster growth rates at higher temperatures. In addition, a significant negative linear relationship between temperature and development time was observed. There was an effect of genotype on this relationship, such that time to fruit maturation at a given temperature was greatest for the clone UF 676 and least for AMAZ 15/15. Analysis of base temperatures, derived from these relationships indicated genetic variability in sensitivity of cacao fruit growth to temperature (base temperatures ranged from 7.5 degrees C for Amelonado and AMAZ 15/15 to 12.9 for SPEC 54/1). Final fruit size was a positive function of beam number for all genotypes and a positive function of light integral for Amelonado in the Malaysia simulated environment (where the temperature was almost constant). In simulated environments where temperature was the main variable (Brazil and Ghana) increases in temperature resulted in a significant decrease in final pod size for one genotype (Amelonado) in Brazil and for two genotypes (SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) in Ghana. It was hypothesised that pod growth duration (mediated by temperature), assimilation and beam number are all determinants of final pod size but that under specific conditions one of these factors may override the others. There was variability between genotypes in the response of beam size and beam lipid content to temperature. Negative relationships between temperature and bean size were found for Amelonado and UF 676. Lipid concentration was a curvilinear function of temperature for Amelonado and UF 676, with optimal temperatures of 23 degrees C and 24 degrees C, respectively. The variability observed here of different cacao genotypes to temperature highlights the need and opportunities for appropriate matching of planting material with local environments.