Amongst the potential neurotoxins implicated in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy, manganese emerges as a new candidate. In patients with chronic liver diseases, manganese accumulates in blood and brain leading to pallidal signal hyperintensity on T1-weighted Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging. Direct measurements in globus pallidus obtained at autopsy from cirrhotic patients who died in hepatic coma reveal 2 to 7-fold increases of manganese concentration. The intensity of pallidal MR images correlates with blood manganese and with the presence of extrapyramidal symptoms occurring in a majority of cirrhotic patients. Liver transplantation results in normalization of pallidal MR signals and disappearance of extrapyramidal symptoms whereas transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting induces an increase in pallidal hyperintensity with a concomitant deterioration of neurological dysfunction. These findings suggest that the toxic effects of manganese contribute to extrapyramidal symptoms in patients with chronic liver disease. The mechanisms of manganese neurotoxicity are still speculative, but there is evidence to suggest that manganese deposition in the pallidum may lead to dopaminergic dysfunction. Future studies should be aimed at evaluating the effects of manganese chelation and/or of treatment of the dopaminergic deficit on neurological symptomatology in these patients.
L'hypertension artérielle est l'une des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans le monde. La compréhension des mécanismes qui sont à la base du développement de l'hypertension offrira de nouvelles perspectives pour un meilleur contrôle de l'hypertension. Nous avons précédemment montré que le niveau des protéines Giα-2 et Giα-3 est augmenté chez les rats spontanément hypertendus (SHR) avant l'apparition de l'hypertension. Le traitement avec les inhibiteurs de l’enzyme de conversion de l’Angiotensine (IEC) est associé à une diminution de l’expression des protéines Gi. De plus, l'injection intrapertoneale de la toxine de la coqueluche inactive les deux protéines Giα et empêche le développement de l'hypertension chez les SHR. Cependant, la contribution spécifique des protéines Giα-2 et Giα-3 dans le développement de l'hypertension n'est pas encore connue. Dans la présente étude, l’Anti-sens oligodésoxynucléotide (AS-ODN) de Giα-2 et Giα-3 (1mg/Kg en poids corporel) encapsulé dans des liposomes cationiques PEG / DOTAP/ DOPE ont été administrés par voie intraveineuse aux SHR pré-hypertendus âgé de trois semaines et aux Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats de même âge. Les contrôles des WKY et SHR non traités ont été injectés avec du PBS stérile, liposomes vides ou oligomères sens. La pression artérielle (PA) a été suivie chaque semaine en utilisant la technique manchon caudal. Les rats ont été sacrifiés à l'âge de six semaines et neuf semaines. Le coeur et l'aorte ont été utilisés pour étudier l'expression des protéines Gi. Le knockdown des protéines Giα-2 par l’injection de Giα-2-AS a empêché le développement de l'hypertension à l'âge de six semaines. Par la suite, la PA a commencé à augmenter rapidement et a atteint le niveau que l'on retrouve dans les groupes témoins à l'âge de neuf semaines. D'autre part, la PA du groupe traité avec le Giα-3-AS a commencé à augmenter à l'âge de quatre semaines. Dans le groupe des SHR-Giα-3-AS, la PA a augmenté à l’âgé de six semaines, mais moins que celle de SHR-CTL. Le coeur et l'aorte obtenues des SHR Giα-2-AS et Giα-3-AS à partir de l’âgé de six semaines ont eu une diminution significative de l’expression des protéines Giα-2 et Giα-3 respectivement. Dans le groupe des WKY Giα-2-AS et Giα-3-AS l'expression des protéines Giα-2 et Giα-3 respectivement a diminué malgré l'absence de changement dans la PA par rapport aux WKY CTL. À l'âge de neuf semaines, les SHR traités avec du Giα-2-AS et Giα-3-AS avaient la même PA et expression des protéines Gi que le SHR CTL. Ces résultats suggèrent que les deux protéines Giα-2 et Giα-3 sont impliqués dans le développement de l'hypertension chez les SHR, mais le knockdown de Giα-2 et pas de Giα-3 a empêché le développement de l'hypertension.
Although ammonia is considered the main factor involved in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy (HE), it correlates well with the severity of HE in acute liver failure, but not in chronic liver disease. Oxidative stress is another factor believed to play a role in the pathogenesis of this syndrome; it represents an imbalance between the production and neutralization of reactive oxygen species, which leads to cellular dysfunction. In the setting of liver disease, oxidative stress represents a systemic phenomenon induced by several mechanisms: decreased antioxidant synthesis, increased systemic release of oxidant enzymes, generation of reactive oxygen species, and impaired neutrophil function. High ammonia concentrations induce cerebral oxidative stress, thus contributing to severe hepatic encephalopathy, as observed in acute liver failure. In chronic liver disease, significantly lower degrees of hyperammonemia (<500 μM) do not induce cerebral nor systemic oxidative stress. Data from both animal and human studies sustain that there is a synergistic effect between systemic oxidative stress, and ammonia that is implicated in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy.
Introducción: La preeclampsia severa es una de las principales patologías que afectan a las mujeres embarazadas, sus complicaciones tienen un alto impacto en la salud del binomio madre-hijo. Materiales y métodos: Se realizo una serie de casos, durante un periodo de 1 año se revisaron las historias clínicas de las pacientes que ingresaron a la unidad de cuidado intensivo obstétrico de la Clínica Orquídeas, con diagnóstico de preeclampsia severa. Se describieron los datos demográficos y las complicaciones. Se realizó análisis univariado con las variables de interés y se calcularon diferencias significativas por medio del test exacto de Fisher. Resultados: Se registraron 196 pacientes con preeclampsia severa en el periodo de estudio. Las complicaciones mas frecuentes fueron síndrome HELLP (30,6%), insuficiencia renal aguda (16,3%) y edema pulmonar (10,2%); el ingreso de las pacientes con preeclampsia severa a la UCIO en embarazo aumenta el riesgo de sufrir complicaciones. El síndrome de HELLP se presento con mayor frecuencia en pacientes que realizaron 6 o mas controles prenatales (p=0.066). Discusión: Los resultados evidencian una prevalencia de preeclampsia severa mayor que la observada por otros autores, probablemente por ser una UCI exclusivamente obstétrica. Las complicaciones mas frecuentes son concordantes con otros estudios publicados. El mayor riesgo de complicaciones asociadas en pacientes que ingresan embarazadas a la UCIO podría estar en relación a la severidad de la patología. Se requieren estudios analíticos para establecer asociaciones entre cada una de las complicaciones y sus factores condicionantes.
Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo de anteparto, intraparto y fetales asociados a asfixia perinatal en los recién nacidos del servicio de neonatología del Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi de Bogotá, 2010-2011. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles pareado por fecha de nacimiento, con una relación 1:5(51:306). Las asociaciones se evaluaron con la prueba de ji-cuadrado de Mantel y Haenszel o Test de Fisher para datos pareados, con OR e intervalo de confianza del 95%, el análisis multivariado con un modelo de regresión logística condicional. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo con asociación significativa fueron: - Ante parto: Antecedentes patológicos maternos (OR=6.00,IC95%:1.55-23.19,p=0.013), primigestación (OR=1.91,IC95%:1.02-3.56,p=0,090), -Intraparto: Abruptio de placenta (OR=25,00,IC95%:2.92-213.99,p=0.001), hemorragia del tercer trimestre (OR=12.50,IC95%:2.43-64.43,p=0.001), Oligohidramnios(OR=6.25,IC95%:1.68-23.28,p=0.001), taquicardia fetal (OR=7.66,IC95%:1.67-35.04,p=0.011), monitoreo fetal intraparto anormal (OR=10.33,IC95%:4.38-24.34,p=0.001), expulsivo prolongado(OR=13.00,IC95%:4.63-36.46,p=0.001), fiebre materna(p<0.001), corioamnionitis(p<0.001), convulsiones maternas(p<0.001), bradicardia fetal (p=<0.001), -Fetales: Género masculino(OR=1.87,IC95%:1.02-3.44,p=0.026), edad gestacional por BALLARD igual ó <36semanas(OR=4.78(IC95%:2.21-10.35,p=0.001), vía del nacimiento instrumentado(OR=18,80,IC95%:3.69-39.55,p=0.001), líquido amniótico hemorrágico o teñido de meconio(OR= 9.00,IC95%:3.01-26.85,p=0.001), circular de cordón(OR=9.00,IC95%:3.59-22.52,p=0.001), peso al nacer igual ó <2500 gramos (OR=8.88,IC95%:3.73-21.15,p=0.001). Los subrayados y el síndrome hipertensivo asociado al embarazo se encontraron significativos en análisis multivariado. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo para asfixia perinatal fueron: antecedentes patológicos maternos, primigestación, abruptio de placenta, hemorragia del tercer trimestre, oligohidramnios, monitoreo fetal intraparto anormal, taquicardia y bradicardia fetal, expulsivo prolongado, corioamnionitis, fiebre materna, convulsiones maternas, género masculino, edad gestacional por BALLARD igual ó <36 semanas, vía del nacimiento instrumentado, líquido amniótico hemorrágico o teñido de meconio, circular de cordón, peso al nacer igual ó <2500 gramos.
We report a case of a 65 years old female patient, who was admitted to the hospital with non specific neurological symptoms and who had preliminary imagenological findings of an extra-axial tumor mass (a meningioma of the sphenoid’s wing), which was taken to complete surgical removal. Afterwards, she developed progressive neurologic deterioration until her death. The final diagnosis was acute spongiform encephalophaty, and was obtained by cerebral biopsy. Spongiform encephalopathy was described, almost a century ago, as the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, poorly diagnosed in our environment because of its low frequency and uncommon onset, which starts with a mood disorder followed by a phase of dementia and a final fatal outcome. The gold standard for the diagnosis is based on a biopsy or an autopsy of the brain, with immunohistochemical stains for the prionic abnormal protein.
We report a case of a 65 years old female patient, who was admitted to the hospital with non specific neurological symptoms and who had preliminary imagenological findings of an extra-axial tumor mass (a meningioma of the sphenoid’s wing), which was taken to complete surgical removal. Afterwards, she developed progressive neurologic deterioration until her death. The final diagnosis was acute spongiform encephalophaty, and was obtained by cerebral biopsy. Spongiform encephalopathy was described, almost a century ago, as the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, poorly diagnosed in our environment because of its low frequency and uncommon onset, which starts with a mood disorder followed by a phase of dementia and a final fatal outcome. The gold standard for the diagnosis is based on a biopsy or an autopsy of the brain, with immunohistochemical stains for the prionic abnormal protein.
Brain Tumor, Mood Disorder and EncephalopathyWe report a case of a patient was 65 years old, who was admitted with neurologic symptoms ill-defined by imaging findings that initial meningioma wing of the sphenoid, tumor resection, is performed. She presented torpid evolution, progressive neurological deterioration, until her death.
In this study the baroreflex sensitivity of conscious, juvenile, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) was compared. The study population consisted of 19 eight-week-old male SHRs. The baroreflex sensitivity was quantified as the derivative of the variation in heart rate (HR) and the variation of mean arterial pressure (baroreflex sensitivity = Delta HR/Delta MAP). MAP was manipulated with sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and phenylephrine (PHE), administered via an inserted cannula in the right femoral vein. The SHRs were divided into four groups: (1) low bradycardic baroreflex (LB) where the baroreflex gain (BG) was between 0 and 1 bpm/mmHg with PHE; (2) high bradycardic baroreflex (HB), where the BG was < -1 bpm/mmHg with PHE; (3) low tachycardic baroreflex (LT) where the BC was between 0 and 3 bpm/mmHg with SNP; (4) high tachycardic baroreflex (HT) where the BG was > 3 bpm/mmHg with SNP. We noted that 36.8% of the rats presented with an increased bradycardic reflex, while 27.8% demonstrated an attenuated tachycardic reflex. No significant alterations were noted regarding the basal MAP and HR. There were significant differences in the baroreflex sensitivity between SHRs in the same laboratory. One should be careful when interpreting studies employing the SHR as a research model.
Heart regeneration after myocardial infarction (MI) can occur after cell therapy, but the mechanisms, cell types and delivery methods responsible for this improvement are still under investigation. In the present study, we evaluated the impact of systemic delivery of bone marrow cells (BMC) and cultivated mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) on cardiac morphology, function and mortality in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) submitted to coronary occlusion. Female syngeneic adult SHR, submitted or not (control group; C) to MI, were treated with intravenous injection of MSC (MI + MSC) or BMC (MI + BM) from male rats and evaluated after 1, 15 and 30 days by echocardiography. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), functional capacity, histology, mortality rate and polymerase chain reaction for the Y chromosome were also analysed. Myocardial infarction induced a decrease in SBP and BMC, but not MSC, prevented this decrease. An improvement in functional capacity and ejection fraction (38 +/- 4, 39 +/- 3 and 58 +/- 2% for MI, MI + MSC and MI + BM, respectively; P < 0.05), as well as a reduction of the left ventricle infarcted area, were observed in rats from the MI + BM group compared with the other three groups. Treated animals had a significantly reduced lesion tissue score. The mortality rate in the C, MI + BM, MI + MSC and MI groups was 0, 0, 16.7 and 44.4%, respectively (P < 0.05 for the MI + MSC and MI groups compared with the C and MI + BM groups). The results of the present study suggest that systemic administration of BMC can improve left ventricular function, functional capacity and, consequently, reduce mortality in an animal model of MI associated with hypertension. We speculate that the cells transiently home to the myocardium, releasing paracrine factors that recruit host cells to repair the lesion.
Hypertension can result from neuronal network imbalance in areas of central nervous system that control blood pressure, such as the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). There are several neurotransmitters and neuromodulatory substances within the NTS, such as adenosine, which acts on purinoreceptors A(2a) (A(2a)R). The A(2a)R modulates neurotransmission in the NTS where its activation may induce decrease in blood pressure by different mechanisms. Nicotine is a molecule that crosses the hematoencephalic barrier and acts in several areas of central nervous system including the NTS, where it may interact with some neurotransmitter systems and contributes to the development of hypertension in subjects with genetic predisposition to this disease. In this study we first determined A(2a)R binding, protein, and mRNA expression in dorsomedial medulla oblongata of neonate normotensive (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Subsequently, we analyzed the modulatory effects of nicotine on A(2a)R in cell culture in order to evaluate its possible involvement in the development of hypertension. Data showed a decreased A(2a)R binding and increased protein and mRNA expression in tissue sample and culture of dorsal brainstem from SHR compared with those from WKY rats at basal conditions. Moreover, nicotine modulated A(2a)R binding, protein, and mRNA expression in cells from both strains. Interestingly, nicotine decreased A(2a)R binding and increased protein levels, as well as, induced a differential modulation in A(2a)R mRNA expression. Results give us a clue about the mechanisms involved in the modulatory effects of nicotine on A(2a)R as well as hypothesize its possible contribution to the development of hypertension. In conclusion, we demonstrated that A(2a)R of SHR cells which differ from WKY and nicotine differentially modulates A(2a)R in dorsal brainstem cells of SHR and WKY.
This study shows the distribution and density of adenosine A1 receptor (A(1)R) within the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) of Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) from birth to adulthood (1, 15, 30 and 90 days old). The NTS shows heterogeneous distribution of A(1)R in dorsomedial/dorsolateral, subpostremal and medial/intermediate subnuclei. A(1)R decrease from rostral to caudal within dorsomedial/dorsolateral subnucleus in 15-, 30- and 90-day-old WKY and SHR. A(1)R increase from rostral to caudal subpostremal subnucleus in 30- and 90-day-old WKY, and in 15-, 30- and 90-day-old SHR. Furthermore, A(1)Rs are increased in SHR as compared with WKY within dorsomedial/dorsolateral in 30- and 90-day-old and within subpostremal of 15-, 30- and 90-day-old rats. Finally, A(1)Rs increase from 1- to 30-day-old rats. Medial/intermediate did not show any changes in A(1)R from rostral to caudal levels, age or strain. In summary, our result highlights the importance of A1 adenosine system regarding the neural control of blood pressure and the development of hypertension.
In this study, the effects of nicotine on global gene expression of cultured cells from the brainstem of spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were evaluated using whole-genome oligoarrays. We found that nicotine may act differentially on the gene expression profiles of SHR and WKY. The influence of strain was present in 321 genes that were differentially expressed in SHR as compared with WKY brainstem cells independently of the nicotine treatment. A total of 146 genes had their expression altered in both strains after nicotine exposure. Interaction between nicotine treatment and the strain was observed to affect the expression of 229 genes that participate in cellular pathways related to neurotransmitter secretion, intracellular trafficking and cell communication, and are possibly involved in the phenotypic differentiation between SHR and WKY rats, including hypertension. Further characterization of their function in hypertension development is warranted. The Pharmacogenomics Journal (2010) 10, 134-160; doi:10.1038/tpj.2009.42; published online 15 September 2009