797 resultados para Financial Performance
Esta monografía es el análisis financiero actual de la ebanistería JAR. Se propuso desde el principio conocer la situación real financiera de la ebanistería para dar una orientación a los dueños de la compañía, sobre que decisiones puedan tomar para mejorar los resultados de la empresa. Para llevar a cabo el análisis y el diagnóstico financiero de la ebanistería, se tomó como base los balances y estados financieros de los años 2011 hasta el 2014. Adicionalmente se recopilo información financiera de empresas del sector para compararlos con los resultados de la ebanistería JAR. En base a la información recopilada, se sacaron los indicadores de endeudamiento, liquidez, rentabilidad e inductores de valor. Toda esta información es analizó y cotejó para obtener las conclusiones y recomendaciones esperadas. La ebanistería JAR no se encuentra en una difícil situación financiera como los dueños de la ebanistería lo habían planteado en un comienzo. Más bien sus directivos están comparando épocas muy distintas de la historia de la ebanistería y de la historia económica de Colombia que los hace pensar que las cosas no están bien. Cuando se hace el análisis comparativo de los indicadores de rentabilidad de la ebanistería JAR contra las ebanisterías del sector, se encuentra que los indicadores de rentabilidad ROA y RONA, son incluso levemente superiores a los del sector para el año 2014.
Corporate responsibility is a question that many stakeholders are interested in. These stakeholders can be e.g. company’s employees, partners, clients, media or investors. Especially for listed companies, investors are one of the most important stakeholders. It is essential for a company to maintain the trust of current investors and gain the trust of potential investors. Investors cannot be divided only into two groups, individual and institutional investors. Investors differ a lot, especially when it comes to investment decisions. Investors can make their investment decisions based on many things, and strong financial performance is not necessarily good enough a reason. Socially responsible investors value responsibility and sustainability related factors when making investment decisions. These things can be divided into three dimensions: environmental, social and economic responsibility. Many companies disclose a sustainability report in order to be able to answer to the needs of different stakeholders, including investors. The purpose of this thesis was to study how companies integrate corporate responsibility into investor relations, and how sustainability report can be used in investor relations. Furthermore, this thesis examined the key elements of sustainability reports. The research was made by a qualitative study in two phases. In the first phase five representatives of two Finnish listed companies, KONE and Kesko were interviewed. The interviewees are professionals within investor relations and corporate responsibility communications. In the second phase of the study the sustainability reports of these two companies were analyzed with content analysis. The existing theory and the interviews created the base for the content analysis. This study suggests that there is a connection between corporate responsibility and investor relations, and those should be integrated. Socially responsible investors are an important target group for companies, and companies should be able to respond to their and other stakeholders’ needs. Sustainability report can be used as a tool both within the company and in external communication for these purposes.
This thesis reviews the development of CSR reporting in the Finnish banking sector. This was achieved by analyzing the content of specific CSR reports published by three banks during years 2012-2014. The banks selected represent the three largest banks operating in Finland according to their market share, constituting approximately 70 percent of the total perceived market share. The purpose of the analysis is to establish a clear descriptive overview of the status of CSR reporting and how it has thematically developed over the years. The research was conducted with the qualitative content analysis method. By analyzing the contents of the CSR reports it was found that CSR reporting is understood in 3 different themes that reflect the general CSR theory: economic, social and environmental responsibility. The following research focused on analyzing these three core themes separately during years 2012-2014 in order to find specific tendencies in the development of CSR reporting. The results confirm that CSR reporting is developing in the Finnish banking sector. Reporting about economic responsibility is based on core financial performance reporting, and it’s mainly developing in the assessment of the global recession and how the potential fiscal reforms affect to the bank sector’s performance. Economic responsibility is also being understood and reported as a wider concept, including intertwined and shared meanings with the other responsibility reporting themes. The research also suggests that banks value social responsibility reporting increasingly each year. Environmental responsibility reporting is the most standardized form of reporting, however, the reporting development includes the increased use of digitalization as source of lessening the environmental impact.
Beef businesses in northern Australia are facing increased pressure to be productive and profitable with challenges such as climate variability and poor financial performance over the past decade. Declining terms of trade, limited recent gains in on-farm productivity, low profit margins under current management systems and current climatic conditions will leave little capacity for businesses to absorb climate change-induced losses. In order to generate a whole-of-business focus towards management change, the Climate Clever Beef project in the Maranoa-Balonne region of Queensland trialled the use of business analysis with beef producers to improve financial literacy, provide a greater understanding of current business performance and initiate changes to current management practices. Demonstration properties were engaged and a systematic approach was used to assess current business performance, evaluate impacts of management changes on the business and to trial practices and promote successful outcomes to the wider industry. Focus was concentrated on improving financial literacy skills, understanding the business’ key performance indicators and modifying practices to improve both business productivity and profitability. To best achieve the desired outcomes, several extension models were employed: the ‘group facilitation/empowerment model’, the ‘individual consultant/mentor model’ and the ‘technology development model’. Providing producers with a whole-of-business approach and using business analysis in conjunction with on-farm trials and various extension methods proved to be a successful way to encourage producers in the region to adopt new practices into their business, in the areas of greatest impact. The areas targeted for development within businesses generally led to improvements in animal performance and grazing land management further improving the prospects for climate resilience.
Os efeitos despoletados com a crise financeira de 2008 marcaram uma mudança radical de pensamentos e políticas entre as várias economias mundiais. Esta crise ficou marcada pelo enorme esforço que as economias tiveram que suportar, obrigando todos mercados a moldarem-se em função das contingências implementadas. Após análise e leitura de diversa literatura é consensual a referência ao início da crise financeira nos Estados Unidos da América (EUA) com o chamado subprime, percebendo-se também que muito rapidamente atingiria a Europa e todo o mundo. Desta forma, a Europa e inevitavelmente Portugal, acabaria por ser atingido e sofrer diversas consequências resultantes desta crise financeira. Na verdade, fruto da enorme turbulência dos mercados mundiais e da globalização, Portugal (incapaz de por si só sair da crise em que se viu envolvido) vê-se na necessidade de recorrer a ajuda externa por parte da Troika. Neste sentido, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo relatar resumidamente o início da crise financeira mundial, analisando o impacto das políticas de combate à crise implementadas em Portugal, no desempenho económico-financeiro das empresas portuguesas. Este estudo recaiu sobre a análise e perceção de comportamento de alguns indicadores económico financeiros entre os anos de 2010 a 2014, período durante o qual a Troika esteve presente em Portugal, implementando uma serie de reformas e políticas de combate à crise. Assim, debruçamo-nos sobre quatro setores de atividade (Construção Civil, Restauração, Hotelaria e Indústria do Calçado), observando os dados financeiros extraídos da base de dados SABI (Sistema de análise de Balanços Ibéricos) sobre empresas inseridas nos respetivos setores de atividade. Com base nos resultados do estudo realizado podemos concluir que o desempenho dos indicadores económico financeiros foram mais penalizados nos setores da Construção Civil e da Hotelaria.
This paper aims first to show the effect of the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) on SMEs financial performance, and second, to propose a contingency model which explores the moderating effects of environmental hostility of the relationship EO –financial performance -- To examine the research hypotheses, a sample of 121 manufacturing SMEs located in Catalonia, Spain has been used -- The results confirm a positive EO-financial performance relation, and suggest that a more positive relation exists when there is an adjustment between the EO and the environment -- Finally, the academic and entrepreneurial implications related to the EO and the SMEs environment are presented and discussed
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyze what transaction costs are acceptable for customers in different investments. In this study, two life insurance contracts, a mutual fund and a risk-free investment, as alternative investment forms are considered. The first two products under scrutiny are a life insurance investment with a point-to-point capital guarantee and a participating contract with an annual interest rate guarantee and participation in the insurer's surplus. The policyholder assesses the various investment opportunities using different utility measures. For selected types of risk profiles, the utility position and the investor's preference for the various investments are assessed. Based on this analysis, the authors study which cost levels can make all of the products equally rewarding for the investor. Design/methodology/approach - The paper notes the risk-neutral valuation calibration using empirical data utility and performance measurement dynamics underlying: geometric Brownian motion numerical examples via Monte Carlo simulation. Findings - In the first step, the financial performance of the various saving opportunities under different assumptions of the investor's utility measurement is studied. In the second step, the authors calculate the level of transaction costs that are allowed in the various products to make all of the investment opportunities equally rewarding from the investor's point of view. A comparison of these results with transaction costs that are common in the market shows that insurance companies must be careful with respect to the level of transaction costs that they pass on to their customers to provide attractive payoff distributions. Originality/value - To the best of the authors' knowledge, their research question - i.e. which transaction costs for life insurance products would be acceptable from the customer's point of view - has not been studied in the above described context so far.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.
A substantial amount of work in the field of strategic management has attempted to explain the antecedents and outcomes of organizational learning. Though multinational corporations simultaneously engage in various types of tasks, activities, and strategies on a regular basis, the transfer of organizational learning in a multi-task context has largely remained under-explored in the literature. To inform our understanding in this area, this dissertation aimed at synthesizing findings from two parallel research streams of corporate development activities: strategic alliances and acquisitions. Structured in the form of two empirical studies, this dissertation examines: 1) the strategic outcomes of alliance experience of previously allying partners in terms of subsequent acquisition attempts, and 2) the performance implications of prior alliance experience for acquisitions. The first study draws on the relational view of inter-organizational governance to explain how various deal-specific and dyadic characteristics of a partnership relate to partnering firms’ post-alliance acquisition attempts. This model theorizes on a variety of relational mechanisms to build a cohesive theory of inter-organizational exchanges in a multi-task setting where strategic alliances ultimately lead to a firm’s decision to commit further resources. The second study applies organizational learning theory, and specifically examines whether frequency, recency, and relatedness of different dimensions of prior alliances, beyond the dyad-level experience, relate to an acquirer’s superior post-acquisition performance. The hypotheses of the studies are tested using logistic and ordinary least square regressions, respectively. Results analyzed from a sample of cross-border alliance and acquisition deals attempted (for study I) and/or completed (for study II) during the period of 1991 to 2011 generally support the theory that relational exchange determines acquiring firms’ post alliance acquisition behavior and that organizational routines and learning from prior alliances influence a future acquirer’s financial performance. Overall, the empirical findings support our overarching theory of interdependency, and confirm the transfer effect of learning across these alternate, yet related corporate strategies of alliance and acquisition.
The role of sales has changed dramatically during the last two decades, with sales becoming increasingly strategic and encroaching on domains that traditionally belong to marketing. Many studies address the role of marketing in new product development (NPD) success, but research on the increasing importance of sales, its changing role and changing dynamics with marketing is scarce. This empirical study of 296 Hungarian firms addresses this gap and shows that the extent to which sales encroaches on marketing's tasks is influenced by interface relations, exchange processes and sales' capabilities. The effect of sales–marketing encroachment on NPD financial success is partially mediated by customer involvement, while its effect on market success is fully mediated by customer involvement. These findings suggest that firms may improve their NPD financial performance by letting sales encroach on marketing tasks, but need to establish customer co-creation initiatives to benefit from sales–marketing encroachment in terms of superior NPD performance compared with competitors.
Despite their generally increasing use, the adoption of mobile shopping applications often differs across purchase contexts. In order to advance our understanding of smartphone-based mobile shopping acceptance, this study integrates and extends existing approaches from technology acceptance literature by examining two previously underexplored aspects. Firstly, the study examines the impact of different mobile and personal benefits (instant connectivity, contextual value and hedonic motivation), customer characteristics (habit) and risk facets (financial, performance, and security risk) as antecedents of mobile shopping acceptance. Secondly, it is assumed that several acceptance drivers differ in relevance subject to the perception of three mobile shopping characteristics (location sensitivity, time criticality, and extent of control), while other drivers are assumed to matter independent of the context. Based on a dataset of 410 smartphone shoppers, empirical results demonstrate that several acceptance predictors are associated with ease of use and usefulness, which in turn affect intentional and behavioral outcomes. Furthermore, the extent to which risks and benefits impact ease of use and usefulness is influenced by the three contextual characteristics. From a managerial perspective, results show which factors to consider in the development of mobile shopping applications and in which different application contexts they matter.
La noción de organización saludable cada vez toma mayor relevancia en el mundo académico y empresarial, pues se ha demostrado que las organizaciones que crean ambientes saludables y adoptan prácticas saludables, afectan positivamente a sus diferentes grupos de interés, incluidos empleados, socios, proveedores, clientes y la sociedad (Grueso y Rey, 2013). Con el fin de contribuir a lo anteriormente mencionado, a continuación se presenta el avance de una investigación de tipo documental y aplicada, mediante la que se pretende comprender la forma como la adopción de prácticas de responsabilidad social contribuye al bienestar de los empleados en dos compañías del sector comercio al detal en Colombia. Para lograr lo anterior, primero se mostrarán los fundamentos teóricos y antecedentes de estudios e investigaciones realizadas sobre Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el bienestar de los empleados. Posteriormente se describe la metodología desarrollada para la recolección de la información y el proceso mediante el que esta fue analizada. En la siguiente sección se describen los hallazgos y por último se plantean las conclusiones del estudio.
IS/IT investments are seen has having an enormous potential impact on the competitive position of the firm, on its performance, and demand an active and motivated participation of several stakeholder groups. The shortfall of evidence concerning the productivity of IT became known as the ‘productivity paradox’. As Robert Solow, the Nobel laureate economist stated “we see computers everywhere except in the productivity statistics”. An important stream of research conducted all over the world has tried to understand these phenomena, called in the literature as «IS business value» field. However, there is a gap in the literature, addressing the Portuguese situation. No empirical work has been done to date in order to understand the impact of Information Technology adoption on the productivity of those firms. Using data from two surveys conducted by the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE), Inquiry to the use of IT by Portuguese companies (IUTIC) and the Inquiry Harmonized to (Portuguese) companies (accounting data), this study relates (using regression analysis) the amounts spent on IT with the financial performance indicator Returns on Equity, as a proxy of firm productivity, of Portuguese companies with more than 250 employees. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the Portuguese situation concerning the impact of IS/IT on the productivity of Portuguese top companies. Empirically, we test the impact of IT expenditure on firm productivity of a sample of Portuguese large companies. Our results, based on firm-level data on Information Technology expenditure and firm productivity as measured by return on equity (1186 observations) for the years of 2003 and 2004, exhibit a negative impact of IT expenditure on firm productivity, in line with “productivity paradox” claimants.
This paper examines the impact of public debt on the economic growth in advanced economies over a period of 1946 to 2009, using an econometric approach. The findings suggested an inverse relationship between public debt and economic growth in advanced economies. These relationships were found to be significant as well. Model results also show that the real GDP growth rate does not decline sharply whether the public debt-to-GDP ratio is lower than 220%. The public debt-to-GDP ratio elasticity of the real growth rate shows that an increase of 1% in public debt/GDP category above 120% decreases the real GDP growth rate in 1.13%. The negative effect of public debt is only stronger on the real GDP growth rate in advanced economies when the public debt-to-GDP ratio is above 220%. Finally, these findings lead us to reassess the austerity agenda, and the governments should devise new strategies for public debt management in advanced economies, taking into account their economic and financial performance.