809 resultados para Exploratory Factor Analysis


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This study’s purpose was to determine if efficient measures could be created to assess multiple problematic behaviors identified in youth who were sexually abused and in treatment. Because of the lack of easily administered brief instruments that assess multiple domains of interest in this population, complementary parent and child assessment measures were developed. The Weekly Problems Scale–Child Version (WPSC) and the Weekly Problems Scale–Parent Version (WPS-P) were created to monitor the weekly progress of the child and family in treatment and focus specifically on common areas of difficulties in this population. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to assist in identifying the number of underlying dimensions in the scales. Results indicate that the WPS-C and WPS-P demonstrate adequate internal consistency, temporal stability, and construct validity. The WPS-C and WPSP display significant promise as research and clinical assessment tools for use with youth who are sexually abused and their nonoffending parents in treatment.


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Little is known about the situational contexts in which individuals consume processed sources of dietary sugars. This study aimed to describe the situational contexts associated with the consumption of sweetened food and drink products in a Catholic Middle Eastern Canadian community. A two-stage exploratory sequential mixed-method design was employed with a rationale of triangulation. In stage 1 (n = 62), items and themes describing the situational contexts of sweetened food and drink product consumption were identified from semi-structured interviews and were used to develop the content for the Situational Context Instrument for Sweetened Product Consumption (SCISPC). Face validity, readability and cultural relevance of the instrument were assessed. In stage 2 (n = 192), a cross-sectional study was conducted and exploratory factor analysis was used to examine the structure of themes that emerged from the qualitative analysis as a means of furthering construct validation. The SCISPC reliability and predictive validity on the daily consumption of sweetened products were also assessed. In stage 1, six themes and 40-items describing the situational contexts of sweetened product consumption emerged from the qualitative analysis and were used to construct the first draft of the SCISPC. In stage 2, factor analysis enabled the clarification and/or expansion of the instrument's initial thematic structure. The revised SCISPC has seven factors and 31 items describing the situational contexts of sweetened product consumption. Initial validation of the instrument indicated it has excellent internal consistency and adequate test-retest reliability. Two factors of the SCISPC had predictive validity for the daily consumption of total sugar from sweetened products (Snacking and Energy demands) while the other factors (Socialization, Indulgence, Constraints, Visual Stimuli and Emotional needs) were rather associated to occasional consumption of these products.


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The aim of this methodological study was to translate, culturally adapt and assess the internal consistency and validity of the Spanish version of the "Spirituality Questionnaire". The sample comprised 204 young people between 18 and 25 years of age from two universities in Bogota. Cronbach's Alpha was used for reliability, while groups of experts and young people were used for construct validity. The reliability score of the total instrument was 0.88. The overall index of content validity corresponded to 0.90. Exploratory factor analysis showed that four factors explain 52.60% of the variance. The originally proposed theoretical model was confirmed and, in two dimensions, a different structure was proposed. In conclusion, the instrument "Spirituality Questionnaire" by Parsian and Dunning is reliable and valid in the Spanish version.


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Purpose - The aim of this study is to investigate whether knowledge management (KM) contributes to the development of strategic orientation and to enhance innovativeness, and whether these three factors contribute to improve business performance. Design/methodology/approach - A sample of 241 Brazilian companies was surveyed, using Web-based questionnaires with 54 questions, using ten-point scales to measure the degree of agreement on each item of each construct. Structural equation modeling techniques were applied for model assessment and analysis of the relationships among constructs. Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and path analysis using the technique of structural equation modeling were applied to the data. Findings - Effective KM contributes positively to strategic orientation. Although there is no significant direct effect of KM on innovativeness, the relationship is significant when mediated by strategic orientation. Similarly effective KM has no direct effect on business performance, but this relationship becomes statistically significant when mediated by strategic orientation and innovativeness. Research limitations/implications - The findings indicate that KM permeates all relationships among the constructs, corroborating the argument that knowledge is an essential organizational resource that leverages all value-creating activities. The results indicate that both KM and innovativeness produce significant impacts on performance when they are aligned with a strategic orientation that enables the organization to anticipate and respond to changing market conditions. Originality/value - There is a substantial body of research on several types of relationships involving KM, strategic orientation, innovativeness and performance. This study offers an original contribution by analyzing all of those constructs simultaneously using established scales so that comparative studies are possible.


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BACKGROUND: Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is described as an obsessive pathological behavior characterized by a strong preoccupation with healthy eating and the avoidance of foods or ingredients considered unhealthy by the subject. Although it is still not officially recognized as an eating disorder, previous studies have discussed its frequency in some groups and a fifteen-question test (ORTO-15) was developed elsewhere to assess ON behavior. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to evaluate ON behavior in a sample of Brazilian dietitians after testing the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of ORTO-15. METHODS: A total of 392 dietitians answered an online version of the test. The answers were analyzed regarding ON tendency, according with the scoring grid proposed by its authors. Exploratory factor analysis was performed and internal consistency was assessed. RESULTS: It was found that three questions of the test presented loadings lower than 0.5. The 12 remaining question formed 3 factors with internal consistency of -0.51, 0.63 and 0.47. The answers of the participants to these questions revealed a tendency to orthorexic behavior, mainly regarding aspects such as: making food choices conditioned by worry about health status, evaluating food rather from nutritional quality than from its taste, believing that consuming healthy food may improve appearance, discrediting the influence of mood on eating behavior and banning food choices considered by them as eating transgressions. CONCLUSION: There is no evidence of the validity and reliability of the ORTO-15 with the initial psychometric evaluation performed. Further analyses are needed. Nevertheless, it was possible to observe a high frequency of orthorexic behavior among the studied Brazilian dietitians. However, additional studies are needed to completely understand dietitians behavior toward ON. (Eat. Weight Disord. 17: e29-c35, 2012). (C) 2012, Editrice Kurtis


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Untersucht werden Prozess-Ergebnis-Zusammenhänge einer kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Gruppentherapie für Diabetes und Depression im Rahmen der DAD-Studie. rnAufgrund des Mangels an geeigneten Erhebungsinstrumenten der validen, ökonomischen und komplementären Sitzungsbewertung von Gruppenpatienten und -therapeuten wurden angelehnt an einen Patienten- (GTS-P) zwei Therapeutenstundenbögen entwickelt: der GTS-T zur Bewertung der Gesamtgruppe und der GTS-TP zur Bewertung einzelner Patienten. Die GTS-Bögen zeigen bei der Überprüfung der Testgüte insgesamt gute Itemparameter und Reliabilitäten. Das in den exploratorischen Faktorenanaylsen des GTS-P identifizierte zweifaktorielle Modell (1. wahrgenommene Zuversicht hinsichtlich der Gruppentherapie, 2. wahrgenommene persönliche Beteiligung) kann in den konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalysen bestätigt werden. Dazu wurden GTS-P-Daten aus einer Untersuchung mit Patienten mit somatoformen Störungen (Schulte, 2001) einbezogen. Den Ergebnissen der Item- und Faktorenanalysen folgend, wurden zwei Items des GTS-P und zwei weitere Items des GTS-T aus den Instrumenten ausgeschlossen. Für den GTS-T zeigt sich eine einfaktorielle, für den GTS-TP eine zum GTS-P parallele zweifaktorielle Struktur. rnIn den Mehrebenenanalysen zur Vorhersage des Therapieergebnisses (Post-Depressionssymptomatik) zeigt sich die Skala Zuversicht des GTS-P zu Therapiebeginn (1.-4. Sitzung) kontrolliert an der Skala Beteiligung und der Prä-Symptomatik, als valider Prädiktor. Das Item 5 „Anregungen“ (Skala Zuversicht) und Item 2 „Aktive Mitwirkung“ (Skala Beteiligung) sind am stärksten an diesem Effekt beteiligt, da diese Itemkombination das Therapieergebnis ebenfalls valide vorhersagen kann. Die Prognose ist schon durch die Werte der ersten Gruppentherapiesitzungen in der Remoralisierungsphase (Howard et al., 1993) möglich und verbessert sich nicht bei Berücksichtigung aller 10 Gruppensitzungen. Die Therapeutenbögen zeigen keine prädiktive Validität. Bedeutsame Zusammenhänge der Patienten- und Therapeutenbewertungen finden sich lediglich für den GTS-P und GTS-TP. Weitere Prädiktoren, wie der Diabetestyp, Diabeteskomplikationen und die Adhärenz, konnten nicht zur Verbesserung der Vorhersage beitragen. Für sekundär überprüfte Kriterien gelang die Prognose lediglich für ein weiteres Maß der Depressionssymptomatik und für eine Gesamtbewertung der Gruppentherapie durch die Patienten zu Therapieende. Bei der deskriptiven Betrachtung der Prozessqualität der DAD-Gruppentherapien zeigen sich positive, über den Verlauf der Gruppe zunehmende und nach Therapiephasen differenzierbare Bewertungsverläufe. rnDie Ergebnisse der Studie sprechen für die Relevanz von unspezifischen Wirkfaktoren für das Therapieergebnis von kognitiv-behavioralen Gruppentherapien. Die von den Gruppenpatienten wahrgenommene Zuversicht und Beteiligung als Zeichen der Ansprechbarkeit auf die Therapie sollte mit Hilfe von Stundenbögen, wie den GTS-Bögen, von Gruppentherapeuten zur Prozessoptimierung und Prävention von Therapieabbrüchen und Misserfolgen beachtet werden. rn


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Background Depressive and anxiety symptoms often co-occur resulting in a debate about common and distinct features of depression and anxiety. Methods An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a bifactor modelling approach were used to separate a general distress continuum from more specific sub-domains of depression and anxiety in an adolescent community sample (n = 1159, age 14). The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire and the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale were used. Results A three-factor confirmatory factor analysis is reported which identified a) mood and social-cognitive symptoms of depression, b) worrying symptoms, and c) somatic and information-processing symptoms as distinct yet closely related constructs. Subsequent bifactor modelling supported a general distress factor which accounted for the communality of the depression and anxiety items. Specific factors for hopelessness-suicidal thoughts and restlessness-fatigue indicated distinct psychopathological constructs which account for unique information over and above the general distress factor. The general distress factor and the hopelessness-suicidal factor were more severe in females but the restlessness-fatigue factor worse in males. Measurement precision of the general distress factor was higher and spanned a wider range of the population than any of the three first-order factors. Conclusions The general distress factor provides the most reliable target for epidemiological analysis but specific factors may help to refine valid phenotype dimensions for aetiological research and assist in prognostic modelling of future psychiatric episodes.


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Objective: Hyperactivity, one of the core symptoms of ADHD, has been mostly neglected in neuropsychological assessment of childhood ADHD. The neuropsychological Quantified behavior Test (QbTest) separately assesses all three core symptoms of ADHD on a behavioral level. Factor structure of the QbTest and its concurrent and discriminant validity are presented. Method: An exploratory factor analysis (n = 828 children) was performed. In a second sample (n = 102 children) a Multi-Trait-Multi-Method (MTMM) approach was used for validity analyses. Results: A three factorial model explained 76 % of the total variance, with the resulting QbTest factors significantly influenced by age and gender. The MTMM approach yielded promising results for discriminant, yet inconsistent findings for concurrent validity between the QbTest and another attention test as well as for Conners' Parent and Teacher Rating Scales. Conclusion: Results indicate that the QbTest may be helpful for the behavioral assessment of childhood ADHD, yet further studies on its psychometric quality and clinical utility are needed. (J. of Att. Dis. 2012; XX(X) 1-XX).


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OBJECTIVES: To develop and evaluate a short form of the 24-item Geriatric Pain Measure (GPM) for use in community-dwelling older adults. DESIGN: Derivation and validation of a 12-item version of the GPM in a European and an independent U.S. sample of community-dwelling older adults. SETTING: Three community-dwelling sites in London, United Kingdom; Hamburg, Germany; Solothurn, Switzerland; and two ambulatory geriatrics clinics in Los Angeles, California. PARTICIPANTS: European sample: 1,059 community-dwelling older persons from three sites (London, UK; Hamburg, Germany; Solothurn, Switzerland); validation sample: 50 persons from Los Angeles, California, ambulatory geriatric clinics. MEASUREMENTS: Multidimensional questionnaire including self-reported demographic and clinical information. RESULTS: Based on item-to-total scale correlations in the European sample, 11 of 24 GPM items were selected for inclusion in the short form. One additional item (pain-related sleep problems) was included based on clinical relevance. In the validation sample, the Cronbach alpha of GPM-12 was 0.92 (individual subscale range 0.77-0.92), and the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between GPM-12 and the original GPM was 0.98. The correlation between the GPM-12 and the McGill Pain Questionnaire was 0.63 (P<.001), similar to the correlation between the original GPM and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (Pearson r=0.63; P<.001). Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the GPM-12 covers three subfactors (pain intensity, pain with ambulation, disengagement because of pain). CONCLUSION: The GPM-12 demonstrated good validity and reliability in these European and U.S. populations of older adults. Despite its brevity, the GPM-12 captures the multidimensional nature of pain in three subscales. The self-administered GPM-12 may be useful in the clinical assessment process and management of pain and in pain-related research in older persons.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to assess the structural and cross-cultural validity of the KIDSCREEN-27 questionnaire. METHODS: The 27-item version of the KIDSCREEN instrument was derived from a longer 52-item version and was administered to young people aged 8-18 years in 13 European countries in a cross-sectional survey. Structural and cross-cultural validity were tested using multitrait multi-item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and Rasch analyses. Zumbo's logistic regression method was applied to assess differential item functioning (DIF) across countries. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. RESULTS: Responses were obtained from n = 22,827 respondents (response rate 68.9%). For the combined sample from all countries, exploratory factor analysis with procrustean rotations revealed a five-factor structure which explained 56.9% of the variance. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated an acceptable model fit (RMSEA = 0.068, CFI = 0.960). The unidimensionality of all dimensions was confirmed (INFIT: 0.81-1.15). Differential item functioning (DIF) results across the 13 countries showed that 5 items presented uniform DIF whereas 10 displayed non-uniform DIF. Reliability was acceptable (Cronbach's alpha = 0.78-0.84 for individual dimensions). CONCLUSIONS: There was substantial evidence for the cross-cultural equivalence of the KIDSCREEN-27 across the countries studied and the factor structure was highly replicable in individual countries. Further research is needed to correct scores based on DIF results. The KIDSCREEN-27 is a new short and promising tool for use in clinical and epidemiological studies.


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This paper presents the German version of the Short Understanding of Substance Abuse Scale (SUSS) [Humphreys et al.: Psychol Addict Behav 1996;10:38-44], the Verstandnis von Storungen durch Substanzkonsum (VSS), and evaluates its psychometric properties. The VSS assesses clinicians' beliefs about the nature and treatment of substance use disorders, particularly their endorsement of psychosocial and disease orientation. The VSS was administered to 160 treatment staff members at 12 substance use disorder treatment programs in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Because the confirmatory factor analysis of the VSS did not completely replicate the factorial structure of the SUSS, an exploratory factor analysis was undertaken. This analysis identified two factors: the Psychosocial model factor and a slightly different Disease model factor. The VSS Disease and Psychosocial subscales showed convergent and discriminant validity, as well as sufficient reliability.


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The Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture (NHSPSC) was specifically developed for nursing homes to assess a facility’s safety climate and it consists of 12 dimensions. After its pilot testing, however, no fur- ther psychometric analyses were performed on the instrument. For this study of safety climate in Swiss nursing home units, the NHSPSC was linguistically adapted to the Swiss context and to address the unit as well as facility level, with the aim of testing aspects of the validity and reliability of the Swiss version before its use in Swiss nursing home units. Psychometric analyses were performed on data from 367 nurs- ing personnel from nine nursing homes in the German-speaking part of Switzerland (response rate = 66%), and content validity (CVI) examined. The statistical influence of unit membership on respondents’ answers, and on their agreement concerning their units’ safety climate, was tested using intraclass corre- lation coefficients (ICCs) and the rWG(J) interrater agreement index. A multilevel exploratory factor analysis (MEFA) with oblimin rotation was applied to examine the questionnaire’s dimensionality. Cronbach’s alpha and Raykov’s rho were calculated to assess factor reliability. The relationship of safety climate dimensions with clinical outcomes was explored. Expert feedback confirmed the relevance of the instru- ment’s items (CVI = 0.93). Personnel showed strong agreement in their perceptions in three dimensions of the questionnaire. ICCs supported a multilevel analysis. MEFA produced nine factors at the within-level (in comparison to 12 in the original version) and two factors at the between-level with satisfactory fit statis- tics. Raykov’s Rho for the single level factors ranged between 0.67 and 0.86. Some safety climate dimen- sions show moderate, but non-significant correlations with the use of bedrails, physical restraint use, and fall-related injuries. The Swiss version of the NHSPSC needs further refinement and testing before its use can be recommended in Swiss nursing homes: its dimensionality needs further clarification, particularly to distinguish items addressing the unit-level safety climate from those at the facility level.


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Ethnic violence appears to be the major source of violence in the world. Ethnic hostilities are potentially all-pervasive because most countries in the world are multi-ethnic. Public health's focus on violence documents its increasing role in this issue.^ The present study is based on a secondary analysis of a dataset of responses by 272 individuals from four ethnic groups (Anglo, African, Mexican, and Vietnamese Americans) who answered questions regarding variables related to ethnic violence from a general questionnaire which was distributed to ethnically diverse purposive, nonprobability, self-selected groups of individuals in Houston, Texas, in 1993.^ One goal was psychometric: learning about issues in analysis of datasets with modest numbers, comparison of two approaches to dealing with missing observations not missing at random (conducting analysis on two datasets), transformation analysis of continuous variables for logistic regression, and logistic regression diagnostics.^ Regarding the psychometric goal, it was concluded that measurement model analysis was not possible with a relatively small dataset with nonnormal variables, such as Likert-scaled variables; therefore, exploratory factor analysis was used. The two approaches to dealing with missing values resulted in comparable findings. Transformation analysis suggested that the continuous variables were in the correct scale, and diagnostics that the model fit was adequate.^ The substantive portion of the analysis included the testing of four hypotheses. Hypothesis One proposed that attitudes/efficacy regarding alternative approaches to resolving grievances from the general questionnaire represented underlying factors: nonpunitive social norms and strategies for addressing grievances--using the political system, organizing protests, using the system to punish offenders, and personal mediation. Evidence was found to support all but one factor, nonpunitive social norms.^ Hypothesis Two proposed that the factor variables and the other independent variables--jail, grievance, male, young, and membership in a particular ethnic group--were associated with (non)violence. Jail, grievance, and not using the political system to address grievances were associated with a greater likelihood of intergroup violence.^ No evidence was found to support Hypotheses Three and Four, which proposed that grievance and ethnic group membership would interact with other variables (i.e., age, gender, etc.) to produce variant levels of subgroup (non)violence.^ The generalizability of the results of this study are constrained by the purposive self-selected nature of the sample and small sample size (n = 272).^ Suggestions for future research include incorporating other possible variables or factors predictive of intergroup violence in models of the kind tested here, and the development and evaluation of interventions that promote electoral and nonelectoral political participation as means of reducing interethnic conflict. ^


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OBJECTIVES Cognitive fluctuation (CF) is a common feature of dementia and a core diagnostic symptom for dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). CF remains difficult to accurately and reliably detect clinically. This study aimed to develop a psychometric test that could be used by clinicians to facilitate the identification of CF and improve the recognition and diagnosis of DLB and Parkinson disease, and to improve differential diagnosis of other dementias. METHODS We compiled a 17-item psychometric test for identifying CF and applied this measure in a cross-sectional design. Participants were recruited from the North East of England, and assessments were made in individuals' homes. We recruited people with four subtypes of dementia and a healthy comparison group, and all subjects were administered this pilot scale together with other standard ratings. The psychometric properties of the scale were examined with exploratory factor analysis. We also examined the ability of individual items to identify CF to discriminate between dementia subtypes. The sensitivity and specificity of discriminating items were explored along with validity and reliability analyses. RESULTS Participants comprised 32 comparison subjects, 30 people with Alzheimer disease, 30 with vascular dementia, 29 with DLB, and 32 with dementia associated with Parkinson disease. Four items significantly discriminated between dementia groups and showed good levels of sensitivity (range: 78.6%-80.3%) and specificity (range: 73.9%-79.3%). The scale had very good levels of test-retest (Cronbach's alpha: 0.82) and interrater (0.81) reliabilities. The four items loaded onto three different factors. These items were: 1) marked differences in functioning during the daytime; 2) daytime somnolence; 3) daytime drowsiness; and 4) altered levels of consciousness during the day. CONCLUSIONS We identified four items that provide valid, sensitive, and specific questions for reliably identifying CF and distinguishing the Lewy body dementias from other major causes of dementia (Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia).


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PURPOSE To prospectively evaluate the psychometric properties of the Venous Insufficiency Epidemiological and Economic Study (VEINES-QOL/Sym) questionnaire, an instrument to measure disease-specific quality of life and symptoms in elderly patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and to validate a German version of the questionnaire. METHODS In a prospective multicenter cohort study of patients aged ≥ 65 years with acute venous thromboembolism, we used standard psychometric tests and criteria to evaluate the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the VEINES-QOL/Sym in patients with acute symptomatic DVT. We also performed an exploratory factor analysis. RESULTS Overall, 352 French- and German-speaking patients were enrolled (response rate of 87 %). Both language versions of the VEINES-QOL/Sym showed good acceptability (missing data, floor and ceiling effects), reliability (internal consistency, item-total and inter-item correlations), validity (convergent, discriminant, known-groups differences), and responsiveness to clinical change over time in elderly patients with DVT. The exploratory factor analysis of the VEINES-QOL/Sym suggested three underlying dimensions: limitations in daily activities, DVT-related symptoms, and psychological impact. CONCLUSIONS The VEINES-QOL/Sym questionnaire is a practical, reliable, valid, and responsive instrument to measure quality of life and symptoms in elderly patients with DVT and can be used with confidence in prospective studies to measure outcomes in such patients.