938 resultados para Electrical drives


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We have constructed a forward modelling code in Matlab, capable of handling several commonly used electrical and electromagnetic methods in a 1D environment. We review the implemented electromagnetic field equations for grounded wires, frequency and transient soundings and present new solutions in the case of a non-magnetic first layer. The CR1Dmod code evaluates the Hankel transforms occurring in the field equations using either the Fast Hankel Transform based on digital filter theory, or a numerical integration scheme applied between the zeros of the Bessel function. A graphical user interface allows easy construction of 1D models and control of the parameters. Modelling results are in agreement with other authors, but the time of computation is less efficient than other available codes. Nevertheless, the CR1Dmod routine handles complex resistivities and offers solutions based on the full EM-equations as well as the quasi-static approximation. Thus, modelling of effects based on changes in the magnetic permeability and the permittivity is also possible.


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The effect of motor training using closed loop controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) on motor performance was studied in 5 spinal cord injured (SCI) volunteers. The subjects trained 2 to 3 times a week during 2 months on a newly developed rehabilitation robot (MotionMaker?). The FES induced muscle force could be adequately adjusted throughout the programmed exercises by the way of a closed loop control of the stimulation currents. The software of the MotionMaker? allowed spasms to be detected accurately and managed in a way to prevent any harm to the SCI persons. Subjects with incomplete SCI reported an increased proprioceptive awareness for motion and were able to achieve a better voluntary activation of their leg muscles during controlled FES. At the end of the training, the voluntary force of the 4 incomplete SCI patients was found increased by 388% on their most affected leg and by 193% on the other leg. Active mobilisation with controlled FES seems to be effective in improving motor function in SCI persons by increasing the sensory input to neuronal circuits involved in motor control as well as by increasing muscle strength.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and risk factors of electrical seizures and other electrical epileptic activity using continuous EEG (cEEG) in patients with acute stroke. METHODS: One hundred consecutive patients with acute stroke admitted to our stroke unit underwent cEEG using 10 electrodes. In addition to electrical seizures, repetitive focal sharp waves (RSHWs), repetitive focal spikes (RSPs), and periodic lateralized epileptic discharges (PLEDs) were recorded. RESULTS: In the 100 patients, cEEG was recorded for a mean duration of 17 hours 34 minutes (range 1 hour 12 minutes to 37 hours 10 minutes). Epileptic activity occurred in 17 patients and consisted of RSHWs in seven, RSPs in seven, and PLEDs in three. Electrical seizures occurred in two patients. On univariate Cox regression analysis, predictors for electrical epileptic activity were stroke severity (high score on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale) (hazard ratio [HR] 1.12; p = 0.002), cortical involvement (HR 5.71; p = 0.021), and thrombolysis (HR 3.27; p = 0.040). Age, sex, stroke type, use of EEG-modifying medication, and cardiovascular risk factors were not predictors of electrical epileptic activity. On multivariate analysis, stroke severity was the only independent predictor (HR 1.09; p = 0.016). CONCLUSION: In patients with acute stroke, electrical epileptic activity occurs more frequently than previously suspected.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut kehittää sähköteknisten laitteiden kunnossapitoa sinkkitehtaalla. Kokonaisuus on laaja ja laitteita paljon. Suuri kunnossapitobudjetti koostuu pienistä palasista. Kehitystyötä on pyritty tekemään käytännönläheisin ja helposti toteutettavin menetelmin, joissa voidaan mahdollisimman paljon hyödyntää sinkkitehtaan oman sähkökunnossapidon resursseja. Tämä kehittää myös henkilöstön laitetuntemusta. Kunnossapito-ohjelma pyritään pitämään riittävän kevyenä ja edullisena toteuttaa. Teoreettisen pohdiskelun ja huoltomenetelmien suunnittelun jälkeen kunnossapidon käytännön toteuttamiseksi on rakennettu tehtaan ATK-järjestelmään työmääräimiä, jotka pohjautuvat työn aikana kirjoitettuihin työohjeisiin. Työn alussa on selvitetty sähköturvallisuusmääräysten asettamia vaatimuksia. Suurella osalla huoltotoimenpiteistä pyritään parantamaan sähköturvallisuutta. Muilta osin työ keskittyy sähkökeskustiloihin ja moottorikäyttöihin, osastokohtaisiin prosessilaitteisiin ja tehtaalla oleviin tärkeisiin, muttaprosessiin varsinaisesti kuulumattomiin laitteisiin. Niiden käsittelyn yhteydessä esitellään myös huollossa käytettäviä menetelmiä, mittauksia ja tarkastuksia.


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Taajuusmuuttajaohjatuissa nosturikäytöissä taakkaa laskettaessa syntyvä energia on muutettava lämmöksi jarruvastuksissa tai syötettävä takaisin sähköverkkoon esimerkiksi verkkovaihtosuuntaajalla. Verkkovaihtosuuntaajaa on tyypillisesti käytetty suurissa satamanostureissa, joiden tehontarve on yli 1000 kW. Työssä tutkitaan useista yhteiseen välipiiriin rinnankytketyistä nimellisteholtaan 250 kW:n verkkovaihtosuuntaajista koostuvan verkkoonjarrutuslaitteiston soveltuvuutta nosturikäyttöön. Lisäksi johdetaan yhtälöt verkkoonjarrutuslaitteiston virran laskemiseksi, kun nosturin mekaaniset arvot tunnetaan. Viidestä erityyppisestä nosturista esitellään esimerkkitoteutus rinnankytketyillä verkkovaihtosuuntaajilla. Aiemmin vastusjarruttavina toteutettujen nostureiden kustannuksia verrataan verkkovaihtosuuntaajilla toteutettuihin ratkaisuihin. Esimerkkinostureista esitetään nosturin työsykliin perustuva arvio verkkoonjarrutuksen tuomasta energian säästöstä. Tehtyjen mittausten perusteella käytetty menetelmä verkkovaihtosuuntaajien rinnan kytkemiseksi osoittautui nosturikäytössä toimivaksi. Kustannuslaskelmien perusteella verkkovaihtosuuntaajalla toteutetusta nosturista tulee materiaalikustannuksiltaan vastusjarruttavaa kalliimpi, vaikka paljon tilaa vievät vastuskaapit voidaankin jättää pois.


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Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is an imaging method which enables a volume conductivity map of a subject to be produced from multiple impedance measurements. It has the potential to become a portable non-invasive imaging technique of particular use in imaging brain function. Accurate numerical forward models may be used to improve image reconstruction but, until now, have employed an assumption of isotropic tissue conductivity. This may be expected to introduce inaccuracy, as body tissues, especially those such as white matter and the skull in head imaging, are highly anisotropic. The purpose of this study was, for the first time, to develop a method for incorporating anisotropy in a forward numerical model for EIT of the head and assess the resulting improvement in image quality in the case of linear reconstruction of one example of the human head. A realistic Finite Element Model (FEM) of an adult human head with segments for the scalp, skull, CSF, and brain was produced from a structural MRI. Anisotropy of the brain was estimated from a diffusion tensor-MRI of the same subject and anisotropy of the skull was approximated from the structural information. A method for incorporation of anisotropy in the forward model and its use in image reconstruction was produced. The improvement in reconstructed image quality was assessed in computer simulation by producing forward data, and then linear reconstruction using a sensitivity matrix approach. The mean boundary data difference between anisotropic and isotropic forward models for a reference conductivity was 50%. Use of the correct anisotropic FEM in image reconstruction, as opposed to an isotropic one, corrected an error of 24 mm in imaging a 10% conductivity decrease located in the hippocampus, improved localisation for conductivity changes deep in the brain and due to epilepsy by 4-17 mm, and, overall, led to a substantial improvement on image quality. This suggests that incorporation of anisotropy in numerical models used for image reconstruction is likely to improve EIT image quality.


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Lappeenrannan teknillisen korkeakoulun sähkötekniikan osasto muutti 1.8.2005 sähkötekniikan tutkinnon kaksiportaiseksi ja vastaamaan näin Bologna-prosessia ja Suomen yliopistolainsäädäntöä. Tutkinnonuudistuksen myötä osasto haluaa varmistaa sähkötekniikan tutkintojen laadun ja vertailtavuuden sekä parantaa opiskelijoidensekä henkilökunnan liikkuvuutta. Tutkintojen laatu ja vertailtavuus osoitetaan sähkötekniikan osaston benchmark-projektilla, jossa kerätään tietoja maisteri- ja tohtorintutkintoa tarjoavista eurooppalaisista yliopistoista. Diplomityö käsittää BM-projektin kolmannen vaiheen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen sisältäen teoriaa benchmark-projekteille tyypillisistä toimintatavoista. Hyväksi havaitut menetelmiä, kuten kyselyt ja matriisit, on tässä työssä otettu soveltuvin osin sähkötekniikan osaston BM-projektin työkaluiksi. Diplomityössä analysoidaan työkalujen avulla BM-kumppaneilta kerättyjä tietoja sekä esitetään ratkaisuja, miten sähkötekniikan osastolla voidaan jatkaa parhaiden toimintatapojen löytämistä.


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PURPOSE: Patients with magnetic resonance (MR)-negative focal epilepsy (MRN-E) have less favorable surgical outcomes (between 40% and 70%) compared to those in whom an MRI lesion guides the site of surgical intervention (60-90%). Patients with extratemporal MRN-E have the worst outcome (around 50% chance of seizure freedom). We studied whether electroencephalography (EEG) source imaging (ESI) of interictal epileptic activity can contribute to the identification of the epileptic focus in patients with normal MRI. METHODS: We carried out ESI in 10 operated patients with nonlesional MRI and a postsurgical follow-up of at least 1 year. Five of the 10 patients had extratemporal lobe epilepsy. Evaluation comprised surface and intracranial EEG monitoring of ictal and interictal events, structural MRI, [(18)F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), ictal and interictal perfusion single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans. Eight of the 10 patients also underwent intracranial monitoring. RESULTS: ESI correctly localized the epileptic focus within the resection margins in 8 of 10 patients, 9 of whom experienced favorable postsurgical outcomes. DISCUSSION: The results highlight the diagnostic value of ESI and encourage broadening its application to patients with MRN-E. If the surface EEG contains fairly localized spikes, ESI contributes to the presurgical decision process.


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Venäjän valtion osuus maailmantaloudesta on pieni verrattuna sen maantieteelliseen kokoon, väkilukuun ja luonnonvaroihin. Sitä pidetään kuitenkin yhtenä tulevaisuuden merkittävistä kasvumarkkinoista. Venäjällä on tyypillisesti teollisuutta, joka hyödyntää luonnonvaroja ja tuottaa raaka-aineita sekä kotimaan että ulkomaiden markkinoille. Tällaisia tyypillisiä teollisuudenaloja Venäjällä ovat kaivos- ja metsäteollisuus sekä kemikaalien- kaasun- ja öljyntuotanto. Myös näiden teollisuusalojen tarvitsemien tuotantolaitteiden ja koneiden valmistusta on Venäjällä. Näitä koneita viedään Venäjältä entisiin neuvostovaltioihin ja päinvastoin. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan sähkömoottorien markkinapotentiaalia ja kilpailutilannetta Venäjällä. Venäjän osalta perehdytään sen kansantalouden tilaan ja tutkitaan sähkökonemarkkinoiden kokoa segmenteittäin monien erilähteiden avulla. Venäjän arvioidaan olevan erittäin potentiaalinen ja kasvava markkina-alue. Diplomityössä selvitetään ostoprosessia Venäjällä ja sähkökonemarkkinoiden ominaisuuksia kyseisellä alueella.


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INTRODUCTION: In this study we investigated differences in the spatial recruitment of motor units (MUs) in the quadriceps when electrical stimulation is applied over the quadriceps belly versus the femoral nerve. METHODS: M-waves and mechanical twitches were evoked using over-the-quadriceps and femoral nerve stimulation of gradually increasing intensity from 22 young, healthy subjects. Spatial recruitment was investigated using recruitment curves of M-waves recorded from the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis (VL) and of twitches recorded from the quadriceps. RESULTS: At maximal stimulation intensity (Imax), no differences were found between nerve and over-the-quadriceps stimulation. At submaximal intensities, VL M-wave amplitude was higher for over-the-quadriceps stimulation at 40% Imax, and peak twitch force was greater for nerve stimulation at 60% and 80% Imax. CONCLUSIONS: For the VM, MU spatial recruitment during nerve and over-the-quadriceps stimulation of increasing intensity occurred in a similar manner, whereas significant differences were observed for the VL. Muscle Nerve, 2013.


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Pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) rectifier technology is increasingly used in industrial applications like variable-speed motor drives, since it offers several desired features such as sinusoidal input currents, controllable power factor, bidirectional power flow and high quality DC output voltage. To achieve these features,however, an effective control system with fast and accurate current and DC voltage responses is required. From various control strategies proposed to meet these control objectives, in most cases the commonly known principle of the synchronous-frame current vector control along with some space-vector PWM scheme have been applied. Recently, however, new control approaches analogous to the well-established direct torque control (DTC) method for electrical machines have also emerged to implement a high-performance PWM rectifier. In this thesis the concepts of classical synchronous-frame current control and DTC-based PWM rectifier control are combined and a new converter-flux-based current control (CFCC) scheme is introduced. To achieve sufficient dynamic performance and to ensure a stable operation, the proposed control system is thoroughly analysed and simple rules for the controller design are suggested. Special attention is paid to the estimationof the converter flux, which is the key element of converter-flux-based control. Discrete-time implementation is also discussed. Line-voltage-sensorless reactive reactive power control methods for the L- and LCL-type line filters are presented. For the L-filter an open-loop control law for the d-axis current referenceis proposed. In the case of the LCL-filter the combined open-loop control and feedback control is proposed. The influence of the erroneous filter parameter estimates on the accuracy of the developed control schemes is also discussed. A newzero vector selection rule for suppressing the zero-sequence current in parallel-connected PWM rectifiers is proposed. With this method a truly standalone and independent control of the converter units is allowed and traditional transformer isolation and synchronised-control-based solutions are avoided. The implementation requires only one additional current sensor. The proposed schemes are evaluated by the simulations and laboratory experiments. A satisfactory performance and good agreement between the theory and practice are demonstrated.


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Design aspects of the Transversally Laminated Anisotropic (TLA) Synchronous Reluctance Motor (SynRM) are studied and the machine performance analysis compared to the Induction Motor (IM) is done. The SynRM rotor structure is designed and manufactured for a30 kW, four-pole, three-phase squirrel cage induction motor stator. Both the IMand SynRM were supplied by a sensorless Direct Torque Controlled (DTC) variablespeed drive. Attention is also paid to the estimation of the power range where the SynRM may compete successfully with a same size induction motor. A technicalloss reduction comparison between the IM and SynRM in variable speed drives is done. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to analyse the number, location and width of flux barriers used in a multiple segment rotor. It is sought for a high saliency ratio and a high torque of the motor. It is given a comparison between different FEM calculations to analyse SynRM performance. The possibility to take into account the effect of iron losses with FEM is studied. Comparison between the calculated and measured values shows that the design methods are reliable. A new application of the IEEE 112 measurement method is developed and used especially for determination of stray load losses in laboratory measurements. The study shows that, with some special measures, the efficiency of the TLA SynRM is equivalent to that of a high efficiency IM. The power factor of the SynRM at rated load is smaller than that of the IM. However, at lower partial load this difference decreases and this, probably, brings that the SynRM gets a better power factor in comparison with the IM. The big rotor inductance ratio of the SynRM allows a good estimating of the rotor position. This appears to be very advantageous for the designing of the rotor position sensor-less motor drive. In using the FEM designed multi-layer transversally laminated rotor with damper windings it is possible to design a directly network driven motor without degrading the motorefficiency or power factor compared to the performance of the IM.


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Belt-drive systems have been and still are the most commonly used power transmission form in various applications of different scale and use. The peculiar features of the dynamics of the belt-drives include highly nonlinear deformation,large rigid body motion, a dynamical contact through a dry friction interface between the belt and pulleys with sticking and slipping zones, cyclic tension of the belt during the operation and creeping of the belt against the pulleys. The life of the belt-drive is critically related on these features, and therefore, amodel which can be used to study the correlations between the initial values and the responses of the belt-drives is a valuable source of information for the development process of the belt-drives. Traditionally, the finite element models of the belt-drives consist of a large number of elements thatmay lead to computational inefficiency. In this research, the beneficial features of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation are utilized in the modeling of the belt-drives in order to fulfill the following requirements for the successful and efficient analysis of the belt-drive systems: the exact modeling of the rigid body inertia during an arbitrary rigid body motion, the consideration of theeffect of the shear deformation, the exact description of the highly nonlinear deformations and a simple and realistic description of the contact. The use of distributed contact forces and high order beam and plate elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation are applied to the modeling of the belt-drives in two- and three-dimensional cases. According to the numerical results, a realistic behavior of the belt-drives can be obtained with a significantly smaller number of elements and degrees of freedom in comparison to the previously published finite element models of belt-drives. The results of theexamples demonstrate the functionality and suitability of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation for the computationally efficient and realistic modeling ofbelt-drives. This study also introduces an approach to avoid the problems related to the use of the continuum mechanics approach in the definition of elastic forces on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. This approach is applied to a new computationally efficient two-dimensional shear deformable beam element based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The proposed beam element uses a linear displacement field neglecting higher-order terms and a reduced number of nodal coordinates, which leads to fewer degrees of freedom in a finite element.


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Electric motors driven by adjustable-frequency converters may produce periodic excitation forces that can cause torque and speed ripple. Interaction with the driven mechanical system may cause undesirable vibrations that affect the system performance and lifetime. Direct drives in sensitive applications, such as elevators or paper machines, emphasize the importance of smooth torque production. This thesis analyses the non-idealities of frequencyconverters that produce speed and torque ripple in electric drives. The origin of low order harmonics in speed and torque is examined. It is shown how different current measurement error types affect the torque. As the application environment, direct torque control (DTC) method is applied to permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM). A simulation model to analyse the effect of the frequency converter non-idealities on the performance of the electric drives is created. Themodel enables to identify potential problems causing torque vibrations and possibly damaging oscillations in electrically driven machine systems. The model is capable of coupling with separate simulation software of complex mechanical loads. Furthermore, the simulation model of the frequency converter's control algorithm can be applied to control a real frequency converter. A commercial frequencyconverter with standard software, a permanent magnet axial flux synchronous motor and a DC motor as the load are used to detect the effect of current measurement errors on load torque. A method to reduce the speed and torque ripple by compensating the current measurement errors is introduced. The method is based on analysing the amplitude of a selected harmonic component of speed as a function oftime and selecting a suitable compensation alternative for the current error. The speed can be either measured or estimated, so the compensation method is applicable also for speed sensorless drives. The proposed compensation method is tested with a laboratory drive, which consists of commercial frequency converter hardware with self-made software and a prototype PMSM. The speed and torque rippleof the test drive are reduced by applying the compensation method. In addition to the direct torque controlled PMSM drives, the compensation method can also beapplied to other motor types and control methods.