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Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs) derived from animal horns are one of the most important types of Chinese medicine. In the present study, a fast and sensitive analytical method was established for qualitative and quantitative determination of 14 nucleosides and nucleobases in animal horns using hydrophilic interaction ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple-quadruple tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-UPLC-QQQ-MS/MS) in selective reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. The method was optimized and validated, and showed good linearity, precision, repeatability, and accuracy. The method was successfully used to determine contents of the 14 nucleosides and nucleobases in 25 animal horn samples. Hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were performed and the 25 samples were thereby divided into two groups, which agreed with taxonomy. The method may enable quick and effective search of substitutes for precious horns.


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Os espumantes produzidos segundo o método Champanhês são obtidos após uma segunda fermentação em garrafa. Quando o vinho é vertido no copo, o CO2 produzido é libertado, sendo a espuma formada o resultado da sua interacção com os constituintes do vinho. A quantidade e a estabilidade da espuma do vinho espumante estão relacionadas com a sua composição química. Para além da espuma, o aroma é também um parâmetro importante de qualidade na apreciação geral de um vinho espumante. O aroma de um vinho espumante provém do contributo das uvas assim como do processo fermentativo. Dependendo do estado de maturação da uva, o contributo dos compostos voláteis para o aroma é diferente. Em virtude da vindima para os vinhos espumantes ser realizada antes da vindima para os vinhos maduros, dependendo da variedade, as uvas poderão não ser colhidas na expressão máxima do seu aroma, podendo verificar-se uma perda significativa do seu potencial varietal volátil. O objectivo desta dissertação é relacionar o aroma e a espuma dos vinhos espumantes com o potencial enológico das uvas e dos vinhos. Para isso, foi estudada a composição volátil das duas castas principais da Bairrada, a casta branca Fernão-Pires (FP) e a casta tinta Baga (BG), sendo estas duas das castas usadas para a produção de espumante. Para estudar a composição volátil das uvas durante a maturação, com vista a avaliar este efeito na expressão máxima de compostos voláteis, foi optimizada para este propósito a metodologia de microextracção em fase sólida em espaço de cabeça (HS-SPME). As uvas foram colhidas semanalmente, em duas vinhas, do pintor à pós-maturidade sendo posteriormente analisadas pela metodologia de HS-SPME seguida de cromatografia de gás acoplada à espectrometria de massa com quadrupolo (GC–qMS). No caso das uvas BG, observou-se um aumento acentuado na expressão máxima de compostos voláteis próximo da maturidade da uva determinada pelo teor em açúcar e acidez titulável, mantendo-se constante durante a pós-maturidade. Na determinação do perfil volátil das uvas ao longo da maturação foram identificados 66 compostos varietais nas uvas provenientes de uma vinha (Pedralvites) e 45 da outra vinha (Colégio). Em ambas as vinhas foram identificados 23 sesquiterpenóides, 13 monoterpenóides, 6 norisoprenóides, 2 álcoois aromáticos e 1 diterpenóide. Os sesquiterpenóides, devido à sua abundância em número e em área cromatográfica, podem ser considerados marcadores da casta BG. As uvas FP apresentaram um comportamento diferente do das uvas BG, sendo a expressão máxima de compostos voláteis expressa durante um curto período de tempo (1 semana), que coincide com a maturidade da uva. Depois de atingido este pico, observa-se uma diminuição drástica logo na semana seguinte. Este comportamento foi observado em ambas as vinhas, onde foram identificados 20 compostos voláteis varietais e 5 pré-fermentativos (álcoois e aldeídos em C6). Estes resultados mostram que quando estas castas são colhidas precocemente (1 semana antes da maturidade) para a produção de espumante, é observada uma redução significativa do potencial volátil que é expresso na maturidade. Para a análise da composição volátil dos vinhos espumantes foi optimizada uma metodologia de microextracção que permite usar uma maior quantidade de fase estacionária, a extracção sorptiva em barra de agitação (SBSE). O método foi optimizado usando 10 padrões de compostos voláteis representativos das principais famílias químicas presentes no vinho, nomeadamente, ésteres, monoterpenóides, sesquiterpenóides, norisoprenóides em C13 e álcoois. O método proposto apresenta uma boa linearidade (r2 > 0,982) e a reprodutibilidade varia entre 8,9 e 17,8%. Os limites de detecção para a maioria dos compostos é bastante baixo, entre 0,05 e 9,09 μg L-1. O método foi aplicado para a análise da composição volátil dos vinhos espumantes. Dentro dos vinhos espumantes analisados, foi estudada a influência da casta, do tipo de solo e do estado de maturação das uvas na sua composição volátil. A casta FP pode dar origem a vinhos com maior potencial de aroma do que a casta BG. Relativamente à avaliação dos diferentes estados de maturação, verificou-se que as uvas da maturidade e as da colheita tardia (uma semana depois da maturidade) deram origem aos vinhos com maior quantidade de compostos voláteis. Para os três tipos de solo estudados (arenoso, argiloso e argilo-calcário), o vinho obtido a partir de uvas colhidas no solo argilo-calcário foi o que mostrou a maior concentração de compostos voláteis varietais. A espuma destes vinhos espumantes foi também avaliada quanto à sua quantidade máxima (HM) e tempo de estabilidade (TS). O vinho espumante que apresentou um maior TS foi o vinho produzido a partir da casta FP proveniente de uma colheita tardia e solo argiloso. Os vinhos provenientes dos solos arenosos e argilo-calcários são os que apresentaram valores mais baixos de TS. Com vista a avaliar quais os conjuntos de moléculas do vinho que estão relacionados com as propriedades da espuma e possíveis sinergismos entre eles, para cada vinho espumante foi separada a fracção hidrofóbica de baixo peso molecular (MeLMW), a fracção de elevado peso molecular (HMW) e duas fracções de peso molecular intermédio (AqIMW e MeIMW). As propriedades da espuma dos vinhos modelo, reconstituídos com estas fracções e suas misturas, foram avaliadas. A combinação da fracção HMW com a MeLMW aumentou o TS 2,7 vezes quando comparado com o observado para a fracção HMW isoladamente, produzindo um efeito sinergético. Este aumento do TS ainda foi maior quando se combinou a fracção HMW com as subfracções obtidas a partir da fracção MeLMW, principalmente para as fracções menos apolares. A subfracção hidrofóbica menos apolar foi caracterizada por espectrometria de massa de ionização por electrospray (ESI-MS/MS) tendo sido identificada uma série de oligómeros de polietileno glicol e um potencial composto tensioactivo, o 8-hidroxi-tridecanoato de dietilenoglicolglicerilacetato. A fracção MeLMW foi também isolada da espuma do vinho espumante e caracterizada por ESI-MS/MS, permitindo identificar vários compostos potenciais tensioactivos, nomeadamente, dois monoacilgliceróis e quatro derivados de ácidos gordos com gliceriletilenoglicol. Estes resultados confirmam que estes compostos relacionados com a estabilidade da espuma existem em maior número na espuma do que no vinho. O vinho foi ainda fraccionado em 12 grupos de moléculas: 3 fracções de manoproteínas, 3 de arabinogalactanas, 3 de misturas de polissacarídeos, proteínas e compostos fenólicos e 3 fracções de peso molecular intermédio e baixo, compostas por uma mistura de hidratos de carbono, peptídeos e compostos fenólicos. Foram usados vinhos modelo reconstituídos com cada uma das fracções isoladas na concentração em que estas se encontraram no vinho. Foram também efectuados ensaios com soluções modelo dez vezes mais concentradas e com misturas de algumas das fracções. Todas as soluções formadas foram avaliadas quanto às propriedades da espuma. O aumento da concentração para dez vezes faz com que a solução contendo a fracção rica em manoproteínas (MP1) aumente para mais do dobro a HM e 7,4 vezes mais o TS. A combinação entre a fracção MP1 e a MeLMW produziu um aumento significativo nos parâmetros de HM e TS. A combinação da fracção HMW (manoproteínas com baixo teor em proteína) com a MeLMW (tensioactivos derivados de ácidos gordos com gliceriletilenoglicol) contém os compostos chave de um vinho espumante para se obter uma maior quantidade e estabilidade da espuma.


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Hydroponic isotope labelling of entire plants (HILEP) is a cost-effective method enabling metabolic labelling of whole and mature plants with a stable isotope such as N-15. By utilising hydroponic media that contain N-15 inorganic salts as the sole nitrogen source, near to 100% N-15-labelling of proteins can be achieved. In this study, it is shown that HILEP, in combination with mass spectrometry, is suitable for relative protein quantitation of seven week-old Arabidopsis plants submitted to oxidative stress. Protein extracts from pooled N-14- and N-15-hydroponically grown plants were fractionated by SDS-PAGE, digested and analysed by liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Proteins were identified and the spectra of N-14/N-15 peptide pairs were extracted using their m/z chromatographic retention time, isotopic distributions, and the m/z difference between the N-14 and N-15 peptides. Relative amounts were calculated as the ratio of the sum of the peak areas of the two distinct N-14 and N-15 peptide isotope envelopes. Using Mascot and the open source trans-proteomic pipeline (TPP), the data processing was automated for global proteome quantitation down to the isoform level by extracting isoform specific peptides. With this combination of metabolic labelling and mass spectrometry it was possible to show differential protein expression in the apoplast of plants submitted to oxidative stress. Moreover, it was possible to discriminate between differentially expressed isoforms belonging to the same protein family, such as isoforms of xylanases and pathogen-related glucanases (PR 2). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Accurately measured peptide masses can be used for large-scale protein identification from bacterial whole-cell digests as an alternative to tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) provided mass measurement errors of a few parts-per-million (ppm) are obtained. Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry (MS) routinely achieves such mass accuracy either with internal calibration or by regulating the charge in the analyzer cell. We have developed a novel and automated method for internal calibration of liquid chromatography (LC)/FTICR data from whole-cell digests using peptides in the sample identified by concurrent MS/MS together with ambient polydimethyl-cyclosiloxanes as internal calibrants in the mass spectra. The method reduced mass measurement error from 4.3 +/- 3.7 ppm to 0.3 +/- 2.3 ppm in an E. coli LC/FTICR dataset of 1000 MS and MS/MS spectra and is applicable to all analyses of complex protein digests by FTICRMS. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Glucosinolates are multi-functional plant secondary metabolites which play a vital role in plant defence and are, as dietary compounds, important to human health and livestock well-being. Knowledge of the tissue-specific regulation of their biosynthesis and accumulation is essential for plant breeding programs. Here, we report that in Arabidopsis thaliana, glucosinolates are accumulated differentially in specific cells of reproductive organs. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry imaging (MSI), distribution patterns of three selected compounds, 4-methylsulfinylbutyl (glucoraphanin), indol-3-ylmethyl (glucobrassicin), and 4-benzoyloxybutyl glucosinolates, were mapped in the tissues of whole flower buds, sepals and siliques. The results show that tissue localization patterns of aliphatic glucosinolate glucoraphanin and 4-benzoyloxybutyl glucosinolate were similar, but indole glucosinolate glucobrassicin had different localisation, indicating a possible difference in function. The high resolution images obtained by a complementary approach, cryo-SEM Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (cryo-SEM-EDX), confirmed increased concentration of sulphur in areas with elevated amounts of glucosinolates, and allowed identifying the cell types implicated in accumulation of glucosinolates. High concentration of sulphur was found in S-cells adjacent to the phloem in pedicels and siliques, indicating the presence of glucosinolates. Moreover, both MALDI MSI and cryo-SEM-EDX analyses indicated accumulation of glucosinolates in cells on the outer surface of the sepals, suggesting that a layer of glucosinolate-accumulating epidermal cells protects the whole of the developing flower, in addition to the S-cells, which protect the phloem. This research demonstrates the high potential of MALDI MSI for understanding the cell-specific compartmentation of plant metabolites and its regulation.


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Knowledge of the differences between the amounts and types of protein that are expressed in diseased compared to healthy subjects may give an understanding of the biological pathways that cause disease. This is the reasoning behind the presented protocol, which uses difference gel electrophoresis to discover up‐ or down‐regulated proteins between mice of different genotypes, or of those fed on different diets, that may thus be prone to develop diabetes‐like phenotypes. Subsequent analysis of these proteins by tandem mass spectrometry typically facilitates their identification with a high degree of confidence.


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In mammalian membranes, cholesterol is concentrated in lipid rafts. The generation of cholesterol hydroperoxides (ChOOHs) and their decomposition products induces various types of cell damage. The decomposition of some organic hydroperoxides into peroxyl radicals is known to be a potential source of singlet molecular oxygen [O(2) ((1)Delta(g))] in biological systems. We report herein on evidence of the generation of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) from ChOOH isomers in solution or in liposomes containing ChOOHs, which involves a cyclic mechanism from a linear tetraoxide intermediate originally proposed by Russell. Characteristic light emission at 1270 nm, corresponding to O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) monomolecular decay, was observed for each ChOOH isomer or in liposomes containing ChOOHs. Moreover, the presence of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) was unequivocally demonstrated using the direct spectral characterization of near-infrared light emission. Using (18)O-labeled cholesterol hydroperoxide (Ch(18)O(18)OH), we observed the formation of (18)O-labeled O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) [(18)O(2) ((1)Delta(g))] by the chemical trapping of (18)O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) with 9,10-diphenylanthracene (DPA) and detected the corresponding (18)O-labeled DPA endoperoxide (DPA(18)O(18)O) and the (18)O-labeled products of the Russell mechanism using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Photoemission properties and chemical trapping clearly demonstrate that the decomposition of Ch(18)O(18)OH generates (18)O(2) ((1)Delta(g)), which is consistent with the Russell mechanism and points to the involvement of O(2) ((1)Delta(g)) in cholesterol hydroperoxide-mediated cytotoxicity.


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This study represents the first phytochemical research of phenolic components of Sercial and Tinta Negra Vitis vinifera L. The phenolic profiles of Sercial and Tinta Negra V. vinifera L. grape skins (white and red varieties, respectively) were established using high performance liquid chromatography–diode array detection–electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC–DAD–ESI-MSn), at different ripening stages (véraison and maturity). A total of 40 phenolic compounds were identified, which included 3 hydroxybenzoic acids, 8 hydroxycinnamic acids, 4 flavanols, 5 flavanones, 8 flavonols, 4 stilbenes, and 8 anthocyanins. For the white variety, in both ripening stages, hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonols were the main phenolic classes, representing about 80% of the phenolic composition. For red variety, at véraison, hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonols were also the predominant classes (71%), but at maturity, anthocyanins represented 84% of the phenolic composition. As far as we know, 10 compounds were reported for the first time in V. vinifera L. grapes, namely protocatechuic acid-glucoside, p-hydroxybenzoyl glucoside, caftaric acid vanilloyl pentoside, p-coumaric acid-erythroside, naringenin hexose derivate, eriodictyol-glucoside, taxifolin-pentoside, quercetin-glucuronide-glucoside, malylated kaempferol-glucoside, and resveratrol dimer. These novel V. vinifera L. grape components were identified based on their MSn fragmentation profile. This data represents valuable information that may be useful to oenological management and to valorise these varieties as sources of bioactive compounds.


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The isolation of polyphenolic compounds from an infusion of the Brazilian plant Davilla elliptica (Dilleniaceae), used as tea by virtue of its digestive properties, is described. An improved preparative HPLC method was used in order to isolate pure polyphenols from the complex mixture. Liquid-liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction were employed to minimise the interference of polymeric compounds and to provide an enriched fraction of the compounds of interest. The identification of the isolated compounds was performed using analytical HPLC as well as direct injection electrospray ionisation ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-IT-MS/MS). The high flavonoid content suggests that D. elliptica may be a promising source of compounds to produce natural phytomedicines. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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[EN]Until recently, sample preparation was carried out using traditional techniques, such as liquid–liquid extraction (LLE), that use large volumes of organic solvents. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) uses much less solvent than LLE, although the volume can still be significant. These preparation methods are expensive, time-consuming and environmentally unfriendly. Recently, a great effort has been made to develop new analytical methodologies able to perform direct analyses using miniaturised equipment, thereby achieving high enrichment factors, minimising solvent consumption and reducing waste. These microextraction techniques improve the performance during sample preparation, particularly in complex water environmental samples, such as wastewaters, surface and ground waters, tap waters, sea and river waters. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) and time-of-flight mass spectrometric (TOF/MS) techniques can be used when analysing a broad range of organic micropollutants. Before separating and detecting these compounds in environmental samples, the target analytes must be extracted and pre-concentrated to make them detectable. In this work, we review the most recent applications of microextraction preparation techniques in different water environmental matrices to determine organic micropollutants: solid-phase microextraction SPME, in-tube solid-phase microextraction (IT-SPME), stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) and liquid-phase microextraction (LPME). Several groups of compounds are considered organic micropollutants because these are being released continuously into the environment. Many of these compounds are considered emerging contaminants. These analytes are generally compounds that are not covered by the existing regulations and are now detected more frequently in different environmental compartments. Pharmaceuticals, surfactants, personal care products and other chemicals are considered micropollutants. These compounds must be monitored because, although they are detected in low concentrations, they might be harmful toward ecosystems.


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Isoprostanes (iPs) are free radical catalyzed prostaglandin isomers. Analysis of individual isomers of PGF2α—F2-iPs—in urine has reflected lipid peroxidation in humans. However, up to 64 F2-iPs may be formed, and it is unknown whether coordinate generation, disposition, and excretion of F2-iPs occurs in humans. To address this issue, we developed methods to measure individual members of the four structural classes of F2-iPs, using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), in which sample preparation is minimized. Authentic standards of F2-iPs of classes III, IV, V, and VI were used to identify class-specific ions for multiple reaction monitoring. Using iPF2α-VI as a model compound, we demonstrated the reproducibility of the assay in human urine. Urinary levels of all F2-iPs measured were elevated in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. However, only three of eight F2-iPs were elevated in patients with congestive heart failure, compared with controls. Paired analyses by GC/MS and LC/MS/MS of iPF2α-VI in hypercholesterolemia and of 8,12-iso-iPF2α-VI in congestive heart failure were highly correlated. This approach will permit high throughput analysis of multiple iPs in human disease.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Proteins can undergo a wide variety of oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTM); while reversible modifications are thought to be relevant in physiological processes, non-reversible oxPTM may contribute to pathological situations and disease. The oxidant is also important in determining the type of oxPTM, such as oxidation, chlorination or nitration. The best characterized oxPTMs involved in signalling modulation are partial oxidations of cysteine to disulfide, glutathionylated or sulfenic acid forms that can be reversed by thiol reductants. Proline hydroxylation in HIF signalling is also quite well characterized, and there is increasing evidence that specific oxidations of methionine and tyrosine may have some biological roles. For some proteins regulated by cysteine oxidation, the residues and molecular mechanism involved have been extensively studied and are well understood, such as the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B and MAP3 kinase ASK1, as well as transcription factor complex Keap1-Nrf2. The advances in understanding of the role oxPTMs in signalling have been facilitated by advances in analytical technology, in particular tandem mass spectrometry techniques. Combinations of peptide sequencing by collisionally induced dissociation and precursor ion scanning or neutral loss to select for specific oxPTMs have proved very useful for identifying oxidatively modified proteins and mapping the sites of oxidation. The development of specific labelling and enrichment procedures for S-nitrosylation or disulfide formation has proved invaluable, and there is ongoing work to establish analogous methods for detection of nitrotyrosine and other modifications.


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Many inflammatory diseases have an oxidative aetiology, which leads to oxidative damage to biomolecules, including proteins. It is now increasingly recognized that oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTMs) of proteins affect cell signalling and behaviour, and can contribute to pathology. Moreover, oxidized proteins have potential as biomarkers for inflammatory diseases. Although many assays for generic protein oxidation and breakdown products of protein oxidation are available, only advanced tandem mass spectrometry approaches have the power to localize specific oxPTMs in identified proteins. While much work has been carried out using untargeted or discovery mass spectrometry approaches, identification of oxPTMs in disease has benefitted from the development of sophisticated targeted or semi-targeted scanning routines, combined with chemical labeling and enrichment approaches. Nevertheless, many potential pitfalls exist which can result in incorrect identifications. This review explains the limitations, advantages and challenges of all of these approaches to detecting oxidatively modified proteins, and provides an update on recent literature in which they have been used to detect and quantify protein oxidation in disease.


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Redox regulation of signalling pathways is critical in proliferation and apoptosis; redox imbalance can lead to pathologies such as inflammation and cancer. Vaccinia H1-related protein (VHR; DUSP3) is a dual-specificity phosphatase important in controlling MAP kinase activity during cell cycle. the active-site motif contains a cysteine that acts as a nucleophile during catalysis. We used VHR to investigate the effect of oxidation in vitro on phosphatase activity, with the aim of determining how the profile of site-specific modification related to catalytic activity. Recombinant human VHR was expressed in E. coli and purified using a GST-tag. Protein was subjected to oxidation with various concentrations of SIN-1 or tetranitromethane (TNM) as nitrating agents, or HOCl. the activity was assayed using either 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphate with fluorescence detection or PIP3 by phosphate release with malachite green. the sites of oxidation were mapped using HPLC coupled to tandem mass spectrometry on an ABSciex 5600TripleTOF following in-gel digestion. More than 25 different concentration-dependent oxidative modifications to the protein were detected, including oxidations of methionine, cysteine, histidine, lysine, proline and tyrosine, and the % oxidized peptide (versus unmodified peptide) was determined from the extracted ion chromatograms. Unsurprisingly, methionine residues were very susceptible to oxidation, but there was a significant different in the extent of their oxidation. Similarly, tyrosine residues varied greatly in their modifications: Y85 and Y138 were readily nitrated, whereas Y38, Y78 and Y101 showed little modification. Y138 must be phosphorylated for MAPK phosphatase activity, so this susceptibility impacts on signalling pathways. Di- and tri- oxidations of cysteine residues were observed, but did not correlate directly with loss of activity. Overall, the catalytic activity did not correlate with redox state of any individual residue, but the total oxidative load correlated with treatment concentration and activity. This study provides the first comprehensive analysis of oxidation modifications of VHR, and demonstrates both heterogenous oxidant effects and differential residue susceptibility in a signalling phosphatase.