928 resultados para Consumer marketing
A marketing koncepciónak kezdetektől fogva a vevőorientáció az egyik kulcsfogalma. Tulajdonképpen annak a szemléletváltásnak köszönheti felemelkedését és más menedzsmentdiszciplínától való elhatárolását is, amellyel a vevői igényeket helyezte a vállalati gondolkodás középpontjába. Későbbiekben azonban a kutatók rájöttek arra, hogy maguk az igények az üzleti gyakorlat során nagymértékben kontrollálhatók, és az eladói oldal azóta is él ezekkel a lehetőségekkel. A kutatás arra volt kíváncsi, hogy a vállalatok manipulációs gyakorlata hogyan csapódik le a fogyasztókban, melyek azok a manipulációs eszközök, amelyeket észlelnek, és azokra milyen válaszreakciókat adnak. Azonosíthatók-e tipikus gondolkodási sémák, magatartási mintázatok, amelyek jól jellemzik egyes vevők viszonyát a vállalati manipulációval. A tanulmány feltáró interjúkra épít, amely segít megérteni a fogyasztókban végbe menő komplex mechanizmusokat. Az eredmények azt sugallják, hogy kétfajta folyamat játszódik le a vevői oldalon Egyrészt a fogyasztók idővel rutinszerű magatartásmintákat vesznek fel, amely során a manipulációs eszközök érvényesülése nem tudatos, és a vállalatoknak kedvező reakciókat vált ki. Másrészt, a fogyasztói társadalom is egyfajta érési folyamaton megy át, aminek hatására megtanulják a vállalatok gondolkodásmódját, és – bár a kognitív korlátok miatt azokat nem tudják teljes mértékben lekövetni – igyekeznek önvédő heurisztikákat beépíteni a követett magatartásukba. A kutatás alapján hipotetikusan öt vevőtípust azonosítottunk, akiket egymástól eltérő reakciók jellemeznek. Customer orientation has been the key concept of marketing since the beginning. As a matter of fact, the emergence of marketing and the conceptual distinction between marketing and the related management disciplines can be attributed to this new approach, which put customer needs in the focus of company attention. Later, researchers revealed that the needs themselves can be controlled to a greater extent and sellers have been taking advantage of it since then. The main focus of the research concentrated on the effects of manipulation practices of companies on consumers, which manipulation tools are recognised and how consumers react to them. Furthermore the research also investigated whether typical cognitive, emotional and behavioural patterns, which reflect the relationship between consumers and the manipulation practices of companies, can be identified. The study relies on explorative interviews, which help understand the complex mechanisms of consumer attitudes. The results indicates that the opposite process occur on the consumer side. On the one hand, consumers tend to follow behavioural routines after a while, which help manipulation tools work in an unconscious way that triggers reactions for the favour of companies. On the other hand, the generations of consumers are getting more and more mature and learning the companies’ mentality and, despite having cognitive limitations to identify all the tricks and deceptive attempts, they try to develop and follow defensive heuristics. Based on the data explored we identified five customer types and we described their diverse reactions to manipulation.
The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the form of the consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction (CS/D) response to disconfirmation. In addition, the cognitive and affective processes underlying the response were also explored. ^ Respondents were provided with information from a prior market research study about a new brand of printer that was being tested. This market research information helped set prior expectations regarding the print quality. Subjects were randomly assigned to an experimental condition that manipulated prior expectations to be either positive or negative. Respondents were then provided with printouts that had performance quality that was either worse (negative disconfirmation) or better (positive disconfirmation) than the prior expectations. In other words, for each level of expectation, respondents were assigned to either positive or negative disconfirmation condition. Subjects were also randomly assigned to a condition of either a high or low level of outcome involvement. ^ Analyses of variance indicated that positive disconfirmation led to a more intense CS/D response than negative disconfirmation, even though there was no significant difference in the intensity for positive and negative disconfirmation. Intensity of CS/D was measured by the distance of the CS/D rating from the midpoint of the scale. The study also found that although outcome involvement did not influence the polarity of the CS/D response, the more direct measures of processing involvement such as the subjects' concentration, attention and care in evaluating the printout did have a significant positive effect on CS/D intensity. ^ Analyses of covariance also indicated that the relationship between the intensity of the CS/D response and the intensity of the disconfirmation was mediated by the intensity of affective responses. Positive disconfirmation led to more intense affective responses than negative disconfirmation. ^
Consumers have relationships with other people, and they have relationships with brands similar to the ones they have with other people. Yet, very little is known about how brand and interpersonal relationships relate to one another. Even less is known about how they jointly affect consumer well-being. The goal of this research, therefore, is to examine how brand and interpersonal relationships influence and are influenced by consumer well-being. Essay 1 uses both empirical methods and surveys from individuals and couples to investigate how consumer preferences in romantic couples, namely brand compatibility, influences life satisfaction. Using traditional statistical techniques and multilevel modeling, I find that the effect of brand compatibility, or the extent to which individuals have similar brand preferences, on life satisfaction depends upon power in the relationship. For high power partners, brand compatibility has no effect on life satisfaction. On the other hand, for low power partners, low brand compatibility is associated with decreased life satisfaction. I find that conflict mediates the link between brand compatibility and power on life satisfaction. In Essay 2 I again use empirical methods and surveys to investigate how resources, which can be considered a form of consumer well-being, influence brand and interpersonal relations. Although social connections have long been considered a fundamental human motivation and deemed necessary for well-being (Baumeister and Leary 1995), recent research has demonstrated that having greater resources is associated with weaker social connections. In the current research I posit that individuals with greater resources still have a need to connect and are using other sources for connection, namely brands. Across several studies I test and find support for my theory that resource level shifts the preference of social connection from people to brands. Specifically, I find that individuals with greater resources have stronger brand relationships, as measured by self-brand connection, brand satisfaction, purchase intentions and willingness to pay with both existing brand relationships and with new brands. This suggests that individuals with greater resources place more emphasis on these relationships. Furthermore, I find that resource level influences the stated importance of brand and interpersonal relationships, and that having or perceiving greater resources is associated with an increased preference to engage with brands over people. This research demonstrates that there are times when people prefer and seek out connections with brands over other people, and highlights the ways in which our brand and interpersonal relationships influence one another.
Understanding consumer behavior is critical for firms' decision making. How consumers make decisions about what they want and buy directly affect the profits of firms. Therefore, it is important to consider consumer behaviors and incorporate them into the model when studying the optimal strategy of firms and competition between firms. In this dissertation, I study rich and interesting consumer behaviors and their impact on firms' strategy in two essays. The first essay considers consumers' shopping cost which leads to their preference for one-stop shopping. I examine how store visit costs and consumer knowledge about a product affect the strategic store choice of consumers and, in turn, the pricing, customer service and advertising decisions of competing retailers. My analysis offers insights on how specialty stores can compete with big-box retailers. In the second essay, I focus on a well-established psychology phenomenon, cognitive dissonance. I incorporate the idea of cognitive dissonance into a model of spatial competition and examine its implications for selling strategy. I provide new insight on the profitability of advance selling and spot selling as well as the pricing of bundle and its components. Collectively, two essays in this dissertation introduce novel ways to model consumer behaviors and help to understand the impact of consumer behaviors on firm profitability and strategy.
Given the importance of gender in consumer research, one might expect feminist perspectives to be at the forefront of critical engagement with consumer behaviour theory. However, in recent years, feminist voices have been barely audible. This paper explores the value of, and insights offered by, feminist theories and feminist activism, and how feminist theory and practice has altered our understanding of gendered consumption. It then argues that postmodern and postfeminist perspectives have diluted feminism's transformative potential, leading to a critical impasse in marketing and consumer research. In conclusion, we suggest that feminist perspectives, notably materialist feminism, might open up fresh new possibilities for critique, and interesting and worthwhile areas for transformative research in consumer behaviour.
O objetivo central deste trabalho foi identificar e analisar o estudo relacionado ao marketing, relacionando propaganda, entretenimento e como as suas campanhas podem influenciar diretamente na opinião das pessoas, tendo como resultado uma crescente influência ao consumismo, apresentando a importância do advertainment para o mercado publicitário. Como referencia teórica descreveu-se o comportamento e a percepção do consumidor e a forma de oferta do produto em questão tendo como fundamentação do tema autores como Kotler (2005), Las Casas (2006), Dias (2006), Cappo (2004) e Longo (2007), entre outros. A pesquisa foi operacionalizada através de uma pesquisa de caráter descritiva. Caracteriza-se por uma pesquisa sistemática da literatura com consulta em livros técnicos, revistas especializadas, periódicos, meios eletrônicos, entrevistas pessoais, junto à mostra de pessoas relacionadas ao processo comportamental de consumidor, marketing, inovação e desenvolvimento do mercado. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados durante o percurso de fundamentação verificou-se a relação entre consumidores e mídias tradicionais, pesquisa e análise dos dados obtidos, possibilitaram definir os métodos mais adequados de pesquisa, que foram obtidos por meio de questionários contribuindo para o alcance dos objetivos propostos para o presente trabalho. Finalmente, foram apresentados os resultados e respondeu-se a pergunta de pesquisa e os fatores de atenção na recepção da mensagem, as mudanças que a propaganda vem sofrendo com o advento das novas tecnologias e o desenvolvimento do marketing. / The main objective was to identify and analyze the study related to the marketing, linking advertisement, entertainment and how your campaigns can directly influence peoples views, resulting in an increasing influence of consumerism, showing the importance of ''advertainment'' for the advertising market. As a reference theory described the behavior and perceptions of consumers and how to offer the product under consideration and reasoning as the song writers such as kotler(2005), Las Casas(2006), Dias(2006), Cappo(2004) and Long (2007), among others. The research was implemented through a descriptive study of character. It's characterized by a systematic search of the literature in consultation with technical books, journals, periodicals, electronic media, personal interviews with the show of people related to the process of consumer behavior, marketing, innovation and market development. The methodological procedures adopted during the course of reasoning there was a relationship between consumers and traditional media, research and analysis of data obtained allowed us to define the most appropriate methds of research, which were obtained through questionnaires contributing to the achievement of the objectives proposed to this work. Finally, the results were presented and responded to the research question and the factors of attention at the reception of the message, the changes that advertising has been suffering with the advent of new technologies and development of marketing.
O marketing comportamental no processo de fidelização do consumidor online - Estudo de caso: FNAC.PT
Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 19 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
In this thesis, we evaluate consumer purchase behaviour from the perspective of heuristic decision making. Heuristic decision processes are quick and easy mental shortcuts, adopted by individuals to reduce the amount of time spent in decision making. In particular, we examine those heuristics which are caused by framing – prospect theory and mental accounting, and examine these within price related decision scenarios. The impact of price framing on consumer behaviour has been studied under the broad umbrella of reference price, which suggests that decision makers use reference points as standards of comparison when making a purchase decision. We investigate four reference points - a retailer's past prices, a competitor's current prices, a competitor's past prices, and consumers' expectation of immediate future price changes, to further our understanding of the impact of price framing on mental accounting, and in turn, contribute to the growing body of reference price literature in Marketing research. We carry out experiments in which levels of price frame and monetary outcomes are manipulated in repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Our results show that where these reference points are clearly specified in decision problems, price framing significantly affects consumers' perceptions of monetary gains derived through discounts, and leads to reversals in consumer preferences. We also found that monetary losses were not sensitive to price frame manipulations.
O estudo realizado aborda a temática "Plano de marketing: uma proposta para o Hospital do Açúcar", com direção norteadora para efetuar uma avaliação diagnóstica das atividades da Fundação Hospital da Agroindústria do Açúcar e do Álcool de Alagoas, visando proporcionar uma radiografia de sua situação e, posteriormente, plano estratégico para o desenvolvimento de um processo de gestão eficiente e eficaz. Justifica-se o presente estudo tendo em vista a importância da unidade hospitalar para o Estado de Alagoas, considerando-se sua infra¬estrutura, seus serviços prestados à comunidade alagoana, bem como possibilitar uma reorientação estratégica que possibilite otimizar suas atividades para um atendimento qualitativo e manutenção de suas atividades de forma eficiente e eficaz. Objetiva efetuar uma análise do complexo organizacional da instituição, radiografando seus pontos fortes e fracos, suas oportunidades e riscos, enfim levantando a realidade de suas atividades possibilitando a estruturação de um plano estratégico de marketing que propicie um melhor posicionamento de mercado ao hospital e que defina objetivos e metas e ser alcançados a partir da identificação de oportunidades ambientais e empresariais compatíveis com seus recursos humanos e materiais, também, levando, em consideração os seus fins a sua finalidade filantrópica, respaldada por lei. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida de natureza exploratória, objetivando proporcionar maiores informações sobre o assunto; e bibliográfica, tendo como objetivo conhecer, recolher, selecionar, analisar e interpretar as contribuições teóricas já existentes sobre o assunto. No primeiro capítulo abordará o marketing e o plano de marketing, seus conceitos e aplicações, a visualização e aplicação do marketing de serviços, a modalidade do marketing para instituições sem fins lucrativos, até chegar na estrutura e elaboração do plano de marketing. No segundo capítulo aborda o contexto do Hospital do Açúcar e Álcool de Alagoas, conceitos e definições acerca da organização hospitalar, uma abordagem histórica acerca da instituição estudada, a sua estrutura organizacional, a infraestrutura, os recursos e a realidade organizacional. No terceiro capítulo é efetuada demonstração da metodologia aplicada, considerando as duas etapas de estudo realizadas. No quarto capítulo foi efetuado uma abordagem analítica acerca do planeamento de marketing da Fundação Hospital do Açúcar, a partir da realidade encontrada, da análise de SWOT, da estratégia de marketing mix, do segmento alvo, posicionamento e tipo de concorrentes, e do plano de ação. As razões pessoas que levaram a realização do presente estudo se deve ao fato da importância da Fundação Hospital do Açúcar para o Estado de Alagoas, bem como para a população carente e consumidora dos serviços hospitalares, tendo em vista representar uma instituição tradicional e historicamente fincada na localidade, merecendo, portanto, maior atenção das autoridades e sociedade em geral. ABSTRACT; The carried through study it approaches the thematic "Marketing plan: a proposal for the Hospital of the Sugar", with norteadora direction to effect a diagnostic evaluation of the activities of the Foundation Sugar and Alcohol Hospital of Alagoas, being aimed to provide an x-ray of its situation and, later, a strategical plan for the development of a process of efficient and efficient management. The present study in view of the importance of the hospital unit for the State of Alagoas is justified, considering itself its infrastructure, its services given to the Algona community, as well as making possible a strategical reorientation that it makes possible to optimize its activities for a qualitative attendance and maintenance of its activities of efficient and efficient form. Aiming to carry out an analysis of this institution complex of the institution, being radiographed its strong and weak points, its chances and risks, at last raising the reality of its activities making possible the structure of a strategical plan in the market that propitiates one better positioning of market for the hospital and that it defines reached objectives and goals and being from the identification of compatible ambient and enterprise chances with its human resources and material, also, taking, in consideration its ends its philanthropic purpose, endorsed by law. Methodologically, the research was developed of exploratory nature, aiming to provide greaters information on the subject; bibliographical collect, to select, to analyze and theoretical contributions. ln the first chapter it will approach the marketing and the plan of marketing, its concepts and applications, the visualization and application of the marketing services, the modality of the marketing for institutions without lucrative ends, until arriving in the structure and elaboration of the marketing plan. ln as the chapter it approaches the context of the Sugar and Alcohol Hospital of Alagoas, concepts and definitions concerning the hospital organization, a historical boarding concerning the studied institution, its organizational structure, the infrastructure, the resources and the organizational reality. ln the third chapter demonstration of the applied methodology is effected, considering the two carried through stages of study. ln the room chapter an analytical boarding concerning the planning of marketing of the Foundation wich effected the Hospital of the Sugar, from the found reality, of the analysis of SWOT, the strategy of marketing mix, the white segment, positioning and type of competitors, and the plan of action. The reasons people who had taken the accomplishment of the present study to the fact of the importance of the Foundation Sugar and Alcohol Hospital of Alagoas, as well as for the devoid population and consumer of the hospital services, in view of representing a traditional institution and historicamente fincada in the locality, deserving, therefore, greater attention of the authorities and society in general.
Nos dias de hoje, os smartphones são cada vez mais vulgares no quotidiano das pessoas e com isto as empresas têm uma grande oportunidade para chegar aos seus consumidores e possíveis consumidores. Mas esta oportunidade, para alguns consumidores, gera um problema: invasão do seu espaço pessoal. O presente estudo tem como objetivo perceber como é que o consumidor valoriza a estratégia do SMS Marketing e qual a sua atitude perante a mesma, ou seja, uma vez que deu permissão para o recebimento deste tipo de SMS’s, interessa perceber se o consumidor dá importância a esta estratégia e como age quando as recebe. A metodologia utilizada é do tipo quantitativa, instrumentada através de questionários online a um tipo de amostragem por conveniência. Para analisar as hipóteses de estudo, foi realizada uma regressão linear múltipla. Os principais resultados indicam que apenas a dimensão Entretenimento (uma das características da publicidade por SMS) exerce influência nas intenções comportamentais dos consumidores. As estatísticas descritivas mostram que a dimensão Irritação é a que tem uma média mais elevada e o Entretenimento a média mais baixa o que indica a opinião dos consumidores em relação a esta estratégia.
This study had three purposes. First, it aimed to re-conceptualize organization-public relationships (OPRs) in public relations and crisis communication. This OPR re-conceptualization helps find out when the OPR buffering effect or the OPR love-becomes-hate effect happens. Second, it aimed to examine how consumer emotions are influenced by OPRs and influence consumer behavioral intentions. Third, it aimed to address the current problematic operationalization of the concept of consumer. Three pilot studies and one main study were conducted. Apple and Whole Foods were the two brands examined. One crisis that undermined the self-defining attributes shared between the brand and its consumers and another crisis that did not were examined for each brand. Almost 500 Apple consumers and 400 Whole Foods consumers provided usable questionnaires. This study had several major findings. First, non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship were different constructs. Moreover, trust, satisfaction, and commitment were not conceptually separate dimensions of OPRs. Second, the non-identifying relationships offered buffering effects by increasing positive attitudes and tempering anger and disappointment. The identifying relationships primarily offered the love-becomes-hate effects by increasing anger and disappointment. Third, if the crisis was relevant to consumers’ daily lives, brand response strategies were less effective at mitigating consumer negative reactions. Moreover, apology-compensation-reminder strategy was more effective compared to no-comment strategy. However, the apology-compensation-reminder strategy was no more effective than other strategies as long as brands compensate to the victims. Identifying relationships increased the effectiveness of response strategies. If the crisis did not undermine the self-defining attributes shared between consumers and brands, the response strategies worked even better. This study contributes to crisis communication research in multiple ways. First, it advances the OPR conceptualization by demonstrating that non-identifying relationship and identifying relationship are different concepts. More importantly, it advances the theory building of OPRs’ influences on crises by finding out when the buffering effect and the love-becomes-hate effect happen. Second, it adds to emotion research by demonstrating that strong OPRs can lead to negative emotions and positive emotions can have negative behavioral consequences on organizations. Third, the precise operationalization of the concept of consumer gives more insights about consumer reactions to crises.
Mestrado em Marketing
Mestrado em Marketing
Dissertação de Mestrado, Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016