936 resultados para Art History, Architecture


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In their 1994 study Taxation and Representation, Deacon and Golding point to the extensive use of press and public relations professionals by governments to promote policy, and to outmanouvre their opponents. With the UK specifically in mind, they warn: 'we cannot ignore the massive expansion of the public relations state.' (p.6). What distinguishes their approach from the more usual preoccupation with the use of 'spin' to 'package' political leaders is a focus on the institutionalisation of public relations within government. In this paper, I explore the utililty of the concept, and consider what the broad features of an Australian 'PR State' might be.


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This project was developed within the ART-WiSe framework of the IPP-HURRAY group (http://www.hurray.isep.ipp.pt), at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (http://www.ipp.pt). The ART-WiSe Architecture for Real-Time communications in Wireless Sensor networks framework (http://www.hurray.isep.ipp.pt/art-wise) aims at providing new communication architectures and mechanisms to improve the timing performance of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The architecture is based on a two-tiered protocol structure, relying on existing standard communication protocols, namely IEEE 802.15.4 (Physical and Data Link Layers) and ZigBee (Network and Application Layers) for Tier 1 and IEEE 802.11 for Tier 2, which serves as a high-speed backbone for Tier 1 without energy consumption restrictions. Within this trend, an application test-bed is being developed with the objectives of implementing, assessing and validating the ART-WiSe architecture. Particularly for the ZigBee protocol case; even though there is a strong commercial lobby from the ZigBee Alliance (http://www.zigbee.org), there is neither an open source available to the community for this moment nor publications on its adequateness for larger-scale WSN applications. This project aims at fulfilling these gaps by providing: a deep analysis of the ZigBee Specification, mainly addressing the Network Layer and particularly its routing mechanisms; an identification of the ambiguities and open issues existent in the ZigBee protocol standard; the proposal of solutions to the previously referred problems; an implementation of a subset of the ZigBee Network Layer, namely the association procedure and the tree routing on our technological platform (MICAz motes, TinyOS operating system and nesC programming language) and an experimental evaluation of that routing mechanism for WSNs.


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The Portuguese monument called Batalhas monastery has occupied an important place in Art History especially the unfinished chapels destined to be the Pantheon of the King D. Duarte. There we observe some interesting gargoyles, moral representations as an approach to the late medieval imaginary in the national context, but also common with the thoughts of King D. Duarte. Gargoyles mirrored the daily life of medieval men and women and displayed the confrontation between the religious and the social spheres by criticizing the behaviour of the sinful body, taking on an important educational role amongst audiences. This article aims to understand the moral sense and sexual behaviour that can observe in these gargoyles and its relation with the book Leal Conselheiro, written by D. Duarte some decades before.


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O presente estudo realiza uma abordagem indita aos escritos de artista ao entend-los como elementos de formao do pensamento terico sobre as artes plsticas no contexto portugus do sculo XX. A perspectiva usada evidencia este tipo de texto como fontes disponveis mas at aqui negligenciadas pelas prticas historiogrficas e analisa, de entre a produo textual elaborada por artistas, aquela que configura (nas suas proposies e nos seus objectivos funcionais) um tipo de conceptualizao paralelo e concomitante com enunciados tericos oriundos de outros agentes do campo artstico (como crticos e historiadores). Diogo de Macedo, Antnio Dacosta, Jos de Almada Negreiros, Jlio Pomar e Nikias Skapinakis so os artistas cuja produo escrita observada; Aaro de Lacerda, Joo Barreira, Reynaldo dos Santos e, sobretudo, Jos-Augusto Frana, so os autores cujas construes historiogrficas so analisadas. Atravs destes protagonistas dos debates estticos e da formao de legibilidade do acontecido, verifica-se a possibilidade de renovao do conhecimento do passado a partir do recurso aos textos elaborados por artistas e, ao mesmo tempo, estudam-se as modalidades de formao discursiva, no campo da histria da arte, que tm conduzido excluso deste tipo de fontes. Modernismo, academismo, artes decorativas, surrealismo, abstraco, realismo, figurao, o estatuto do artista e a funo do Estado na promoo das artes so alguns dos assuntos atravs dos quais se identificam algumas das questes em discusso, num longo perodo que se estende da dcada de 1920 dcada de 1970 e que tem o seu ponto nodal nos anos do ps-guerra


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Bathsheba's actions in 2 Sam. 11.2-4 identify crucial aspects of her character. Past commentators interpret these words in connection with menstrual purification, stressing the certain paternity of David's adulterine child. This article demonstrates that the participles rheset and mitqaddeset and the noun mittum'th do not denote menstrual cleansing. Bathsheba's washing is an innocent bath. She is the only individual human to self-sanctify, placing her in the company of the Israelite deity. The syntax of the verse necessitates that her action of self-sanctifying occurs simultaneously as David lies with her. The three focal terms highlight the important legitimacy of Bathsheba before the Israelite deity, her identity as a non-Israelite, her role as queen mother of the Solomonic line, and her full participation in the narrative.


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Durante el siglo XV Cerdea desempea, gracias a su posicionamiento geogrfico en el centro del Mediterrneo, un papel muy importante en la red de comercio internacional. Este movimiento econmico-cultural fomenta una extensa produccin artstica que est caracterizada por depender fuertemente de la presencia en la isla de talleres y artistas catalanes. Al da de hoy se conoce muy poco la presencia y las caractersticas de la pintura del gtico tardo en la Cerdea. Las dificultades encontradas por los investigadores en la reconstruccin de la historia del arte sarda de esta poca son numerosas y difciles de solucionar. El problema depende de la falta de fuentes documentales (directas e indirectas), de la gran dispersin de muchsimas obras, de la inaccesibilidad de unas de las obras ms interesantes; del desplazamiento casi total de las obras de su sitio original, y del total anonimato de la mayora de los artistas. En estas condiciones la nica solucin para alcanzar nuevos elementos cientficos es: integrar los conocimientos procedente de las fuentes documentales; ampliar la practica metodolgica (multidisciplinariedad), conectar el tejido sardo (pintura, miniatura, grabados) con el mbito internacional. El objetivo final es introducir la pintura sarda en un contexto ms amplio, para poder descubrir el sistema de modelos y de relaciones artsticas, que la conectan con el mundo artstico mediterrneo. El trabajo de este primer ao ha sido particularmente intenso y complicado por las dificultades encontradas en ponerse en un tema tan vasto como lo de la pintura y los modelos figurativos de la segunda mitad del siglo XV. Principales objetivos: averiguar toda la bibliografa conocida sobre el tema e intentar ampliar los estudios cada vez que se encontraban indicios sobre posibles autores y obras sardas; empezar el trabajo de catalogacin de las obras pictricas (conocidas o recien descubiertas.)


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El trabajo de investigacin realizado durante los tres ltimos aos de beca se centra en las teoras crticas y en las prcticas artsticas contemporneas que utilizan la traduccin como mediacin cultural en los procesos de transmisin y recepcin de las obras de arte contemporneo. En el contexto artistico contemporneo la traduccin es entendida como intercambio, adaptacin, traslado o transaccin. Tomando como referentes conceptuales las teoras nacidas en el marco interdisciplinar de los Estudios Visuales y de los Estudios de Traduccin, dicha investigacin se ha centrado en el anlisis del fenmeno de la traduccin en la produccin artstica. A partir de este anlisis se han investigado las conexiones entre estas disciplinas humansticas y la prctica artstica, as como la problemtica que stas conllevan en la formulacin de nuevos criterios y nuevas categoras de la Historia del Arte actual. En la prctica artstica cuestiones relativas a la traduccin se han podido integrar al arte visual: por un lado como prctica indispensable para la comprensin e interpretacin de la obra de arte entre diferentes contextos geogrficos o culturales, y por otro, como elemento formal indispensable para la realizacin de los artefactos artsticos que, a su vez, quieren interpretar diferentes realidades sociales, antropolgicas o polticas. Sobretodo a partir de la serie On Translation del artista cataln Antoni Muntadas, as como de otros artistas de varios contextos geogrficos y culturales, se han analizado las dinmicas prcticas y tericas de la traduccin que acompaan el proceso de la realizacin de los artefactos artsticos. Muchas de estas obras de arte contemporneo asimilando los significantes propios del contexto cultural, social, poltico, econmico, y utilizando elementos formales variados (sobretodo tecnolgicos) necesitan de un anlisis interdisciplinar.


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La finalitat de la recerca, concebuda com a recerca aplicada ha consistit en confegir un manual dhistria de Catalunya (Catalunya+suma) especialment destinat a la immigraci. El treball havia de contextualizar aspectes generals dhistria poltica, social i cultural (endgenes), amb les aportacions, tniques i culturals (exgenes) rebudes a Catalunya al llarg del temps i que han configurat al capdavall la societat catalana, entesa com a formaci cultural i socio-poltica, les variables de la qual han estat en contnua coevoluci. Per tant tractar la dialctica de com, en un perode de temps, les aportacions exgenes s converteixen en endgenes, i sempre en una perspectiva temporal i histrica, ha estat lobjectiu del treball. La recerca bibliogrfica i la transposici didctica han estat les principals components metodolgiques. Shan tingut especialment en compte les aportacions de la historiografia contempornia, tot i que sha fet un esfor per integrar coneixement generat dels del punt de vista de larqueologia i lantropologia, histria de lart, sociologia, etc. Pel que fa a la recerca didctica el tret ms important ha estat, precisament, el procs de transposici didctica destinat a convertir el saber disciplinar en saber comprensible. El projecte Multiculturalitat i interculturalitat en la Histria de Catalunya ha generat un estudi histric i didctic de sntesi sobre histria del pas que es concreta en el manual Catalunya+Suma. Es tracta dun manual dhistria de Catalunya dirigit a un horitz dampli espectre i de manera molt especial als immigrants. Cal destacar tamb que el treball te un carcter inicial i inicitic i que te possibilitats de desenvolupament posterior a partir de lelaboraci de materials didctics i guies patrimonials expressament adreada a la immigraci i entorns afins. El manual Catalunya+suma" vol incidir, prioritriament en la formaci inicial i permanent de la immigraci, i en els espais formals, i no formals, densenyament i aprenentatge.


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The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how and why an art competition was arranged to select pieces for the parliamentary annexe building in Helsinki. There is an emphasis on the cultural production aspects of the research. For the purpose of comparison, the thesis also examines how art acquisition takes place in the cities of Helsinki, Salo and Vantaa, and how the so-called percentage principle has been used in these cities The research method involved thematic interviewing of four persons with central positions on the competition jury. Questions were also sent by e-mail to experts and other people with knowledge of the subject area. Although art competitions have been arranged in Finland for decades, very little relevant literature exists. In addition to the interviews, other relevant literature was also referred to, including parliamentary records. The crucial questions concerned why the art competition for the parliamentary annexe was arranged and whether, indeed, it is possible to compete artistically in this manner. The thesis also examined the relationship between art and architecture and how the best works were selected from the vast range of submissions. The answers were both honest and interesting. The thesis presents a step-by-step analysis of the competition's progress over two stages, and according to the specific rules for such competitions as laid out in Suomen Taiteilijaseura. Strict adherence to the rules of the competition created a number of problems, some of which are also studied. The primary reason for staging a competition was to be as democratic as possible, and eliminating any possibility of nominating a particular artist or artists to realise their own work within the annexe. The competition opened up the possibility to consider various artistic proposals, and no genres were ruled out in advance. This format ensured a good response and a total of 1719 proposals were received, of which six were eventually selected. One conclusion was that open competition may not be the best way to gather artistic proposals in such circumstances, but it is very democratic.


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The recent death of the art historian motives this approach to his works. Gombrich studies connected art with many other fields of human knowledge. In this article the author focused the Gombrich conception of the relationship between art and cultural history.


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Les installacions de vdeo de la primera exposici de Freya Powell a Barcelona conviden a una meditaci dels vincles entre la memria i l'arxiu, l'enregistrament, el repertori i les traces de la Histria. En aquesta exposici es tensa un fil entre la memria dels condemnats a mort nordamericans, la memria de la Segona Guerra Mundial, la de l'artista prpia i els diferents mapes del mn sota la histria colonial. s un fil que pregunta pel nostre vincle no noms amb les veus i les paraules arxivades, sin amb aquelles que volem recollir i rebre.


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Las instalaciones de vdeo de la primera exposicin de Freya Powell en Barcelona invitan a una meditacin sobre los vnculos entre la memoria y el archivo, el registro, el repertorio y las huellas de la Historia. En esta exposicin se tensa un hilo entre la memoria de los condenados a muerte norteamericanos, la memoria de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la de la propia artista y los diferentes mapas del mundo creados por la historia colonial. Es un hilo que pregunta por nuestro vnculo no solo con las voces y las palabras archivadas, sino con sas que queremos recoger y recibir.


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The video installations of Freya Powell's first exhibition in Barcelona call for an analysis of the links between memory and the archive, between compilation, registration, and the traces of History. Powell's work establishes a fine link between the memory of those sentenced to death in the United States, the memory of the Second World War, the artist's own memory, and the different world maps produced by colonial history. This link forces us to take into account our own connection not only with the voices and words that have been archived, but also with those voices that we want to hear and register.