1000 resultados para Altura uterina


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Introducción Las pacientes con miomas uterinos pueden llegar a sufrir de síntomas urinarios y de disfunción sexual. Es para nosotros importante conocer la frecuencia de estas patologías en pacientes con miomas con indicación de cirugía atendidos en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi y la relación entre estas tres entidades. Metodología Estudio cuasi experimental de antes-después. El estudio se encuentra dividido en dos fases, en esta primera fase a las pacientes se les aplicó los cuestionarios FSFI, IIQ-7 y UDI-6 antes de realizar el procedimiento quirúrgico. En una segunda fase se realizará un nuevo abordaje a los 6 y 12 meses donde se aplicarán los mismos instrumentos. Se utilizó coeficiente de Spearman y Kruskall-Wallis para evaluar la relación. Resultados En esta primera fase se incluyeron 81 participantes, con una mediana de años de 46 (RIQ=42-49) mínimo 33 y máximo 71 años. La mediana de miomas fue de 1 (RIQ1-2) máximo 5 miomas. El resultado total de la FSFI fue de 21(RIQ=18,5-25,5). La mediana de la escala UDI -6 fue de 50,4 (RIQ=0-31,2) y la mediana de IIQ-7 fue de 4,75 (RIQ=0-23,7). Se presentó una correlación negativa débil entre los puntajes de FSFI y los cuestionarios UDI-6 (-0.3604) e IIQ 7 (-0.3530), con una prevalencia de riesgo de disfunción sexual de 61%. Conclusiones En esta primera fase de la investigación se pudo observar una existencia de correlación entre la función sexual y la sintomatología urinaria. La prevalencia de disfunción sexual es mayor que en población de mujeres sin patología de miomas uterino.


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Com este projecto pretende-se abordar uma vertente no estudo dos Tímpanos que, ao longo da sua história, tem sido marginal, relativamente à sua utilização "normal" de instrumento de orquestra - A utilização de Tímpanos como instrumento solista, especialmente na situação de solista não concertista. Para a persecução deste objectivo será traçada a trajectória evolutiva do instrumento ao longo da História da Música, tanto do ponto de vista das suas características de construção como da sua utilização pelos compositores ao longo do tempo. Não pode, por isso, deixar de ser feita uma abordagem da utilização dos Tímpanos em Orquestra, pois foi a utilização orquestral o "motor" da evolução do instrumento. Em complemento ao atrás enunciado, será igualmente desenvolvido o tema das preocupações de respeito pelo contexto histórico aplicado ao caso específico dos Tímpanos. Será igualmente feita uma tentativa de identificação de existência de exemplares antigos em Bandas de Música amadoras, através da realização de um inquérito. Por fim será traçado o quadro geral da utilização dos Tímpanos em Portugal nos dias de hoje. Atenção especial será dada a composições onde o objecto de estudo deste projecto está, mais directamente, em evidência. É este o caso de Marche (1685) dos irmãos Philidor, de um conjunto de Concertos e Sinfonias para múltiplos Tímpanos do final do século XVIII e das Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (1950/1966) de Elliott Carter. No caso da Marche será feita uma pequena análise e realizada uma edição moderna. No caso das peças para Tímpanos de Elliott Carter, será analisada com mais profundidade a peça Moto Perpetuo. Até ao final do século XVIII os Tímpanos foram, quase exclusivamente, os únicos instrumentos de Percussão usados na Música Erudita Ocidental. A partir do século XIX a secção da Percussão foi enriquecida com inúmeros novos elementos. Entre eles, novos instrumentos de Percussão de altura definida a que os Tímpanos pertencem. Será, tal como para os Tímpanos, traçado o seu trajecto de evolução e assim será completado o quadro actual da Percussão de altura definida. O Recital concretiza os principais pontos explorados no trabalho escrito, através da apresentação de um conjunto de obras apresentadas por ordem cronológica: -Marche de André e Jacques Philidor (1685) - Eight Pieces for Four Timpani de Elliott Carter (1950/1966) (March, Saeta, Moto Perpetuo, Recitative) - Concerto pour Percussion et Orquestre de André Jolivet (1958) (andamentos I, II e III) - OMAR Due pezzi per Vibrafono de Franco Donatoni (1985) ABSTRACT: Investigate the marginal use of the Timpani as a solo instrument is the main object of this study. ln order to achieve this main goal, we will point out the evolution of the instrument along Music History. We will focus both: the main characteristics of its construction and the way they have been used by composers. Bearing these facts in mind, we will also center our attention on the way that Timpani have been used at Orchestras, which had certainly leaded to the development of the instrument we are studying. At the same time, we will study historical respect and performance, by contextualizing the different historical periods of Timpani. It is also important to have information about the quantity of Timpani used at amateur musical bands in Portugal, mainly in what concerns ancient instruments. These elements will allow us to draw a general idea about the way Timpani are used in Portugal. ln order to have concrete examples of the Timpani as a solo instrument, we will analyze the following compositions: Marche de Timba/les (1685) by André and Jacques Philidor; The ensemble of Concerts and Symphonies for multiple Timpani from the end of the XVIIIth century; The Eight Pieces for Four Timpani (1950/1966) by Elliott Carter. Bearing in mind that other Defined Pitch Percussion Instruments have emerged at the beginning of the XIXth century, we will also study the evolution of those instruments. The Recital will materialize the main aspects we have focused at our written work and already mentioned above. The presentation will follow a chronological sequence as indicated: Marche de Timballes by André and Jacques Philidor (1685) Eight Pieces for Four Timpani by Elliott Carter (1950/1966) (March, Saeta, Moto Perpetuo, Recitative) - Concerto pour Percussion et Orquestre by André Jolivet (1958) (Movements I, II, III) Omar Due Pezzi per Vibrafono by Franco Donatoni (1985)


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Approximately 7.2% of the Atlantic rainforest remains in Brazil, with only 16% of this forest remaining in the State of Rio de Janeiro, all of it distributed in fragments. This forest fragmentation can produce biotic and abiotic differences between edges and the fragment interior. In this study, we compared the structure and richness of tree communities in three habitats - an anthropogenic edge (AE), a natural edge (NE) and the fragment interior (FI) - of a fragment of Atlantic forest in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (22°50'S and 42°28'W). One thousand and seventy-six trees with a diameter at breast height > 4.8 cm, belonging to 132 morphospecies and 39 families, were sampled in a total study area of 0.75 ha. NE had the greatest basal area and the trees in this habitat had the greatest diameter:height allometric coefficient, whereas AE had a lower richness and greater variation in the height of the first tree branch. Tree density, diameter, height and the proportion of standing dead trees did not differ among the habitats. There was marked heterogeneity among replicates within each habitat. These results indicate that the forest interior and the fragment edges (natural or anthropogenic) do not differ markedly considering the studied parameters. Other factors, such as the age from the edge, type of matrix and proximity of gaps, may play a more important role in plant community structure than the proximity from edges.


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The Orchidaceae is one of the largest flowering plants family and with a great importance to conservation. However, no survey on orchid flowers can be found in Mato Grosso do Sul. Thus, the objective of this work was to make a survey of the Orchidaceae species and of its ecology features in a riparian forest in a fragment of Floresta Estacional Semi-Decidual that belongs to the riparian forest of the Dourados River. The inventory was made by using a sweeping method for collection, and in addition to this the vertical and horizontal position of epiphytes were assessed on the hosts. For characterization of microclimate, it was used a thermohygrometer and luximeter. It was identified 17 species of 13 genera. Of the listed genera, the most abundant ones were: Acianthera, Macradenia and Capanemia. It was also noted a vertical and horizontal distribution of the Orchidaceae in relation to inverse gradient of water and light availability. Some species tended to be sensitive to height level categorization, whereas others seemed to occur with similar frequency along the host. In relation to the cardinal orientation, the apparent preferential response for south and east directions was associated to the low sampling effort and lower water availability, which could occur because the north face is opposed to the water body.


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The physical model was based on the method of Newton-Euler. The model was developed by using the scientific computer program Mathematica®. Several simulations where tried varying the progress speeds (0.69; 1.12; 1.48; 1.82 and 2.12 m s-1); soil profiles (sinoidal, ascending and descending ramp) and height of the profile (0.025 and 0.05 m) to obtain the normal force of soil reaction. After the initial simulations, the mechanism was optimized using the scientific computer program Matlab® having as criterion (function-objective) the minimization of the normal force of reaction of the profile (FN). The project variables were the lengths of the bars (L1y, L2, l3 and L4), height of the operation (L7), the initial length of the spring (Lmo) and the elastic constant of the spring (k t). The lack of robustness of the mechanism in relation to the variable height of the operation was outlined by using a spring with low rigidity and large length. The results demonstrated that the mechanism optimized showed better flotation performance in relation to the initial mechanism.


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Base cutting and feeding into harvesters of plants lying close to the ground surface require an efficient sweeping action of the cutting mechanism. It is not the case of conventional sugarcane harvesters which have rigid blades mounted on discs capable to contaminate the cane with dirt as well as damage the ratoons. The objective of this work was to simulate the sweeping performance of a segmented base cutter. The model was developed using the laws of dynamic. Simulation included two rotational speeds (400 and 600 rpm), two cutting heights (0.12 and 0.13 m) and two disk tilting angles (-10º and -12º). The simulated sweeping angle varied between 56º and 193º, which are very promising as a mean to cutting and feeding cane sticks lying on the ground. Cutting height was the variable that affected sweeping action the most. This behavior indicates the need to have an automatic control of the cutting disk height in order to keep good sweeping performance as the harvester moves forward.


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Tomatoes are one of the most important vegetable crops grown in Brazil and are among the crops that have one of the highest post-harvest losses indexes in the country. The present work aimed at evaluating impact damage observed in packing lines of fresh tomatoes as well as to determine, under laboratory conditions, quality alterations of tomato fruits submitted to impact damage in different surface types. Critical points evaluation was accomplished using an instrumented sphere. Critical transference points found showed variations in acceleration levels from 30 to 129 G (m s-2). Tests carried out under laboratory conditions showed that padded surfaces reduced up to 31% impact damage. Incidence of severe internal physical damage was evaluated by a subjective scale and increased by 79% on hard surfaces for the highest fall drop. On the other hand, it was observed an effective reduction in physical damage on fruits when padded surfaces were used. When a 10-cm drop was performed, the maximum reduction measured was 10% for hard surfaces and 5% for previously padded surfaces. For quality parameters, it was observed for high drops on hard surfaces, highest values for weight loss, total acidity, lower values for vitamin C and Soluble Solids.


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Remote sensing data are each time more available and can be used to monitor the vegetal development of main agricultural crops, such as the Arabic coffee in Brazil, since that the relationship between spectral and agronomical data be well known. Therefore, this work had the main objective to assess the use of Quickbird satellite images to estimate biophysical parameters of coffee crop. Test area was composed by 25 coffee fields located between the cities of Ribeirão Corrente, Franca and Cristais Paulista (SP), Brazil, and the biophysical parameters used were row and between plants spacing, plant height, LAI, canopy diameter, percentage of vegetation cover, roughness and biomass. Spectral data were the reflectance of four bands of QUICKBIRD and values of four vegetations indexes (NDVI, GVI, SAVI and RVI) based on the same satellite. All these data were analyzed using linear and nonlinear regression methods to generate estimation models of biophysical parameters. The use of regression models based on nonlinear equations was more appropriate to estimate parameters such as the LAI and the percentage of biomass, important to indicate the productivity of coffee crop.


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Is the carrasco on the Ibiapaba plateau a unique plant formation? To answer this question the vertical height (except of climbers) and the stem basal diameter (from 3cm on) of woody plants were measured, and soil extracts (0-50 and 50-100cm depth) were taken from 100 random plots (10x10m) at Jaburuna (3º54'34S and 40º59'24W, altitudes near 830m), municipality of Ubajara, Ceará State. Data on climate, soil, diameter height, density, basal area, and physiognomy were compared with those surveyed by other researchers from the carrasco, caatinga, and cerrado in Northeastern Brazil. The carrasco occurs under an annual rainfall of between 668 and 1,289mm and temperatures from 22 to 24ºC, on alic Quartz Sand soils, at altitudes between 700 and 900m: it has a larger density and a smaller basal area than the caatinga and the cerrado, small and similar diameters, and an average vertical height between 3,7 and 5,4m. It differs from the caatinga, cerrado (and cerradão) and secondary forest in many items of lhe ecotope, organization and physiognomy, thus being a unique plain formation, which can be characterized as a deciduous, high, closed, and unistratified shrubland intermingled by lianas, with an irregular canopy and sparse, emergent trees.


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An inventory of the woody flora (trees and shrubs), was carried out in the Ribeirão Cachoeria forest (233.7ha, 650m high, 46°55'58''W, 22°50'13''S), the second largest and best conserved fragment of semideciduous tropical forest in the municipality of Campinas, São Paulo state, Southeastern Brazil. The soil is a red-yellow podsol and the climate is of Köppen's Cwag type. Collections were made from August/1996 to September/1997. Only fertile individuals with a perimeter at breast height of 9cm or greater were included in the survey. One hyndred and seventhy five species were identified, belonging to 119 genera and 49 families. The most important families were Myrtaceae (14 species), Rutaceae and Fabaceae (13), Caesalpiniaceae (11), Solanaceae (9), and Rubiaceae (8). Some species were found for the first time in the region: Tachigali multijuga Benth. and Schoepfia brasiliensis A.DC. The flowering peak for most species was from August to October. Maximum fruit production was from August to November. Most species are zoochoric (58%), but 23% were anemochoric and 19% autochoric. The floristic composition of this forest and another 20 forests from São Paulo state were compared. The results obtained indicate the existence of distinct groups of forests. The most homogeneus group contains forests from the municipality of Campinas with similarity of 40%. This suggests that these forests are possibly fragments of a original continuous forest in the Campinas region.


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Annona dioica St. Hil. is a species that grows to approximately 2 m tall and is very widespread in the cerrados. Individual plants of this androdioecious species produce numerous hermaphroditic or male flowers, but few fruits. The aim of this study was to determine the sex ratio among the plants and to compare the frequency of herbivory between male and hermaphroditic flowers. The fieldwork was done by studying flowering plants in grasslands used as pasture for cattle at Fazenda Nhumirim. One hundred and forty-seven male plants and 71 hermaphroditic plants were examined and produced a total of 194 and 94 flowers, respectively, during the study period. The male:hermaphrodite sex ratio was 2.07:1, and was similar to the male:hermaphrodite flower ratio of 2.06:1. The frequency of florivory rate in hermaphrodites was significantly higher than in male flowers (33.0%, n = 31, and 25.7%, n = 50, respectively; G = 14.83; d.f. = 1; p < 0.001). The mean fresh weights of male and hermaphroditic flowers were significantly different (8.38 ± 2.40 g vs. 6.93 ± 2.68 g, respectively; 0 ± SEM; n = 50 each; t = 2.479; d.f. = 49; p = 0.017). These results indicate that the low fruit set in this species can be explained by the sex ratio, the greater herbivory of hermaphroditic flowers and the probable absence of pollinators.


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Due to its geographical location, the northeastern Coast of Brazil (Litoral Setentrional do Nordeste - LSN) is a hotter and drier climate than the eastern coast. In addition, because of its proximity to caatinga and cerrado, the LSN contains species from these vegetation biomes and from the restinga on the coast, which comprise different plant formations and creates a vegetation complex. Despite the great importance of this ecotone, there are few studies about its flora. The objective of this work was to contribute to what is known about the floristic and phytosociological composition of this region. We made a floristic survey in the area (between 2007 and 2011), consulted herbaria data from the region and made a phytosociological study in a stretch of coastal semideciduous forest (mata de tabuleiro). The study recorded 382 plant species from 96 families. In the phytosociological survey (0.32 ha) we recorded 2,970 individuals and 52 species. The most abundant plants surveyed were the trees Manilkara triflora, Chamaecrista ensiformis and Guapira nitida and the shrubs Cordiera sessilis and Maytenus erythroxyla (average height 3.8 m, average diameter 6.2 cm, basal area 39.28 m²/ha). The local flora includes floristic elements of caatinga, cerrado and restinga, corroborating the idea that the plant community of the coastal region of Ceará has an ecotonal nature.


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Alterations in physical, chemical and functional characteristics of egg proteins occur during storage. These changes depend on the storage conditions, mainly duration, temperature and relative humidity. This study examined the fresh egg Haugh unit score and the storage egg Haugh unit score, at room temperature (25°C) and under refrigeration conditions (8°C), during 7, 14 and 21 days of storage. Haugh units and albumin height decreased considerably during storage at room temperature. At 8°C, there was no significant difference in the Haugh unit for different periods of storage, but their values were smaller as compared to fresh eggs. The weight of the eggs was not affected by both storage and temperature. For both temperatures, pH was positively correlated with Haugh units and negatively with the albumin height.


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INTRODUCTION: Armies from all over the world acknowledge the importance of good physical fitness for the performance of military duties. The Military Exercise Training (MET) attempts to provide assistance to this search for better physical fitness and performance. OBJECTIVE: To verifying the effect on the body composition and physical performance of the students at ESPCEX (Military School for Preparation of Army Cadets) after 13 weeks of MET. METHODS: The sample was formed by 287 male students from the ESPCEX, whose average age was 18.33 ±1.26. Such students accomplished a boarding school routine, having defined schedules, meals and activities from which they were only released during the weekends. The MET was accomplished five days a week and it comprised both aerobic and resistance training. Measurement of body mass, height, skinfold (triceps, abdominal and suprailiac) was accomplished during pre and post training periods, and the following tests were performed: 12-minutes-run, oblique sit up, arm push up and pull up. Fat percentage, fat-free body mass and fat body mass were calculated using the anthropometric data based on the Guedes 3 skinfold protocol. RESULTS: Significant reduction in fat body mass, fat percentage and in triceptal and abdominal skinfold, as well as increase in suprailiac skinfold and fat-free body mass was observed when anthropometric and body composition data were compared, during the initial and the final periods of training. Significant improvement also occurred in all prformed physical tests, in which better performance was achieved. CONCLUSION: The acquired data suggest that performance of MET 5 days a week brought significantly improved body composition as well as physical performance