902 resultados para sexual education policy


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Enquadramento: O interesse pelo tema Educação Sexual germinou da conscientiza-ção de que a sexualidade está na essência do homem, com o ideal de ser experimentada e vivida; procura-se cada vez mais expandir esses conhecimentos com responsabilidade e naturalidade, principalmente frente à responsabilidade de educadores por participar de uma capacitação oferecida pelo grupo do Instituto Kaplan Programa / PROJETO VALE SONHAR. Objetivo: Proposemo-nos analisar a importancia da metodologia das oficinas formati-vas na Educação Sexual na Escola;Determinar a eficácia das oficinas nos conhecimentos sobre sexualidade nos adolescentes;Construir conhecimento sobre sexualidade, desmitifi- cando conceitos. Método: Foi desenvolvida uma intervenção formativa com aplicação de 03 (três) ofi-cinas, em que foram avaliados os conhecimentos antes e após a intervenção formativa. Du-rante estas oficinas foram aplicados questionários e coleta de depoimentos dos participantes. A amostra foi constituída por adolescentes de ambos os sexos, que frequentavam o 1º ano do ensino médio na Escola Estadual de Educação Básica Costa Rêgo, no ano letivo de 2013 e 2014. Resultados: Os conhecimentos sobre planejamento familiar, infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e reprodução dos adolescentes na maioria aumentaram após a intervenção formativa no âmbito da afetividade/sexualidade na adolescência. Os conhecimentos estão relacionados com a idade no sentido em que são os mais novos que demonstram mais co-nhecimentos. Na separação dos conhecimentos por sexo são as meninas que manifestam mais conhecimentos, assim como os residentes em meio urbano. A existência de irmãos, a idade e escolaridade dos pais não influenciam os conhecimentos dos adolescentes. Obser-vou-se também que os adolescentes que já tinham iniciado relações sexuais são aqueles que detêm menos conhecimentos. Conclusão: Os dados mostram que as oficinas realizadas e os questionários servi-ram para conscientização dos alunos e contribuiu para a redução dos índices de evasão escolar por motivos de gravidez, mostrando assim a importância de se tratar de educação sexual no ambiente escolar. Palavras-chave: Adolescência, Sexualidade, Educação Sexual, Planejamento Famili-ar, Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis.


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"GFI 97-9504"--P. [4] of cover.


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The aim of the study is to investigate how special education teachers talk about their teaching in relation to bilingual students with dyslexia within Swedish compulsory schools. Data consist of transcripts from in-depth interviews with 15 special education teachers. According to the teacher narratives, the special education services appeared to be biased against bilingual students, as the support provided to bilingual students with dyslexia was revealed to be more or less the same as that provided to monolingual Swedish-speaking students with dyslexia. This bias is discussed in relation to the notion of difference blindness as well as in relation to practical constraints. Nevertheless, the teachers strongly advocated collaborative work with mother tongue teachers in order to facilitate dyslexia identification in bilingual students and to gain a more comprehensive picture of their language and literacy competencies, which is a desire that contrasts and contests a pedagogical monolingual master model within special education services.


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It has been suggested that although the most theorisation about globalisation has emerged from “western” contexts, the material implications of globalisation have been felt most strongly in non-western regions. With this in mind, we are undertaking a situated analysis of how two states, Singapore and Hong Kong, are interacting with the broader processes of globalisation through their educational policies. We apply Foucault's conceptual tool of governmentality to understand (i) the conduct of governing in the contemporary nation-state, and (ii) how the “right” rationalities are being inculcated by government to create “desiring subjects” who will play their part in ensuring national prosperity. We use the Asian Economic Crisis as a point of departure to show how global-local tensions are being managed by Singapore and Hong Kong. We conclude that both these global cities have adroitly managed the Asian economic crisis to steer their citizens away from pursuits of greater political freedom and towards concerns of material well being. They have done so through a selective interpretation of globalisation, by simultaneously resisting and embracing the contradictory strands of globalisation. Education has emerged as a critical space for this selective absorption of globalising trends.


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Frequent calls for more male teachers are being made in English-speaking countries. Many of these calls are based upon the fact that the teaching profession has become (even more) 'feminized' and the presumption that this has had negative effects for the education of boys. The employment of more male teachers is sometimes suggested as a way to re-masculinize schools so they become more 'boy-friendly' and thus contribute to improving boys' school performance. The focus of this paper is on an Australian education policy document in the state of Queensland that is concerned with the attraction, recruitment and retention of male teachers in the government education system. It considers the failure of this document, as with many of the calls for more male teachers, to take into account complex matters of gender raised by feminism and the sociology of masculinities. The paper then critiques the primary argument given for the need for more male teachers: that is, that male teachers provide boys with much needed role models.


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Placing issues of homophobia and anti-lesbianism on the agenda of teacher education programmes often meets with resistance from some students, and others. Such resistance is indicative of broader attempts to maintain the straight face of schooling. However, one way in which it is possible to place such issues on the agenda in schooling and teacher education is to demonstrate how these discourses impact upon all students and teachers. A current opening for raising such matters within teacher education programmes is the problematisation of the calls for more male teachers, calls that are becoming pervasive in many Western education systems. Within the drives to attract more male teachers to the profession there is usually a silence relating to the ways in which homophobia and its counterpart, misogyny, work to construct normalised notions of teachers. This paper examines the ways in which these silences perpetuate existing gender regimes in schools to the detriment of female teachers, girls, and marginalised male teachers and boys. It then suggests that teacher education programmes use this topic to demonstrate the impact of homophobia and misogyny on all involved in education.


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In response to the question, 'Education for what?', this article argues the case for an ethical imagination. It begins by illustrating different approaches to ethics - Greek antiquity, Kant s categorical imperative, Levinas's interhuman ethic of care, and Foucauldian genealogy. On the basis ofthis, it suggests that ethics may be understood as a disposition of continual questioning and adjusting of thought and action in relation to notions of human good and how to be and act in relation to others. It then briefly considers education as an ethical activity, and sets out three interrelated axes for an ethics of engagement in education: intellectual rigour, civility and care. Using examples ofcitizenship and statelessness in Australia, it argues that building an ethical imagination is a valuable goal for education.


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Starting from the observation that patterns of educational inequality are widely known but largely invisible in public debates on education, this article argues for the importance of an ethics of education which challenges simple acceptance of 'things as they are'. It suggests possibilities for working with discourses of ethics, rights and citizenship in contingent and strategic ways, and argues for the importance of engaging ethically across difference in current global times. It proposes three interrelated dimensions for an ethics of engagement in education: an ethics of commitment to intellectual rigour; an ethics of civility; and an inter-human ethics of care.


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