854 resultados para palliative home care
La atención domiciliaria constituye hoy una modalidad de atención que permite solventar las dificultades derivadas de la sobreocupación hospitalaria y la cronicidad, los cuales constituyen un problema de interés en salud pública en los países desarrollados y que pueden ser manejados en el domicilio del paciente como una opción costo-efectiva y segura. Para lo cual es necesario buscar estrategias que permitan su desarrollo, gestión de riesgos y modelos de atención, logrando mejorar las condiciones de salud de la población. Uno de los principales retos de la gestión de programas de atención en salud, se encuentra en definir los aspectos donde intervenir para potenciar la eficacia y la calidad en la prestación del servicio, por lo que dichos aspectos se constituyen como determinantes de la atención del paciente y su familia. En este documento se abordan los principales determinantes en la atención de personas con secuelas de Enfermedad cerebrovascular, que reciben manejo medico domiciliario, con el objetivo de identificar las áreas prioritarias de intervención, garantizando una mejor gestión clínica en tres áreas específicas: sobrecarga del cuidador, Polimedicación y ulceras por decúbito.
El estudio “Evaluación del Modelo actual de Gestión en la Atención Fisioterapéutica Domiciliaria una IPS en la ciudad de Bogotá”, tiene como fin evaluar el modelo tradicional de Atención Primaria Domiciliaria y la labor de la fisioterapeuta en esta clase de servicios profesionales, y así constatar la calidad y eficiencia de la APD. En la primera parte, se plantean los objetivos, marcos de referencia, que lo complementan, metodología utilizada en un marco muestral, tabulación por un instrumento de recolección de datos Ramsés Likert, análisis de resultados y por último conclusiones y recomendaciones derivadas del Estudio.
L’objectiu principal del treball és exposar una alternativa a la institucionalització que fomenti l’autonomia, el desenvolupament i el benestar de les persones que es troben en situació de dependència, partint d’un recurs ja existent: el Servei d’Atenció Domiciliària (SAD). Va dirigit en especial al col•lectiu de persones amb problemàtiques de salut mental. Proposa la nomenclatura SED (Suport Educatiu Domiciliari) què no existeix com a tal, per anomenar una branca o una part del SAD que sí existeix
Educational system and equal opportunities for young people in care: Recent studies in the UK. Publications on research about formal educational itineraries of people who were cared for by the social protection public systems when they were children are scarce, and restricted to a few countries. In recent years, statistics from some European countries have been published, showing that the young people who were cared for are overrepresented in practically all the clusters of people that accumulate indicators of social disadvantage, and it has therefore been argued that they can be considered one of the groups of population with the highest risk for social exclusion. In the present review, the emergence of new data and research results in some European countries —particularly in the United Kingdom, where the fact that less than 5% of this population reaches university studies has been underlined— is tentatively contextualised. Although the extent to which current available data can be extrapolated to other contexts and countries is yet unclear, such results raise important challenges for social intervention and social policies, as well as for psychosocial research, in all countries of the European space
El acogimiento familiar ha de ser la medida prioritaria para los casos de menores que deben ser separados de su família por motivos de protección. En España es una alternativa que cuenta tan sólo con veinte años de existencia y hasta la fecha no existen prácticamente datos acerca del grado de su implantación y sus características cuando se trata de acogimiento en familia ajena, mientras que son varios los trabajos que han estudiado el acogimiento en familia extensa. Este artículo presenta por primera vez en la literatura científica los datos más relevantes que permiten caracterizar la práctica del acogimiento en familia ajena en España, mediante el estudio de una muestra de seis comunidades autónomas bien representativas, con un total de 357 casos. El artículo presenta los perfiles de los niños, las familias biológicas y acogedoras, el proceso y algunos resultados sobre una submuestra de casos cerrados (n = 179). Se analizarán algunas características especialmente importantes como la larga estancia y la estabilidad de estos acogimientos, que los diferencia de los realizados en otros países
Introdução: O adiamento das altas clínicas nas Unidades de Cuidados Continuados Integrados (UCCI) por motivos sociais é actualmente considerado um dos principais motivos que impedem a integração atempada de novos clientes na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados, RNCC, daqui em diante designada como a REDE. Este atraso tem impacto ao nível da recuperação e estabilização dos utentes, bem como ao nível de eficiência e eficácia da UCCI, não podendo deixar de se considerarem os aspectos sociais e económicos. Objectivo Geral: Identificar os determinantes que influenciam as altas clínicas em UCCI. Métodos e População do Estudo: Este é um estudo de caso colectivo, em que os dados observacionais, transversais, são recolhidos por meio de questionário de auto-relato (por cada área de intervenção directa) e por análise dos processos de consulta de pacientes. O objecto desta pesquisa abrange dois grupos: o grupo de amostra composto por 70 profissionais de saúde que lidam directamente com os utentes e o grupo amostra composto de utentes internados na UCCI L Nostrum, com alta clínica entre 1/1/2011 e 31/12/2012, e que foram integrados através da REDE. Foram recolhidos os dados de 293 utentes sendo objecto de estudo os casos de 83 utentes integrados através da REDE e com prolongamento de internamento por motivos sociais. Resultados: Na percepção dos profissionais de saúde, as respostas institucionais apresentam-se como a condicionante mais indicada, tanto para os utentes em geral, com 22 indicações (88%) como para os utentes da REDE, com 10 indicações (40%). Relativamente aos motivos familiares há referência de 76% para os utentes em geral e de 36% para os utentes da REDE. Os motivos económicos também apresentam, para os profissionais inquiridos, um valor expressivo (68%) nos utentes em geral, estando nos da REDE este factor condicionante a par com os motivos familiares (36%). Os motivos estruturais têm menor expressão tanto nos utentes em geral (32%) como nos utentes da REDE (16%). “Outros” para os utentes em geral, refere-se a dependência funcional (4%). Nos motivos familiares, para os utentes em geral, 23 (92%) foi mais vezes indicada a insuficiência de suporte familiar, para os utentes da REDE, 13 (52%). A ausência de suporte familiar, para os utentes em geral, representa 48% das respostas, seguindo-se o suporte inadequado (28%) e a ausência de cuidadores (24%). Para os utentes da REDE, o suporte inadequado apresenta-se como segundo motivo (7%), seguindo-se a ausência de suporte familiar (16%). Na percepção dos profissionais, os utentes da REDE estão também condicionados pela distância geográfica (8%) da sua área residencial. Em termos estruturais, os motivos mais assinalados pelos profissionais para a generalidade dos utentes foram as barreiras físicas à mobilidade (80%) e a habitação sem condições básicas de habitabilidade (78%). Os mesmos motivos foram assinalados para os utentes da REDE, barreiras físicas à mobilidade (40%) e habitação sem condições de habitabilidade (28%). No entanto, relativamente aos utentes em geral, a ausência de habitação (29%) e a distância geográfica (4%) também foram motivos assinalados. Dos motivos económicos percebidos pelos profissionais, a insuficiência de rendimentos é o factor mais assinalado pela generalidade dos utentes (84%) e pelos da REDE (68%), seguida da percepção da capacidade de reposta limitada das instituições, 64% para a generalidade dos utentes e 28% para os da REDE e por fim os tipos de respostas insuficientes para as necessidades individuais dos utentes (20% dos utentes em geral e 12% da REDE). No total dos dois anos, 2011 e 2012, verificaram-se na UCCI L Nostrum 293 prorrogações (100%) das quais 210 (71,6%) foram consideradas dentro do prazo e justificadas com motivos clínicos, enquanto 83 (28,3%) foram efectivamente protelamentos por motivos sociais, tendo em conta que nestes casos os utentes já não tinham critérios clínicos que justificassem a sua permanência na UCCI. Das 210 prorrogações consideradas dentro do prazo e justificadas com motivos clínicos, 93 (44,3%) foram-no por tempo de espera para transferência de UCCI. Em 2011, dos 146 utentes com alta protelada (100%), 50 utentes (34,2%) permaneceram na UCCI por motivos sociais, enquanto em 2012 houve registo de 33 casos de protelamento (22,4%) em 147 (100%) altas prorrogadas. Conclusões: Dos factores identificados como motivo de protelamento nos 83 utentes, estritamente por motivos sociais, destaca-se o protelamento de alta por espera de integração em equipamento/resposta adequada, nomeadamente lar ou serviços de apoio domiciliário (79,5%), seguindo-se a insuficiência de rendimentos do utente/familiares para contratação de serviços ou resposta institucional (74,7%), a inexistência de condições habitacionais para regresso ao domicílio (63,9%) e a insuficiência de suporte familiar (54,2%). Regista-se também a inadequação do suporte familiar (31,3%), a inexistência de suporte familiar (28,9%) e, em menor percentagem, a ausência de condições estruturais (13,3%). A ausência de domicílio (sem abrigo) (8,4%) e a ausência de rendimentos (4,8%) também foram factores inibidores da alta clínica. Dos 293 utentes identificados que tiveram protelamento da alta por motivos sociais verificou-se que 144 (49,1%) dos utentes permaneceram unicamente pela existência de condicionantes institucionais e familiares/estruturais. Aspectos éticos: ao longo deste estudo, foram assegurados e respeitados, todos os procedimentos de garantia da confidencialidade e rigor na recolha dos dados, e a não interferência nas dinâmicas da instituição, dos utentes e dos profissionais.
SAMMANFATTNINGSyftet: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att studera hur anhöriga till äldre personer upplevde sin situation i i samband med att de vårdade sina äldre hemma, hur de hanterade sin situation, samt vilka strategier de använde sig av för att hantera sin roll som anhörigvårdare. Metod: Databaserna Cinahl och Medline användes i sökningarna efter relevanta artiklar. Sökord som användes var relative and older people and home care, home health care and family caregiver elderly people, family caregivers and care givers of aging people, elderly people and family care givers of aging people, family care givers of older people, family caregivers and frail elderly, family caregiver and older people and home care, home care older people and family caregivers older people, family caregivers older people. Efter genomläsning bedömdes 16 artiklar vara användbara i resultatet. Dessa kom från vetenskapliga tidskrifter och artiklarna innehöll både kvalitativa studier som kvantitativa studier. Resultat: De flesta anhörigvårdare var kvinnor, de kunde uppleva en högre belastning än män. De anhöriga påverkades både mentalt, fysiskt och emotionellt. De kände sig bundna men kunde även känna ett välbefinnande i vården av den äldre personen. Anhöriga upplevde sin roll som anhörigvårdare till äldre personer i hemmen som att de var delaktiga i omsorgen genom praktiskt som känslomässigt stöd. Deras situation hade även inverkan på deras upplevelse av stress och hur de hanterade situationen. En del äldre anhörigvårdare var själva äldre och i behov av hjälp. Konsekvenserna av deras reaktioner/upplevelser beskrevs som både subjektiv och objektiv belastning. Samt att de även var mindre benägna att söka stöd i form av avlastning för sina äldre personer. Slutsats: Rollen som anhörigvårdare till äldre personer som vårdas i hemmen innebar förändringar i anhörigas livssituation, de fick ta ett stort ansvar för den äldre personen. De upplevde stora påfrestningar både känslomässigt som praktiskt, många kände sig ensamma utan stöd, andra hade olika sätt att hantera sin situation. Äldre anhörigvårdare var mer utsatta för belastning av olika skäl när de vårdade äldre personer i hemmet, dels var de själva äldre samt att de själva kunde vara i behov av hjälp för sina hälsoproblem. Kvinnorna var den grupp anhörigvårdare som upplevde störst belastning i vården av äldre personer i hemmet. När det gällde att söka hjälp och stöd såg det olika ut bland anhörigvårdarna, trots att kvinnorna upplevde störst belastning var de minst benägna att söka hjälp.
The annual cost of home care services of transport in Falun/Borlänge, is now at 31 million kronor. It is clear from previous research that it is possible to reduce these costs through a restructuring of the existing home-help service. The restructuring aims to have a higher proportion of older people, who are in need of care, to live in special accommodation, in order to reduce transport costs. Therefore there is a need for systems that allow home-help service to plan their operations in such a way that transport is working as efficiently as possible. Through better planning, there are profits to be done. The rewards are not only of an economic nature but also include a reduced environmental impact, better working environment, improving road safety, and better service. One way to achieve this is to give home-help service personnel better navigation aid when they move between the customers. The thesis describes such a solution through a developed prototype based on a standardized interaction between a planning and a navigation service. The thesis describes such a solution through a developed prototype based on a standardized interaction between a planning and a navigation service. Development work has also been a first step in developing a standardized information infrastructure for home-help service. The purpose of the thesis is, on the basis of theory and the experience we have acquired through the development of the prototype, to discuss general issues which are of interest when developing standardized information infrastructure.
Meanings of overweight In societal discourses overweight is defined as a growing individual and a social problem leading to sickness and disability, mental distress, increased use of health care and reduced economic productivity. A strong normative pressure is directed at the overweight but relatively few succeed in reducing their weight. Therefore, the overweight need to manage a double stigma; the overweight body per se and their inability to conform to norms about bodyweight. This article investigates how individuals present their overweight to their social environment. Empirical data was collected as part of an evaluation study of a keep-fit project directed at home-care staff. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 49 participants and 30 of them had either tried or were trying to reduce their weight. The analysis shows that the informants presented a divided self consisting of a biological body, with its own drives, and a mind that is aware of the body and its social meanings. They portrayed their lives as a battle between these two sides. Their presentations of the divided self can be analysed as a defence of their social selves. The overweight can account for the kilos by blaming the biological drives, which leaves the core of themselves – their minds – unblemished. They can express an intention to loose weight and thereby conform to norms about bodyweight. When they fail to loose weight, the responsibility can be attributed to the unruly body.
The present study's purpose was to investigate the home care staff's experiences of working as key workers, which factors they consider is relevant to key working and what obstacles and opportunities they experience in their work as a key worker. The study also focused on how the home care staff perceive that key working can enable user influence. A qualitative approach was used and the material for the study was collected through semi-structured interviews. The result shows that there are areas for improvement that may develop key working. The study shows that the staff generally feel that working as a key worker works well and that it can enable user influence in many areas. The study finally illustrates factors such as continuity, working relationship oriented, and taking responsibility, as significant for key working to work as successfully as possible.
A artrose do quadril é uma doença articular degenerativa que atinge principalmente idosos, faixa etária que vem gradativamente aumentando nos últimos tempos. Assim, medidas de racionalização do uso de leitos e recursos hospitalares são necessárias para melhor viabilizar os procedimentos cirúrgicos e reduzir gastos para o sistema de saúde, uma vez que quase dois terços destes gastos decorrem do período de internação. Com esse objetivo, foi desenvolvido um protocolo assistencial de artroplastia total de quadril (PAATQ), multidisciplinar, com consultas ambulatoriais e visitas domiciliares programadas para pacientes a serem submetidos à artroplastia total de quadril (ATQ), visando uma melhor abordagem por parte da equipe médica e de enfermagem e uma melhor orientação dos pacientes e familiares quanto ao procedimento cirúrgico. Este estudo transversal (piloto), com controle histórico aninhado a um ensaio clínico randomizado, tem por objetivo avaliar a factibilidade de implantação e a adesão, por parte das equipes médica e de enfermagem, à utilização deste protocolo. Secundariamente, visa determinar o impacto desta rotina no tempo de internação, na independência funcional do paciente e nos eventos clínicos da fase hospitalar, bem como avaliar a factibilidade das visitas domiciliares de enfermagem. Um total de 22 pacientes (9 homens e 13 mulheres) submetidos à ATQ no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (Brasil), com média (dp) de idade de 58,86 (16,87), variando de 21 a 86 anos, foram incluídos no estudo. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos grupo 1 (n=12) e grupo 2 (n=10) de acordo com aplicação ou não do PAATQ. No grupo 1, as principais comorbidades foram a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) (dois casos), o diabete mellitus (um caso); e o alcoolismo (um caso).No grupo 2, houve um caso de HAS. O tempo de permanência médio (dp) pós-operatório (DPO) foi de 5,2 e 7,5 dias para os grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente (p=0.0055). A adesão ao protocolo foi de 90% e 100% por parte das equipes médica e de enfermagem, respectivamente. Sete pacientes do grupo 1 conseguiram sentar fora do leito no 2o dia pós-operatório (PO), dois sentaram no 3o e nenhum foi incapaz de sair do leito. Todos deambularam com muletas um dia após sentarem. No grupo 2, todos os pacientes saíram do leito no 4o DPO. Em conclusão, o presente protocolo mostrou-se factível, tendo obtido ótima adesão por parte da equipe e propiciado redução do tempo de internação. O seguimento do programa determinará mais detalhadamente a sua eficácia e a factibilidade das visitas domiciliares.
This study is an analysis of opportunities and challenges of health assistance migration from hospitals to home care from the approach of the Domiciliary Internment Program (PID) in Natal / RN. The research aims to identify the ways that the multidisciplinary team act and know the stories of these professionals about the situation experienced in the transition between the instituting and instituted on home care modalities. PID has as a prior focus the elderly person in stable medical conditions, not to replace the hospital care, but to offer a therapeutic support turned to the exercise of their autonomy and coexistence with the situation of diseases. The home in their internal coexistence rules preserves own customs. As the hospital care migrates to the home care, it happens in the confrontation and rationality negotiation and becomes something new, that is going to be directed by an instituting dimension. In the view of New History, that suggests an interdisciplinary approach and interprets the problems on its time and from the technique of thematic oral history, it can be seen that working in interdisciplinary team is able to incorporate new values in the way of healthcare assistance, it longs for maintaining the maximum functional capacity of patients, it presents results as the prevention of diseases, costs reduction in connection with the Hospital Service, empowers and expands the possibilities for the patient recovery by aligning with the daily life and the opportunity of the patient being assisted by a multiprofessional team, interacting on the concrete reality. Therefore, PID is in line with the contemporary demands and as an instrument to be considered in the review of a wider concept of the health-disease process
This work is an investigation related to issues of those who take home care of people who suffer from Alzheimer disease (AD). Thus, it is justified by the need to acknowledge how these relatives perform this task and in which ways they do this. The study has is analytical and qualitative methodology with the use of a thematic oral history approach. The subjects of the research were nine relatives of those who suffer from AD that participate in the home care group in the Candelária neighborhood in the city of Natal in Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. The data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire and interview that was booked in advance and had full support from the care takers. After information collection, three thematic axles were defined. After this procedure, three analisys subcategories were also defined. The first thematic axle emphasizes the so called movement of rite of passage, when the relative becomes a care taker of a person with AD. The second category deals with the care takers strategies, either related to their own behalf or on their relative. It is possible to infer that amongst other forms of help, the care taker needs to rely on a support network, such as health services, groups composed by multiprofessionals that enable better articulation between family and collaborators. The dimension related to faith and spirituality was also observed and pointed out as an important aspect in the emotional support process for these relatives. In the third axle the perspectives of struggle, conquests of the right to health and life quality of those who suffer from AD as well as their relatives was observed. These also deal with dreams and hope
The accompanying the growth and development of the child is the guiding line of basic health measures directed at this public, acting within the scope of health monitoring and inferring positively in the rate of infant morbidity and mortality, which are still a preoccupation worldwide and in Brazil. However, mostly, this practice is based on the biomedical model of care, individualized, with emphasis on the medicalization and complaints, favoring the passivity of users. Given this issue, aim to develop accompanying the growth and development of the child in a Basic Unit Family Health, through a collective approach of medical care next to a health team, especially nurses and caregivers. This is a qualitative study, with the research-action method. Involved the four nurses and twenty-six of children's caregivers of the area of Basic Unit Family Health of Cidade Nova, in Natal, in the period from February to July 2010. The results were analyzed following the direction of the thematic analysis of Freire. In the situation analysis of the current reality of the accompanying the growth and development the children in the Basic Unit Family Health, through participant observation and applying a questionnaire to the nurses, we realize that despite these professionals have a knowledge tied to the paradigm of health promotion, in practice the monitoring of child is done through individual consultations in outpatient room, based on complaints brought by caregivers, with little solvability in actions employed. Given the need for change in medical care model, we decided jointly, in the focal group, for the collective monitoring of children's the growth and development, featuring then this proposal to the multidisciplinary team, discussing the participation of professional categories and planned collectively the actions. In the implementation stage of collective action, we contemplate the execution by the caregivers of anamnesis and physical examination, recording data in the Child Health Handbook and discussion of clinical findings, under the supervision of nurses and facilitators. In the evaluation, we found that this collective accompanying strategy allowed to caregivers learn new knowledge, exchange experiences, assistance in home care, beyond reduce the waiting time for medical care and creating opportunity of more time for debate about the children‟s health situation, differing of ambulatory care. As difficulties, we face with a high rate of defaulters (53.8%), lack of motivation and passivity of the users, little participation of other health professionals and nurses' involvement in other activities, technical and bureaucratic in the moment of care. Thus, we note also a strong rooting of individual clinical model on the way of thinking and acting of nurses and caregivers
Tuberculosis is a disease of great impact on the world context today. In Brazil, the disease management was directed to the Primary Health Care, due to the determination of the Ministry of Health to decentralize health actions for primary care. Thus, since the actions of diagnosis, treatment and control of the disease should happen in this context, however, there are still many barriers that may hinder the realization of these determinations. This study aims to analyze the development of tuberculosis control activities conducted in the services of primary health care from the patient's vision. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. The population consists of 517 tuberculosis patients treated in units of Primary Health Care in the city of Natal-RN; the sample consists of 93 TB patients. The collect instrument is structured, based in The Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), validated in Brazil and adapted to assess attention to TB in Brazil, with modifications. This instrument was divided into blocks: the first one describes the socio-demographic information of patients with TB and the second one describes the health services working in control, diagnosis and treatment of TB, and includes issues related to the dimensions of primary care: access, bond, services, coordination of care, guidance to the community and family focus. For quantitative analysis, were built indicators for each item of the instrument. The response patterns are followed according to the Likert scale, which was assigned a value between one and five meant that the degree of preference relation (or agreement) of the statements. Values between 1 and 3 were considered unsatisfactory for the indicator, between 3 and less than 4, regular, and between 4 and 5, satisfactory. The results indicate that 62.37% of patients are male, 27.96% aged 41 to 50 years old, and 34.41% unemployed, with low education and low family income. It was found that the reference hospital services are the front door to the patient (59.14%), and are also the local diagnosis of the disease (72.04%). On access, the conditions satisfactory found are: the number of times the patients need to pick up the health care issue, the marking and the facility to get a consultancy in the HS, assistance provided without harm to the individual's attendance labor and facilities related to the proximity between the residence and services; were considered unsatisfactory conditions related to travel to the HS, and on hours and days of operation of services. As for the cast of services were satisfactory and regular actions related to the request for examination to become viable in the first HS, the availability of pot to perform smear and medicines for the treatment, as well as consultations control and receiving information about the disease and the treatment performed; it is considered unsatisfactory the performance of the home care for patients with TB by the HS that acts as a front door, for implementation of the Directly Observed Treatment (DOT), home visits during treatment, the provision of transportation allowance to the patient and the existence of groups for TB patients. Regarding the coordination of care, resulted in regular the action of referring the patient to other HS to obtain examinations, and as unsatisfactory referral to obtain medications. The relationship bond between patient and health team were considered satisfactory in the majority or regular. As for the family and community focus, is satisfactory only the indicator relating to questions from professionals to the patient about the existence of respiratory symptoms in the family. It is considered that there is need for greater commitment from government entities to the incentives required to TB control, as well as the availability of necessary inputs and training of human resources working in the PHC in the ongoing quest to strengthen primary care, as a place of broader host needs to contact the user with the actions and health professionals. It is recommended the adoption of management mechanisms possible to expand the capacity of the health PHC, promoting the service delivery to the user and ensuring attention to population health.