961 resultados para international commercial arbitration
Commercial computer games contain “physics engine” components, responsible for providing realistic interactions among game objects. The question naturally arises of whether these engines can be used to develop educational materials for high school and university physics education. To answer this question, the author's group recently conducted a detailed scientific investigation of the physics engine of Unreal Tournament 2004 (UT2004). This article presents their motivation, methodology, and results. The author presents the findings of experiments that probed the accessibility and fidelity of UT2004's physics engine, examples of educational materials developed, and an evaluation of their use in high school classes. The associated pedagogical implications of this approach are discussed, and the author suggests guidelines for educators on how to deploy the approach. Key resources are presented on an associated Web site.
Fiji exports approximately 800 t year-1 of 'Solo Sunrise' papaya marketed as 'Fiji Red' to international markets which include New Zealand, Australia and Japan. The wet weather conditions from November to April each year result in a significant increase in fungal diseases present in Fiji papaya orchards. The two major pathogens that are causing significant post-harvest losses are: stem end rot (Phytophthora palmivora) and anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.). The high incidence of post-harvest rots has led to increased rejection rates all along the supply chain, causing a reduction in income to farmers, exporters, importers and retailers of Fiji papaya. It has also undermined the superior quality reputation on the market. In response to this issue, the Fiji Papaya industry led by Nature's Way Cooperative, embarked on series of trials supported by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) to determine the most effective and economical post-harvest control in Fiji papaya. Of all the treatments that were examined, a hot water dip treatment was selected by the industry as the most appropriate technology given the level of control that it provide, the cost effectiveness of the treatment and the fact that it was non-chemical. A commercial hot water unit that fits with the existing quarantine treatment and packing facilities has been designed and a cost benefit analysis for the investment carried out. This paper explores the research findings as well as the industry process that has led to the commercial uptake of this important technology.
Les transactions sur les valeurs mobilières ainsi que leur mise en garantie se font bien au-delà des frontières nationales. Elles impliquent une multitude d’intervenants, tels que l’émetteur, un grand nombre d’intermédiaires disposés en structure pyramidale, un ou des investisseurs et, bien évidemment, les bénéficiaires desdites valeurs mobilières ou garanties. On peut aussi signaler l’existence de nombreux portefeuilles diversifiés contenant des titres émis par plusieurs émetteurs situés dans plusieurs états. Toute la difficulté d’une telle diversité d’acteurs, de composantes financières et juridiques, réside dans l’application de règles divergentes et souvent conflictuelles provenant de systèmes juridiques d’origines diverses (Common Law et civiliste). De nombreux juristes, de toutes nationalités confondues, ont pu constater ces dernières années que les règles de création, d’opposabilité et de réalisation des sûretés, ainsi que les règles de conflit de lois qui aident à déterminer la loi applicable à ces différentes questions, ne répondaient plus adéquatement aux exigences juridiques nationales dans un marché financier global, exponentiel et sans réelles frontières administratives. Afin de résoudre cette situation et accommoder le marché financier, de nombreux textes de loi ont été révisés et adaptés. Notre analyse du droit québécois est effectuée en fonction du droit américain et canadien, principales sources du législateur québécois, mais aussi du droit suisse qui est le plus proche de la tradition civiliste québécoise, le tout à la lueur de la 36e Convention de La Haye du 5 juillet 2006 sur la loi applicable à certains droits sur des titres détenus auprès d'un intermédiaire. Par exemple, les articles 8 et 9 du Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) américain ont proposé des solutions modernes et révolutionnaires qui s’éloignent considérablement des règles traditionnelles connues en matière de bien, de propriété, de sûreté et de conflits de lois. Plusieurs autres projets et instruments juridiques dédiés à ces sujets ont été adoptés, tels que : la Loi uniforme sur le transfert des valeurs mobilières (LUTVM) canadienne, qui a été intégrée au Québec par le biais de la Loi sur le transfert de valeurs mobilières et l’obtention de titres intermédiés, RLRQ, c.T-11.002 (LTVMQ) ; la 36e Convention de La Haye du 5 juillet 2006 sur la loi applicable à certains droits sur des titres détenus auprès d'un intermédiaire; la Loi fédérale sur le droit international privé (LDIP) suisse, ainsi que la Loi fédérale sur les titres intermédiés (LTI) suisse. L’analyse de ces textes de loi nous a permis de proposer une nouvelle version des règles de conflit de lois en matière de sûretés et de transfert des titres intermédiés en droit québécois. Cette étude devrait susciter une réflexion profonde du point de vue d’un juriste civiliste, sur l’efficacité des nouvelles règles québécoises de sûretés et de conflit de lois en matière de titres intermédiés, totalement inspirées des règles américaines de Common Law. Un choix qui semble totalement ignorer un pan du système juridique civiliste et sociétal.
Indoor Air 2016 - The 14th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Internationalization and moving to new markets can create many opportunities for small businesses across the globe, but also presents a number of new challenges they will face, which may influence their competitive advantage in the global market -- Present paper aims to provide an internationalization guide for SMEs from Curaçao -- Also the determinants that can impact internationalization will be discussed -- In this paper, three widely researched internationalization models form the basis of the theoretical perspectives of this paper; the traditional Uppsala model, the Network model and the Linkage, Leverage and Learning model
Enterotoxemia in sheep and in goats is caused by the effects of the epsilon toxin of C/ostridium perfringens type D, being considered the main infectious cause of mortality in those animal species. The main prophylactic measures include adequate nutritional management and vaccination of ali animais using vaccines of high immunogenic power. Six commercial vaccines containing in its formulation the epsilon toxoid of C. perfringens type D were sorogically evaluated. Eighty four female goat kids, whose mothers had no previous vaccination history against clostridioses were used. They were divided into six groups of 14 animais each. The animais of the control group didn't receive any vaccine dose and the animais from the groups 1 to 5 received two vaccine doses, The first vaccine dose was applied at 45 days of life (day zero) and the second dose at 75 days (30 days after the first dose). Blood samples were collected from the goat kids at the days zero, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 after the beginning of the experiment, in order to evaluate the immunologic response. The Indirect ELlSA technique was used for the quantification of the antibodies against epsilon toxin in the samples of blood serum of the animais. In day zero, no animal presented titre considered protector. The largest number of animais considered protected was found at day 60, in response to the two initial doses of the vaccine (days O and 30, first and second doses, respectively). Only tive animaIs which received the vaccine 1 and one animal which received the vaccine 3 stayed wilh titres of antibodies considered up to 150 days after the first vaccine dose. Based on the results, it was concluded lhat the evaluated vaccines showed small amount of epsilon toxoid in the commercial formulations, a crucial fact for lhe low efficiency of. the vaccines. For commercial reasons, the vaccines against the clostridioses present versatile formulations, with several toxoid types, used for various animal species, which certainly contributed to reduce their effectiveness in preventing the iIInesses caused by the clostridia or their toxins.
Softeam has over 20 years of experience providing UML-based modelling solutions, such as its Modelio modelling tool, and its Constellation enterprise model management and collaboration environment. Due to the increasing number and size of the models used by Softeam’s clients, Softeam joined the MONDO FP7 EU research project, which worked on solutions for these scalability challenges and produced the Hawk model indexer among other results. This paper presents the technical details and several case studies on the integration of Hawk into Softeam’s toolset. The first case study measured the performance of Hawk’s Modelio support using varying amounts of memory for the Neo4j backend. In another case study, Hawk was integrated into Constellation to provide scalable global querying of model repositories. Finally, the combination of Hawk and the Epsilon Generation Language was compared against Modelio for document generation: for the largest model, Hawk was two orders of magnitude faster.
In the past decade, Spain’s generous incentive system for renewable energy production attracted substantial foreign and national investment. However, when the global financial crisis hit, and the consequent reduction of electricity consumption, the incentives began to cause a tariff deficit in the electricity system, leading the Spanish government to cut back and then eliminate the incentives. In the wake of losses, international investors turned to investment arbitration, while national investors could only present their claims before Spanish courts. The result was a potential for differential treatment between national and foreign investors. This paper examines the incentive regime and the government’s changes to it in order to understand the investors’ claims and the reasoning that resulted in their rejections, both in national courts and in the only arbitration award issued up to now. The paper concludes with a discussion of the effect of the renewable energies situation on the investment arbitration debate within Spanish civil society.
The market for plant-based dairy-type products is growing as consumers replace bovine milk in their diet, for medical reasons or as a lifestyle choice. A screening of 17 different commercial plant-based milk substitutes based on different cereals, nuts and legumes was performed, including the evaluation of physicochemical and glycaemic properties. Half of the analysed samples had low or no protein contents (<0.5 %). Only samples based on soya showed considerable high protein contents, matching the value of cow’s milk (3.7 %). An in-vitro method was used to predict the glycaemic index. In general, the glycaemic index values ranged from 47 for bovine milk to 64 (almond-based) and up to 100 for rice-based samples. Most of the plant-based milk substitutes were highly unstable with separation rates up to 54.39 %/h. This study demonstrated that nutritional and physicochemical properties of plant-based milk substitutes are strongly dependent on the plant source, processing and fortification. Most products showed low nutritional qualities. Therefore, consumer awareness is important when plant-based milk substitutes are used as an alternative to cow’s milk in the diet.
Le contrôle de la pollution environnementale provoquée par les humains et ses influences sur les activités économiques est un sujet de plus en plus populaire depuis les années 80. Beaucoup de chercheurs s’y intéressent afin de trouver les effets de la politique environnementale sur les activités économiques. Ce mémoire a donc pour but d’étudier et d’analyser le Programme canadien de lutte contre les pluies acides (PCLCPA), né en 1985 pour contrôler les pluies acides dans les provinces de l’Est du Canada, qui est l’endroit le plus endommagé par les pluies acides. L’Effet de havre de pollution est la théorie sur laquelle nous nous sommes appuyés dans notre recherche. Nous avons supposé au préalable que le PCLCPA crée un effet positif sur les importations interprovinciales dans les provinces de l’Est du Canada, dans les secteurs industriels qui sont les plus polluants et qui sont classés selon quatre indicateurs d’intensité. Pour vérifier la robustesse des résultats, les importations internationales ainsi que les exportations interprovinciales et internationales sont retenues. En employant la méthode de triple-différence, nos résultats montrent que le PCLCPA n’a pas un effet significatif sur les flux commerciaux canadiens. Les raisons principales pour expliquer un tel résultat portent sur, premièrement, la qualité insuffisante des bases de données; deuxièmement, la structure régionale de l’économie canadienne, qui est la cause majeure de l’échange interprovincial et international canadien, et non le PCLCPA; troisièmement, l’Accord de Libre-Échange entre le Canada et les États-Unis (ALE) a un impact possible sur le commerce international du Canada (avec des conséquences pour le commerce interprovincial également).
El síndrome antifosfolípido es un desorden autoinmune caracterizado por hipercoagulabilidad que requiere terapia anticoagulante como pilar fundamental, siendo la warfarina el tratamiento de elección en los casos que requieren manejo por largos periodos. Sin embargo, los pacientes con anticoagulante lúpico positivo representan un reto porque tienen mayor riesgo de presentar eventos trombóticos, sumado a que el seguimiento con el International Normalized Ratio (INR) no es confiable, ya que estos anticuerpos generan interferencia con las pruebas de laboratorio basadas en fosfolípidos, como es el caso del tiempo de protrombina (PT) con INR basal prolongado, incluso antes del inicio de la terapia anticoagulante. Por tal razón, se ilustra el caso de una paciente con síndrome antifosfolípido primario y anticoagulante lúpico positivo quien ha presentado múltiples episodios trombóticos, a pesar de recibir terapia anticoagulante. Además se hace una revisión de la literatura disponible y se postulan nuevas metas de INR en estos pacientes diferentes de las que se plantean actualmente.
In spite of increasing globalization around the world, the effects of international trade on economic growth are not very clear. I consider an endogenous economic growth model in an open economy with the Home Market Effect (HME) and non-homothetic preferences in order to identify some determinants of the different results in this relationship. The model shows how trade between similar countries leads to convergence in economic growth when knowledge spillovers are present, while trade between very asymmetric countries produces divergence and may become trade in a poverty or growth trap. The results for welfare move in the same direction as economic growth since convergence implies increases in welfare for both countries, while divergence leads to increases in welfare for the largest country and the opposite for its commercial partner in the absence of knowledge spillovers. International trade does not implicate greater welfare as is usual in a static context under CES preferences.
To compare time and risk to biochemical recurrence (BR) after radical prostatectomy of two chronologically different groups of patients using the standard and the modified Gleason system (MGS). Cohort 1 comprised biopsies of 197 patients graded according to the standard Gleason system (SGS) in the period 1997/2004, and cohort 2, 176 biopsies graded according to the modified system in the period 2005/2011. Time to BR was analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier product-limit analysis and prediction of shorter time to recurrence using univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards model. Patients in cohort 2 reflected time-related changes: striking increase in clinical stage T1c, systematic use of extended biopsies, and lower percentage of total length of cancer in millimeter in all cores. The MGS used in cohort 2 showed fewer biopsies with Gleason score ≤ 6 and more biopsies of the intermediate Gleason score 7. Time to BR using the Kaplan-Meier curves showed statistical significance using the MGS in cohort 2, but not the SGS in cohort 1. Only the MGS predicted shorter time to BR on univariate analysis and on multivariate analysis was an independent predictor. The results favor that the 2005 International Society of Urological Pathology modified system is a refinement of the Gleason grading and valuable for contemporary clinical practice.
The Ophira Mini Sling System involves anchoring a midurethral, low-tension tape to the obturator internus muscles bilaterally at the level of the tendinous arc. Success rates in different subsets of patients are still to be defined. This work aims to identify which factors influence the 2-year outcomes of this treatment. Analysis was based on data from a multicenter study. Endpoints for analysis included objective measurements: 1-h pad-weight (PWT), and cough stress test (CST), and questionnaires: International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Form (ICIQ-SF) and Urinary Distress Inventory (UDI)-6. A logistic regression analysis evaluated possible risk factors for failure. In all, 124 female patients with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) underwent treatment with the Ophira procedure. All patients completed 1 year of follow-up, and 95 complied with the 2-year evaluation. Longitudinal analysis showed no significant differences between results at 1 and 2 years. The 2-year overall objective results were 81 (85.3%) patients dry, six (6.3%) improved, and eight (8.4%) incontinent. A multivariate analysis revealed that previous anti-incontinence surgery was the only factor that significantly influenced surgical outcomes. Two years after treatment, women with previous failed surgeries had an odds ratio (OR) for treatment failure (based on PWT) of 4.0 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-15.57). The Ophira procedure is an effective option for SUI treatment, with durable good results. Previous surgeries were identified as the only significant risk factor, though previously operated patients showed an acceptable success rate.