274 resultados para coexistência


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Em Bioinformática são frequentes problemas cujo tratamento necessita de considerável poder de processamento/cálculo e/ou grande capacidade de armazenamento de dados e elevada largura de banda no acesso aos mesmos (de forma não comprometer a eficiência do seu processamento). Um exemplo deste tipo de problemas é a busca de regiões de similaridade em sequências de amino-ácidos de proteínas, ou em sequências de nucleótidos de DNA, por comparação com uma dada sequência fornecida (query sequence). Neste âmbito, a ferramenta computacional porventura mais conhecida e usada é o BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) [1]. Donde, qualquer incremento no desempenho desta ferramenta tem impacto considerável (desde logo positivo) na atividade de quem a utiliza regularmente (seja para investigação, seja para fins comerciais). Precisamente, desde que o BLAST foi inicialmente introduzido, foram surgindo diversas versões, com desempenho melhorado, nomeadamente através da aplicação de técnicas de paralelização às várias fases do algoritmo (e. g., partição e distribuição das bases de dados a pesquisar, segmentação das queries, etc. ), capazes de tirar partido de diferentes ambientes computacionais de execução paralela, como: máquinas multi-core (BLAST+ 2), clusters de nós multi-core (mpiBLAST3J e, mais recentemente, co-processadores aceleradores como GPUs" ou FPGAs. É também possível usar as ferramentas da família BLAST através de um interface/sítio WEB5, que permite, de forma expedita, a pesquisa de uma variedade de bases de dados conhecidas (e em permanente atualização), com tempos de resposta suficientemente pequenos para a maioria dos utilizadores, graças aos recursos computacionais de elevado desempenho que sustentam o seu backend. Ainda assim, esta forma de utilização do BLAST poderá não ser a melhor opção em algumas situações, como por exemplo quando as bases de dados a pesquisar ainda não são de domínio público, ou, sendo-o, não estão disponíveis no referido sitio WEB. Adicionalmente, a utilização do referido sitio como ferramenta de trabalho regular pressupõe a sua disponibilidade permanente (dependente de terceiros) e uma largura de banda de qualidade suficiente, do lado do cliente, para uma interacção eficiente com o mesmo. Por estas razões, poderá ter interesse (ou ser mesmo necessário) implantar uma infra-estrutura BLAST local, capaz de albergar as bases de dados pertinentes e de suportar a sua pesquisa da forma mais eficiente possível, tudo isto levando em conta eventuais constrangimentos financeiros que limitam o tipo de hardware usado na implementação dessa infra-estrutura. Neste contexto, foi realizado um estudo comparativo de diversas versões do BLAST, numa infra-estrutura de computação paralela do IPB, baseada em componentes commodity: um cluster de 8 nós (virtuais, sob VMWare ESXi) de computação (com CPU Í7-4790K 4GHz, 32GB RAM e 128GB SSD) e um nó dotado de uma GPU (CPU Í7-2600 3.8GHz, 32GB RAM, 128 GB SSD, 1 TB HD, NVIDIA GTX 580). Assim, o foco principal incidiu na avaliação do desempenho do BLAST original e do mpiBLAST, dado que são fornecidos de base na distribuição Linux em que assenta o cluster [6]. Complementarmente, avaliou-se também o BLAST+ e o gpuBLAST no nó dotado de GPU. A avaliação contemplou diversas configurações de recursos, incluindo diferentes números de nós utilizados e diferentes plataformas de armazenamento das bases de dados (HD, SSD, NFS). As bases de dados pesquisadas correspondem a um subconjunto representativo das disponíveis no sitio WEB do BLAST, cobrindo uma variedade de dimensões (desde algumas dezenas de MBytes, até à centena de GBytes) e contendo quer sequências de amino-ácidos (env_nr e nr), quer de nucleótidos (drosohp. nt, env_nt, mito. nt, nt e patnt). Para as pesquisas foram 'usadas sequências arbitrárias de 568 letras em formato FASTA, e adoptadas as opções por omissão dos vários aplicativos BLAST. Salvo menção em contrário, os tempos de execução considerados nas comparações e no cálculo de speedups são relativos à primeira execução de uma pesquisa, não sendo assim beneficiados por qualquer efeito de cache; esta opção assume um cenário real em que não é habitual que uma mesma query seja executada várias vezes seguidas (embora possa ser re-executada, mais tarde). As principais conclusões do estudo comparativo realizado foram as seguintes: - e necessário acautelar, à priori, recursos de armazenamento com capacidade suficiente para albergar as bases de dados nas suas várias versões (originais/compactadas, descompactadas e formatadas); no nosso cenário de teste a coexistência de todas estas versões consumiu 600GBytes; - o tempo de preparação (formataçâo) das bases de dados para posterior pesquisa pode ser considerável; no nosso cenário experimental, a formatação das bases de dados mais pesadas (nr, env_nt e nt) demorou entre 30m a 40m (para o BLAST), e entre 45m a 55m (para o mpiBLAST); - embora economicamente mais onerosos, a utilização de discos de estado sólido, em alternativa a discos rígidos tradicionais, permite melhorar o tempo da formatação das bases de dados; no entanto, os benefícios registados (à volta de 9%) ficam bastante aquém do inicialmente esperado; - o tempo de execução do BLAST é fortemente penalizado quando as bases de dados são acedidas através da rede, via NFS; neste caso, nem sequer compensa usar vários cores; quando as bases de dados são locais e estão em SSD, o tempo de execução melhora bastante, em especial com a utilização de vários cores; neste caso, com 4 cores, o speedup chega a atingir 3.5 (sendo o ideal 4) para a pesquisa de BDs de proteínas, mas não passa de 1.8 para a pesquisa de BDs de nucleótidos; - o tempo de execução do mpiBLAST é muito prejudicado quando os fragmentos das bases de dados ainda não se encontram nos nós do cluster, tendo que ser distribuídos previamente à pesquisa propriamente dita; após a distribuição, a repetição das mesmas queries beneficia de speedups de 14 a 70; porém, como a mesma base de dados poderá ser usada para responder a diferentes queries, então não é necessário repetir a mesma query para amortizar o esforço de distribuição; - no cenário de teste, a utilização do mpiBLAST com 32+2 cores, face ao BLAST com 4 cores, traduz-se em speedups que, conforme a base de dados pesquisada (e previamente distribuída), variam entre 2 a 5, valores aquém do máximo teórico de 6.5 (34/4), mas ainda assim demonstradores de que, havendo essa possibilidade, compensa realizar as pesquisas em cluster; explorar vários cores) e com o gpuBLAST, realizada no nó com GPU (representativo de uma workstation típica), permite aferir qual a melhor opção no caso de não serem possíveis pesquisas em cluster; as observações realizadas indicam que não há diferenças significativas entre o BLAST e o BLAST+; adicionalmente, o desempenho do gpuBLAST foi sempre pior (aproximadmente em 50%) que o do BLAST e BLAST+, o que pode encontrar explicação na longevidade do modelo da GPU usada; - finalmente, a comparação da melhor opção no nosso cenário de teste, representada pelo uso do mpiBLAST, com o recurso a pesquisa online, no site do BLAST5, revela que o mpiBLAST apresenta um desempenho bastante competitivo com o BLAST online, chegando a ser claramente superior se se considerarem os tempos do mpiBLAST tirando partido de efeitos de cache; esta assunção acaba por se justa, Já que BLAST online também rentabiliza o mesmo tipo de efeitos; no entanto, com tempos de pequisa tão reduzidos (< 30s), só é defensável a utilização do mpiBLAST numa infra-estrutura local se o objetivo for a pesquisa de Bds não pesquisáveis via BLAS+ online.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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O jornal Expositor Cristão, órgão oficial da Igreja Metodista no Brasil, nasceu em 1886, com uma proposta que se poderia chamar de ecumênica: seu primeiro nome, Methodista Catholico, revela o desejo de universalidade, confirmado pelo editorial de estréia. Seu criador, o missionário norte-americano John James Ransom, pretendia um veículo de orientação doutrinária que não fosse sectário, em consonância com a tradição wesleyana. Mas o Metodista Católico teve vida curta: em pouco mais de um ano passou a se chamar Expositor Cristão. O campo religioso brasileiro vivia, então, o período da controvérsia apologética, com a inserção do protestantismo de missão, de origem anglo-saxã, em contraposição ao catolicismo romano. O nome do recém-nascido jornal foi mais uma vítima dos embates. Este trabalho se dispôs a avaliar como o jornal tratou a questão do ecumenismo desde esse período até a entrada da Igreja Metodista no CONIC, Conselho Nacional de Igrejas Cristãs, no início da década de 1980. A pesquisa constatou que o anticatolicismo arraigado no metodismo brasileiro em seus primórdios jamais desapareceu por completo. Notou também que o metodismo não esteve imune aos conflitos interdenominacionais existentes no próprio meio evangélico. Em que pese o reconhecido pioneirismo da Igreja Metodista na criação de organismos ecumênicos brasileiros, o ecumenismo sempre enfrentou barreiras internas, mais ou menos explícitas. E o jornal Expositor Cristão, criado para ser um veículo de informação e formação doutrinária, nem sempre comunicou com a necessária clareza qual o significado que a Igreja Metodista confere à palavra ecumenismo e como ela o pratica. Em alguns momentos, a coexistência entre ecumenismo e antiecumenismo no interior do campo metodista não foi trazida à luz dos debates pelo jornal, mas permaneceu oculta por omissões e ambivalências. É o que este trabalho pôde constatar a partir de uma avaliação qualitativa do conteúdo do jornal.(AU)


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The discussion of economic development emphasizes the emergence of a gradual change of economic structure, which would rise from an agrarian to the industrial stage, and later with a predominant tertiary sector. However, the high Brazilian regional inequality resulted in the coexistence of modern spaces and other arrears. Such disparities are visible not only in economics, but spatial, social and environmental. Although Brazil has gone through changes in the production structure and the location of these activities, space - territorial disparities manifest themselves in a high level of regional heterogeneity. In this context, the Northeast emerged as a region that has historically been characterized by socioeconomic backwardness and the presence of the worst indicators of inequality. The presence of these indicators showing the socioeconomic backwardness of the other fronts region contributes to the priority of action aimed at reverting this regional disparity public policy. The historical account of the development policies of regional studies shows that the state played a pivotal role in ensuring regional planning. Besides the creation of development agencies such as the Northeast Sudene, tax and financial incentives have been widely used strategies in the region to foster greater national integration. However, the use of incentives is much discussed in view of the possible advantages and disadvantages brought by its use. Thus, this study aims to build a theoretical framework tool for building effective public policies for industrialization in the Northeast, specifically in Rio Grande do Norte.


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This wor k problematizou - if the relationship between trade and city, with a view to considering the role of this activity in urban dynamics of Pau dos Ferros, from the decade of 1980. From this perspective, characterized the city from a historical point of view, em phasizing the commercial dynamics in the urban context, regarding the number of establishments, typologies, specializations; identified the vectors of modernization of commercial activity in the city; it was recognized from the dissemination of trade in ur ban space, the processes and the space forms associated with this dynamic. The methodology involved bibliographic research, documentary research in organs, such as the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio a Mi cro e Pequenas Empresas (SEBRAE), Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL) of Pau dos Ferros and Municipal Government, as well as field research. The results of the survey indicate that the City of Pau dos Ferros, from a historical point of view, had its origin linked to trade and has the center as the site of the genesis of this activity, because the largest number of establishments, typologies and specializations are there; the commercial activity is marked by the coexistence between traditional ways and moder n, these being allocated in the central area of the city, for example, supermarkets and specialty stores; and the dissemination of trade in the urban area of Pau dos Ferros revealed the center of the city and the Avenue Independence as the places where the y are more expressive, the processes and forms associated with this activity.


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This work shows that the synthesis by combustion is a prominent alternative to obtain ceramic powders of higher oxides, nanostructured and of high purity, as the ferrites of formulas Co(1-x)Zn(x)Fe2O4 e Ni(1-x)Zn(x)Fe2O4 with x ranging from 0.2 mols, in a range from 0.2 ≤ x ≥ 1.0 mol, that presents magnetic properties in coexistence of ferroelectric and ferrimagnetic states, which can be used in antennas of micro tapes and selective surfaces of low frequency in a range of miniaturized microwaves, without performance loss. The obtainment occurred through the combustion process, followed by appropriate physical processes and ordered to the utilization of the substrate sinterization process, it gave us a ceramic material, of high purity degree in a nanometric scale. The Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) analysis showed that those ferritic materials presents parameters, as materials hysteresis, that have own behavior of magnetic materials of good quality, in which the magnetization states can be suddenly changed with a relatively small variation of the field intensity, having large applications on the electronics field. The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of the ceramic powders synthesized at 900 °C, characterize its structural and geometrical properties, the crystallite size and the interplanar spacing. Other analysis were developed, as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), electric permittivity and the tangent loss, in high frequencies, through the equipment ZVB - 14 Vector Network Analyzer 10 MHz-14 GHz, of ROHDE & SCHWART.


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Based on the theoretical and methodological presuppositions of the theory of language variation and change (cf. WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006 [1968]), it is described and analyzed in this article the process of variation/change concerning the second person possessive pronouns in letters from readers of Brazilian newspapers from the XIX and XX centuries. These letters feature a portrait of the Brazilian press from the South (Santa Catarina), Southeast (Rio de Janeiro) and Northeast (Bahia and Rio Grande do Norte) regions in each century and are part of the Project for Brazilian Portuguese History‘s (PHPB) printed common minimal corpus. The point of departure of this work is the idea that the use of variant forms of expressing second person possessive pronouns – teu and seu – results from the interaction characterizing the varied social roles performed by the letters‘ senders. Arranging communicative units, which gather elements/features denoting time and space, conditioned and determined by socio-historical and cultural aspects, the readers‘ letters, turn out to be a promising research field under the light of this paper. More specifically, In the row of presented results in studies about the pronominal system in the diachroneity of/in Brazilian Portuguese (PB) (FARACO, 2002; LORENGIAN-PENKAL, 2007; CALLOU; LOPES, 2003; LOPES; DUARTE, 2003; MENON, 2005; ARDUIN; COELHO, 2006; LOPES, 2009; MARCOTULIO, 2010), the results featured in here point at different usages of the possessives, noticing the coexistence of the forms teu/tua and seu/sua strongly conditioned by the socio-discursive nature of the readers‘ letters in the course of the centuries and through different regions.


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Based on the theoretical and methodological presuppositions of the theory of language variation and change (cf. WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006 [1968]), it is described and analyzed in this article the process of variation/change concerning the second person possessive pronouns in letters from readers of Brazilian newspapers from the XIX and XX centuries. These letters feature a portrait of the Brazilian press from the South (Santa Catarina), Southeast (Rio de Janeiro) and Northeast (Bahia and Rio Grande do Norte) regions in each century and are part of the Project for Brazilian Portuguese History‘s (PHPB) printed common minimal corpus. The point of departure of this work is the idea that the use of variant forms of expressing second person possessive pronouns – teu and seu – results from the interaction characterizing the varied social roles performed by the letters‘ senders. Arranging communicative units, which gather elements/features denoting time and space, conditioned and determined by socio-historical and cultural aspects, the readers‘ letters, turn out to be a promising research field under the light of this paper. More specifically, In the row of presented results in studies about the pronominal system in the diachroneity of/in Brazilian Portuguese (PB) (FARACO, 2002; LORENGIAN-PENKAL, 2007; CALLOU; LOPES, 2003; LOPES; DUARTE, 2003; MENON, 2005; ARDUIN; COELHO, 2006; LOPES, 2009; MARCOTULIO, 2010), the results featured in here point at different usages of the possessives, noticing the coexistence of the forms teu/tua and seu/sua strongly conditioned by the socio-discursive nature of the readers‘ letters in the course of the centuries and through different regions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study involved the synthesis of photocatalysts based on titanium dioxide (TiO2). The photocatalysts were synthesized by the sol-gel method using three different proportions of acetone (25%, 50% and 75% v/v) in water/acetone mixtures, in order to control the hydrolysis of the precursor of titanium (titanium tetraisopropoxide). Aiming to investigate the structural, morphological and electronic changes provoked by the use of the solvent mixtures, different methodologies were used to characterize the oxides, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), RAMAN spectroscopy, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and measurements of specific surface area (BET). XRD combined to RAMAN analyses revealed that the products are two-phase highly crystalline oxides involving anatase as main phase and brookite. Besides, the refined XRD using the method of Rietveld demonstrated that the presence of acetone during the synthesis influenced in the composition of the crystalline phases, increasing the proportion of the brookite phase between 13 and 22%. The band gap energy of these oxides practically did not suffer changes as function of the synthesis conditions. As shown by the isotherm, these photocatalysts are mesoporous materials with mean diameter of pores of 7 nm and approximately 20% of porosity. The surface area of the oxides prepared by hydrolysis in presence of acetone was 12% higher compared to the bare oxide. After characterized, these oxides had their photocatalytic activities evaluated by photodegradation of the azo dyes Ponceau 4R (P4R), Tartrazine (TTZ) and Reactive Red 120 (RR120), and also by the ability to mediate the photocatalytic production of hydrogen. Using the most efficient photocatalyst, the mineralization achieved for the dyes P4R, RR120 and TTZ was of respectively 83%, 79% and 56% in 120 minutes of reaction, while the discoloration of P4R e RR120 reached 100% and 94% for TTZ. In addition, the same photocatalyst in the presence of 0.5% w/w of Platinum and suspended in a 5:1 v/v water/methanol mixture, produced 56 mmol of gaseous hydrogen in five hours of experiment, corresponding to a specific rate of hydrogen production of 139.5 mmol h-1 g-1.


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The analysis of urban conurbations demands the understanding regarding the difference between urban territorial continuity and spatial continuity. While the spatial continuity is understood due to its interrelations and established fluxes, in other words, through the spatial integration, the territorial continuity is related to the urban tissue. Therefore, the spatial continuity can manifest in a simultaneous way or associated to the territorial discontinuity. From this perspective, the main objective of this research consists on identifying and dimensioning the spatial interactions that are driven to a urban conurbation process between the municipalities of Araguari and Uberlândia/MG, besides the not continuity of the territorial urban area. The intensity of these interactions was identified from the displacements by the dwellers from both municipalities in search of job occupations, education and health assistance. So it would be able to reach the proposed objectives we used several methodological procedures, such as a bibliographic and documental researches. In order to identify the education and work fluxes we analyzed the micro data from the Demographic Census 2010. For the educational sector it was also accomplished a research, in Araguari, the place of residence of students enrolled at Instituto Master de Ensino Presidente Antônio Carlos (IMEPAC) and, in Uberlândia, the place of residence of students enrolled at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). The identification of health fluxes was done through a research, in Uberlândia, of the inpatients' origin at Hospital de Clínicas de Uberlândia of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (HCU/UFU) and, in Araguari, of the origin of patients that are attended at the Pronto-Socorro Municipal. Semi structured interviews were also accomplished with different social actors. Another important step was the use of questionnaires with the inter-municipal public transportation users at their boarding place in Araguari and Uberlândia. This paper was organized in five chapters, while in the first one we accomplished a theoretical discussion over the concept of urban conurbation, in order to presenting the identification and classification criteria and the urban conurbation of non metropolitan criteria. The second chapter analyses the differentiation process between Araguari and Uberlândia, which is a result of the distinct territorial formation of the municipalities. The third chapter analyses the intensity and degree of the spatial interactions between the two municipalities, having as a focus the established fluxes in the work sector. The fourth chapter, on the other hand, focuses on the education and health sectors, while the last chapter accomplishes a discussion to investigate if the analyzed fluxes in the previous chapters make it able to identify if the spatial interactions established between Araguari and Uberlândia are measured through complementarities or dependence. As a result it was possible to identify that, due to the expressiveness of the established fluxes between the two municipalities, beyond the further ones of Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba in the three selected sectors, there is a configuration of a discontinuous urban conurbation process. It was also possible to conclude that, despite the fluxes between Araguari and Uberlândia being more representative than the other way around there's a coexistence dependence relationship and complementarity between the two municipalities.


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The coexistence of gingival recession (GR) with root coverage indication and non-carious cervical lesions (LCNC) generates the need for a protocol that respects and promotes health of dental and periodontal tissues and allows treatment predictability. The main objectives of this theses were: (1) verify, through clinical evaluations, the connective tissue graft for root coverage on direct and indirect restorations made of ceramic resin; (2) analyze the influence of the battery level of the LED curing unit in the composite resin characteristics; (3) assess the influence of restorative materials, composite resin and ceramics, on the viability of gingival fibroblasts from primary culture. Nine patients with good oral hygiene and occlusal stability diagnosed with LCNCs the anterior teeth including premolars associated with gingival recession (class I and II of Miller) and only gingival recession were selected. After initial clinical examination, occlusal adjustment was performed and the patients had their teeth randomized allocated on direct composite resin restoration of LCNC, polishing and GR treatment with connective tissue graft and advanced coronally flap CR group (n = 15); and indirect ceramic restoration of the LCNC's and GR treatment (CTG+CAF) Group C (n = 15). The GR presented teeth with no clinically formed LCNCs cavity were treated using (CTG+CAF) being the control group (n = 15). Sorption and solubility tests, analysis of the degree of conversion and diametral tensile strength were performed in composite resin samples (n = 10) photoactivated by 100, 50 and 10% battery charge LED unit. The viability of fibroblasts on composite resin, ceramics and dentin disks (n = 3) was examined. Clinical follow-up was performed for three months. The data obtained at different stages were tabulated and subjected to analysis for detection of normal distribution and homogeneity. The results showed that: the LED unit with 10% battery affects the characteristics of the composite resin; restorative materials present biocompatibility with gingival fibroblasts; and the association of surgical and restorative treatment of teeth affected by NCCL and GR presents successful results at 3-month follow-up.