280 resultados para UltraFiltration
Mg-chelatase catalyzes the ATP-dependent insertion of Mg2+ into protoporphyrin-IX to form Mg-protoporphyrin-IX. This is the first step unique to chlorophyll synthesis, and it lies at the branch point for porphyrin utilization; the other branch leads to heme. Using the stromal fraction of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Spring) chloroplasts, we have prepared Mg-chelatase in a highly active (1000 pmol 30 min−1 mg−1) and stable form. The reaction had a lag in the time course, which was overcome by preincubation with ATP. The concentration curves for ATP and Mg2+ were sigmoidal, with apparent Km values for Mg2+ and ATP of 14.3 and 0.35 mm, respectively. The Km for deuteroporphyrin was 8 nm. This Km is 300 times lower than the published porphyrin Km for ferrochelatase. The soluble extract was separated into three fractions by chromatography on blue agarose, followed by size-selective centrifugal ultrafiltration of the column flow-through. All three fractions were required for activity, clearly demonstrating that the plant Mg-chelatase requires at least three protein components. Additionally, only two of the components were required for activation; both were contained in the flow-through from the blue-agarose column.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) secretion in rats and humans is inhibited by pancreatic proteases and bile acids in the intestine. It has been hypothesized that the inhibition of CCK release caused by pancreatic proteases is due to proteolytic inactivation of a CCK-releasing peptide present in intestinal secretion. To purify the putative luminal CCK-releasing factor (LCRF), intestinal secretions were collected by perfusing a modified Thiry-Vella fistula of jejunum in conscious rats. From these secretions, the peptide was concentrated by ultrafiltration followed by low-pressure reverse-phase chromatography and purified by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. Purity was confirmed by high-performance capillary electrophoresis. Fractions were assayed for CCK-releasing activity by their ability to stimulate pancreatic protein secretion when infused into the proximal small intestine of conscious rats. Partially purified fractions strongly stimulated both pancreatic secretion and CCK release while CCK receptor blockade abolished the pancreatic response. Amino acid analysis and mass spectral analysis showed that the purified peptide is composed of 70-75 amino acid residues and has a mass of 8136 Da. Microsequence analysis of LCRF yielded an amino acid sequence for 41 residues as follows: STFWAYQPDGDNDPTDYQKYEHTSSPSQLLAPGDYPCVIEV. When infused intraduodenally, the purified peptide stimulated pancreatic protein and fluid secretion in a dose-related manner in conscious rats and significantly elevated plasma CCK levels. Immunoaffinity chromatography using antisera raised to synthetic LCRF-(1-6) abolished the CCK releasing activity of intestinal secretions. These studies demonstrate, to our knowledge, the first chemical characterization of a luminally secreted enteric peptide functioning as an intraluminal regulator of intestinal hormone release.
A folate analogue, 1843U89 (U89), with potential as a chemotherapeutic agent due to its potent and specific inhibition of thymidylate synthase (TS; EC, greatly enhances not only the binding of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate (FdUMP) and dUMP to Escherichia coli TS but also that of dGMP, GMP, dIMP, and IMP. Guanine nucleotide binding was first detected by CD analysis, which revealed a unique spectrum for the TS-dGMP-U89 ternary complex. The quantitative binding of dGMP relative to GMP, FdUMP, and dUMP was determined in the presence and absence of U89 by ultrafiltration analysis, which revealed that although the binding of GMP and dGMP could not be detected in the absence of U89 both were bound in its presence. The Kd for dGMP was about the same as that for dUMP and FdUMP, with binding of the latter two nucleotides being increased by two orders of magnitude by U89. An explanation for the binding of dGMP was provided by x-ray diffraction studies that revealed an extensive stacking interaction between the guanine of dGMP and the benzoquinazoline ring of U89 and hydrogen bonds similar to those involved in dUMP binding. In addition, binding energy was provided through a water molecule that formed hydrogen bonds to both N7 of dGMP and the hydroxyl of Tyr-94. Accommodation of the larger dGMP molecule was accomplished through a distortion of the active site and a shift of the deoxyribose moiety to a new position. These rearrangements also enabled the binding of GMP to occur by creating a pocket for the ribose 2' hydroxyl group, overcoming the normal TS discrimination against nucleotides containing the 2' hydroxyl.
Micro-organismos fotossintetizantes, incluído aqui o gênero Arthrospira, vêm sendo amplamente produzidos em larga escala em vários países, detendo um mercado que gera mais de 1 bilhão de dólares ao ano. A produção industrial utiliza grande volume de água com alta concentração salina para produzir milhares de toneladas de biomassa microalgal. É crescente a utilização de tratamento de águas por processo de separação por membranas, demonstrando ser uma técnica que gera água de ótima qualidade, de instalação compacta e de fácil automação. No presente trabalho, foi avaliada esta tecnologia para o reaproveitamento do meio de cultura em novos cultivos de micro-organismos fotossintetizantes, visando contribuir para a sustentabilidade deste processo produtivo. O efluente do cultivo de Arthrospira platensis oriundo de processo descontínuo em minitanques foi submetido a tratamento por membranas de filtração tangencial, incluindo microfiltração (MF) (porosidades de 0,65 µm e de 0,22 µm) e ultrafiltração (UF) (peso molecular de corte de 5.000 Da), em pressões transmembrana (TMP) de 22,5 a 90 kPa. Os processos de MF levaram a reduções médias de 53,9±1,3 % e 93,1±1,1 % de matéria orgânica natural (NOM) e pigmentos nos meios residuais, respectivamente. Com o uso de processos de UF, cujos meios foram previamente tratados por MF (0,22 µm e 22,5 kPa), as reduções médias de NOM e pigmentos foram de 57,2±0,5 % e 94,0±0,8 %, respectivamente. Os processos de MF com TMP de 22,5 kPa levaram a concentrações celulares máximas (Xm) equivalentes às obtidas com meio novo. O uso de membrana de 0,65 µm e TMP de 22,5 kPa levou a uma perda média de 2,9 %, 22,7 % e 16,4% dos nutrientes carbonato, fosfato e nitrato, respectivamente, mas a correção desses valores aos mesmos do meio padrão levou à obtenção dos mais altos valores de Xm (3586,6±80 mg L-1), produtividade em células (505,0±11,6 mg L-1 d-1) e fator de conversão de nitrogênio em células (29,6±0,7 mg mg-1). O teor protéico da biomassa foi estatisticamente igual ao da biomassa obtida de cultivo com meio padrão novo. Os dados deste trabalho evidenciam que processos de filtração por membrana são promissores para o reuso de meio de micro-organismos fotossintetizantes.
A água de coco é considerada uma bebida isotônica, nutritiva e pouco calórica. A sua composição química é bastante complexa, alguns dos principais constituintes são açúcares e minerais e, em menores quantidades, Iipídeos e compostos nitrogenados. Um grande desafio é preservar a água de coco por longo período de tempo fora do fruto, mantendo as suas características físicas e organolépticas. A pasteurização é um dos processos de conservação que vem sendo utilizado com esse propósito. No entanto, pouco se sabe a respeito da influência desse processo de conservação na composição química da água de coco. Nesse sentido, a proposta desse trabalho foi investigar as espécies químicas de Cu e Zn presentes na água de coco, bem como avaliar a influência do processo de pasteurização sobre essas espécies. Para esse estudo foram feitas medidas de pH e da concentração hidrogeniônica, extração em ponto nuvem, extração por solvente, ultrafiltrações e determinação da concentração total de proteínas visando a separação com eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida com dodecil sulfato de sódio (SOS-PAGE), e cromatografia por filtração em gel. As determinações de Cu e Zn foram feitas na água de coco total e nas frações por espectrometria de absorção atômica com atomização eletrotérmica (ETAAS). Os resultados das determinações totais de Cu e Zn, e de proteínas mostraram que a composição dessas espécies varia muito entre os diferentes frutos. A combinação dos resultados obtidos pelas diferentes técnicas indicou que o Cu está, preferencialmente, associado às moléculas de maiores pesos moleculares, enquanto que o Zn encontra-se associado a pequenas moléculas. A pasteurização não afetou o pH, a concentração total dos elementos e de proteínas. Porém, a partir dos resultados da cromatografia por filtração em gel e da determinação de Cu e Zn nas frações coletadas do eluente, foi possível observar que a pasteurização provocou alterações nos pesos moleculares das proteínas e, possivelmente nos elementos associados a elas. As mudanças observadas indicam quebra de ligações fracas, provavelmente dissulfeto, rompendo aglomerados protéicos (maior massa molecular) e aumentando a abundância de proteínas mais leves (menor massa molecular).
O Brasil ocupa o 3º lugar entre os maiores produtores mundiais de cerveja e o mercado consumidor vem aumentando progressivamente. Tendo em vista que o consumidor brasileiro está em busca de novos sabores e aromas para a cerveja, uma alternativa para a redução de custos explorando tais características reside no uso de adjuntos não convencionais que possam agregar valor à bebida, principalmente na obtenção de boas características sensoriais. Ainda, visando à sustentabilidade, estes adjuntos podem ser coprodutos do processamento de alimentos. O permeado concentrado de leite, um coproduto dos laticínios, é obtido através da ultrafiltração do leite, sendo composto por água, lactose e sais. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um processo para a produção de uma cerveja de alta fermentação (ale), utilizando o permeado concentrado de leite como adjunto de fabricação. Foram obtidas cervejas ale com a proporção malte/permeado de 55/45 e 90/10, utilizando para isso, permeado hidrolisado pela enzima ?-galactosidase e permeado não hidrolisado. A caracterização do permeado revelou que este possui três vezes mais lactose que o soro de queijo. A melhor condição de hidrólise enzimática da lactose presente no permeado foi obtida empregando-se 2,0 mL/L de ?-galactosidase em 90 minutos, alcançando 92,5% de hidrólise. Nas cervejas com permeado hidrolisado observou-se que a presença de galactose aumentou o tempo de fermentação para 168h e a atenuação real de fermentação dos mostos também foi maior em comparação as cervejas com permeado não hidrolisado, nos quais a lactose não foi fermentada. As cervejas 90/10 com permeado hidrolisado e não hidrolisado receberam as maiores notas na análise sensorial, tendo boa aceitação entre os provadores. Como não houve diferença estatística entre as duas, foi possível reduzir custo e tempo na produção da cerveja 90/10 em escala piloto (120L) por não ser necessário o processo de hidrólise enzimática. O permeado concentrado de leite mostrou-se um excelente adjunto na produção de cervejas ale e quando empregado em baixa concentração, produziu cervejas com boa aceitação sensorial.
This research study deals with the quantification and characterization of the EPS obtained from two 25 L bench scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) with micro-(MF-MBR) and ultrafiltration (UF-MBR) submerged membranes. Both reactors were fed with synthetic water and operated for 168 days without sludge extraction, increasing their mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) concentration during the experimentation time. The characterization of soluble EPS (EPSs) was achieved by the centrifugation of mixed liquor and bound EPS (EPSb) by extraction using a cationic resin exchange (CER). EPS characterization was carried out by applying the 3-dimensional excitation–emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy (3D-EEM) and high-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) with the aim of obtaining structural and functional information thereof. With regard to the 3D-EEM analysis, fluorescence spectra of EPSb and EPSs showed 2 peaks in both MBRs at all the MLSS concentrations studied. The peaks obtained for EPSb were associated to soluble microbial by-product-like (predominantly protein-derived compounds) and to aromatic protein. For EPSs, the peaks were associated with humic and fulvic acids. In both MBRs, the fluorescence intensity (FI) of the peaks increased as MLSS and protein concentrations increased. The FI of the EPSs peaks was much lower than for EPSb. It was verified that the evolution of the FI clearly depends on the concentration of protein and humic acids for EPSb and EPSs, respectively. Chromatographic analysis showed that the intensity of the EPSb peak increased while the concentrations of MLSS did. Additionally, the mean MW calculated was always higher the higher the MLSS concentrations in the reactors. MW was higher for the MF-MBR than for the UF-MBR for the same MLSS concentrations demonstrating that the filtration carried out with a UF membrane lead to retentions of lower MW particles.
This research paper deals with the evolution of the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) produced in the mixed liquor of two 25 L bench-scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs), with micro (MF-MBR) and ultrafiltration (UF-MBR) submerged membranes. The conclusion focuses on the relationship between the operation and how EPS respond, demonstrating that significant changes in EPS concentration were commonly observed when abrupt changes in the operational conditions took place. Bound EPS (EPSb) showed moderate positive statistical correlations with sludge age and MLSS for the two MBRs. Soluble EPS (EPSs), on the other hand, showed a moderate negative statistical correlation between EPSs with the two parameters analyzed for MF-MBR and no correlation with the UF-MBR was found. With respect to the composition of EPS, EPSb were mostly made up of proteins (44–46%) whereas in EPSs, the three components (proteins, carbohydrates, and humic substances) appeared in approximately the same proportion. The statistical analysis exhibited strong positive correlations between EPSb and their constituents, however for EPSs, the correlation was strong only with carbohydrates and moderate with humic substances.
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A detailed study has been carried out on the dependence of folate binding on the concentration of FBP (folate-binding protein) at pH 5.0, conditions selected to prevent complications arising from the pre-existing self-association of the acceptor. In contrast with the mandatory requirement that reversible interaction of ligand with a single acceptor site should exhibit a unique, rectangular hyperbolic binding curve, results obtained by ultrafiltration for the FBP-folate system required description in terms of (i) a sigmoidal relationship between concentrations of bound and free folate and (ii) an inverse dependence of affinity on FBP concentration. These findings have been attributed to the difficulties in determining the free ligand concentration in the FBP-folate mixtures for which reaction is essentially stoichiometric. This explanation also accounts for the similar published behaviour of the FBP-folate system at neutral pH, which had been attributed erroneously to acceptor self-association, a phenomenon incompatible with the experimental findings because of its prediction of a greater affinity for folate with increasing FBP concentration.
During the analytical method development for BAY 11-7082 ((E)-3-[4-methylphenylsulfonyl]-2-propenenitrile), using HPLC-MS-MS and HPLC-UV, we observed that the protein removal process (both ultrafiltration and precipitation method using organic solvents) prior to HPLC brought about a significant reduction in the concentration of this compound. The use of a structurally similar internal standard, BAY 11-7085 ((E)-3-[4-t-butylphenylsulfonyl]-2-propenenitrile), was not effective in compensating for the loss of analyte as the extent of reduction was different to that of the analyte. We present here a systematic investigation of this problem and a new validated method for the determination of BAY 11-7082. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We studied an in vitro model of continuous venovenous haemofiltration to determine levofloxacin adsorption by polyacrylonitrile (PAN) filters. Four doses of levofloxacin (5, 25, 50 and 100 mg) were used, resulting in circulating concentrations of levofloxacin at 120 min of 3.56 +/- 0.14, 15.84 +/- 2.08, 31.42 +/- 1.95 and 58.23 +/- 1.10 mg/L, respectively. Adsorption at 2 h was 0.65 +/- 0.17, 5.99 +/- 2.49, 12.30 +/- 2.34 and 30.13 +/- 1.32 mg, respectively (P < 0.001). From 2 h to 4 h, increasing the blood pump rate and the ultrafiltration rate had no effect on adsorption. When the concentration was decreased from 3.55 +/- 0.13 mg/L at 4 h to 2.16 +/- 0.11 mg/L at 5 h by addition of lactated Ringer's solution, adsorption decreased from 0.67 +/- 0.16 mg to 0.21 +/- 0.25 mg (P < 0.05). These data show that adsorption of levofloxacin by PAN haemofilters is concentration dependent and reversible in vitro and suggest that adsorption by haemofilters is unlikely to affect levofloxacin pharmacokinetics significantly in vivo. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
Survival of the microencapsulated probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus 547, Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 1994, and Lactobacillus casei 01, in stirred yoghurt from UHT- and conventionally treated milk during low temperature storage was investigated. The probiotic cells both as free cells and microencapsulated cells (in alginate beads coated with chitosan) were added into 20 g/100 g total solids stirred yoghurt from UHT-treated milk and 16 g/100 g total solids yoghurt from conventionally treated milk after 3.5 h of fermentation. The products were kept at 4 degrees C for 4 weeks. The survival of encapsulated probiotic bacteria was higher than free cells by approximately 1 log cycle. The number of probiotic bacteria was maintained above the recommended therapeutic minimum (10(7) cfu g(-1)) throughout the storage except for R bifidum. The viabilities of probiotic bacteria in yoghurts from both UHT- and conventionally treated milks were not significantly (P > 0.05) different. (c) 2004 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.