618 resultados para Peptic ulcers
The present study examined the antiulcer effect of glucosamine on mucosal antioxidant defense system in ibuprofen-induced peptic ulcer in male albino rats. The results of the present study indicate that the pre-oral administration of chitosan and glucosamine maintain near to the normal status the activities of the mucosal antioxidant enzymes and the level of GSH (Glutathione), which protect mucosa against oxidative damage by decreasing the lipid peroxidation and strengthening the mucosal barrier, and which are the first line of defense against exogenous ulcerogenic agents. In this study indicate that the oral pre-treatment of chitosan and glucosamine can prevent ibuprofen-induced peptic ulcer in rats.This study can be concluded that co-administration of chitsosan and glucosamine can effectively prevent the isonized and rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in rats.Comparatively, chitosan was found to have better results than glucosamine in alleviating the hepatic disorders.
The present study examined the antiulcer effect of glucosamine on mucosal antioxidant defense system in ibuprofen-induced peptic ulcer in male albino rats. The results of the present study indicate that the pre-oral administration of chitosan and glucosamine maintain near to the normal status the activities of the mucosal antioxidant enzymes and the level of GSH (Glutathione), which protect mucosa against oxidative damage by decreasing the lipid peroxidation and strengthening the mucosal barrier, and which are the first line of defense against exogenous ulcerogenic agents. In this study indicate that the oral pre-treatment of chitosan and glucosamine can prevent ibuprofen-induced peptic ulcer in rats.This study can be concluded that co-administration of chitsosan and glucosamine can effectively prevent the isonized and rifampicin induced hepatotoxicity in rats.Comparatively, chitosan was found to have better results than glucosamine in alleviating the hepatic disorders
In order to check the damage caused by the parasites, even though it is difficult in open waters, a proper understanding of the seasonal variation in the distribution of the parasite and other factors like age of the host, sex of the host, which affect distribution of parasite is a must. Although several workers have carried out investigations on the taxonomy of metazoan parasites of marine and brackish water Fishes of India, very little attempt is made to correlate such investigations with the host and the environment. In this thesis such an attempt is made by the researcher. In chapter one the literature related to the prevalence, mean intensity of infection, and histopathological changes caused by the metazoan parasites, in particular by helminths, copepods and isopods, was reviewed. Chapter two contains observations on the distribution pattern of parasites in relation to the season, sex, and size of the host. It was found that the prevalence rate of radiorynchus_indicus infecting the alimentary canal of Tachysurugs mgacuglatus, Ergasilus sp. infecting the gills of T maculatus, and Lernaeeniicus ramosus found on the body surface of Qeimgipteirfugs jagonicus was higher during monsoon season. But agarna malayi found in the opercular chamber and Ehilometra cephalus infecting the gonads of valamugil speiglari showed a higher prevalence rate during the postmonsoon season. This was discussed on the basis of the hydrographical characteristics prevailing in the study area during the three different seasons. It was also observed that the sex of the host did not influence significantly the distribution pattern of the parasites. The reasons for this were also discussed. Invariably, the size of the host was found to influence the parasite distribution pattern. It was observed that the prevalence rate showed an increase with increase in size of the fish. This was discussed on the basis of food habits of the host, along with other aspects An attempt was made in chapter three to study the histopathological effects of‘ the various parasites on their respective sites of attachments on host Fishes. It was found that except Rhadinorhyhchugs indicus, all other parasites produced damages of varying intensity, in the form of hypertrophy, rhyperplasia, haemorrhage, tissue disruption and ulcers. Interestingly, E. indicus, an acantho— cephalid with a powerful proboscis for attachment was found not to cause any serious damage to the intestine of the host Fish. All these aspects are included in the third and final chapter of the thesis.
La insuficiencia venosa superficial puede ser causa de insuficiencia venosa profunda, por tanto el manejo quirúrgico del sistema superficial puede mejorar la insuficiencia profunda En nuestro medio no se acostumbra a intervenir quirúrgicamente pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta bajo la creencia de exacerbar la enfermedad o generar complicaciones. METODOLOGIA: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, tomando pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta, entre el año 2006 y 2010, comparando parámetros hemodinámicos por duplex, y parámetros clínicos, según la clasificación CEAP, en los pacientes sometidos a cirugía convencional y en pacientes que recibieron manejo médico conservador. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron 45 pacientes, 65% con manejo quirúrgico y 35% manejo médico, con características sociodemograficas y comorbilidades comparables. Sin diferencia en el número de complicaciones (p=0,64), existió una mejoría en el 77% de los pacientes del grupo quirúrgico en parámetros hemodinámicos y de ningún paciente en el grupo de manejo médico, y en mejoría de ulceras activas de 83% y de 33%, respectivamente. DISCUSION: Nuestro estudio constituye una primera aproximación en la investigación en pacientes con esta patología en nuestro medio que son llevados a manejo quirúrgico. Estos resultados sugieren un posible beneficio en cuanto a los parámetros hemodinámicos venosos profundos y en las características clínicas, especialmente cuando existen ulcera activas, cuando los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta son llevados a manejo quirúrgico. Sin embargo, se requieren de estudios futuros que permitan demostrar así estos resultados en nuestro medio.
La atención domiciliaria constituye hoy una modalidad de atención que permite solventar las dificultades derivadas de la sobreocupación hospitalaria y la cronicidad, los cuales constituyen un problema de interés en salud pública en los países desarrollados y que pueden ser manejados en el domicilio del paciente como una opción costo-efectiva y segura. Para lo cual es necesario buscar estrategias que permitan su desarrollo, gestión de riesgos y modelos de atención, logrando mejorar las condiciones de salud de la población. Uno de los principales retos de la gestión de programas de atención en salud, se encuentra en definir los aspectos donde intervenir para potenciar la eficacia y la calidad en la prestación del servicio, por lo que dichos aspectos se constituyen como determinantes de la atención del paciente y su familia. En este documento se abordan los principales determinantes en la atención de personas con secuelas de Enfermedad cerebrovascular, que reciben manejo medico domiciliario, con el objetivo de identificar las áreas prioritarias de intervención, garantizando una mejor gestión clínica en tres áreas específicas: sobrecarga del cuidador, Polimedicación y ulceras por decúbito.
La úlcera venosa es una revelación clínica severa de la insuficiencia venosa crónica. Es la causa del 54-76% de las úlceras venosas de miembros inferiores. La ciencia médica ha generado diversos procedimientos en el manejo de esta patología, es así como a partir de conocimientos en fisiopatología de la ulceración venosa, se han aplicado procedimientos como opción de tratamiento. Objetivos: Valorar si el uso de rutina de la oclusión endoluminal con espuma guiada por ecografía del sistema venoso superficial insuficiente, en adicción al manejo convencional de la ulcera venosa (vendaje no compresivo, gasa vaselinada y curaciones) podría mejorar la tasa de curación a las 24 semanas de tratamiento. Diseño: Estudio clínico aleatorizado prospectivo de pacientes de la consulta externa de cirugía vascular del Hospital Occidente de Kennedy-Bogotá, durante el 01 de junio del 2011 hasta el 30 junio del 2012. Métodos: Un total de 44 pacientes con ulcera activa que cumplieron criterios de selección ingresaron al estudio, correspondientes a 48 extremidades con clasificación CEAP (C6), los pacientes fueron a aleatorizados a manejo convencional (control) o con manejo adicional de oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada. El objetivo principal fue el cierre de la ulcera a las 24 semanas. Resultados: La Curación de la ulcera a las 24 semanas de la aleatorización fue de 20 (83.3%) extremidades del grupo de oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada Vs 3(12.5%) para el grupo de control P: 0.0005 Discusión: Las tasas de curación de la ulcera luego de la oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada es muy superior al manejo convencional con curaciones y vendaje no compresivo, las tasa de curación son tan altas como las reportadas con sistemas de alta compresión y cirugía a las 24 semanas. La oclusión endoluminal eco-guiada es segura, mínimamente invasiva y clínicamente efectiva.
Introducción La ventilación en posición prona ha demostrado mejorar la oxigenación y la mecánica ventilatoria en pacientes con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda (SDRA). Nosotros evaluamos si la posición prona disminuye el riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes adultos con SDRA vs. ventilación en posición supino. Metodología. Se realizó un metanálisis de ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados (ECAs) que compararon pacientes en posición prono vs supino. Se realizó una búsqueda en Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane Library y LILACS. Se evaluó mortalidad, estancia hospitalaria, días de ventilación mecánica y efectos adversos. Resultados. Siete ECAs (2119 pacientes) fueron incluidos en el análisis. La posición prona mostró una tendencia no significativa a disminuir la mortalidad (OR 0.76; IC 95% 0.54–1.06; p=0.11). Al estratificar por subgrupos se encontró una disminución significativa en el riesgo de mortalidad en los pacientes ventilados con volumen corriente bajo (OR 0.58; IC 95%: 0.38-0.87; p=0.009), pronación prolongada (OR 0.6; IC 95% 0.43–0,83, p=0,002), instauración antes de 48h de evolución de la enfermedad (OR 0.49; IC 95% 0.35–0.68; p=0.0001) e hipoxemia severa (OR 0,51; IC 95% 0.36–1.25; p=0.0001). Los efectos adversos relacionados con la pronación fueron el desarrollo de ulceras por presión y obstrucción del tubo orotraqueal.
Introduction. During the last two decades the larval therapy has reemerged as a safe and reliable alternative for the healing of cutaneous ulcers that do not respond to the conventional treatments. Objective. To evaluate the use of the larvae of Lucilia sericata as a treatment for infected wounds with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an animal model. Materials and methods. Twelve rabbits were randomly distributed in 3 groups: the first group was treated with larval therapy; the second was treated with antibiotics therapy and to the third no treatment was applied, therefore was established as a control group. To each animal a wound was artificially induced, and then a suspension of P. aeruginosa was inoculated into the lesion. Finally, every rabbit was evaluated until the infection development was recognized and treatment was set up for the first two groups according with the protocols mentioned above. Macroscopic evaluation of the wounds was based on the presence of edema, exudates, bad odor, inflammation around the wound and the presence of granulation tissue. The healing process was evaluated by monitoring histological changes in the dermal tissue. Results. Differences in the time required for wound healing were observed between the first group treated with larval therapy (10 days) and the second group treated with conventional antibiotics therapy (20 days). Conclusion. The L. sericata larva is and efficient tool as a therapy for infected wounds with P. aeruginosa.
La presente es una revisión no sistemática de literatura con la siguiente estrategia de búsqueda: (((((“Dyspepsia” [Mesh] OR “Peptic Ulcer” [Mesh]) OR “Helicobacter pylori” [Mesh]) AND (“Diagnosis”[Mesh] OR (“Therapeutics” [Mesh OR “therapy “[Subheading])) OR “Epidemiology” [Mesh]. La indagación contempló el periodo comprendido entre los años 1966 y 2007. La estrategia de búsqueda fue adaptada a cada una de las bases de datos consultadas: MEDLINE, COCHRANE, LILACS y SCIELO. Se encontraron, por título y abstract, 689 artículos, a criterio de los autores, de los cuales fueron seleccionados 138 para esta revisión. No se obtuvieron 6 artículos por no tener acceso a los correspondientes journals. El propósito de esta revisión es dar a conocer y aclarar algunos puntos sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la dispepsia.
Introducción: La fractura de cadera se presenta predominantemente en población mayor; se espera que para el año 2050 se presenten alrededor de 6 millones de fracturas de cadera a nivel global. Parkkari et al (1). Dado que el sistema de salud colombiano dificulta el seguimiento adecuado de los pacientes y su manejo posoperatorio integral, desconocen las estadísticas reales de los desenlaces funcionales, mortalidad y complicaciones asociadas a la fractura de cadera. Método: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. Mediante una encuesta telefónica cuyo objetivo fue determinar el manejo intra y extra hospitalario por los servicios de rehabilitación y ortopedia, describir la mortalidad y la recuperación funcional percibidos por los encuestados. Resultados: De 286 pacientes intervenidos, 116 aceptaron participar (24% hombres y 76% mujeres). Edades entre 65 y 99 años (media: 81.3 años). En el primer año después de la cirugía, el 29% de los pacientes presento al menos un reingreso hospitalario; la mortalidad en el grupo femenino fue de 23% frente a un 43% en el grupo masculino. El 98% de los pacientes deambulaba previo a la cirugía, frente a un 78% de los pacientes a un año del procedimiento, 83 pacientes refirieron complicaciones pos-operatorias. En el grupo entre 65 y 74 años la capacidad de deambular posterior al procedimiento fue de 84%, para las edades entre 75 a 84 años fue del 82% y en los mayores de 85 años del 75%. Conclusiones: La recuperación funcional de los pacientes intervenidos por fractura de cadera, difícilmente llegan a alcanzar el estado funcional previo a la fractura, lo cual se traduce en situaciones de dependencia, riesgo de caída y complicaciones médicas.
Existen varias causas de la insuficiencia venosa profunda, la insuficiencia venosa superficial es una de ellas; por tal motivo, una intervención activa de la insuficiencia superficial ya sea cirugía convencional, esclerosis o radiofrecuencia mejora el reflujo del sistema venoso profundo. En nuestro medio no se acostumbra a intervenir los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta bajo la creencia de exacerbar la enfermedad o generar complicaciones. Se pretende documentar los cambios clínicos y hemodinámicos en pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta según tipo de manejo, médico vs quirúrgico
“Estudo da Incidência e Prevalência de Úlceras de Pressão na Unidade de Autonomia e Bem-Estar da Encarnação” é o título desta dissertação, cujo principal objectivo se constituiu como a determinação das taxas de incidência e prevalência de Úlceras de Pressão, caracterização dos utentes e das Úlceras de Pressão, bem como dos comportamentos dos profissionais relacionados com as mesmas, na referida Unidade e no primeiro semestre de 2012. O estudo é não experimental, perspectivo e descritivo correlacional, tendo-se obtido dados de todos os utentes que desenvolveram e apresentaram Úlcera(s) de Pressão enquanto internados na Unidade de Promoção de Autonomia e Bem-Estar da Encarnação e integrados na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados, no primeiro semestre de 2012. Observa-se que a população estudada é marcadamente envelhecida, dependente e a maior parte dos seus indivíduos apresenta Elevado Risco de desenvolver Úlceras de Pressão. Obteve-se um valor de Taxa de Incidência de Úlceras de Pressão de 1,02%. A referir que a maior parte das Úlceras de Pressão desenvolvidas ocorreu na Tipologia de Média-Duração e Reabilitação. No que diz respeito à Taxa de Prevalência, o valor obtido foi de 11,46%. Também na prevalência se demarca a tipologia de Média-Duração e Reabilitação, com o maior número de casos observado. Pode afirmar-se com a realização deste estudo que existem vários handicaps nos cuidados preventivos e de manutenção em indivíduos com Úlceras de Pressão na UPABE, nomeadamente na aplicação de Material de Prevenção, na administração de Suplementação Nutricional Oral e na diversificação de Rotinas de Posicionamento/mobilização. O Diagnóstico de Admissão dos utentes onde a incidência e prevalência de Úlceras de Pressão se verificaram em maior número foi o Acidente Vascular Cerebral. Neste estudo, classificou-se a amostra como não probabilística por conveniência, correspondente à população alvo identificável ou população acessível.
Aims and objectives. To examine the impact of written and verbal education on bed-making practices, in an attempt to reduce the prevalence of pressure ulcers. Background. The Department of Health has set targets for a 5% reduction per annum in the incidence of pressure ulcers. Electric profiling beds with a visco-elastic polymer mattress are a new innovation in pressure ulcer prevention; however, mattress efficacy is reduced by tightly tucking sheets around the mattress. Design. A prospective randomized pre/post-test experimental design. Methods. Ward managers at a teaching hospital were approached to participate in the study. Two researchers independently examined the tightness of the sheets around the mattresses. Wards were randomized to one of two groups. Groups A and B received written education. In addition, group B received verbal education on alternate days for one week. Beds were re-examined one month later. One researcher was blinded to the educational delivery received by the wards. Results. Twelve wards agreed to participate in the study and 245 beds were examined. Before education, 113 beds (46%) had sheets tucked correctly around the mattresses. Following education, this increased to 215 beds (87.8%) (chi(2) = 68.03, P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in the number of correctly made beds between the two different education groups: 100 (87.72%) beds correctly made in group A vs. 115 (87.79%) beds in group B (chi(2) = 0, P 0.987). Conclusions. Clear, concise written instruction improved practice but verbal education was not additionally beneficial. Relevance to clinical practice. Nurses are receptive to clear, concise written evidence regarding pressure ulcer prevention and incorporate this into clinical practice.
The Maillard reaction causes changes to protein structure and occurs in foods mainly during thermal treatment. Melanoidins, the final products of the Maillard reaction, may enter the gastrointestinal tract, which is populated by different species of bacteria. In this study, melanoidins were prepared from gluten and glucose. Their effect on the growth of faecal bacteria was determined in culture with genotype and phenotype probes to identify the different species involved. Analysis of peptic and tryptic digests showed that low molecular mass products are formed from the degradation of melanoidins. Results showed a change in the growth of bacteria. This in vitro study demonstrated that melanoidins, prepared from gluten and glucose, affect the growth of the gut microflora.
Background: Medication errors are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in primary care. The aims of this study are to determine the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and acceptability of a pharmacist-led information-technology-based complex intervention compared with simple feedback in reducing proportions of patients at risk from potentially hazardous prescribing and medicines management in general (family) practice. Methods: Research subject group: "At-risk" patients registered with computerised general practices in two geographical regions in England. Design: Parallel group pragmatic cluster randomised trial. Interventions: Practices will be randomised to either: (i) Computer-generated feedback; or (ii) Pharmacist-led intervention comprising of computer-generated feedback, educational outreach and dedicated support. Primary outcome measures: The proportion of patients in each practice at six and 12 months post intervention: - with a computer-recorded history of peptic ulcer being prescribed non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - with a computer-recorded diagnosis of asthma being prescribed beta-blockers - aged 75 years and older receiving long-term prescriptions for angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or loop diuretics without a recorded assessment of renal function and electrolytes in the preceding 15 months. Secondary outcome measures; These relate to a number of other examples of potentially hazardous prescribing and medicines management. Economic analysis: An economic evaluation will be done of the cost per error avoided, from the perspective of the UK National Health Service (NHS), comparing the pharmacist-led intervention with simple feedback. Qualitative analysis: A qualitative study will be conducted to explore the views and experiences of health care professionals and NHS managers concerning the interventions, and investigate possible reasons why the interventions prove effective, or conversely prove ineffective. Sample size: 34 practices in each of the two treatment arms would provide at least 80% power (two-tailed alpha of 0.05) to demonstrate a 50% reduction in error rates for each of the three primary outcome measures in the pharmacist-led intervention arm compared with a 11% reduction in the simple feedback arm. Discussion: At the time of submission of this article, 72 general practices have been recruited (36 in each arm of the trial) and the interventions have been delivered. Analysis has not yet been undertaken.