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Citrus canker is a serious disease caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri bacteria, which infects citrus plants (Citrus spp.) leading to a large economic loss in citrus production worldwide. In Brazil citrus canker control is done by an official eradication campaign, therefore early detection of such disease is important to prevent greater economic losses. However, detection is difficult and so far it has been done by visual inspection of each tree. Suspicious leaves from citrus plants in the field are sent to the laboratory to confirm the infection by laboratory analysis, which is a time consuming. Our goal was to develop a new optical technique to detect and diagnose citrus canker in citrus plants with a portable field spectrometer unit. In this paper, we review two experiments on laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) applied to detect citrus canker. We also present new data to show that the length of time a leaf has been detached is an important variable in our studies. Our results show that LIF has the potential to be applied to citrus plants.


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While evidence of ion reduction at the cathode has been given, proof of anode activity, in order to account completely for the redox-type electrochemical mechanism so far postulated to originate the electric field-induced non-spontaneous crystallization observed in glasses, is still lacking. This study demonstrates that direct contact of both cathode and anode electrodes with the material is mandatory to promote crystal nucleation. The electrochemical process of concern is established here to involve a solid-state process, electrolytic in nature. (C) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work reports on a distinct experimental procedure conceived to closely approach the question of development of crystallization in lead oxyfluoroborate glasses in the presence of an electric field. After proposing earlier that this phenomenon should involve occurrence of redox-type electrochemical reactions occurring at the electrodes. it was in fact recently shown that a direct contact of the glasses with both the cathode and anode revealed essential, provided that crystallization did not develop when ions migration to these electrodes became frustrated. The present study demonstrates that. even in Pt,Ag/Glass/YSZ:PbF(2)/Ag,Pt-type electrochemical cells subjected to electric field action, where YSZ:PbF(2) represents composite-like mixtures (formed by Y(2)O(3)-doped ZrO(2) and PbF(2)) placed between the glass and anode. crystallization was observable in given cases. In summary, supported by (micro)structural and electrical characterizations, clear evidence is provided here that, besides Pb(2+) reduction at the cathode, crystallization really involves simultaneous F(-) oxidation at the anode, completing thus the whole redox electrochemical reaction so far postulated. In these cases, F(-) migration to the anode was achievable following PbF(2) percolative-like paths through the YSZ:PbF(2) mixtures. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ag particles were generated on Ag+-doped polyimide film by laser direct writing, followed by selective copper deposition using the metallic silver particles as seeds. Laser irradiation caused in situ reduction and agglomeration of silver on the polyimide film. The copper lines were less uniform and compact with higher scanning velocity and the width of the deposited copper line could reach 25 mu m. Equations of the relationship between scanning velocity and connectivity of the deposited copper patterns have been derived. The process was characterised by AFM, XPS, SEM, and semiconductor characterisation system.


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Crystallization kinetics and structure of 20Li(2)O-80TeO(2) glasses are studied using x-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry techniques. XRD results show gamma-TeO2, alpha-TeO2 and Li2Te2O5 phase crystallization in the glass matrix. The infrared band structure of this glass is similar to that observed in glassy TeO2. Activation energies were evaluated from Lorentzian three-peak deconvolution of the DSC crystallization peak recorded at different particle sizes. As the obtained activation values were very close, it was not possible to establish a hierarchy on the crystallization of this glass. In addition, the height of the Lorentzian peaks ( delta T-P1, delta T-P2 and delta T-P3) for each sample was measured and plotted against the nucleation temperature. The presence of two maxima at around 284 and 304 degrees C suggests at least two maximum nucleation temperatures in the studied 20Li(2)O-80TeO(2) glass.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy has been proposed as new method for determining the degree of humification of organic matter (OM) in whole soils. It can be also used to analyze the OM in whole soils containing large amounts of paramagnetic materials, and which are neither feasible to Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) nor to C-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In the present study, 3 LIF spectroscopy was used to investigate the OM in a Brazilian Oxisol containing high concentration of Fe+3. Soil samples were collected from two areas under conventional tillage (CT), two areas under no-till management (NT) and from a non-cultivated (NC) area under natural vegetation. The results of LIF spectroscopic analysis of the top layer (0-5 cm) of whole soils showed a less aromatic OM in the non-cultivated than in the cultivated soils. This is consistent with data corresponding to HA samples extracted from the same soils and analyzed by EPR, NMR and conventional fluorescence spectroscopy. The OM of whole soils at 5-10 and 10-20 cm depth was also characterized by LIF spectroscopy.Analysis of samples of NT and NC soils showed a higher OM aromatic content at depth. This is a consequence of the accumulation of plant residues at the soil surface in quantities that are too large for microorganisms to metabolize fully, thus, resulting in less aromatic or less hurnified humic substances. In deeper soil layers, the input of residues was lower and further decomposition of humic substances by microorganisms continued, and the aromaticity and degree of humification increased with soil depth. This data indicates that the gradient of humification of OM in the NT soil was similar to those observed in natural soils. Nevertheless, the degree of humification of the OM in the soils under no-till management varied less than that corresponding to non-cultivated soils. This may be because the former have been managed under these practices for only 5 years, in contrast to the continuous humification process occurring in the natural soils. on the other band, LIF spectroscopic analysis of the CT soils showed less pronounced changes or no change in the degree of humification with depth. This indicates that the ploughing and harrowing involved in CT lead to homogenization of the soil and thereby also of the degree of humification of OM throughout the profile. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to investigate optically excited electronic transport in Er-doped SnO2, thin films are excited with the fourth harmonic of an Nd:YAG laser (266nm) at low temperature, yielding conductivity decay when the illumination is removed. Inspection of these electrical characteristics aims knowledge for electroluminescent devices operation. Based on a proposed model where trapping defects present thermally activated cross section, the capture barrier is evaluated as 140, 108, 100 and 148 meV for doped SnO2, thin films with 0.0, 0.05, 0. 10 and 4.0 at% of Er, respectively. The undoped film has vacancy levels as dominating, whereas for doped films. there are two distinct trapping centers: Er3+ substitutional at Sn lattice sites and Er3+ located at grain boundary. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Soil organic matter (SOM) constitutes an important reservoir of terrestrial carbon and can be considered an alternative for atmospheric carbon storage, contributing to global warming mitigation. Soil management can favor atmospheric carbon incorporation into SUM or its release from SOM to atmosphere. Thus, the evaluation of the humification degree (HD), which is an indication of the recalcitrance of SOM, can provide an estimation of the capacity of carbon sequestration by soils under various managements. The HD of SOM can be estimated by using various analytical techniques including fluorescence spectroscopy. In the present work, the potential of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to estimate the HD of SUM was evaluated for the first time. Intensities of emission lines of Al, Mg and Ca from LIBS spectra showing correlation with fluorescence emissions determined by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIFS) reference technique were used to obtain a multivaried calibration model based on the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) method. The values predicted by the proposed model (A-LIBS) showed strong correlation with LIFS results with a Pearson's coefficient of 0.87. The HD of SUM obtained after normalizing A-LIBS by total carbon in the sample showed a strong correlation to that determined by LIFS (0.94), thus suggesting the great potential of LIBS for this novel application. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pulse repetition rates and the number of laser pulses are among the most important parameters that do affect the analysis of solid materials by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, and the knowledge of their effects is of fundamental importance for suggesting analytical strategies when dealing with laser ablation processes of polymers. In this contribution, the influence of these parameters in the ablated mass and in the features of craters was evaluated in polypropylene and high density polyethylene plates containing pigment-based PbCrO4. Surface characterization and craters profile were carried out by perfilometry and scanning electron microscopy. Area, volume and profile of craters were obtained using Taylor Map software. A laser induced breakdown spectroscopy system consisted of a Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm, 5 ns) and an Echelle spectrometer equipped with ICCD detector were used. The evaluated operating conditions consisted of 10, 25 and 50 laser pulses at 1, 5 and 10 Hz, 250 mJ/pulse (85 J cm(-2)), 2 mu s delay time and 6 mu s integration time gate. Differences in the topographical features among craters of both polymers were observed. The decrease in the repetition rate resulted in irregular craters and formation of edges, especially in polypropylene sample. The differences in the topographical features and ablated masses were attributed to the influence of the degree of crystallinity, crystalline melting temperature and glass transition temperature in the ablation process of the high density polyethylene and polypropylene. It was also observed that the intensities of chromium and lead emission signals obtained at 10 Hz were two times higher than at 5 Hz by keeping the number of laser pulses constant. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the synthesis of Au nanoparticles by 30-fs pulses irradiation of a sample containing HAuCl4 and chitosan, a biopolymer used as reducing agent and stabilizer. We observed that it is a multi-photon induced process, with a threshold irradiance of 3.8 x 10(11) W/cm(2) at 790 nm. By transmission electron microscopy we observed nanoparticles from 8 to 50 nm with distinct shapes. Infrared spectroscopy indicated that the reduction of gold and consequent production of nanoparticles is related to the fs-pulse induced oxidation of hydroxyl to carbonyl groups in chitosan. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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The effects of laser focusing and fluence on LIBS analysis of pellets of plant leaves was evaluated. A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (5ns, 10Hz, 1064nm) was used and the emission signals were collected by lenses into an optical fiber coupled to a spectrometer with Echelle optics and ICCD. Data were acquired from the accumulation of 20 laser pulses at 2.0 mu s delay and 5.0 mu s integration time gate. The emission signal intensities increased with both laser fluence and spot size. Higher sensitivities for Ca, K, Mg, P, Al, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn determinations were observed for fluences in the range from 25 to 60Jcm(-2). Coefficients of variation of site-to-site measurements were generally lower than 10% (n=30 sites, 20 laser pulses/site) for a fluence of 50Jcm(-2) and 750 mu m spot size. For most elements, there is an indication that accuracy is improved with higher fluences. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the control of Au nanoparticle (NP) formation by using shaped 30 fs pulses, in a solution containing HAuCl4 and chitosan. By using a sinusoidal spectral phase, a periodic train of pulses is generated. When the period of the pulse train matches certain Raman resonances of chitosan, the reducing agent of the process, an enhancement of the Au NP formation is observed. Theoretical quantum chemical calculations indicate that the outer groups of the chitosan are mostly influenced by low Raman frequencies, which is in reasonably agreement with the experimental data and indicates an enhancement in the Au NP formation as the pulse train period increases (low frequency).


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Zusammenfassung Um zu einem besseren Verständnis des Prozesses der Biomineralisation zu gelangen, muss das Zusammenwirken der verschiedenen Typen biologischer Makromoleküle, die am Keimbildungs- und Wachstumsprozess der Minerale beteiligt sind, berücksichtigt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues Modellsystem eingeführt, das aus einem SAM (self-assembled monolayer) mit verschiedenen Funktionalitäten und unterschiedlichen, gelösten Makromolekülen besteht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Kristallisation von Vaterit (CaCO3) sowie Strontianit (SrCO3) Nanodrähten der Präsenz von Polyacrylat in Kooperation mit einer COOH-funktionalisierten SAM-Oberfläche zugeschrieben werden kann. Die Kombination bestehend aus einer polaren SAM-Oberfläche und Polyacrylat fungiert als Grenzfläche für die Struktur dirigierende Kristallisation von Nanodraht-Kristallen. Weiter konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Phasenselektion von CaCO3 durch die kooperative Wechselwirkung zwischen einer SAM-Oberfläche und einem daran adsorbierten hb-Polyglycerol kontrolliert wird. Auch die Funktionalität einer SAM-Oberfläche in Gegenwart von Carboxymethyl-cellulose übt einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Phasenselektion des entstehenden Produktes aus. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen an CaCO3 zur homogenen Keimbildung, zur Nukleation in Gegenwart eines Proteins sowie auf Kolloiden, die als Template fungieren, mittels Kleinwinkel-Neutronenstreuung durchgeführt. Die homogene Kristallisation in wässriger Lösung stellte sich als ein mehrstufiger Prozess heraus. In Gegenwart des Eiweißproteins Ovalbumin konnten drei Phasen identifiziert werden, darunter eine anfänglich vorhandene amorphe sowie zwei kristalline Phasen.