273 resultados para Kauko, Marika
La tesi approfondisce i profili processuale della responsabilità medica allo scopo di elaborare una proposta alternativa di gestione del contenzioso. Si esamina, altresì, il tema dei limiti di utilizzo della mediazione nelle controversie in cui vengono in gioco interessi di rilievo pubblicistico.
Nello studio di questa tesi è stata descritta una ricerca condotta allo scopo di fornire un contributo alla conoscenza della biodiversità analizzando la componente macrofaunistica subfossile e recente del Phylum Mollusca del Canale di Sicilia e del Golfo di Cadice. Tali organismi sono già da tempo noti in questi ambienti poiché associati a biocostruzioni a coralli bianchi presenti lungo i margini continentali atlantici e mediterranei i cui costituenti principali sono gli sclerattiniari coloniali Lophelia pertusa e Madrepora oculata. Tuttavia ben poco si conosce sull’ecologia di queste specie che si ritrovano spesso influenzate da scambi idrologici e biologici attraverso lo Stretto di Gibilterra. Nel corso di questo studio sono state analizzate 7 carote sedimentarie marine campionate durante diverse campagne oceanografiche: 6 carotaggi atlantici prelevati durante la campagna oceanografica Meteor nel Golfo di Cadice e 1 carota campionata nel Canale di Sicilia durante la campagna oceanografica MARCOS guidata dall’ISMAR-CNR di Bologna, sulla quale si concentra l’attenzione di questo lavoro. I dati raccolti sono stati analizzati in maniere quantitativa, per questo è stato utilizzato il software per analisi statistiche “Past3” e sono stati combinati con l’analisi qualitativa dei campioni in modo da ottenere il maggior numero di informazioni. Tra le analisi statistiche sono state effettuate il calcolo di tutti gli indici di dominanza, diversità, di equiripartizione e ricchezza specifica (Simpson, Shannon, Evenness e Margalef) e l’analisi multivariata NMDS (Non-metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling). Infine è stata effettuata l’analisi delle associazioni trofiche distribuite in una carota. Il risultato ha evidenziato un’elevata biodiversità per campioni prelevati in profondità e il ritrovamento di organismi appartenenti all’ultimo glaciale.
Nella tesi in questione si vuole illustrare l'impiego del visore "Oculus DK2" per la realizzazione di un'applicazione grafica interattiva. Una volta indossato il visore, l'utente della suddetta applicazione si troverà all'interno di un museo nel quale potrà muoversi, guardarsi attorno e interagire con i vari oggetti in scena.
In questa tesi si cerca di fornire un quadro generale sulle Opzioni Asiatiche dandone prima una descrizione in termini economici e successivamente una classificazione matematica più rigorosa. Nel primo capitolo vengono presentati strumenti matematici e finanziari indispensabili per affrontare la comprensione dell'argomento centrale: vengono esposti i concetti di derivato e di strategia d'arbitraggio ed inoltre viene mostrato il modello di mercato a tempo discreto; in particolar modo viene descritto il modello binomiale come esempio di mercato completo. Nel secondo capitolo viene fatta una breve introduzione sulle Opzioni Esotiche di cui sono un particolare esempio le Opzioni Asiatiche, le quali vengono successivamente classificate e descritte più dettagliatamente. Infine nel terzo capitolo viene introdotto il problema della valutazione e della copertura di un'Opzione Asiatica, trattando una particolare tecnica utilizzata nei modelli di mercato discreti di tipo binomiale, la tecnica ad albero, che viene poi applicata ad un esempio reale.
L'elaborato consiste in una proposta di traduzione delle didascalie dell'opera teatrale La casa degli uomini zoppi o Edipo liberato, interpretata dal Laboratorio teatro (In)stabile. Il primo capitolo ripercorre la nascita, l'affermazione e i principali riconoscimenti ottenuti dal collettivo teatrale (In)stabile, soffermandosi in particolar modo sull'ideazione e sul percorso di realizzazione dello spettacolo La casa degli uomini zoppi o Edipo liberato. Seguirà poi un capitolo incentrato sulla comparsa delle didascalie, la loro evoluzione nel corso dei secoli e la loro funzione attuale, concentrandosi sulle varianti esistenti e il problema del doppio destinatario del testo teatrale. Il terzo capitolo presenta la proposta di traduzione delle didascalie dell'opera. Il capitolo che segue è dedicato, a completare il precedente, al commento della traduzione. Verranno messi in luce i problemi incontrati nella resa in lingua straniera e le strategie utilizzate per giungere alla soluzione più appropriata, con l'obiettivo di mantenere quanto più possibile inalterati il significato e lo stile del testo di partenza. Per concludere, saranno presentati i commenti e le riflessioni scaturiti dal lavoro di traduzione dell'opera.
Questo elaborato descrive la proposta di un percorso didattico per introdurre le funzioni sinusoidali nella scuola secondaria superiore a partire da un esperimento di fisica riguardante l'ottica geometrica. Nella seconda parte della tesi è riportata la sperimentazione effettuata in classe e i materiali didattici utilizzati.
The exsolution of volatiles from magma maintains an important control on volcanic eruption styles. The nucleation, growth, and connectivity of bubbles during magma ascent provide the driving force behind eruptions, and the rate, volume, and ease of gas exsolution can affect eruptive activity. Volcanic plumes are the observable consequence of this magmatic degassing, and remote sensing techniques allow us to quantify changes in gas exsolution. However, until recently the methods used to measure volcanic plumes did not have the capability of detecting rapid changes in degassing on the scale of standard geophysical observations. The advent of the UV camera now makes high sample rate gas measurements possible. This type of dataset can then be compared to other volcanic observations to provide an in depth picture of degassing mechanisms in the shallow conduit. The goals of this research are to develop a robust methodology for UV camera field measurements of volcanic plumes, and utilize this data in conjunction with seismoacoustic records to illuminate degassing processes. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects of imaging conditions, vignetting, exposure time, calibration technique, and filter usage on the UV camera sulfur dioxide measurements. Using the best practices determined from these studies, a field campaign was undertaken at Volcán de Pacaya, Guatemala. Coincident plume sulfur dioxide measurements, acoustic recordings, and seismic observations were collected and analyzed jointly. The results provide insight into the small explosive features, variations in degassing rate, and plumbing system of this complex volcanic system. This research provides useful information for determining volcanic hazard at Pacaya, and demonstrates the potential of the UV camera in multiparameter studies.
Background: Basophils constitute a rare leukocyte population known for their effector functions in inflammation and allergy, as well as more recently described immunoregulatory roles. Besides their low frequency, functional analysis of basophils is hindered by a short life span, inefficient ex vivo differentiation protocols, and lack of suitable cell models. A method to produce large quantities of basophils in vitro would facilitate basophil research and constitute a sought-after tool for diagnostic and drug testing purposes. Methods: A method is described to massively expand bone marrow–derived basophils in vitro. Myeloid progenitors are conditionally immortalized using Hoxb8 in the presence of interleukin-3 (IL-3) and outgrowing cell lines selected for their potential to differentiate into basophils upon shutdown of Hoxb8 expression. Results: IL-3-dependent, conditional Hoxb8-immortalized progenitor cell lines can be expanded and maintained in culture for prolonged periods. Upon shutdown of Hoxb8 expression, near-unlimited numbers of mature functional basophils can be differentiated in vitro within six days. The cells are end-differentiated and short-lived and express basophil-specific surface markers and proteases. Upon IgE- as well as C5a-mediated activation, differentiated basophils release granule enzymes and histamine and secrete Th2-type cytokines (IL-4, IL-13) and leukotriene C4. IL-3-deprivation induces apoptosis correlating with upregulation of the BH3-only proteins BCL-2-interacting mediator of cell death (BIM) and p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) and downregulation of proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus 1 kinase (PIM-1). Conclusion: A novel method is presented to generate quantitative amounts of mouse basophils in vitro, which moreover allows genetic manipulation of conditionally immortalized progenitors. This approach may represent a useful alternative method to isolating primary basophils.
Abstract The objectives of this study were: 1) To determine factors which inhibit and facilitate child and adolescent use of outdoor spaces for healthy physical activity by race and ethnicity in four Houston communities and 2) To propose guidelines for encouraging and maintaining child and adolescent outdoor physical activity. Using local health data and Houston Police Department crime statistics, four communities were identified for the study that had the highest concentration of crime and the racial/ ethnic groups of interest. The researchers then identified public parks in the communities. At least two parks were observed in each of the four communities from 2010 to 2011 during spring, summer, fall and winter. The parks were observed for use by children and adolescents and to describe the condition of the park spaces. The communities were Alief (Asian), Sunnyside (Black), Eldridge- West Oaks (White) and Northside- Northline (Hispanic). Observations were made at varying hours of both day and night, weekdays and weekends. Photographs were taken and the condition of the spaces noted in detail. One hundred and twenty persons, 18 years and over, using the spaces or otherwise in these communities were conveniently sampled and interviewed about their health and the extent to which they, or any children or adolescents under their care, used the outdoor spaces of interest. Data were analyzed qualitatively and with basic descriptive statistics. The photographs, journal notes and observation notes of all investigators and key personnel were analyzed. Interview data were also coded to identify patterns and themes in the responses. The findings indicate disparities in the quality and quantity of park equipment and the maintenance of the areas. Where perceptions of disorder were described, there was often visible evidence to support the perceptions. In many cases, residents' perceptions of crime were corroborated by police data. While interview reports did not seem to support the expectation that the condition of the parks was a significant deterrent to their use by children and adolescents, the condition of the parks might be said to limit the extent of that use. Specific reports of disorder that inhibited use included hearing gunfire, seeing drug dependent homeless persons and/or suspected prostitutes in an area.
In my thesis I looked at Cold War interventionism by America. In the Post WWII period, many countries were searching for freedom from colonial rule, and many were attracted to the idea of communism or socialism. In this context of a destabilized world and power struggle between the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R., revolutions often became points of interests and parts of this larger power play. Any type of revolution was a destabilization, in a system that was unstable at best, and peace between the powers rested precariously on the idea of “Mutually Assured Destruction.” I would like to look more specifically, at the Latin American Region, which seemed full of upheaval, and was an area of much intervention, especially during the Reagan Administration. This administration had varying goals and conflicts about the region. The large amount of interventionism in the 1980s was in part a response to the Vietnam War, which was seen as an American failure, since prevention of communism did not occur. Following this, American strength needed to be shown again in the international stage, especially in Latin America, due to its close proximity to America. I would like to explore the intervention in Grenada and see if it followed a pattern of intervention in the region. This will be contrasted with the case of Nicaragua, which seemed more typical of interventions in the region. The causes of intervention in the region as well as the reasons these interventions took such different courses will be explored and investigated.
Ecosystems at high northern latitudes are subject to strong climate change. Soil processes, such as carbon and nutrient cycles, which determine the functioning of these ecosystems, are controlled by soil fauna. Thus assessing the responses of soil fauna communities to environmental change will improve the predictability of the climate change impacts on ecosystem functioning. For this purpose, trait assessment is a promising method compared to the traditional taxonomic approach, but it has not been applied earlier. In this study the response of a sub-arctic soil Collembola community to long-term (16 years) climate manipulation by open top chambers was assessed. The drought-susceptible Collembola community responded strongly to the climate manipulation, which substantially reduced soil moisture and slightly increased soil temperature. The total density of Collembola decreased by 51% and the average number of species was reduced from 14 to 12. Although community assessment showed species-specific responses, taxonomically based community indices, species diversity and evenness, were not affected. However, morphological and ecological trait assessments were more sensitive in revealing community responses. Drought-tolerant, larger-sized, epiedaphic species survived better under the climate manipulation than their counterparts, the meso-hydrophilic, smaller-sized and euedaphic species. Moreover it also explained the significant responses shown by four taxa. This study shows that trait analysis can both reveal responses in a soil fauna community to climate change and improve the understanding of the mechanisms behind them.
This study provides a theoretical assessment of the potential bias due to differential lateral transport on multi-proxy studies based on a range of marine microfossils. Microfossils preserved in marine sediments are at the centre of numerous proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The precision of proxies is based on the assumption that they accurately represent the overlying watercolumn properties and faunas. Here we assess the possibility of a syn-depositional bias in sediment assemblages caused by horizontal drift in the water column, due to differential settling velocities of sedimenting particles based on their shape, size and density, and due to differences in current velocities. Specifically we calculate the post-mortem lateral transport undergone by planktic foraminifera and a range of other biological proxy carriers (diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets transporting coccolithophores) in several regions with high current velocities. We find that lateral transport of different planktic foraminiferal species is minimal due to high settling velocities. No significant shape- or size-dependent sorting occurs before reaching the sediment, making planktic foraminiferal ideal proxy carriers. In contrast, diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets can be transported up to 500km in some areas. For example in the Agulhas current, transport can lead to differences of up to 2°C in temperature reconstructions between different proxies in response to settling velocities. Therefore, sediment samples are likely to contain different proportions of local and imported particles, decreasing the precision of proxies based on these groups and the accuracy of the temperature reconstruction.