713 resultados para Funcionamento familiar - Family functioning


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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To assess the psychological and family factors associated with suicidal ideation in preadolescent children, we studied a sample of 361 students, average age 9 years old. Two groups were formed, on the basis of the presence (n = 34) or absence (n = 44) of suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation was assessed with the Childrens Depression Inventory and the Childrens Depression Rating Scale-Revised. Depression, hopelessness, self-esteem, and perceived family environment were compared in both the suicidal ideation and the control groups. Students with suicidal ideation generally presented greater depressive symptoms and hopelessness, and lower self-esteem and family expressiveness, although there were differences both between sexes, and when the variable depression was controlled. Identifying these risk factors in pre-adolescents may have an impact on prevention of suicidal behavior at higher risk ages


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En la presente comunicacin pretendo narrar la experiencia y conclusiones que he obtenido tras implantar la metodologa del caso en la asignatura Practicum de la Licenciatura en Derecho de la UPV/EHU. La actividad se ha realizado en el marco del programa Eragin de la UPV/EHU, destinado a formar a su profesorado en el uso de metodologas activas. Tanto la redaccin del caso con su nota de enseanza y la implantacin del mismo, ha sido supervisado por el Centro Internacional de Casos de la Universidad de Monterrey y expertos de la UPV/EHU. He utilizado un caso real (aunque disfrazado) de una empresa familiar de la industria chocolatera que recibe una oferta de compra de una multinacional


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RESUMO: As teorias psicolgicas da moralidade dividem-se na conceptualizao da motivao moral, o tema desta dissertao. Os modelos construtivistas, apoiados na epistemologia gentica, privilegiam a cognio como factor determinante mas, as teorias que enfatizam o funcionamento individual admitem que as emoes e a identidade interferem na tendncia de cada pessoa agir moralmente. Particularmente apoiados na segunda perspectiva, testmos um modelo preditor da motivao moral com trs variveis, identidade, identidade moral e integridade, todas avaliadas por medidas psicomtricas, em duas amostras. A primeira era composta por 320 estudantes do 12 ano de uma escola do concelho de Lisboa, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 20 anos (M=18,22; Dp=0,49), 108 masculinos e 194 femininos e a segunda era composta por 174 sujeitos, estudantes finalistas de cursos profissionais de uma escola do concelho de Lisboa frequentada por alunos provenientes de ambientes sociais caracterizados pelo stresse scio-econmico e familiar, e at, em bastantes casos, que j tinham participado em actos ilegais relacionados com furto, vandalismo, trfico de drogas, e agresses, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 22 anos (M=18,98; Dp=1,075), 104 masculinos e 70 femininos. A primeira amostra foi considerada normativa e a segunda de risco psicossocial. Para avaliar a motivao moral foi construda uma medida que incluiu dois aspectos: a conscincia moral, relativa avaliao objectiva e subjectiva que os indivduos fazem das situaes morais que atravs de processos de anlise de contedo foi distinguida em trs categorias exclusivas: no transgresso, transgresso relativizada e transgresso; e a autoatribuio de emoes que indica a probabilidade objectiva dos indivduos cometerem aces morais. Foi verificada a existncia de diferenas individuais em ambas as medidas da motivao moral e, tambm, a existncia de diferenas na atribuio de emoes em funo da conscincia moral: os sujeitos da categoria transgresso apresentaram atribuies mais negativas do que os sujeitos de transgresso relativizada e estes, por sua vez, apresentaram atribuies mais negativas que os sujeitos da categoria no transgresso. Estes resultados confirmam o papel da identidade na motivao moral. A anlise da predio confirmou que a integridade, a identidade e a identidade moral, em ordem decrescente de capacidade explicativa, constituem factores preditores tanto da conscincia moral como da auto-atribuio de emoes. ABSTRACT: Moral motivation, the subject of this thesis, is differently viewed by several psychological perspectives. Constructivist models supported by genetic epistemology define cognition as the determinant factor while theories that emphasize individual functioning admit that emotions and identity have a central role in the way that persons could morally act. Particularly supported in this second approach we tested a predictive model of moral motivation with three variables, identity, moral identity and integrity, all evaluated by psychometric scales, in two samples. The first sample had 320 graduate high school students with age between 18 and 20 (M=18,22; SD=0,49), 108 male and 194 female and the second sample had 174 graduate students of vocational courses in high school of a risk social and familiar environment, many of them had already done illegal acts such as stealing, vandalism, drug traffic and aggressions; they had ages between 18 and 22 (M=18,98; SD=1,08), 104 male and 70 female. The first sample was considered normative and the second one was classified as psychosocial risk. To evaluate moral motivation we developed a measure that assesses two aspects: moral conscience, who includes both objective and subjective evaluation of moral situations that was distinguished in three exclusive categories by procedures of content analysis: non-transgression, justifiable transgression and transgression; and self-attribution of emotion that indicates the likelihood of committing moral actions. We observed individual differences in both measurements of moral motivation and also verified differences in emotional attribution on the basis of moral conscience: the individuals of transgression category presented more negative attributions than those of justifiable transgression and in turn the latter presented more negative attributions than individuals of non-transgression category. These results confirm the role of identity in moral motivation. The predictor analysis confirmed integrity, identity and moral identity, in descending order of explanatory power, as predictive variables of moral consciousness and self-attribution of emotions.


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1. Beneficencia y Estado Social. Prestaciones sociales y cargas familiares. 2. Atencin prestada por uno mismo a sus propias necesidades. 3. Alimentos resultantes de diversas instituciones. 4. Matrimonio, alimentos y pensiones compensatorias. 5. Liberalidades de uso y donaciones. 6. La obligacin legal de alimentos entre parientes; alimentos y auxilios necesarios para la vida. 7. Alimentantes, orden establecido para ellos y pluralidad de los mismos. 8. Modo de prestar los alimentos. 9. Montante, modificacin y extincin de la obligacin alimenticia. 10. Los alimentos y el impuesto sobre la renta. 11. A modo de eplogo. Alimentos, limosnas y obras de misericordia.


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El escritor Miguel Donoso Pareja confiesa que en su vida existieron dos modelos: el de su padre -hasta reconocer que no era capaz de emular al navegante y matemtico-, y el de su to Alfredo Pareja. Admira al escritor tanto como al ser humano: por su deseo permanente de aprender y la exigencia implacable consigo mismo, cuanto por su vitalidad. Recuerda las visitas familiares, cada semana, de su to a la Pennsula de Santa Elena, aprobaba en silencio las lecturas juveniles de Donoso, e impuso un quiebre de calidad con Las mil noches y una noche. Como estudiante en casa de su abuela materna en Guayaquil, el autor conoci a otro Alfredo Pareja: el de su agitada rutina diaria de escritor y hombre de negocios, visitaba su casa, fascinado por su inmensa biblioteca, a la que tena libre acceso, poco despus, su to Alfredo iniciara sus largos aos de viajero, y se reencontraran pocas veces, en Quito, en la dcada de 1980. El autor concluye la emotiva resea con una breve sntesis valorativa de la produccin de Pareja Diezcanseco.


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Este estudio pretende desentraar las razones que han pesado en el imaginario social a la hora de asignar los roles domsticos y de cuidado familiar exclusivamente a las mujeres, con la consecuencia de disminuir y, en algunos casos, casi anular sus oportunidades a la hora de acceder a un trabajo remunerado o de mejorar sus condiciones laborales. La propuesta frente a esta realidad es que el derecho acte como equilibrador de las oportunidades de hombres y mujeres en el acceso al empleo y en el derecho al trabajo, lo que se lograr si se atacan las causas que generan esas desigualdades, entre ellas, unas de las ms poderosas son las responsabilidades familiares y domsticas, que deben ser redistribuidas equitativamente entre hombres y mujeres, y donde el Estado debe intervenir facilitando espacios de cuidado y atencin para nios/as y adultos mayores.


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In this paper we explore the importance of emotionally inter-dependent relationships to the functioning of embodied social capital and habitus. Drawing upon the experiences of young people with socio-emotional differences, we demonstrate how emotionally inter-dependent and relatively nurturing relationships are integral to the acquisition of social capital and to the co-construction and embodiment of habitus. The young people presented in this paper often had difficulties in forging social relationships and in acquiring symbolic and cultural capital in school spaces. However, we outline how these young people (re)produce and embody alternative kinds of habitus, based on emotionally reciprocal relationships forged through formal and informal leisure activities and familial and fraternal social relationships. These alternative forms of habitus provide sites of subjection, scope for acquiring social and cultural capital and a positive sense of identity in the face of problematic relations and experiences in school spaces.


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We develop a transaction cost economics theory of the family firm, building upon the concepts of family-based asset specificity, bounded rationality, and bounded reliability. We argue that the prosperity and survival of family firms depend on the absence of a dysfunctional bifurcation bias. The bifurcation bias is an expression of bounded reliability, reflected in the de facto asymmetric treatment of family vs. nonfamily assets (especially human assets). We propose that absence of bifurcation bias is critical to fostering reliability in family business functioning. Our study ends the unproductive divide between the agency and stewardship perspectives of the family firm, which offer conflicting accounts of this firm type's functioning. We show that the predictions of the agency and stewardship perspectives can be usefully reconciled when focusing on how family firms address the bifurcation bias or fail to do so.


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The subject of the current work was to analyze the subject of the adequacy of Brazilian's agricultural activity financing model, as an alternative for the traditional agriculture credit. The main basis for this research is the evidence that the official resources for new loans, wherein it is analyzed a period within 30 years, had their highest peak in the final 70's decade and beginning of the80s had experimented a consistent trajectory of decline, returning to the initial levels of the final decades of the 60s. In parallel with the situation above, it is evidenced the increase of the Brazilian agriculture production by the official data, mainly grain plowing, followed by diverse problems like high levels of default in and continuously debt roll over, indicating depauperation from the traditional model which was institutionalized in 1965, under the Law n. 4829. A survey of official data regarding those loans, their default and field research with banks that deal with agriculture loans, from a broad Bibliographical research, ,was made in order to verify their managing strategy and willingness to use new financing mechanisms. The main proposed alternatives were: a) Cdula de Produto Rural (Rural Product Bill) b) Cdula de Produto Rural, financial modality c) Bolsa de Mercadorias e de Futuros proposal d) Agricultural Receivable on Security e) Model based on Local Credit Agencies The best instrument for leveling resources were the first four alternatives, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal. The creation of a system based on local branches for credit had not shown to be viable as for the difficulties for implementation and functioning. The work also points out a need to review the segmentation concerning rural clients. The traditional format for segmentation distinguishes 2 groups of producers: commercial agriculture and familiar agriculture. A third group is in eminence, which is the survival agriculture, with needs and distinct characteristics, indicating that the requirements for their needs must not have to be made by credit forms, but as aid programs, education and social welfare.


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This paper deals with the familiar enterprise succession leaving as a goal to identify, describe and analyze the factors which facilitate and make difficult the process of succession of the familiar enterprise. To this it contextualizes the familiar enterprise in the labor market through its contexts, process and characters. Afterward it treats of the familiar enterprise as an system in its complexity of this segment of the enterprise. It considered the need on studying its origin, evolution and characteristics. Also the ethics and familiar administration. It also, considered the cycle of life, the three-dimensional model of development having as a base the propriety, family and enterprise axes as well as the familiar profissionalization, the main focus reposes in the succession process having as a base its planning the field search reveals it self descriptive, thats to say a case study through interview with the proprietors, successors, aggregates and succeeded ones. Finally the management indicators which aim, to contribute to the familiar succession.


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Introduo: Pirose e regurgitao so manifestaes da Doena do Refluxo Gastresofgico (DRGE) que ocorrem freqentemente no terceiro trimestre da gravidez, porm seu impacto na qualidade de vida de gestantes pouco conhecido. Objetivos: 1. Mensurar a qualidade de vida em gestantes no terceiro trimestre da gravidez com Pirose e Regurgitao; 2. Avaliar a relao entre Pirose e Regurgitao e a dieta. Pacientes e Mtodos: Gestantes no terceiro trimestre acompanhadas ambulatorialmente foram entrevistadas para colher dados referentes histria obsttrica, freqncia, intensidade e passado de P e R, qualidade de vida (mensurada a partir do questionrio genrico SF-36), ingesto alimentar (avaliada por recordatrio de 24h) e medidas antropomtricas; Resultados: Foram estudadas consecutivamente 82 gestantes: 62 com pirose e/ou regurgitao e 20 assintomticas. Pirose foi relatada por 62 (76%) gestantes e regurgitao por 58 (71%). A idade gestacional mdia foi 33,83,7 semanas, 35 (43%) apresentavam histria familiar positiva de pirose e/ou regurgitao e 57 (70%) no apresentavam tais sintomas fora da gravidez. Houve reduo estatisticamente significativa na qualidade de vida das gestantes sintomticas nos seguintes domnios: Para pirose, em Limitao Fsica e Aspectos Sociais; para regurgitao, em Limitao Fsica, Aspectos Sociais, Aspectos Emocionais e Dor. Houve concordncia entre presena de pirose em gestaes passadas e a atual. Gestantes com pirose apresentaram-se significativamente com maior peso corporal. cidos graxos poli e monoinsaturados, cafena, cido ascrbico e sulfato ferroso foram significativamente associados com pirose e/ou regurgitao. Concluses: 1.Pirose e / ou regurgitao diminuram a qualidade de vida em gestantes no terceiro trimestre; 2. cidos graxos, cafena, cido ascrbico e sulfato ferroso estiveram associados com pirose e/ou regurgitao.