960 resultados para Dynamic increasing factor (DIF)
Electronic applications are nowadays converging under the umbrella of the cloud computing vision. The future ecosystem of information and communication technology is going to integrate clouds of portable clients and embedded devices exchanging information, through the internet layer, with processing clusters of servers, data-centers and high performance computing systems. Even thus the whole society is waiting to embrace this revolution, there is a backside of the story. Portable devices require battery to work far from the power plugs and their storage capacity does not scale as the increasing power requirement does. At the other end processing clusters, such as data-centers and server farms, are build upon the integration of thousands multiprocessors. For each of them during the last decade the technology scaling has produced a dramatic increase in power density with significant spatial and temporal variability. This leads to power and temperature hot-spots, which may cause non-uniform ageing and accelerated chip failure. Nonetheless all the heat removed from the silicon translates in high cooling costs. Moreover trend in ICT carbon footprint shows that run-time power consumption of the all spectrum of devices accounts for a significant slice of entire world carbon emissions. This thesis work embrace the full ICT ecosystem and dynamic power consumption concerns by describing a set of new and promising system levels resource management techniques to reduce the power consumption and related issues for two corner cases: Mobile Devices and High Performance Computing.
UV-B-Strahlung, die durch die fortschreitende Zerstörung der Ozonschicht zunimmt, ist hauptsächlich für das Entstehen von Basaliomen und Plattenepithelkarzinomen verantwort-lich, an denen jedes Jahr etwa 2-3 Millionen Menschen weltweit erkranken. UV-B indu-zierte Hautkarzinogenese ist ein komplexer Prozess, bei dem vor allem die mutagenen und immunsuppressiven Wirkungen der UV-B-Strahlung von Bedeutung sind. Die Rolle von GM-CSF in der Hautkarzinogenese ist dabei widersprüchlich. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Funktion von GM-CSF in vivo in der UV-B induzierten Hautkarzinogenese mittels zwei bereits etablierter Mauslinien untersucht: Erstens transgene Mäuse, die einen GM-CSF Antagonisten unter der Kontrolle des Keratin-10-Promotors in den suprabasalen Schichten der Epidermis exprimieren und zweitens solche, die unter dem Keratin-5-Promotor murines GM-CSF in der Basalschicht der Epidermis überexprimieren. Eine Gruppe von Tieren wurde chronisch, die andere akut bestrahlt. Die konstitutionelle Verfassung der Tiere mit erhöhter GM-CSF-Aktivität in der Haut war nach chronischer UV-B-Bestrahlung insgesamt sehr schlecht. Sie wiesen deshalb eine stark erhöhte Mortali-tät auf. Dies ist sowohl auf die hohe Inzidenz als auch dem frühen Auftreten der benignen und malignen Läsionen zurückzuführen. Eine verminderte GM-CSF Aktivität verzögerte dagegen die Karzinomentwicklung und erhöhte die Überlebensrate leicht. GM-CSF wirkt auf verschiedenen Ebenen tumorpromovierend: Erstens erhöht eine gesteigerte Mastzell-anzahl in der Haut der GM-CSF überexprimierenden Tiere per se die Suszeptibilität für Hautkarzinogenese. Zweitens stimuliert GM-CSF die Keratinozytenproliferation. Dadurch kommt es nach UV-B-Bestrahlung zu einer prolongierten epidermalen Hyperproliferation, die zur endogenen Tumorpromotion beiträgt, indem sie die Bildung von Neoplasien unter-stützt. Der Antagonist verzögert dagegen den Proliferationsbeginn, die Keratinozyten blei-ben demzufolge länger in der G1-Phase und der durch UV-B verursachte DNA-Schaden kann effizienter repariert werden. Drittens kann GM-CSF die LCs nicht als APCs aktivie-ren und eine Antitumorimmunität induzieren, da UV-B-Strahlung zur Apoptose von LCs bzw. zu deren Migration in Richtung Lymphknoten führt. Zusätzlich entwickeln GM-CSF überexprimierende Tiere in ihrer Haut nach UV-B-Bestrahlung ein Millieu von antago-nistisch wirkenden Zytokinen, wie TNF-a, TGF-b1 und IL-12p40 und GM-CSF, die proinflammatorische Prozesse und somit die Karzinomentwicklung begünstigen. Der Anta-gonist hemmt nach UV-B-Bestrahlung die Ausschüttung sowohl von immunsuppressiven Zytokinen, wie etwa TNF-a, als auch solchen, die die Th2-Entwicklung unterstützen, wie etwa IL-10 und IL-4. Dies wirkt sich negativ auf die Karzinomentwicklung aus.
The collapse of linear polyelectrolyte chains in a poor solvent: When does a collapsing polyelectrolyte collect its counter ions? The collapse of polyions in a poor solvent is a complex system and is an active research subject in the theoretical polyelectrolyte community. The complexity is due to the subtle interplay between hydrophobic effects, electrostatic interactions, entropy elasticity, intrinsic excluded volume as well as specific counter-ion and co-ion properties. Long range Coulomb forces can obscure single molecule properties. The here presented approach is to use just a small amount of screening salt in combination with a very high sample dilution in order to screen intermolecular interaction whereas keeping intramolecular interaction as much as possible (polyelectrolyte concentration cp ≤ 12 mg/L, salt concentration; Cs = 10^-5 mol/L). This is so far not described in literature. During collapse, the polyion is subject to a drastic change in size along with strong reduction of free counterions in solution. Therefore light scattering was utilized to obtain the size of the polyion whereas a conductivity setup was developed to monitor the proceeding of counterion collection by the polyion. Partially quaternized PVP’s below and above the Manning limit were investigated and compared to the collapse of their uncharged precursor. The collapses were induced by an isorefractive solvent/non-solvent mixture consisting of 1-propanol and 2-pentanone, with nearly constant dielectric constant. The solvent quality for the uncharged polyion could be quantified which, for the first time, allowed the experimental investigation of the effect of electrostatic interaction prior and during polyion collapse. Given that the Manning parameter M for QPVP4.3 is as low as lB / c = 0.6 (lB the Bjerrum length and c the mean contour distance between two charges), no counterion binding should occur. However the Walden product reduces with first addition of non solvent and accelerates when the structural collapse sets in. Since the dielectric constant of the solvent remains virtually constant during the chain collapse, the counterion binding is entirely caused by the reduction in the polyion chain dimension. The collapse is shifted to lower wns with higher degrees of quaternization as the samples QPVP20 and QPVP35 show (M = 2.8 respectively 4.9). The combination of light scattering and conductivity measurement revealed for the first time that polyion chains already collect their counter ions well above the theta-dimension when the dimensions start to shrink. Due to only small amounts of screening salt, strong electrostatic interactions bias dynamic as well as static light scattering measurements. An extended Zimm formula was derived to account for this interaction and to obtain the real chain dimensions. The effective degree of dissociation g could be obtained semi quantitatively using this extrapolated static in combination with conductivity measurements. One can conclude the expansion factor a and the effective degree of ionization of the polyion to be mutually dependent. In the good solvent regime g of QPVP4.3, QPVP20 and QPVP35 exhibited a decreasing value in the order 1 > g4.3 > g20 > g35. The low values of g for QPVP20 and QPVP35 are assumed to be responsible for the prior collapse of the higher quaternized samples. Collapse theory predicts dipole-dipole attraction to increase accordingly and even predicts a collapse in the good solvent regime. This could be exactly observed for the QPVP35 sample. The experimental results were compared to a newly developed theory of uniform spherical collapse induced by concomitant counterion binding developed by M. Muthukumar and A. Kundagrami. The theory agrees qualitatively with the location of the phase boundary as well as the trend of an increasing expansion with an increase of the degree of quaternization. However experimental determined g for the samples QPVP4.3, QPVP20 and QPVP35 decreases linearly with the degree of quaternization whereas this theory predicts an almost constant value.
The new generation of multicore processors opens new perspectives for the design of embedded systems. Multiprocessing, however, poses new challenges to the scheduling of real-time applications, in which the ever-increasing computational demands are constantly flanked by the need of meeting critical time constraints. Many research works have contributed to this field introducing new advanced scheduling algorithms. However, despite many of these works have solidly demonstrated their effectiveness, the actual support for multiprocessor real-time scheduling offered by current operating systems is still very limited. This dissertation deals with implementative aspects of real-time schedulers in modern embedded multiprocessor systems. The first contribution is represented by an open-source scheduling framework, which is capable of realizing complex multiprocessor scheduling policies, such as G-EDF, on conventional operating systems exploiting only their native scheduler from user-space. A set of experimental evaluations compare the proposed solution to other research projects that pursue the same goals by means of kernel modifications, highlighting comparable scheduling performances. The principles that underpin the operation of the framework, originally designed for symmetric multiprocessors, have been further extended first to asymmetric ones, which are subjected to major restrictions such as the lack of support for task migrations, and later to re-programmable hardware architectures (FPGAs). In the latter case, this work introduces a scheduling accelerator, which offloads most of the scheduling operations to the hardware and exhibits extremely low scheduling jitter. The realization of a portable scheduling framework presented many interesting software challenges. One of these has been represented by timekeeping. In this regard, a further contribution is represented by a novel data structure, called addressable binary heap (ABH). Such ABH, which is conceptually a pointer-based implementation of a binary heap, shows very interesting average and worst-case performances when addressing the problem of tick-less timekeeping of high-resolution timers.
A simple dependency between contact angle θ and velocity or surface tension has been predicted for the wetting and dewetting behavior of simple liquids. According to the hydrodynamic theory, this dependency was described by Cox and Voinov as θ ∼ Ca^(1/3) (Ca: Capillary number). For more complex liquids like surfactant solutions, this prediction is not directly given.rnHere I present a rotating drum setup for studying wetting/dewetting processes of surfactant solutions on the basis of velocity-dependent contact angle measurements. With this new setup I showed that surfactant solutions do not follow the predicted Cox-Voinov relation, but showed a stronger contact angle dependency on surface tension. All surfactants independent of their charge showed this difference from the prediction so that electrostatic interactions as a reason could be excluded. Instead, I propose the formation of a surface tension gradient close to the three-phase contact line as the main reason for the strong contact angle decrease with increasing surfactant concentration. Surface tension gradients are not only formed locally close to the three-phase contact line, but also globally along the air-liquid interface due to the continuous creation/destruction of the interface by the drum moving out of/into the liquid. By systematically hindering the equilibration routes of the global gradient along the interface and/or through the bulk, I was able to show that the setup geometry is also important for the wetting/dewetting of surfactant solutions. Further, surface properties like roughness or chemical homogeneity of the wetted/dewetted substrate influence the wetting/dewetting behavior of the liquid, i. e. the three-phase contact line is differently pinned on rough/smooth or homogeneous/inhomogeneous surfaces. Altogether I showed that the wetting/dewetting of surfactant solutions did not depend on the surfactant type (anionic, cationic, or non-ionic) but on the surfactant concentration and strength, the setup geometry, and the surface properties.rnSurfactants do not only influence the wetting/dewetting behavior of liquids, but also the impact behavior of drops on free-standing films or solutions. In a further part of this work, I dealt with the stability of the air cushion between drop and film/solution. To allow coalescence between drop and substrate, the air cushion has to vanish. In the presence of surfactants, the vanishing of the air is slowed down due to a change in the boundary condition from slip to no-slip, i. e. coalescence is suppressed or slowed down in the presence of surfactant.
In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir mittels zeitaufgelöster Abbildungen die Gigahertz-Dynamik von magnetischen Skyrmionen, um die Bewegungsgleichungen für diese Quasiteilchen zu bestimmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen haben wir zunächst ein CoB/Pt Schichtsystem entwickelt, das starke senkrechte magnetische Anisotropie mit einer besonders geringen Rauigkeit der Energielandschaft verbindet. Diese Eigenschaften sind für das repetitive dynamische Abbildungsverfahren unerlässlich. In einem zweiten Schritt haben wir das Probendesign optimiert und so weiterentwickelt, dass eine Beobachtung der Skyrmionenbewegung mit einer Auflösung von besser als 3 nm möglich wurde. Aufgrund dieser Verbesserungen ist es uns gelungen, die Trajektorie eines Skyrmionen aufzuzeichnen. Diese Bewegung ist eine Superposition von zwei Drehbewegungen, einer im Uhrzeigersinn und einer gegen läufigen. Aus der Existenz dieser zwei Moden lässt sich schließen, dass Skyrmionen träge Quasiteilchen sind, und aus den Frequenzen können wir einen Wert für die träge Masse ableiten. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Masse von Skyrmion fünfmal größer ist als von existierenden Theorien vorhergesagt. Die Masse wird folglich durch einen neuartigen Mechanismus bestimmt, der sich aus der räumlichen Beschränkung der Skyrmionen ergibt, welche sich direkt aus der Topologie bleitenrnlässt.
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt den fluid-kristallinen Phasenübergang sowie den Glasübergang anhand von kolloidalen Hart-Kugel(HK)-Modellsystemen. Die Untersuchungen erfolgen dabei im Wesentlichen mit unterschiedlichen Lichtstreumethoden und daher im reziproken Raum. rnDie Analyse der Kristallisationskinetik zeigt, dass es bei der Kristallisation zu signifikanten Abweichungen vom Bild der klassischen Nukleationstheorie (CNT) kommt. Diese geht von einem einstufigen Nukleationsprozess aus, wohingegen bei den hier durchgeführten Experimenten ein mehrstufiger Prozess beobachtet wird. Vor der eigentlichen Kristallisation kommt es zunächst zur Nukleation einer metastabilen Zwischenphase, sogenannter Precursor. In einer zweiten Stufe erfolgt innerhalb der Precursor die eigentliche Nukleation der Kristallite. rnDurch weitere Analyse und den Vergleich des Kristallisations- und Verglasungsszenarios konnte das Konzept der Precursornukleation auf den Vorgang der Verglasung erweitert werden. Während die Kristallnukleation oberhalb des Glasübergangspunktes zum Erliegen kommt, bleibt der Prozess der Precursornukleation auch bei verglasenden Proben erhalten. Ein Glas erstarrt somit in einem amorphen Zustand mit lokalen Precursorstrukturen. Die Korrelation der gemessenen zeitlichen Entwicklung der strukturellen sowie der dynamischen Eigenschaften zeigt darüber hinaus, dass das bisher unverstandene Ageing-Phänomen von HK-Gläsern mit der Nukleation von Precursorn zusammenhängt.rnEin solches mehrstufiges Szenario wurde bereits in früheren Veröffentlichungen beobachtet. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Messungen ermöglichten erstmals die Bestimmung von Kristallnukleationsratendichten (Kristall-NRD) und Ratendichten für die Precursornukleation bis über den Glasübergangspunkt hinaus. Die Kristall-NRD bestätigen die Resultate aus anderen experimentellen Arbeiten. Die weiteren Analysen der Kristall-NRD belegen, dass die fluid-kristalline Grenzflächenspannung bei der Nukleation entgegen den Annahmen der CNT nicht konstant ist, sondern mit ansteigendem Volumenbruch linear zunimmt. Die Erweiterung der CNT um eine linear zunehmende Grenzflächenspannung ermöglichte eine quantitative Beschreibung der gemessenen Kristall- sowie der Precursor-NRD, was den Schluss zulässt, dass es sich in beiden Fällen um einen Boltzmann-aktivierten Prozess handelt. rnUm die beobachteten Abweichungen des Nukleationsprozesses vom Bild der CNT näher zu untersuchen, wurden die kollektiven Partikeldynamiken in stabilen Fluiden und metastabilen Schmelzen analysiert. Im klassischen Bild wird angenommen, dass die kollektive Partikeldynamik beim Vorgang der Nukleation keine Rolle spielt. Anhand der Resultate zeigen sich Abweichungen in der Dynamik stabiler Fluide und metastabiler Schmelzen. Während die kollektive Partikeldynamik in der stabilen Schmelze von der Struktur entkoppelt ist, tritt oberhalb des Phasenübergangspunktes eine Kopplung von Struktur und Dynamik auf. Dabei treten die Abweichungen zunächst in der Umgebung des ersten Strukturfaktormaximums und somit bei den am stärksten besetzten Moden auf. Mit steigender Unterkühlung nehmen die Anzahl der abweichenden Moden sowie die Stärke der Abweichungen zu. Dieses Phänomen könnte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf den Nukleationsprozess und somit auf die Kristallisationskinetik haben. Die Analyse der Dynamik im stabilen Fluid zeigt darüber hinaus Hinweise auf eine Singularität bei Annäherung an den fluid-kristallinen Phasenübergangspunkt.rnDes Weiteren wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals Ratendichten für die heterogene Nukleation eines HK-Systems an einer flachen Wand mittels statischer Lichtstreuung (SLS) bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse der Messung zeigen, dass die Nukleationsbarriere der heterogenen Nukleation annähernd Null ist und folglich eine vollständige Benetzung der Wand mit einer kristallinen Monolage vorliegt. Die Erweiterung der Untersuchungen auf gekrümmte Oberflächen in Form von sphärischen Partikeln (Seeds) stellt die erste experimentelle Arbeit dar, die den Einfluss eines Ensembles von Seeds auf die Kristallisationskinetik in HK-Systemen untersucht. Die Kristallisationskinetik und die Mikrostruktur werden abhängig von Größe und Anzahldichte der Seed-Partikel signifikant beeinflusst. In Übereinstimmung mit konfokalmikroskopischen Experimenten und Simulationen spielt dabei das Radienverhältnis der Majoritäts- zur Minoritätskomponente eine entscheidende Rolle.
Novel single step synthetic procedure for hydrophobically modified alkali soluble latexes (HASE) via a miniemulsion-analogous method is presented. This facile method simplifies the copolymerization of the monomers with basically “opposite” character in terms of their hydrophilic/hydrophobic nature, which represent one of the main challenges in water based systems. Considered systems do not represent classical miniemulsions due to a high content of water soluble monomers. However, the polymerization mechanism was found to be rather similar to miniemulsion polymerization process.rnThe influence of the different factors on the system stability has been investigated. The copolymerization behavior studies typically showed strong composition drifts during copolymerization. It was found that the copolymer composition drift can be suppressed via changing the initial monomer ratio.rnThe neutralization behavior of the obtained HASE systems was investigated via potentiometric titration. The rheological behavior of the obtained systems as a function of the different parameters, such as pH, composition (ultrahydrophobe content) and additive type and content has also been investigated.rnDetailed investigation of the storage and loss moduli, damping factor and the crossover frequencies of the samples showed that at the initial stages of the neutralization the systems show microgel-like behavior.rnThe dependence of the rheological properties on the content and the type of the ultrahydrophobe showed that the tuning of the mechanical properties can be easily achieved via minor (few percent) but significant changes in the content of the latter. Besides, changing the hydrophobicity of the ultrahydrophobe via increasing the carbon chain length represents another simple method for achieving the same results.rnThe influence of amphiphilic additives (especially alcohols) on the rheological behavior of the obtained systems has been studied. An analogy was made between micellation of surfactants and the formation of hydrophobic domains between hydrophobic groups of the polymer side chain.rnDilution induced viscosity reduction was investigated in different systems, without or with different amounts or types of the amphiphilic additive. Possibility of the controlled response to dilution was explored. It was concluded that the sensitivity towards dilution can be reduced, and in extreme cases even the increase of the dynamic modulus can be observed, which is of high importance for the setting behavior of the adhesive material.rnIn the last part of this work, the adhesive behavior of the obtained HASE systems was investigated on different substrates (polypropylene and glass) for the standard labeling paper. Wet tack and setting behavior was studied and the trends for possible applications have been evaluated.rnThe novel synthetic procedure, investigation of rheological properties and the possibility of the tuning via additives, investigated in this work create a firm background for the development of the HASE based adhesives as well as rheology modifiers with vast variety of possible applications due to ease of tuning the mechanical and rheological properties of the systems.
Growth hormone insensitivity syndrome (GHIS) is a rare cause of growth retardation characterized by high serum GH levels, and low serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels associated with a genetic defect of the GH receptor (GHR) as well post-GHR signaling pathway. Based on clinical, as well as biochemical characteristics, GHIS can be genetically classified as classical/Laron's syndrome and nonclassical/atypical GHIS. Recombinant human IGF-I (rhIGF-I) treatment is effective in promoting growth in subjects who have GHIS. Further, pharmacological studies of a IGF-I compound containing a 1:1 molar complex of rhIGF-I and rhIGF-binding protein-3 (BP-3) demonstrated that the complex was effective in increasing levels of circulating total and free IGF-I and that the administration in patients with GHIS should be safe, well-tolerated and more effective than rhIGF-I on its own.
Neutral ceramidase (NCDase) and sphingosine kinases (SphKs) are key enzymes regulating cellular sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) levels. In this study we found that stress factor-induced apoptosis of rat renal mesangial cells was significantly reduced by dexamethasone treatment. Concomitantly, dexamethasone increased cellular S1P levels, suggesting an activation of sphingolipid-metabolizing enzymes. The cell-protective effect of glucocorticoids was reversed by a SphK inhibitor, was completely absent in SphK1-deficient cells, and was associated with upregulated mRNA and protein expression of NCDase and SphK1. Additionally, in vivo experiments in mice showed that dexamethasone also upregulated SphK1 mRNA and activity, and NCDase protein expression in the kidney. Fragments (2285, 1724, and 1126 bp) of the rat NCDase promoter linked to a luciferase reporter were transfected into rat kidney fibroblasts and mesangial cells. There was enhanced NCDase promoter activity upon glucocorticoids treatment that was abolished by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU-486. Single and double mutations of the two putative glucocorticoid response element sites within the promoter reduced the dexamethasone effect, suggesting that both glucocorticoid response elements are functionally active and required for induction. Our study shows that glucocorticoids exert a protective effect on stress-induced mesangial cell apoptosis in vitro and in vivo by upregulating NCDase and SphK1 expression and activity, resulting in enhanced levels of the protective lipid second messenger S1P.
The production of epithelial neutrophil activating peptide-78 (NA-78) and the interleukins IL-8 and IL-6 by endometrial stromal cells is stimulated by pro-inflammatory interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). IL-8 is suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis, and in these women the peritoneal fluid concentrations of ENA-78 and IL-8 are increased. TNF-α has been tested together with interferon-γ because of their cooperative stimulation of IL-6. The release of IL-8, however, is inhibited with increasing interferon levels. The aim of the study was the analysis of the production of ENA-78, IL-6 and IL-8 by cultured human endometrial stromal cells in the presence of varying concentrations of IL-1β, TNF-α, and interferon-γ.
Loading is important to maintain the balance of matrix turnover in the intervertebral disc (IVD). Daily cyclic diurnal assists in the transport of large soluble factors across the IVD and its surrounding circulation and applies direct and indirect stimulus to disc cells. Acute mechanical injury and accumulated overloading, however, could induce disc degeneration. Recently, there is more information available on how cyclic loading, especially axial compression and hydrostatic pressure, affects IVD cell biology. This review summarises recent studies on the response of the IVD and stem cells to applied cyclic compression and hydrostatic pressure. These studies investigate the possible role of loading in the initiation and progression of disc degeneration as well as quantifying a physiological loading condition for the study of disc degeneration biological therapy. Subsequently, a possible physiological/beneficial loading range is proposed. This physiological/beneficial loading could provide insight into how to design loading regimes in specific system for the testing of various biological therapies such as cell therapy, chemical therapy or tissue engineering constructs to achieve a better final outcome. In addition, the parameter space of 'physiological' loading may also be an important factor for the differentiation of stem cells towards most ideally 'discogenic' cells for tissue engineering purpose.
The increasing relevance of the cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis and the impact of CSC-associated markers in the carcinogenesis of solid tumours may provide potential prognostic implications in lung cancer. We propose that a collective genetic analysis of established CSC-related markers will generate data to better define the role of putative CSCs in lung adenocarcinoma (LAC).
While beneficially decreasing the necessary incision size, arthroscopic hip surgery increases the surgical complexity due to loss of joint visibility. To ease such difficulty, a computer-aided mechanical navigation system was developed to present the location of the surgical tool relative to the patient¿s hip joint. A preliminary study reduced the position error of the tracking linkage with limited static testing trials. In this study, a correction method, including a rotational correction factor and a length correction function, was developed through more in-depth static testing. The developed correction method was then applied to additional static and dynamic testing trials to evaluate its effectiveness. For static testing, the position error decreased from an average of 0.384 inches to 0.153 inches, with an error reduction of 60.5%. Three parameters utilized to quantify error reduction of dynamic testing did not show consistent results. The vertex coordinates achieved 29.4% of error reduction, yet with large variation in the upper vertex. The triangular area error was reduced by 5.37%, however inconsistent among all five dynamic trials. Error of vertex angles increased, indicating a shape torsion using the developed correction method. While the established correction method effectively and consistently reduced position error in static testing, it did not present consistent results in dynamic trials. More dynamic paramters should be explored to quantify error reduction of dynamic testing, and more in-depth dynamic testing methodology should be conducted to further improve the accuracy of the computer-aided nagivation system.
Galina Kovaleva. The Formation of the Exchange Rate on the Russian Market: Dynamics and Modelling. The Russian financial market is fast becoming one of the major sectors of the Russian economy. Assets have been increasing steadily, while new market segments and new financial market instruments have emerged. Kovaleva attempted to isolate the factors influencing exchange rates, determine patterns in the dynamic changes to the rouble/dollar exchange rate, construct models of the processes, and on the basis of these activities make forecasts. She studied the significance of economic indicators influencing the rouble/dollar exchange rate at different times, and developed multi-factor econometric models. In order to reveal the inner structure of the financial indicators and to work out ex-post forecasts for different time intervals, she carried out a series of calculations with the aim of constructing trend-cyclical (TC) and harmonic models, and Box and Jenkins models. She found that: 1. The Russian financial market is dependant on the rouble/dollar exchange rate. Its dynamics are formed under the influence of the short-term state treasury notes and government bonds markets, interbank loans, the rouble/DM exchange rate, the inflation rate, and the DM/dollar exchange rate. The exchange rate is influenced by sales on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange and the mechanism of those sales. 2. The TC model makes it possible to conduct an in-depth study of the structure of the processes and to make forecasts of the dynamic changes to currency indicators. 3. The Russian market is increasingly influenced by the world currency market and its prospects are of crucial interest for the world financial community.