992 resultados para Dulce de leche
OBJETIVO: Describir la modalidad de alimentación de los recién nacidos en instituciones públicas y privadas; y estudiar su relación con prácticas sanitarias de atención del parto y el puerperio y con caraterísticas sociodemográficas. MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 347 binomios madre - hijo representativos de los nacimientos en maternidades públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. Las madres fueron entrevistadas entre las 24 y 48h posteriores al parto. Mediante análisis de regresión logística se estudió la asociación de las prácticas sanitarias con la modalidad de alimentación en la institución, controlando el efecto de factores sociodemográficos y perinatales, en instituciones públicas y privadas. Se realizó análisis de regresión logistica expressada en "odds ratio", con intervalo de confianza de un 95%. RESULTADOS: Recibieron lactancia materna exclusiva el 60,4% de los nacidos en instituciones públicas y el 2,9% de los nacidos en instituciones privadas. El riesgo de no tener lactancia materna completa en las instituciones públicas durante el postparto inmediato fue significativamente mayor cuando los niños recibieron un primer alimento diferente de leche materna [odds ratio (OR):149; Intervalo de confianza (IC) 95%: 16,7-1332)], el primer contacto se retrasó más de 45 minutos (OR:4,43; IC 95%: 1,02-19,20) y la intención de la madre fue amamantar menos de 6 meses (OR:5,80; IC95%: 1,32-25,52); y, en las privadas, cuando los niños recibieron un primer alimento diferente de leche materna (OR:9,88; IC 95%: 1,07-91,15). CONCLUSIONES: La atención del parto y el puerperio no es acorde a las recomendaciones actuales e influye en la modalidad de alimentación del recién nacido independientemente de otros factores estudiados.
Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is the most fundamental aspect of life but present day scientific knowledge has merely scratched the surface of the problem posed by its decoding. While experimental methods provide insightful clues, the adoption of analysis tools supported by the formalism of mathematics will lead to a systematic and solid build-up of knowledge. This paper studies human DNA from the perspective of system dynamics. By associating entropy and the Fourier transform, several global properties of the code are revealed. The fractional order characteristics emerge as a natural consequence of the information content. These properties constitute a small piece of scientific knowledge that will support further efforts towards the final aim of establishing a comprehensive theory of the phenomena involved in life.
This paper analyzes DNA information using entropy and phase plane concepts. First, the DNA code is converted into a numerical format by means of histograms that capture DNA sequence length ranging from one up to ten bases. This strategy measures dynamical evolutions from 4 up to 410 signal states. The resulting histograms are analyzed using three distinct entropy formulations namely the Shannon, Rényie and Tsallis definitions. Charts of entropy versus sequence length are applied to a set of twenty four species, characterizing 486 chromosomes. The information is synthesized and visualized by adapting phase plane concepts leading to a categorical representation of chromosomes and species.
This paper addresses the DNA code analysis in the perspective of dynamics and fractional calculus. Several mathematical tools are selected to establish a quantitative method without distorting the alphabet represented by the sequence of DNA bases. The association of Gray code, Fourier transform and fractional calculus leads to a categorical representation of species and chromosomes.
This paper studies the human DNA in the perspective of signal processing. Six wavelets are tested for analyzing the information content of the human DNA. By adopting real Shannon wavelet several fundamental properties of the code are revealed. A quantitative comparison of the chromosomes and visualization through multidimensional and dendograms is developed.
We describe a novel approach to explore DNA nucleotide sequence data, aiming to produce high-level categorical and structural information about the underlying chromosomes, genomes and species. The article starts by analyzing chromosomal data through histograms using fixed length DNA sequences. After creating the DNA-related histograms, a correlation between pairs of histograms is computed, producing a global correlation matrix. These data are then used as input to several data processing methods for information extraction and tabular/graphical output generation. A set of 18 species is processed and the extensive results reveal that the proposed method is able to generate significant and diversified outputs, in good accordance with current scientific knowledge in domains such as genomics and phylogenetics.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Educação Especial, Domínio Cognição e Multideficiência
This paper studies the DNA code of eleven mammals from the perspective of fractional dynamics. The application of Fourier transform and power law trendlines leads to a categorical representation of species and chromosomes. The DNA information reveals long range memory characteristics.
This paper aims to study the relationships between chromosomal DNA sequences of twenty species. We propose a methodology combining DNA-based word frequency histograms, correlation methods, and an MDS technique to visualize structural information underlying chromosomes (CRs) and species. Four statistical measures are tested (Minkowski, Cosine, Pearson product-moment, and Kendall τ rank correlations) to analyze the information content of 421 nuclear CRs from twenty species. The proposed methodology is built on mathematical tools and allows the analysis and visualization of very large amounts of stream data, like DNA sequences, with almost no assumptions other than the predefined DNA “word length.” This methodology is able to produce comprehensible three-dimensional visualizations of CR clustering and related spatial and structural patterns. The results of the four test correlation scenarios show that the high-level information clusterings produced by the MDS tool are qualitatively similar, with small variations due to each correlation method characteristics, and that the clusterings are a consequence of the input data and not method’s artifacts.
This paper analyzes the DNA code of several species in the perspective of information content. For that purpose several concepts and mathematical tools are selected towards establishing a quantitative method without a priori distorting the alphabet represented by the sequence of DNA bases. The synergies of associating Gray code, histogram characterization and multidimensional scaling visualization lead to a collection of plots with a categorical representation of species and chromosomes.
Proteins are biochemical entities consisting of one or more blocks typically folded in a 3D pattern. Each block (a polypeptide) is a single linear sequence of amino acids that are biochemically bonded together. The amino acid sequence in a protein is defined by the sequence of a gene or several genes encoded in the DNA-based genetic code. This genetic code typically uses twenty amino acids, but in certain organisms the genetic code can also include two other amino acids. After linking the amino acids during protein synthesis, each amino acid becomes a residue in a protein, which is then chemically modified, ultimately changing and defining the protein function. In this study, the authors analyze the amino acid sequence using alignment-free methods, aiming to identify structural patterns in sets of proteins and in the proteome, without any other previous assumptions. The paper starts by analyzing amino acid sequence data by means of histograms using fixed length amino acid words (tuples). After creating the initial relative frequency histograms, they are transformed and processed in order to generate quantitative results for information extraction and graphical visualization. Selected samples from two reference datasets are used, and results reveal that the proposed method is able to generate relevant outputs in accordance with current scientific knowledge in domains like protein sequence/proteome analysis.
Mestrado em Auditoria
É consensualmente reconhecida na atualidade a relevância da leitura na sociedade, abrindo-se, de forma crescente, a uma multiplicidade de dimensões alimentadas pela comunicação em rede. No ensino superior, tais dimensões merecem particular atenção, não só pelos desafios lançados pelo seu caráter cada vez mais diversificado, como pelas possíveis consequências que daí podem advir para o futuro profissional dos estudantes. Assim, nesta comunicação temos como objetivo indagar a importância do livro na era digital enquanto possível suporte configurador de práticas de leitura literária de estudantes do ensino superior a frequentar um 1.º Ciclo de estudos de Bolonha. No que se refere à metodologia adotada, face aos objetivos do estudo, considerámos adequada uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, tendo como referencial metodológico o estudo de caso. Os participantes foram 27 estudantes inscritos na unidade curricular de Iniciação à Leitura e à Escrita que integra o plano de estudos da licenciatura em Educação Básica, na Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu (3.º ano, 1.º semestre, ano letivo 2015-2016). Os instrumentos utilizados foram 27 reflexões escritas individuais realizadas no âmbito do trabalho autónomo dos estudantes. A técnica privilegiada foi a análise de conteúdo. Apesar dos amplos itinerários de leitura proporcionados pela era digital, conclui-se que os estudantes atribuem grande importância ao livro impresso enquanto potenciador da motivação para a leitura literária, relegando para segundo plano possíveis vantagens do livro em suporte digital. Embora a tecnologia seja omnipresente no seu quotidiano, é o livro que resguarda os lugares das memórias que se entretecem nos seus percursos de leitura.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Qualidade e Tecnologias da Saúde.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 16 de Janeiro 2014, Universidade dos Açores.