906 resultados para Daily living activities
Les dysfonctions attentionnelles suivant un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) compliquent souvent la reprise des activités de la vie quotidienne et influencent négativement le pronostic de réinsertion socio-académique et professionnelle. Or, les cliniciens de réadaptation disposent d’un nombre limité d’outils de remédiation cognitive dont l’efficacité est démontrée et qui sont adaptés à une population francophone. Cette étude vise à démontrer l’efficacité d’un protocole d’entrainement intensif des fonctions attentionnelles : « Attention! Prêt? On s’enTraine! » (Séguin, Lahaie & Beauchamp, 2012), basé sur une adaptation française de l’« Attention Process Training-I » (APT-I; Sohlberg & Mateer, 1987). Dix-sept participants ayant subi un TCC et présentant des déficits attentionnels ont reçu 15 séances d’entrainement attentionnel avec le programme « Attention! Prêt? On s’enTraine! » (n = 8) ou de l’aide aux devoirs (n = 9). Suite à l’intervention, les participants du groupe expérimental ont amélioré leur rendement dans plusieurs fonctions ciblées par l’intervention attentionnelle, notamment au niveau du balayage visuel, de l’attention sélective et de l’alternance attentionnelle. De plus, les gains se sont généralisés à des fonctions connexes, puisqu’une meilleure performance a été retrouvée dans des tâches de mémoire de travail, d’inhibition, de flexibilité cognitive et de planification visuoconstructive. La démonstration de l’effet positif d’un entrainement intensif sur le rendement attentionnel pourrait inciter les cliniciens et chercheurs à développer et à valider d’autres protocoles de remédiation cognitive francophones, pour les fonctions attentionnelles ou d’autres sphères de la cognition. Par le fait même, le pronostic fonctionnel de la clientèle pédiatrique en traumatologie en sera potentialisé.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle France- Québec
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein am Strengths-Modell orientiertes Case Management-Projekt zur Prozess- und Ergebnisoptimierung der bereits bestehenden ambulanten gerontopsychiatrischen Versorgungsstruktur untersucht. Dazu arbeitete eine Krankenpflegerin mit psychiatrischer Fachausbildung in einer Berliner Sozialstation auf Basis einer professionellen Beziehung für 4-6 Wochen bei Klientinnen mit gerontopsychiatrischen Problemlagen, erstellte ein Assessment, leistete notwendige Unterstützung zunächst selbst, vermittelte gestützt auf die eigenen Erfahrungen weiterführende Dienste, leitete diese Dienste an, zog sich dann aus dem direkten Kontakt mit den Klientinnen zurück und blieb beratend für die weiterführenden Dienste verfügbar. Zur Untersuchung des Projekts wurden qualitative und quantitative Verfahren eingesetzt. Zur Beschreibung der Inhalte wurden die für jede Klientin verfasste Dokumentation und die Ergebnisse von grob strukturierten Interviews mit der Case Managerin, angelehnt an eine reduzierte Form der Methode Grounded Theory, in einem iterativen Prozess analysiert. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde dann untersucht, inwieweit die einzelnen Arbeitsinhalte des Case Managements die sozial-räumlichdingliche Umweltanpassung und Proaktivität der Klientinnen unterstützten. Die Wirkungen des Projektes auf Kognition, Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens (ADL), Instrumentelle Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens (IADL), Stimmung sowie soziales und störendes Verhalten wurden mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens mit einem quasi-experimentellen prospektiven Untersuchungsdesign analysiert. Zur Analyse der subjektiven Wirkung des Projektes auf Angehörige wurden in den Ergebnissen von grob strukturierten Interviews mittels eines iterativen Prozesses Themen identifiziert. Die Klientinnen (n=11) erhielten durchschnittlich 23 Stunden Case Management. Neben den typischen Case Management-Aufgaben führte die Case Managerin, basierend auf den Gewohnheiten, Interessen und Selbsteinschätzungen der Klientinnen, therapeutische und pflegerische Maßnahmen durch und unterstützte dabei die sozial-dinglichräumliche Umweltanpassung und Proaktivität der Klientinnen. Zusätzlich wurden Hauspflegerinnen von der Case Managerin individuell in der Wohnung von Klientinnen hinsichtlich der Kommunikation mit und Unterstützung der Proaktivität von Klientinnen angeleitet. Die Hauspflegerinnen führten die von der Case Managerin eingeleiteten Maßnahmen erfolgreich fort. Bei den Klientinnen zeigten sich signifikante Verbesserungen in Gedächtnis, Stimmung, IADL-Funktionen und Sozialverhalten, aber nicht in ADL-Funktionen und störendem Verhalten. Diese Verbesserungen wurden subjektiv von den Angehörigen (n=7) bestätigt. Zusätzlich empfanden Angehörige eine zeitliche aber keine psychische Entlastung. Mit diesem Projekt wurde gezeigt, dass ein zeitlich begrenztes klientenzentriertes Case Management kognitive, soziale und emotionale Funktionen von gerontopsychiatrisch Erkrankten verbessert, Angehörige zeitlich entlastet und dass Hauspflegerinnen bei entsprechender Anleitung die vom Case Management eingeleiteten Maßnahmen fortführen können. In Folgestudien mit größerem Umfang sollten diese Ergebnisse überprüft werden um dann zu entscheiden, ob dieser Ansatz geeignet ist, die ambulante gerontopsychiatrische Versorgung gemeindenah zu verbessern.
El presente documento presenta la estrategia que pretende tomar la empresa hidrosistems, con el fin de tomar acciones que permitan el rápido crecimiento de ésta compañía en el mercado, su posicionamiento y aplicación de estrategias que lleven al mejoramiento de los procesos y de la competitividad de ésta. Este documento se convierte en un elemento de direccionamiento a partir de la validación de la visión y misión, seguido de un análisis del entorno, en donde se observaran las oportunidades potenciales de desempeño, las potencialidades de la empresa en función de las necesidades del país y la región, esto con el fin de dar un panorama claro sobre el contexto en el cual se desempeña la compañía. En este orden de ideas se realiza una caracterización del sector, seguido de un análisis externo , un análisis competitivo de la industria, se presenta el perfil de oportunidades y amenazas POAM, el análisis factores matriz POAM y un diagnostico institucional. En este documento se presenta de manera detallada como estos elementos de estudio permitirán la formulación de una estrategia, enmarcada en proyectos, estrategias, plan de acción, perspectiva de los proyectos y una serie de indicadores para el cumplimiento de estos. Este trabajo muestra a partir de la percepción de su autora, con base en la observación y vivencias diarias del ejercicio empresarial de la compañía que dirige (hidrosistems), cómo a través de una serie de herramientas de gestión se puede entablar una clara estrategia para el mejoramiento integral y crecimiento de la empresa.
Objective: to present the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation programs in the treatmentof a patient with asthma, this is the case of a young Caucasian girl —17 years old— with severe asthma diagnosis, with symptoms since she was eight years old, 10th grade student. Method: She was referred to the program of Pulmonary Rehabilitation after three hospitalizations during the last year due to asthmatic crises, dyspnoea in activities of daily living, and intolerance to physical exercise. In the initial evaluation, a patient with non-controlled asthma was found; she was receiving short-acting medication admitting that she was not complying with regular use and with a prescribed dose of the pharmacological treatment and that she ignored the importance of this commitment for optimal evolution. The patient expressed concern about the progressive deterioration at her respiratory and functional level during the last year and her fear and anxiety for not being able to breathe during activities befitting her age. Results: One month after receiving bronchodilators and long-acting steroids permanently and complying with recommendations about regular use and adequate inhalatory technique, the patient was included in a three-times a-week program of pulmonary rehabilitation during eight weeks for upper and lower extremity endurance and resistance training. Conclusion: This intervention showed significant changes in the patient at functional level and a greater social participation.
Purpose: there are many studies reporting the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, but few of them exhibit the behavior and activities of these services. This article presents the characteristics of services, parts management and training level of team members, in addition to the variables or instruments used to measure the effectiveness and impact in these programs. Method: it was made a cross sectional convenience sample which included seven pulmonary rehabilitation services in four Colombian cities (Bogotá, Medellín, Manizales and Cali), selected by the coverage, for having at least one year of experience and for being formally established and recognized nationwide. The interdisciplinary team of each service answered a survey that was validated through a pilot test and expert consensus. Participation was voluntary. Results: labor onset pulmonary rehabilitation services correspond to an average of a decade, with COPD and asthma pathologies of attention. The programs are characterized by an outpatient treatment with an average duration of eight to twelve weeks, with a frequency of an hour three times a week. Also, the director of the service is regularly a pulmonologist and the coordinator a physiotherapist (57.14%). The posgradual training of these professionals is notable, and they report to have procedural, administrative and communicative skills, but qualify regular there research skills. The physical and technological resources are well tested. 71.42% have done impact studies, but only 28.57% have been published. All have in common training in upper limbs, lower limbs, respiratory muscles, counseling, functional assessment and quality of life. The effectiveness and impact of programs is measured by the walking test, quality of life questionnaires and activities of daily living.
Las enfermedades pulmonares crónicas son muy frecuentes en la población mayor de 40 años y es superior en los países con un alto consumo de cigarrillo; han sido durante muchos años consideradas como un problema grave de salud pública, el cual va en aumento de manera acelerada en Colombia y en el mundo debido a su alta incidencia e impacto sobre la calidad de vida de quien la padece y de su familia.La Asociación Colombiana de Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax junto a la Fundación Neumológica Colombiana realizó un estudio acerca de la Prevalencia de la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC) en Colombia (Prepocol).
Esta tese que agora se apresenta sob a forma de projeto profissional tem como objetivo reforçar o processo de formação e qualificação em exercício de auxiliares de ação direta da Associação Casapiana de Solidariedade (ACS) reportando-se a uma prática nela levada a cabo. Esta é uma questão de extrema pertinência no âmbito do envelhecimento e do envelhecimento com dependência de idosos institucionalizados. Atualmente os lares de idosos são espaços de convivência, das mais variadas proveniências culturais e com necessidades múltiplas. Estes idosos necessitam de apoio para as atividades da vida diária. As auxiliares de ação direta são os profissionais mais aptos à realização desta função, as mesmas prestam cuidados básicos e pessoais aos idosos, essenciais à sua qualidade de vida diária. A ACS preocupa-se com a melhoria dos cuidados e por isso promove o acesso a formações, inclusive prestadas em contexto de trabalho. Neste projeto profissional evidenciamos o trabalho exercido por estas profissionais e a necessidade de formação das mesmas. Analisamos a formação em exercício realizada na ACS considerando-a como uma boa prática a ser desenvolvida pelas IPSS. Verificamos que esta prática é um dos meios para melhorar as competências destes profissionais e promover a qualidade de serviços aos mais velhos.
Paraplegic subjects lack trunk stability due to the loss of voluntary muscle control.This leads to a restriction of the volume of bi-manual workspace available,and hence has a detrimental impact on activities of daily living. Electrical Stimulation of paralysed muscles can be used to stabilize the trunk, but has never been applied in closed loop for this purpose. This paper describes the development of two closed loop controllers(PID and LQR),and their experimental evaluation on a human subject. Advantages and disadvantages of the two are discussed,considering a potential use of this technology during daily activities.
Previous studies have revealed that students who work and study build up sleep deficits during the workweek, which can trigger a sleep rebound during days off. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of working/non-working on sleepiness during days off among high school students. The study population, aged 14-21 years, attended evening classes in Sao Paulo, Brazil. For the study, the students completed questionnaires on living conditions, health, and work; wore actigraphs; and completed the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). To predict sleepiness, a logistic regression analysis was performed. Excessive sleepiness was observed on the first day off among working students. Results suggest that working is a significant predictor for sleepiness and that two shifts of daily systematic activities, study and work, might lead to excessive daytime sleepiness on the first day off. Further, this observed excessive sleepiness may reflect the sleep debt accumulated during the workweek.
Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att sammanställa aktuell forskning som beskriver hur det är att leva med Multipel Skleros (MS). Metod: Vetenskapliga artiklar söktes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Tolv artiklar med kvalitativ ansats valdes ut och kvalitetsgranskades enligt Högskolan Dalarnas granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att leva med MS innebar upplevelser av att identiteten och självbilden påverkades och känslor av att inte vilja uppfattas som annorlunda. Det fanns en rädsla över förlorad självständighet och att vara beroende av andra människor. Personer som levde med MS kände en trötthet som gjorde det nödvändigt att planera och prioritera i vardagen för att energin skulle räcka till. Sjukdomens oförutsägbara förlopp ledde till känslor av att leva i en ovisshet som gjorde framtidsplaner svåra. Att leva med sjukdomen kunde även innebära att få ett nytt sätt att se på livet, där små saker uppskattades mer och inte togs för givet. Många levde med ett hopp om förbättring och en andlighet som i många fall blivit starkare. Slutsats: Litteraturöversikten kan ge sjuksköterskan en förståelse för hur det är att leva med MS. Därmed kan bättre förutsättningar skapas för att ge en god omvårdnad till personer med MS utifrån individuella behov.
A challenge for the clinical management of advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients is the emergence of fluctuations in motor performance, which represents a significant source of disability during activities of daily living of the patients. There is a lack of objective measurement of treatment effects for in-clinic and at-home use that can provide an overview of the treatment response. The objective of this paper was to develop a method for objective quantification of advanced PD motor symptoms related to off episodes and peak dose dyskinesia, using spiral data gathered by a touch screen telemetry device. More specifically, the aim was to objectively characterize motor symptoms (bradykinesia and dyskinesia), to help in automating the process of visual interpretation of movement anomalies in spirals as rated by movement disorder specialists. Digitized upper limb movement data of 65 advanced PD patients and 10 healthy (HE) subjects were recorded as they performed spiral drawing tasks on a touch screen device in their home environment settings. Several spatiotemporal features were extracted from the time series and used as inputs to machine learning methods. The methods were validated against ratings on animated spirals scored by four movement disorder specialists who visually assessed a set of kinematic features and the motor symptom. The ability of the method to discriminate between PD patients and HE subjects and the test-retest reliability of the computed scores were also evaluated. Computed scores correlated well with mean visual ratings of individual kinematic features. The best performing classifier (Multilayer Perceptron) classified the motor symptom (bradykinesia or dyskinesia) with an accuracy of 84% and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 0.86 in relation to visual classifications of the raters. In addition, the method provided high discriminating power when distinguishing between PD patients and HE subjects as well as had good test-retest reliability. This study demonstrated the potential of using digital spiral analysis for objective quantification of PD-specific and/or treatment-induced motor symptoms.
Background: In light of the multifactorial etiology of fall-related hip fracture, knowledge of fall circumstances may be especially valuable when placed in the context of the health of the person who falls. We aimed to investigate the circumstances surrounding fall-related hip fractures and to describe fall circumstances in relation to participants' health and functional characteristics. Methods: The fall circumstances of 125 individuals (age >= 50 years) with hip fracture were investigated using semi-structured interviews. Data concerning participants' health (comorbidities and medications) and function (self-reported performance of mobility, balance, personal activities of daily living and physical activity, previous falls and hand grip strength) were collected via medical records, questionnaires and dynamometry. Using a mixed methods design, both data sets were analysed separately and then merged in order to provide a comprehensive description of fall events and identify eventual patterns in the data. Results: Fall circumstances were described as i) Activity at the time of the fall: Positional change (n = 24, 19%); Standing (n = 16, 13%); Walking (n = 71, 57%); Balance challenging (n = 14, 11%) and ii) Nature of the fall: Environmental (n = 32, 26%); Physiological (n = 35, 28%); Activity-related indoor (n = 8, 6%) and outdoor (n = 8, 6%); Trips and slips on snow (n = 20, 16%) and in snow-free conditions (n = 12, 10%) and Unknown (n = 10, 8%). We observed the following patterns regarding fall circumstances and participants' health: those who fell i) during positional change had the poorest functional status; ii) due to environmental reasons (indoors) had moderate physical function, but high levels of comorbidity and fall risk increasing medications; iii) in snow-free environments (outdoors) appeared to have a poorer health and functional status than other outdoor groups. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that patterns exist in relation to the falls circumstances and health characteristics of people with hip fracture which build upon that previously reported. These patterns, when verified, can provide useful information as to the ways in which fall prevention strategies can be tailored to individuals of varying levels of health and function who are at risk for falls and hip fracture.
Introduction: Based on randomised controlled trials, evidence exists that early supported discharge (ESD) from the hospital with continued rehabilitation at home has beneficial effects after stroke; however, the effects of ESD service in regular clinical practice have not been investigated. The purpose of the current study was to compare ESD service with conventional rehabilitation in terms of patient outcomes, caregiver burden at 3 and 12 months and the use and costs of healthcare during the first year after stroke. Material and methods: This study was a subgroup analysis of a longitudinal observational study of patients who received care in the stroke unit at Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden. Patients who met the inclusion criteria for ESD in previous experimental studies were included. The patients were referred to available rehabilitation services at discharge, and comparisons between those who received ESD service (the ESD group, n = 40) and those who received conventional rehabilitation (the NoESD group, n = 110) were performed with regard to independence in activities of daily living (ADL), the frequency of social activities, life satisfaction, and caregiver burden and the use and costs of healthcare during the first year after stroke. Results: At 3 and 12 months, no differences were observed with regard to patient outcomes; however, ESD was associated with a lower caregiver burden (p = 0.01) at 12 months. The initial length of stay (LOS) at the hospital was 8 days for the ESD group and 15 days for the NoESD group (p = 0.02). The median number of outpatient rehabilitation contacts was 20.5 for the ESD group (81% constituting ESD service) and 3 for the NoESD group (p<0.001). There was no difference between the groups with regard to overall healthcare costs. Conclusions: ESD service in usual clinical practice renders similar health benefits as conventional rehabilitation but a different pattern of resource use and with released capacity in acute stroke care.
The aging process if characterizes for a complex events network, from multidimensional nature, that encloses biological, social, psychic and functional aspects. The alteration of one or more aspects can speed up the aging process, anticipating limitations and until the death in the aged. For an adjusted confrontation of this question is necessary an interdisciplinary vision, in which the some areas of the knowledge can interact and with this to intervenes of the best possible form. Then, information derived from studies of aspects related to incidence, morbidity-mortality and transition patterns, involved in the health-illness process can more accurately identify risk groups thereby establishing links between social factors, illness, incapacity and death. Thus, this study aimed to identify, by a multidimensional vision, the risk factors of mortality in a coorth of elderly in a city in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. A prospective study carried out in Santa Cruz RN, where 310 elderly were randomly selected to form a baseline. The follow-up was 53 months. The predictive variables were divided into sociodemographic, physical health, neuropsychiatric and functional capacity. The statistical analysis carried out by bivariate analysis, survival analysis, followed by binary logistic regression and Cox regression, in the multivariate analysis, considering significant levels p < 0.05 and confidence interval (CI) of 95%. A total of 60 (19.3%) elderly died during the follow-up, where cardiovascular disease was the main cause. The survival was approximately 24.8 months. The study of general survival showed, at 12, 24, 36, and 48 months of observation, a survival rate of 97%, 54%, 31%, and 5% respectively, with a statistical difference in survival only observed for the variables of cognitive function and Basic Activities of Daily Living. In the logistic regression analysis, the risk factors identified were cognitive deficits (OR = 8.74), poor perception of health (OR = 3.89) and dependence for Basic Activities of Daily Living (OR = 3.96). In the Cox analysis, as well as dependence for Basic Activities of Daily Living (HR = 3.17), cognitive deficit (HR = 4.30) and stroke (CVA) (HR = 3.49) continued as independent risk factors for death. The risk factors found in the study can be interpreted as the primary predictors for death among elderly members of the community. Therefore, improvements in health conditions, with actions towards sustaining an autonomous life with special attention for elderly with cognitive impairment, could mean additional healthy quality of life, resulting in the reduction of premature mortality in this population