1000 resultados para DIMENSIONAL EXCITONS


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A new set of equations describing completely the optical phenomena in a model involving continuous rotation of secondary axes and secondary principal-stress differences are obtained. These are solved by Peano-Baker method using experimentally determined characteristic parameters for several wavelengths of light. Experimental verifications are obtained for a rectangular bar subjected to combined torsion and tension. Paper was presented at Third SESA International Congress on Experimental Mechanics held in Los Angeles, CA on May 13–18, 1973.


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Spatial dimensionality affects the degree of confinement when an electron-hole pair is squeezed from one or more dimensions approaching the bulk exciton Bohr radius (alpha(B)) limit. The etectron-hole interaction in zero-dimensional (0D) dots, one-dimensional (1D) rods/wires, and two-dimensional (2D) wells/sheets should be enhanced by the increase in confinement dimensions in the order 0D > 1D > 2D. We report the controlled synthesis of PbS nanomateriats with 0D, 1D, and 2D forms retaining at least one dimension in the strongly confined regime far below alpha(B) (similar to 10 nm for PbS) and provide evidence through varying the exciton-phonon coupling strength that the degree of confinement is systematically weakened by the loss of confinement dimension. Geometry variations show distinguishable far-field optical polarizations, which could find useful applications in polarization-sensitive devices.


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A method is presented to obtain stresses and displacements in rotating disks by taking into account the effect of out-of-plane restraint conditions at the hub. The stresses and displacements are obtained in a non-dimensional form, presented in the form of graphs and compared with the generalized plane stress solution.


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This research project investigated a bioreactor system capable of high density cell growth intended for use in regenerative medicine and protein production. The bioreactor was based on a drip-perfusion concept and constructed with minimal costs, readily available components, and straightforward processes for usage. This study involved the design, construction, and testing of the bioreactor where the results showed promising three dimensional cell growth within a polymer structure. The accessibility of this equipment and the capability of high density, three dimensional cell growth would be suitable for future research in pharmaceutical drug manufacturing, and human organ and tissue regeneration.


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A new set of equations describing completely the optical phenomena in a model involving continuous rotation of secondary axes and secondary principal-stress differences are obtained. These are solved by Peano-Baker method using experimentally determined characteristic parameters for several wavelengths of light. Experimental verifications are obtained for a rectangular bar subjected to combined torsion and tension.


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A method is presented to obtain stresses and displacements in rotating disks by taking into account the effect of out-of-plane restraint conditions at the hub. The stresses and displacements are obtained in a non-dimensional form, presented in the form of graphs and compared with the generalized plane stress solution.


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Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) offers enhanced separation efficiency, reliability in qualitative and quantitative analysis, capability to detect low quantities, and information on the whole sample and its components. These features are essential in the analysis of complex samples, in which the number of compounds may be large or the analytes of interest are present at trace level. This study involved the development of instrumentation, data analysis programs and methodologies for GC×GC and their application in studies on qualitative and quantitative aspects of GC×GC analysis. Environmental samples were used as model samples. Instrumental development comprised the construction of three versions of a semi-rotating cryogenic modulator in which modulation was based on two-step cryogenic trapping with continuously flowing carbon dioxide as coolant. Two-step trapping was achieved by rotating the nozzle spraying the carbon dioxide with a motor. The fastest rotation and highest modulation frequency were achieved with a permanent magnetic motor, and modulation was most accurate when the motor was controlled with a microcontroller containing a quartz crystal. Heated wire resistors were unnecessary for the desorption step when liquid carbon dioxide was used as coolant. With use of the modulators developed in this study, the narrowest peaks were 75 ms at base. Three data analysis programs were developed allowing basic, comparison and identification operations. Basic operations enabled the visualisation of two-dimensional plots and the determination of retention times, peak heights and volumes. The overlaying feature in the comparison program allowed easy comparison of 2D plots. An automated identification procedure based on mass spectra and retention parameters allowed the qualitative analysis of data obtained by GC×GC and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. In the methodological development, sample preparation (extraction and clean-up) and GC×GC methods were developed for the analysis of atmospheric aerosol and sediment samples. Dynamic sonication assisted extraction was well suited for atmospheric aerosols collected on a filter. A clean-up procedure utilising normal phase liquid chromatography with ultra violet detection worked well in the removal of aliphatic hydrocarbons from a sediment extract. GC×GC with flame ionisation detection or quadrupole mass spectrometry provided good reliability in the qualitative analysis of target analytes. However, GC×GC with time-of-flight mass spectrometry was needed in the analysis of unknowns. The automated identification procedure that was developed was efficient in the analysis of large data files, but manual search and analyst knowledge are invaluable as well. Quantitative analysis was examined in terms of calibration procedures and the effect of matrix compounds on GC×GC separation. In addition to calibration in GC×GC with summed peak areas or peak volumes, simplified area calibration based on normal GC signal can be used to quantify compounds in samples analysed by GC×GC so long as certain qualitative and quantitative prerequisites are met. In a study of the effect of matrix compounds on GC×GC separation, it was shown that quality of the separation of PAHs is not significantly disturbed by the amount of matrix and quantitativeness suffers only slightly in the presence of matrix and when the amount of target compounds is low. The benefits of GC×GC in the analysis of complex samples easily overcome some minor drawbacks of the technique. The developed instrumentation and methodologies performed well for environmental samples, but they could also be applied for other complex samples.


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Any stressed photoelastic medium can be reduced to an optically equivalent model consisting of a linear retarder, with retardation 1 and principal axis at azimuth 1, and a pure rotator of power 2. The paper describes two simple methods to determine these quantities experimentally. Further, a method is described to overcome the problem of rotational effects in scattered-light investigations. This new method makes use of the experimentally determined characteristic parameters


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The multiplier ideals of an ideal in a regular local ring form a family of ideals parametrized by non-negative rational numbers. As the rational number increases the corresponding multiplier ideal remains unchanged until at some point it gets strictly smaller. A rational number where this kind of diminishing occurs is called a jumping number of the ideal. In this manuscript we shall give an explicit formula for the jumping numbers of a simple complete ideal in a two dimensional regular local ring. In particular, we obtain a formula for the jumping numbers of an analytically irreducible plane curve. We then show that the jumping numbers determine the equisingularity class of the curve.


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This PhD Thesis is about certain infinite-dimensional Grassmannian manifolds that arise naturally in geometry, representation theory and mathematical physics. From the physics point of view one encounters these infinite-dimensional manifolds when trying to understand the second quantization of fermions. The many particle Hilbert space of the second quantized fermions is called the fermionic Fock space. A typical element of the fermionic Fock space can be thought to be a linear combination of the configurations m particles and n anti-particles . Geometrically the fermionic Fock space can be constructed as holomorphic sections of a certain (dual)determinant line bundle lying over the so called restricted Grassmannian manifold, which is a typical example of an infinite-dimensional Grassmannian manifold one encounters in QFT. The construction should be compared with its well-known finite-dimensional analogue, where one realizes an exterior power of a finite-dimensional vector space as the space of holomorphic sections of a determinant line bundle lying over a finite-dimensional Grassmannian manifold. The connection with infinite-dimensional representation theory stems from the fact that the restricted Grassmannian manifold is an infinite-dimensional homogeneous (Kähler) manifold, i.e. it is of the form G/H where G is a certain infinite-dimensional Lie group and H its subgroup. A central extension of G acts on the total space of the dual determinant line bundle and also on the space its holomorphic sections; thus G admits a (projective) representation on the fermionic Fock space. This construction also induces the so called basic representation for loop groups (of compact groups), which in turn are vitally important in string theory / conformal field theory. The Thesis consists of three chapters: the first chapter is an introduction to the backround material and the other two chapters are individually written research articles. The first article deals in a new way with the well-known question in Yang-Mills theory, when can one lift the action of the gauge transformation group on the space of connection one forms to the total space of the Fock bundle in a compatible way with the second quantized Dirac operator. In general there is an obstruction to this (called the Mickelsson-Faddeev anomaly) and various geometric interpretations for this anomaly, using such things as group extensions and bundle gerbes, have been given earlier. In this work we give a new geometric interpretation for the Faddeev-Mickelsson anomaly in terms of differentiable gerbes (certain sheaves of categories) and central extensions of Lie groupoids. The second research article deals with the question how to define a Dirac-like operator on the restricted Grassmannian manifold, which is an infinite-dimensional space and hence not in the landscape of standard Dirac operator theory. The construction relies heavily on infinite-dimensional representation theory and one of the most technically demanding challenges is to be able to introduce proper normal orderings for certain infinite sums of operators in such a way that all divergences will disappear and the infinite sum will make sense as a well-defined operator acting on a suitable Hilbert space of spinors. This research article was motivated by a more extensive ongoing project to construct twisted K-theory classes in Yang-Mills theory via a Dirac-like operator on the restricted Grassmannian manifold.


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In two dimensional (2D) gas-liquid systems, the reported simulation values of line tension are known to disagree with the existing theoretical estimates. We find that while the simulation erred in truncating the range of the interaction potential, and as a result grossly underestimated the actual value, the earlier theoretical calculation was also limited by several approximations. When both the simulation and the theory are improved, we find that the estimate of line tension is in better agreement with each other. The small value of surface tension suggests increased influence of noncircular clusters in 2D gas-liquid nucleation, as indeed observed in a recent simulation.


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A method of analysing a 3-dimensional corner reflector antenna of arbitrary apex angle is given. Expressions have been obtained for the far field of the 3-dimensional corner reflector fed by a dipole. The radiation resistance and the directive gain of the antenna have been calculated. The method described is applicable even when the feed dipole is arbitrarily oriented. It is found that the radiation along a prescribed direction can be circularly polarised (right or left) by suitably orienting the feed dipole.


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Historically, two-dimensional (2D) cell culture has been the preferred method of producing disease models in vitro. Recently, there has been a move away from 2D culture in favor of generating three-dimensional (3D) multicellular structures, which are thought to be more representative of the in vivo environment. This transition has brought with it an influx of technologies capable of producing these structures in various ways. However, it is becoming evident that many of these technologies do not perform well in automated in vitro drug discovery units. We believe that this is a result of their incompatibility with high-throughput screening (HTS). In this study, we review a number of technologies, which are currently available for producing in vitro 3D disease models. We assess their amenability with high-content screening and HTS and highlight our own work in attempting to address many of the practical problems that are hampering the successful deployment of 3D cell systems in mainstream research.


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In this paper we study the phonon-induced exciton-exciton interaction. It is found that the interaction can be attractive under certain conditions. Taking into account this attractive interaction, the pairing of excitons with opposite momenta is studied and the excitation spectrum determined. The results are similar to a system of bosons. There appears to be some possibility of superfluid behaviour.


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Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy (SBF-SEM) was used in this study to examine the ultrastructural morphology of Penaeus monodon spermatozoa. SBF-SEM provided a large dataset of sequential electron-microscopic-level images that facilitated comprehensive ultrastructural observations and three-dimensional reconstructions of the sperm cell. Reconstruction divulged a nuclear region of the spermatophoral spermatozoon filled with decondensed chromatin but with two apparent levels of packaging density. In addition, the nuclear region contained, not only numerous filamentous chromatin elements with dense microregions, but also large centrally gathered granular masses. Analysis of the sperm cytoplasm revealed the presence of degenerated mitochondria and membrane-less dense granules. A large electron-lucent vesicle and "arch-like" structures were apparent in the subacrosomal area, and an acrosomal core was found in the acrosomal vesicle. The spermatozoal spike arose from the inner membrane of the acrosomal vesicle, which was slightly bulbous in the middle region of the acrosomal vesicle, but then extended distally into a broad dense plate and to a sharp point proximally. This study has demonstrated that SBF-SEM is a powerful technique for the 3D ultrastructural reconstruction of prawn spermatozoa, that will no doubt be informative for further studies of sperm assessment, reproductive pathology and the spermiocladistics of penaeid prawns, and other decapod crustaceans. J. Morphol., 2016. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.