979 resultados para Colors
This paper presents the implementation details of a coded structured light system for rapid shape acquisition of unknown surfaces. Such techniques are based on the projection of patterns onto a measuring surface and grabbing images of every projection with a camera. Analyzing the pattern deformations that appear in the images, 3D information of the surface can be calculated. The implemented technique projects a unique pattern so that it can be used to measure moving surfaces. The structure of the pattern is a grid where the color of the slits are selected using a De Bruijn sequence. Moreover, since both axis of the pattern are coded, the cross points of the grid have two codewords (which permits to reconstruct them very precisely), while pixels belonging to horizontal and vertical slits have also a codeword. Different sets of colors are used for horizontal and vertical slits, so the resulting pattern is invariant to rotation. Therefore, the alignment constraint between camera and projector considered by a lot of authors is not necessary
L’ objectiu és el desenvolupament d'un videojoc (senzill) des d’ una idea inicial fins a un producte acabat i funcional (disseny del joc (la historia, els nivells, els personatges, etc.) com a concepte, programació, disseny gràfic, i finalment el poliment del producte per a que sigui un joc complet) utilitzant un software lliure. S'anomena "El Mensajero de Pekín" l'objectiu com a jugadors és aconseguir repartir uns paquets a una sèrie de bústies seguint una lògica de colors (cada paquet haurà de ser introduït a la bústia del mateix color per sumar punts). Es pot fer tant a mode individual, en el qual haurem de superar uns reptes que ens posi la màquina, com en mode multijugador, de dos a quatre jugadors, en el qual a part de repartir els paquets, haurem d'impedir que els rivals reparteixin els seus
Los jóvenes que afrontan un aislamiento social tienen expectativas de movilidad social como cualquier otro sector o clase social, basadas en la educación como vehículo principal para salir de la pobreza. Pese a ello, la valoración de la educación se produce en un nivel discursivo, ya que factores como la violencia barrial, el embarazo adolescente y la necesidad de generar ingresos, entre otros, compiten y a menudo ganan a las expectativas educativas de esos jóvenes.
Evidenciamos las necesidades de la mujer bogotana, más exactamente la falta de diseño y exclusividad en el calzado de las mujeres. Por ello en julio de 2010 se crea la empresa Muy Mirona. Una empresa conformada por dos estudiantes de (21) años, siendo una socia estudiante de la Universidad del Rosario y la otra estudiante de la Salle College, quienes tienen el objetivo de posicionar la organización como una de las mejores empresas en innovación de calzado y así fomentar el empleo de personas mayores de 40 años para generar un impacto social positivo en la sociedad capitalina. Después de días y con miles de ideas surgió el nombre de nuestra empresa “Muy Mirona” como una forma divertida e interesante de captar a nuestras clientas que tienen como objetivo ser diferentes y únicas. Al día de hoy hemos tenido el gusto de lanzar tres colecciones la primer Nice Too Meet You, en donde se hizo énfasis en la comodidad, los zapatos que diseñamos para esta colección fueron planos, utilizamos materiales sintéticos que se caracterizaban por la variedad de sus colores. La segunda colección Nice Too Meet You Two, se diferencio de la primera debido a la incursión que tuvimos en materiales tales como el cuero, taches, gamuzas, e introdujimos una nueva línea de tacón pequeño es decir tacón 4/5 que fue todo un éxito. Finalmente en la tercera colección Madonna Bastarda decidimos ir mas allá, entrando en el tacón high es decir tacón de 12 centímetros con plataformas livianas para el manejo funcional de nuestras clientas, en esta colección variamos el portafolio no solo de los modelos sino también de los materiales y de los diseños, sin abandonar nuestra adorada línea de zapatos planos ya que también sacamos referencias de este tipo de zapato en la última colección. A lo largo de nuestra vida activa como empresa, hemos tenido la oportunidad de participar activamente en eventos como la feria de la universidad del rosario y la semana internacional de la moda de Bogotá, la feria de jóvenes empresarios ,en donde hemos contado con la acogida de gran cantidad de público, consolidándonos como una de las pocas empresas de diseño exclusivo de calzado para dama, ratificando nuestro compromiso con un trabajo de calidad y con una visión hacia el futuro. A lo largo de este tiempo hemos vivido experiencias invaluables que nos hacen ser lo que somos hoy en día, buscamos estar preparadas para los retos venideros reinventándonos en cada una de nuestras colecciones. Permitiendo que Muy Mirona sea reconocida a nivel nacional e internacional como una empresa que entiende los deseos y las necesidades de las mujeres y que logra convertir esto en comodidad y funcionalidad, deseamos dirigirnos a todas las mujeres modernas, amantes de la moda, dispuestas a portar unos hermosos zapatos de fina coquetería cargados de estilo, sin llegar a lo soso y a lo extravagante.
An??lisis de las artes pl??sticas a trav??s de las interpretaciones de los propios autores, teniendo en cuenta la t??cnica utilizada entre otros aspectos. A continuaci??n, se estudia el papel de los colores dentro de las propias obras..
Aquest treball es centra en descriure i explicar la realització d'un Taller d'iniciació al treball cooperatiu de l'assignatura Fonaments de Cognició Humana. Aquesta assignatura té assignada la competència de treball en equip concretada en 'Capacitat de col-laborar amb els demés i de contribuir a un projecte comú'. Per tal d'iniciar als estudiants en el treball cooperatiu es porta a terme un taller en el qual, a partir de tres dinàmiques de grup (el joc dels colors, el quadres esquerdats i construïm ponts) es mostren aspectes clau del treball en equip com la formació de grups, l'assignació i el repartiment de rols i la distribució de les tasques i responsabilitats. L'aplicació d'aquesta taller aporta molts beneficis per tal d'assentar les bases per al treball en equip dels grups i la cooperació entre els seus membres
La visualització científica estudia i defineix algorismes i estructures de dades que permeten fer comprensibles conjunts de dades a través d’imatges. En el cas de les aplicacions mèdiques les dades que cal interpretar provenen de diferents dispositius de captació i es representen en un model de vòxels. La utilitat d’aquest model de vòxels depèn de poder-lo veure des del punt de vista ideal, és a dir el que aporti més informació. D’altra banda, existeix la tècnica dels Miralls Màgics que permet veure el model de vòxels des de diferents punts de vista alhora i mostrant diferents valors de propietat a cada mirall. En aquest projecte implementarem un algorisme que permetrà determinar el punt de vista ideal per visualitzar un model de vòxels així com també els punts de vista ideals per als miralls per tal d’aconseguir el màxim d’informació possible del model de vòxels. Aquest algorisme es basa en la teoria de la informació per saber quina és la millor visualització. L’algorisme també permetrà determinar l’assignació de colors òptima per al model de vòxels
A propósito de esta exposición de joyas y objetos ornamentales confeccionados a base de tagua y plata, el autor realiza un breve recorrido sobre la presencia y significaciones de estos dos materiales en la literatura y el folklore ecuatorianos. Indica que la muestra propone renovadas perspectivas en cuanto a colores, texturas y diseño, en una acertada amalgama de vegetal y mineral. Los diseños de plata recurren, al mismo tiempo, a motivos ancestrales, mágicos, sin olvidarse del impacto visual y táctil que pueden producir. La concepción de estas joyas de creación colectiva trasciende, entonces, los límites de lo folklórico, y las convierte en una propuesta estética novedosa.
We tested the hypothesis that cryptically colored eggs would suffer less predation than conspicuous eggs in the ground-nesting red-legged partridge, Alectoris rufa. We used A. rufa as a model species because it has a wide range of natural egg colors, the eggs are widely available from breeding farms, and nests are easily mimicked because they are scrapes containing no vegetation. The study was conducted in the spring of 2001 in forest and fallow fields of central Spain in Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real. We used 384 clutches of natural eggs that were white, white spotted, brown, or brown spotted. Within clutches, eggs were consistent in color and size; among clutches, color differences were distributed across habitats. Clutches were checked once after 2 wk of exposure. Cryptic coloration had a survival advantage that was dependent on the local suite of predators. Rodent predation was nonselective with respect to clutch color; however, avian predation was significantly higher for conspicuous clutches. In addition, there was an interaction of landscape and egg color for avian predation. In forest landscapes, the clutches with highest survival were brown spotted, whereas in fallow landscapes, brown and brown spotted clutches had higher survival than white and white potted clutches. Thus, both the predator suite and the landscape had significant effects on the value of cryptic egg coloration. Our study is relevant for conservationists and managers in charge of restocking programs in hunting areas. The release of other partridge species or their hybrids could result in hybridization with wild partridges, potentially leading to nonoptimal clutch pigmentation and reduced survival of the native species. We therefore recommend that local authorities, managers, and conservationists be cautious with the use of alien species and hybrids and release only autochthonous species of partridges within their natural ranges.
Carotenoids are a class of natural pigments familiar to all through the orange-red to yellow colors of many fruits, vegetables, and flowers, as well as for the provitamin A activity that some of them possess. A body of scientific evidence suggests that carotenoids may scavenge and deactivate free radicals, acting thereby as antioxidants both in food systems (in vitro) and in the human organism (in vivo). Overall, epidemiological evidence links higher carotenoid intakes and tissue concentrations with reduced cancer and cardiovascular disease risk. However, research has also shown that the antioxidant activity of carotenoids may shift to a prooxidant character depending mainly on the biological environment in which they act. A summary of the antioxidant potential of natural carotenoids both in oil model systems and in vivo is presented in this article.
It is now established that native language affects one's perception of the world. However, it is unknown whether this effect is merely driven by conscious, language-based evaluation of the environment or whether it reflects fundamental differences in perceptual processing between individuals speaking different languages. Using brain potentials, we demonstrate that the existence in Greek of 2 color terms—ghalazio and ble—distinguishing light and dark blue leads to greater and faster perceptual discrimination of these colors in native speakers of Greek than in native speakers of English. The visual mismatch negativity, an index of automatic and preattentive change detection, was similar for blue and green deviant stimuli during a color oddball detection task in English participants, but it was significantly larger for blue than green deviant stimuli in native speakers of Greek. These findings establish an implicit effect of language-specific terminology on human color perception.
Clinical evidence suggests that a persistent search for solutions for chronic pain may bring along costs at the cognitive, affective, and behavioral level. Specifically, attempts to control pain may fuel hypervigilance and prioritize attention towards pain-related information. This hypothesis was investigated in an experiment with 41 healthy volunteers. Prioritization of attention towards a signal for pain was measured using an adaptation of a visual search paradigm in which participants had to search for a target presented in a varying number of colored circles. One of these colors (Conditioned Stimulus) became a signal for pain (Unconditioned Stimulus: electrocutaneous stimulus at tolerance level) using a classical conditioning procedure. Intermixed with the visual search task, participants also performed another task. In the pain-control group, participants were informed that correct and fast responses on trials of this second task would result in an avoidance of the Unconditioned Stimulus. In the comparison group, performance on the second task was not instrumental in controlling pain. Results showed that in the pain-control group, attention was more prioritized towards the Conditioned Stimulus than in the comparison group. The theoretical and clinical implications of these results are discussed.
Infrared observations of the outbursting black hole XTE J1118+480 (ATEL #383) were performed using SQIID on the Kitt Peak National Observatory 2.1m telescope. Observations spanning 2005 January 15.42-15.58 found it somewhat fainter than the previous outburst (IAUC # 7394 , # 7407 ), at average brightness J=12.91+/-0.03, H=12.50+/-0.03, K=11.95+/-0.03. The colors again correspond to an approximately flat spectrum in F_nu. No orbital variation is apparent, but there is substantial unresolved rapid variability with rms amplitude 22% in K (between 2s exposures). Further observations are planned nightly until Jan 21.
Background: Some studies have proven that a conventional visual brain computer interface (BCI) based on overt attention cannot be used effectively when eye movement control is not possible. To solve this problem, a novel visual-based BCI system based on covert attention and feature attention has been proposed and was called the gaze-independent BCI. Color and shape difference between stimuli and backgrounds have generally been used in examples of gaze-independent BCIs. Recently, a new paradigm based on facial expression changes has been presented, and obtained high performance. However, some facial expressions were so similar that users couldn't tell them apart, especially when they were presented at the same position in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm. Consequently, the performance of the BCI is reduced. New Method: In this paper, we combined facial expressions and colors to optimize the stimuli presentation in the gaze-independent BCI. This optimized paradigm was called the colored dummy face pattern. It is suggested that different colors and facial expressions could help users to locate the target and evoke larger event-related potentials (ERPs). In order to evaluate the performance of this new paradigm, two other paradigms were presented, called the gray dummy face pattern and the colored ball pattern. Comparison with Existing Method(s): The key point that determined the value of the colored dummy faces stimuli in BCI systems was whether the dummy face stimuli could obtain higher performance than gray faces or colored balls stimuli. Ten healthy participants (seven male, aged 21–26 years, mean 24.5 ± 1.25) participated in our experiment. Online and offline results of four different paradigms were obtained and comparatively analyzed. Results: The results showed that the colored dummy face pattern could evoke higher P300 and N400 ERP amplitudes, compared with the gray dummy face pattern and the colored ball pattern. Online results showed that the colored dummy face pattern had a significant advantage in terms of classification accuracy (p < 0.05) and information transfer rate (p < 0.05) compared to the other two patterns. Conclusions: The stimuli used in the colored dummy face paradigm combined color and facial expressions. This had a significant advantage in terms of the evoked P300 and N400 amplitudes and resulted in high classification accuracies and information transfer rates. It was compared with colored ball and gray dummy face stimuli.
We present the discovery of a wide (67 AU) substellar companion to the nearby (21 pc) young solar-metallicity M1 dwarf CD-35 2722, a member of the approximate to 100 Myr AB Doradus association. Two epochs of astrometry from the NICI Planet-Finding Campaign confirm that CD-35 2722 B is physically associated with the primary star. Near-IR spectra indicate a spectral type of L4 +/- 1 with a moderately low surface gravity, making it one of the coolest young companions found to date. The absorption lines and near-IR continuum shape of CD-35 2722 B agree especially well the dusty field L4.5 dwarf 2MASS J22244381-0158521, while the near-IR colors and absolute magnitudes match those of the 5 Myr old L4 planetary-mass companion, 1RXS J160929.1-210524 b. Overall, CD-35 2722 B appears to be an intermediate-age benchmark for L dwarfs, with a less peaked H-band continuum than the youngest objects and near-IR absorption lines comparable to field objects. We fit Ames-Dusty model atmospheres to the near-IR spectra and find T(eff) = 1700-1900 K and log(g) = 4.5 +/- 0.5. The spectra also show that the radial velocities of components A and B agree to within +/- 10 km s(-1), further confirming their physical association. Using the age and bolometric luminosity of CD-35 2722 B, we derive a mass of 31 +/- 8 M(Jup) from the Lyon/Dusty evolutionary models. Altogether, young late-M to mid-L type companions appear to be overluminous for their near-IR spectral type compared with field objects, in contrast to the underluminosity of young late-L and early-T dwarfs.