944 resultados para Cin Progression
Cumple con los requisitos de la etapa 3 de secundaria (key stage 3) del curriculo nacional inglés. Ayuda a los alumnos en el aprendizaje de las ciencias y de cómo funcionan éstas a través de sus principales conceptos y procesos. Va acompañado de material de apoyo para el profesor.
Cumple con los requisitos de la etapa 3 de secundaria (key stage 3) del curriculo nacional inglés. Ayuda a los alumnos en el aprendizaje de las ciencias y de cómo funcionan éstas a través de sus principales conceptos y procesos. Va acompañado de material de apoyo para el profesor.
Cumple con los requisitos de la etapa 3 de secundaria (key stage 3) del curriculo nacional inglés. Ayuda a los alumnos en el aprendizaje de las ciencias y de cómo funcionan éstas a través de sus principales conceptos y procesos. Va acompañado de material de apoyo para el profesor.
Cumple con los requisitos de la etapa 3 de secundaria (key stage 3). Este recurso proporciona al profesor material didáctico que le ayuda a enseñar la forma de trabajar en las ciencias a través de sus principales conceptos y procesos. Incluye guías con orientaciones para actividades y preguntas que se apoyan en las lecciones del libro del alumno y, tests al final de cada capítulo para los alumnos además de pruebas de evaluación para el profesor. Se acompaña de un CD-ROM, que contiene el texto del libro e incluye actividades interactivas, Powepoints y concursos.
Cumple con los requisitos de la etapa 3 de secundaria (key stage 3).Este recurso proporciona al profesor material didáctico que le ayuda a enseñar la forma de trabajar en las ciencias a través de sus principales conceptos y procesos. Incluye guías con orientaciones para actividades y preguntas que se apoyan en las lecciones del libro del alumno y tests al final de cada capítulo para los alumnos además de pruebas de evaluación para el profesor. Se acompaña de un CD-ROM, que contiene el texto del libro e incluye actividades interactivas, Powepoints y concursos.
Proporciona a los profesores métodos eficaces para enseñar el aprendizaje de las matemáticas a los alumnos de primaria y secundaria. Refleja las recientes investigaciones sobre el tema al centrarse en las relaciones que desarrollan la comprensión del sentido numérico en los niños. Busca el equilibrio entre teoría y práctica pues ayuda a los profesores, con ejemplos específicos, en los problemas y cuestiones a los que se enfrentan, día a día, en la enseñanza de las matemáticas en el aula.
Proporciona un conjunto de principios básicos para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la escuela primaria a través de los principales temas del programa de estudios. Los autores exploran la comprensión de los niños en áreas claves de las matemáticas en la etapa Fundación (Foundation Stage) y la etapas clave de las fases 1 y 2 (Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2). Identifican importantes enfoques de la enseñanza, incluyendo el uso de calculadoras y ordenadores, y hacen énfasis en el cálculo mental y en la solución de problemas. Se utilizan estudios de casos para ilustrar como ponerlos en práctica y cómo los niños responden a ellos. Subraya la importancia del conocimiento matemático de los propios profesores y les ofrece orientación y consejos prácticos.
Cell culture models of antioestrogen resistance often involve applying selective pressures of oestrogen deprivation simultaneously with addition of tamoxifen or fulvestrant (Faslodex, ICI 182,780) which makes it difficult to distinguish events in development of antioestrogen resistance from those in loss of response to oestrogen or other components. We describe here time courses of loss of antioestrogen response using either oestrogen-maintained or oestrogen-deprived MCF7 cells in which the only alteration to the culture medium was addition of 10(-6) M tamoxifen or 10(-7) M fulvestrant. In both oestrogen-maintained and oestrogen-deprived models, loss of growth response to tamoxifen was not associated with loss of response to fulvestrant. However, loss of growth response to fulvestrant was associated in both models with concomitant loss of growth response to tamoxifen. Measurement of oestrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) and oestrogen receptor beta (ER beta) mRNA by real-time RT-PCR together with ER alpha and ER beta protein by Western immunoblotting revealed substantial changes to ER alpha levels but very little alteration to ER beta levels following development of antioestrogen resistance. In oestrogen-maintained cells, tamoxifen resistance was associated with raised levels of ERa mRNA/protein. However by contrast, in oestrogen-deprived MCF7 cells, where oestrogen deprivation alone had already resulted in increased levels of ERa mRNA/protein, long-term tamoxifen exposure now reduced ER alpha levels. Whilst long-term exposure to fulvestrant reduced ERa. mRNA/protein levels in the oestrogen-maintained cells to a level barely detectable by Western immunoblotting and non-functional in inducing gene expression (ERE-LUC reporter or pS2), in oestrogen-deprived cells the reduction was much less substantial and these cells retained an oestrogen-induction of both the ERE-LUC reporter gene and the endogenous pS2 gene which could still be inhibited by antioestrogen. This demonstrates that whilst ER alpha can be abrogated by fulvestrant and increased by tamoxifen in some circumstances, this does not always hold true and mechanisms other than alteration to ER must be involved in the development of antioestrogen resistant growth. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previously we described a heterosexual outbreak of HIV-1 subtype B in a town in the north of England (Doncaster) where 11 of 13 infections were shown to be linked by phylogenetic analysis of the env gp120 region. The 11 infections were related to a putative index case, Don1, and further divided into two groups based on the patients' disease status, their viral sequences, and other epidemiological information. Here we describe two further findings. First, we found that viral isolates and gp120 recombinant viruses derived from patients from one group used the CCR5 coreceptor, whereas viruses from the other group could use both the CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors. Patients with the X4/R5 dual tropic strains were symptomatic when diagnosed and progressed rapidly, in contrast to the other patient group that has remained asymptomatic, implying a link between the tropism of the strains and disease outcome. Second, we present additional sequence data derived from the index case, demonstrating the presence of sequences from both clades, with an average interclade distance of 9.56%, providing direct evidence of a genetic link between these two groups. This new study shows that Don1 harbored both strains, implying he was either dually infected or that over time intrahost diversification from the R5 to R5/X4 phenotype occurred. These events may account for/have led to the spread of two genetically related strains with different pathogenic properties within the same heterosexual community.
An understanding of the multi-step nature of cancer as it is in the breast, as a series of pivotal genetic/epigenetic modifications is irrefutably a milestone in diagnostics, prognostics and eventually providing a cure. Here we have utilised a variant of analysis of variance (ANOVA) as a model for the identification and tracking of specific mRNA species whose transcription has been significantly altered at each grade in the progression of ductal carcinoma, making it possible to correlate histological progression with the genetic events underlying breast cancer. We show that in the progression of ductal carcinomas, from grade 1 to 3, there is a reduction in the actual number of mRNA species, which are significantly over or under expressed. We also show that this technique can be employed to generate differential gene expression patterns, whereby the combined expression profile of the tailored spectra of genes in the comparison of each ductal grade is sufficient to render them on clearly separate arms of an array-wise hierarchical cluster dendrogram.
Insulin is a prebiotic food ingredient, which suppresses colon tumour growth and development in rats. In the gut lumen, it is fermented to lactic acid and short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Of these, butyrate has suppressing agent activities, but little is known concerning cellular responses to complex fermentation samples. To investigate the effects of fermentation products of insulin on cellular responses related to colon carcinogenesis. Fermentations were performed in anaerobic batch cultures or in a three-stage fermentation model that simulates conditions in colon-segments (proximal, transverse, distal). Substrate was insulin enriched with oligofructose (Raftilose® Synergy1), fermented with probiotics (Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG), and/or faecal inocula. HT29 or CaCo-2 cells were incubated with supernatants of the fermented samples (2.5%-25% v/v, 24-72 hours). Cellular parameters of survival, differentiation, tumour progression, and invasive growth were determined. Fermentation supernatants derived from probiotics and Synergy1 were more effective than with glucose. The additional fermentation with faecal slurries produced supernatants with lower toxicity, higher SCFA contents, and distinct cellular functions. The supernatant derived from the gut model vessel representing the distal colon, was most effective for all parameters, probably on account of higher butyrate-concentrations. Biological effects of insulin upon colon cells may be mediated not only by growth stimulation of the lactic acid-producing bacteria and/or production of butyrate, but also by other bacteria and products of the gut lumen. These newly reported properties of the supernatants to inhibit growth and metastases in colon tumour cells are important mechanisms of tumour suppression.