998 resultados para Albatross IV (1963)
1 carta (manuscrita) ; 225x165 mm
Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas
O presente estudo investiga a história política de Sobral no período entre 1963-1996. Ao longo dessas décadas, o executivo municipal esteve sob a liderança dos grupos políticos Prado e Barreto que se revezaram na direção do poder local na vigência do Regime Militar no Brasil, sobrevivendo ainda uma década do fim da ditadura. Para alguns analistas, foram três décadas de estagnação econômica e política, mas para outros, foi um período de importantes investimentos infraestruturais, com resultados positivos ainda hoje. O objetivo desta tese é compreender as mudanças e permanências ocorridas na cidade de Sobral ao longo da gestão desses administradores. A investigação está balizada pelo referencial teórico-metodológico da Nova História Política que, embora não tenha a pretensão de afirmar que tudo é político, compreende que o político é o lugar para onde conflui a maioria das atividades humanas. O conceito de cultura política, pensada como conjunto coerente de elementos que permite definir uma forma de identidade do indivíduo que dela se reclama; é aqui o instrumento de análise do objeto proposto. As fontes analisadas foram documentos do Poder Executivo, do Poder Legislativo e do Judiciário, além de periódicos, peça de teatro, fotografias, vídeos, depoimentos, entre muitos outros materiais que permitiram elucidar as questões propostas a esta investigação.
[ES] La cualidad de "semejantes", el requisito que Aristóteles señala han de poseer los personajes de la tragedia en «Poét.» 1454a 24, ha recibido fundamentalmente dos interpretaciones distintas. Una, la que supone que tal semejanza lo es con el hombre ordinario, está bien asentada dentro de la argumentación general de la «Poética»; la otra, que relaciona el concepto con el prototipo mítico, requiere más aclaraciones que la anterior si se pretende que pueda ser aristotélica. De ello nos ocupamos en el presente artículo, poniendo en relación la práctica contemporánea, la tragedia del siglo IV, con las opiniones de Aristóteles en la «Poética».
Background Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (EC (DPPIV) is a serine peptidase involved in cell differentiation, adhesion, immune modulation and apoptosis, functions that control neoplastic transformation. Previous studies have demonstrated altered expression and activity of tissue and circulating DPPIV in several cancers and proposed its potential usefulness for early diagnosis in colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods and principal findings The activity and mRNA and protein expression of DPPIV was prospectively analyzed in adenocarcinomas, adenomas, uninvolved colorectal mucosa and plasma from 116 CRC patients by fluorimetric, quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemical methods. Results were correlated with the most important classic pathological data related to aggressiveness and with 5-year survival rates. Results showed that: 1) mRNA levels and activity of DPPIV increased in colorectal neoplasms (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.01); 2) Both adenomas and CRCs displayed positive cytoplasmic immunostaining with luminal membrane reinforcement; 3) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was lower in CRC patients than in healthy subjects (Mann-U test, p<0.01); 4) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was associated with worse overall and disease-free survivals (log-rank p<0.01, Cox analysis p<0.01). Conclusion/significance 1) Up-regulation of DPPIV in colorectal tumors suggests a role for this enzyme in the neoplastic transformation of colorectal tissues. This finding opens the possibility for new therapeutic targets in these patients. 2) Plasmatic DPPIV is an independent prognostic factor in survival of CRC patients. The determination of DPPIV activity levels in the plasma may be a safe, minimally invasive and inexpensive way to define the aggressiveness of CRC in daily practice.
A problemática central dessa pesquisa consiste na análise dos Grupos dos Onze Companheiros ou Comandos Nacionalistas. Esses grupos foram um movimento de esquerda organizado pelo então deputado federal do estado da Guanabara, Leonel de Moura Brizola em outubro de 1963 e tinham o objetivo de pressionar o presidente João Goulart para a realização das Reformas de Base. No final de 1963 o Brasil estava mergulhado numa forte crise política e econômica, e, é nesse momento de instabilidade que o país vivia e de intensas transformações na sociedade brasileira, que o deputado Brizola numa ação extraparlamentar, conclama o povo, através da Rádio Mayrink Veiga a formarem os Grupos dos Onze Companheiros. Nesse período Brizola e João Goulart representavam o expoente máximo do trabalhismo nacional, o que alimentou o imaginário conservador da sociedade que caracterizou a organização brizolista como comunista, no entanto, verificamos em nossa pesquisa que, seus integrantes, tratavam-se de simples trabalhadores urbanos, que, logo após o golpe civil/militar, foram perseguidos, presos e torturados pela ditadura militar.
Presented here is another in the list of historic accounts of iconic research cruises of the USFC Steamer Albatross, this a reminiscence of the renowned scientist Alexander Agassiz edited by his son G. R. Agassiz, a chapter from the volume “Letters and Recollections of Alexander Agassiz,” published in 1913. Agassiz made three major cruises in the Albatross in 1891, 1899–1900, and 1904–05, adding greatly to the world’s store of specimens and knowledge of thalasography, his favored term for oceangraphy, and specifically of the Pacific Ocean. Having made important cruises and studies with the Blake in the Caribbean, he sought to do comparable research in the Pacific. His opportunity came in 1890, and with the consent of President Benjamin Harrison, he took charge of this Albatross research cruise, paying much of the expense himself. In contrast with the other ships he had been on, he found the laboratories, equipment, and furnishings to be comparatively luxurious and extremely well appointed for his work. Further, the Albatross was then captained by Lieutenant Commander Zera Luther Tanner who seemed to take as much interest in the oceanographic research as did the scientists, and Agassiz appreciated working with him, too. Little of the original text has been altered, and readers are cautioned that some of the views expressed may reflect unfortunate prejudices of that era toward individuals, nationalities, etc.
Navigation and surveying formed a connecting link, as it were, between what was getting to be called the “Old Navy” and what was soon to take shape as a “New Navy.” Seamanship, as an art of special character, was beginning to change its form with the passing of sail power and its supersession by the steam engine; while requiring in its new form no less ability and practiced judgment in the handling of large ships, it offered a diminished field for expertness in craft of only moderate size and speed among officers doing simple watch duty not in company with other ships; and, therefore, it was threatened with a materially lessened regard.