860 resultados para Administração municipal - Serviços ao cliente
The municipal management in any country of the globe requires planning and allocation of resources evenly. In Brazil, the Law of Budgetary Guidelines (LDO) guides municipal managers toward that balance. This research develops a model that seeks to find the balance of the allocation of public resources in Brazilian municipalities, considering the LDO as a parameter. For this using statistical techniques and multicriteria analysis as a first step in order to define allocation strategies, based on the technical aspects arising from the municipal manager. In a second step, presented in linear programming based optimization where the objective function is derived from the preference of the results of the manager and his staff. The statistical representation is presented to support multicriteria development in the definition of replacement rates through time series. The multicriteria analysis was structured by defining the criteria, alternatives and the application of UTASTAR methods to calculate replacement rates. After these initial settings, an application of linear programming was developed to find the optimal allocation of enforcement resources of the municipal budget. Data from the budget of a municipality in southwestern Paraná were studied in the application of the model and analysis of results.
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have an extremely important social role, they are responsible for the place where they work and to form citizens who contribute to a fair and cooperative society. Universities can engage with sustainable development in planning, management, education, research, operations, community services, procurement of materials, transportation and infrastructure; this research seeks to analyze the sustainability practices in service operations in the Higher Education Institutions of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education in Brazil through the development and application of a model called the Sustainability Assessment for Higher Technological Education (SAHTE). To achieve the proposed goal, a systematic survey of the scientific literature on sustainability assessment models in higher education institutions was conducted, making it possible to identify the characteristics and features of existing models. The model was applied through multiple case studies. The proposal compares the sustainability performance of service operations among individual institutions using a common methodology. It presents five areas to be evaluated in the HEI: Governance and Policies, People, Food, Water and Energy, and Waste and Environment, with a total of 134 questions. The need for greater support from the senior management of institutions to formulate and implement policies on sustainable development was identified when the lack of policies on sustainability in service operations was found; initiatives tend to be isolated. The participation of students and teachers in studies on the daily operations of the campus can be expanded and more widespread. The model seeks to evaluate sustainable practices in the service operations of the Brazilian Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education; studies related to the evaluation of teaching sustainability are absent and the applicability of the model in private institutions and other countries is needed. The results obtained with the application of the SAHTE model are useful for the preparation and development of policies on sustainable development, especially in the service operations of the surveyed HEI. The results can sensitize staff and students, who can reflect on their roles in the HEI, as well as the community and suppliers.
Requirements specification has long been recognized as critical activity in software development processes because of its impact on project risks when poorly performed. A large amount of studies addresses theoretical aspects, propositions of techniques, and recommended practices for Requirements Engineering (RE). To be successful, RE have to ensure that the specified requirements are complete and correct what means that all intents of the stakeholders in a given business context are covered by the requirements and that no unnecessary requirement was introduced. However, the accurate capture the business intents of the stakeholders remains a challenge and it is a major factor of software project failures. This master’s dissertation presents a novel method referred to as “Problem-Based SRS” aiming at improving the quality of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) in the sense that the stated requirements provide suitable answers to real customer ́s businesses issues. In this approach, the knowledge about the software requirements is constructed from the knowledge about the customer ́s problems. Problem-Based SRS consists in an organization of activities and outcome objects through a process that contains five main steps. It aims at supporting the software requirements engineering team to systematically analyze the business context and specify the software requirements, taking also into account a first glance and vision of the software. The quality aspects of the specifications are evaluated using traceability techniques and axiomatic design principles. The cases studies conducted and presented in this document point out that the proposed method can contribute significantly to improve the software requirements specification.
According to article 182 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, cities should perform social function, what brings the concept that the city should be a place for one to live well. For that to happen, it should be well administered by its public managers. However, so that there is a sound administration, one that really performs that social function, there must be, first, an efficient planning. We understand that such a thing occurs when the master plan is the main planning instrument of a city and serves as basis for its administration. We notice, however, that in most of the cities the master plan is formulated as a law that regulates urban planning but that both the population and the government most of the times are not aware of its importance concerning the relevant issues related to municipal administration, such as its relationship with the economy, taxation, the social issue, land use regulation, and, in summary, with all the aspects that constitute and that a municipal government should manage in the best possible way. One also knows that, in general, the attempt of city planning has always been connected to the duration of a mandate and that way public managers many times implement restricted measures aiming to just attain a political-electoral objective and publicizing their administration. That implies actions and works that in some cases have negative impacts or ones that cannot be removed from the cities. This study intends to show that the master plan should be the planning instrument guiding the municipal administration but that, however, what we note is a lack of connection between that instrument and the government guidelines of the municipal managers. In order to study what happens to the cities that have a planning which is not taken into account in its administration, we will use the city of Fortaleza, capital of the State of Ceará as a case study. Historically, in Fortaleza the public managers have seldom decided to administer the city in according to the master plans developed for it. We should emphasize that planning begins in the city quite late and until the current days it is being substituted by temporary measures. Through the analysis of the planning process and of the urban management of the city of Fortaleza, especially the master plans predicted since 1933, we explain that if such plans had been implemented, they could have been important tools for its administration to attain a social function, becoming therefore a place for one to live well
O presente relatório assenta sob a compreensão das funções desempenhadas nas áreas de Revenue Management e E-Commerce no âmbito do estágio realizado no grupo hoteleiro português Tivoli Hotels & Resorts. O relatório tem como essencial objetivo a descrição da experiência do contacto com a indústria hoteleira através de um estágio curricular entre Agosto de 2013 até Maio 2014 para a obtenção de grau de mestre no Mestrado em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira, da Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar. Foram delineados vários objetivos neste estágio no departamento de Revenue Management e E-Commerce tais como, conhecer os fundamentos de Revenue bem como a estratégia de pricing utilizada numa grande cadeia hoteleira e todo o processo envolvente para aumentar a ocupação, a otimização de Revenue e toda a explicação da estratégia utilizada na distribuição dos canais online, estando intimamente ligada à gestão dos mesmos. Ao longo do relatório ir-se-á perceber que estes dois departamentos detêm um elo de ligação sendo que as decisões obtidas pelo Revenue têm impacto direto no E-Commerce – Gestão dos canais online. A Tivoli Hotels & Resorts é uma cadeia hoteleira nacional que conta com doze hotéis em Portugal Continental e dois no Brasil em que se destaca a oferecer uma panóplia de serviços ao cliente não passando apenas pela estada. Experience More – este é o Unique Selling Proposition [USP], uma forte aposta na venda de experiências, considerado um verdadeiro conceito diferenciador convidando o cliente a usufruir de três serviços: Team, T/Services and T/Services.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar algumas reflexões sobre a relação território – representação, a partir do estudo de caso do município de Guapimirim localizado no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Busca-se reflexões teóricas sobre representações em Bourdieu, Lefebvre, Stuart Hall e Duncan e sua relação com a noção de políticas de significado de Geertz e de trunfos de legitimidade territorial de Ivaldo Lima e André Rocha. A partir de Raffestin, entendemos que a construção da representação é um recurso delimitador e fundador de um território. A construção da representação de um território se dá numa constante disputa de “políticas de significado”, onde são mobilizados “trunfos territoriais” (posição ou situação geográfica, legado geo-histórico, recursos materiais etc) para legitimar uma representação. O caso do município de Guapimirim, coloca em evidência esse jogo de representações onde a imagem que se cria sobre o território de Guapimirim pode incidir sobre as políticas territoriais de inclusão-exclusão em duas regiões – Baixada Fluminense e Serra Verde Imperial, que por sua vez estabelece diferentes vantagens e desvantagens para este município. As representações aparecem em propagadas de diferentes veículos midiáticos e ações da administração municipal que criam e recriam a imagem de Guapimirim de acordo com seus interesses.
FERRANTE, José Carlos. A utilização das práticas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos em uma organização prestadora de serviços em saúde: uma abordagem dos processos logísticos em um centro clinico de saude integral de uma universidade municipal. 2012. 131f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)- Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, 2012.
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de mestre em Administração
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração - Mestrado da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul
Dissertação apresentada ao programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Uni- versidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul como requisito para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Administração
A sociedade vive atualmente a era da competitividade, na qual os desafios são mais difíceis e complexos. Os órgãos governamentais enfrentam terríveis déficits, aumento de demanda no campo de serviços tradicionais e, principalmente, na área da saúde pública para atender as necessidades da população. Cientes dessas dificuldades e com vistas a minimizar os desafios enfrentados pela Secretaria de Saúde de Pelotas, este trabalho de pesquisa aborda o gerenciamento na administração de medicamentos desta Secretaria. O trabalho visou analisar os processos que influenciam na dispensação de medicamentos pela Farmácia Municipal. Medicamentos da rede básica são distribuídos aos postos de saúde e medicamentos controlados aos usuários finais. O estudo atingiu quatro zonas urbanas e uma rural, sendo que na zona do centro encontra-se a Farmácia Municipal. A abordagem proposta identificou várias oportunidades de melhoria, revelando a necessidade de interferir em algumas zonas onde determinados itens e subitens obtiveram pontuação abaixo da faixa esperada. Essa situação conduziu o pesquisador a elaborar um plano de ação que permita, ao mesmo tempo, atender a demanda assim como reforçar a organização na dispensação de medicamentos básicos e controlados pela Farmácia Municipal, contribuindo para a melhoria dos serviços prestados ao município de Pelotas.
Public administration has been labeled as inefficient for decades, with society seen it as a great waste of public money with a low generation of results. Its services are notably classified as sluggish, bureaucratic, with a low productivity level and a high incidence of mistakes. In periods of crisis, public administration must be the first to give good examples of balance and parsimony in its expenditures, or it could lead to the failure of the government, in general, causing damages to the population. To reach this goal, some corrective measures must be done, in different directions, by selecting the expenditures and fostering the maximum economy for the exchequer. This is only possible through the application of correct planning techniques, a still far way reality from the culture of our public organisms. One way to this change is the adoption of the Price Registration System, that in the Federal scope was already adopted by the Decree nº 3.931/01, and in the scope of the municipality of Manaus was ordered by the Decree nº 8.270/06. The present study verifies the influence of the use of the Price Registration System in purchases and contracts undertaken by the Local Secretariat of Construction, Basic Services and Housing, in the city of Manaus concerning the economy obtained when compared to other methods of tenders.
Apresenta metodologia pra redesenho e melhoria dos processos de negócios para prestação de serviços de APRC (alta percepção de risco pelo cliente), a partir da gestão do valor do cliente para a empresa prestadora do serviço. Propõe novo enfoque para a segmentação de serviços sob aspectos psicográficos. Analisa situação dos serviços de reparos de veículos em Concessionárias autorizadas, detectando possibilidades de melhoria dos sistemas de gestão da sua qualidade