940 resultados para taxonomy of metacognitive development


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This study examined the similarities and differences that currently exist between Chinese and Canadian online higher education, and explored the economic, political, and sociocultural environments that have shaped online education in these two jurisdictions. Furthermore, this paper discussed the efficacy of, and potential for, future development of online learning in higher education in both Canada and China. The research employed a collective case study design to gather information and data on the development of online higher education. The analysis on Contact North in Canada and the One-Man University in China provide a comparative perspective on the development of 2 typical online higher educational institutions in these two countries. The study revealed that the development of online higher education is influenced by the economic, political, and sociocultural factors of environment. Contact North and the One-Man University share similarities in many aspects, but are characteristically different. The Contact North can set an example for establishing and operating a self-regulated MOOCs platform. The study also generated implications for both organizations.


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This paper draws on James Ferguson’s concept of ‘anti-politics machine’ and Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of illusio to explore the nature of the international development cooperation programmes financed by the Czech government. It argues that its character as an ‘anti-politics machine’ turns development into a highly technical issue and dismisses essential political questions of global equity and policy coherence from the public debate. Moreover, the actors in the field of development cooperation are held in an illusio: they are required to appear as altruistic, which obscures their particular interests. This instrumentalization of development aid contributes to further isolation of the Czech development constituency and raises fundamental questions for the democratic legitimacy of development cooperation.


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The oceans in their expanse cover, seven - tenths of the Earth surface. Despite being restricted in size, the littoral zone or the intertidal zone (beach) has the greatest variation in environment factors of any marine area .Stemming from this variation ,a treamendous diversity of life, which may be great as or greater than that found in the more extensive sub tidal habits exist in this realm. the study beaches harbour diverse and abundant assemblage of marine organisms. Besides macro funna, microscopic organisms belonging to the lower and higher invertebrate taxa profusely inhabit these beaches. The ecological realm where these animals exist is known as the interstitial environment, which in principle includes the pore spaces in between the sand grains containing copious supply of nutrient rich oxygenated seawater. An astonishing diversity of taxa could be found within the interstitial fauna.


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Globally most of the conventional fish stocks have reached a state of optimum exploitation or even over-exploitation; efficient utilization of non-conventional resources is necessary to meet the supply-demand gap for protein supply. Mesopelagic fishes can be considered as one such promising resource for the future, if appropriate harvest and post-harvest technologies are developed. Increasing human population and increasing demand for cheaper food fishes has made myctophids a possible potential resource for future exploitation and utilization. Earlier studies indicated the abundance of Diaphus spp. in the eastern and northeastern Arabian Sea. The present study also indicates the dominance of Diaphus spp. in the deep sea trawling grounds of south west coast of India. Commercial viability of the myctophid fishing in the Indian waters has to be worked out. The present catch estimation is based on the Stratified Random Sampling Method from the landing data. As the coverage of sampling area was limited and the gear efficiency was not standardized, the data generated are not precise. A counter check for the estimates is also not possible due to the absence of comparable works in the study area. Fish biomass estimation by acoustics survey coupled with direct fishing would only confirm the accuracy of estimates. Exploratory surveys for new fishing areas to be continued, for gathering the distribution, abundance, biological and ecological data and map the potential fishing ground on a GIS platform and the data should be provided to the commercial entrepreneurs. Generally non-conventional and non-targeted resources are under low fishing pressure and exploitation rates. Low values of fishing mortality and exploitation rates indicate that removal from the stock by fishing was only nominal from the present fishing grounds. The results indicate that the stock is almost at virgin state and remains grossly underexploited. Since the extent of distribution and abundance of the stock in the ecosystem remains to be ascertained, sustainable yield could not be estimated. Also the impact of myctophids harvest, on other commercially important fishes, has to be studied.


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India’s rural women are involved in various types of work and contribute considerably to the economy. However much of their work is not systematically accounted in the official statistics. India’s governmental and non-governmental data collection agencies admit that there is an under-estimation of tribal women’s contribution as rural workers. This study describes in detail a research project that focuses on the indicators for socioeconomic development in the least developed rural villages by examining the impact of floriculture on the lives of impoverished tribal women who inhabit the harsh drylands of western India.


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NETTLE Project Publication


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The article shows the classroom like an workplace to move moral development, from the relationship between students and professors in the university atmosphere. It proposes elements to take to the practice the ethics education a transverse curriculum line. It assumes the ethics, from a plural perspective, founded on the knowledge and the human action. It joins the integral formation with the conceptions of education, curriculum, pedagogical models and methodologies of education. It proposes actions to demonstrate the commitment of the professor with the integral formation. Finally, concludes that the professor is agent of moral development and that in the classroom is constructed: identity, autonomy and responsibility, from open and plural relation between professors and students and between these and the knowledge.


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This paper analyzes the main features and historical factors that played a central role for the industrialization process in Colombia during the twentieth century. The document surveys the legislation and policy instruments used in the programs of import substitution industrialization, nontraditional export promotion, and economic openness


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Esta investigación pretende, por un lado, describir y explicar los rasgos orales de las redacciones de los estudiantes españoles de inglés como lengua extranjera; y, por otro, intentar mejorar el estilo escrito de los textos de estos estudiantes a través de una intervención pedagógica.. Se diseña y aplica un tratamiento pedagógico a un grupo de estudiantes de segundo de bachillerato de Madrid. La instrucción se centra en hacerles conscientes de los recursos lingüísticos disponibles en inglés para la redacción de un texto. Se comparan las composiciones escritas por los estudiantes antes del tratamiento experimental con sus producciones posteriores, así como con un grupo de control del mismo instituto que no recibe ninguna instrucción. Se cotejan los textos en inglés con redacciones escritas en español por los estudiantes del grupo experimental. Asimismo, los textos escritos en inglés después del tratamiento experimental se comparan con redacciones de un grupo de estudiantes nativos de secundaria. Se analizan dos variables, para las que el estudio aporta sendos instrumentos de medida, la calidad y el grado de estilo escrito de los textos. La comparación de los textos escritos en español y en inglés de los estudiantes españoles del grupo experimental revela que las redacciones en la lengua materna son superiores en relación a su calidad pero no al grado de estilo escrito. Varios resultados estadísticos apuntan que el tratamiento recibido por el grupo experimental contribuye al desarrollo del grado de estilo escrito de los textos en inglés pero no mejora la calidad global de los mismos. Los resultados revelan que el grupo experimental es similar a los nativos en el grado de estilo escrito, aunque éste último supera a los estudiantes del inglés como lengua extranjera en la 'calidad' de los textos. Este estudio concluye que la impronta oral de las redacciones de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera puede deberse a la combinación de varios factores, la competencia discursiva en la lengua materna, la competencia lingüística/discursiva en la lengua objeto de aprendizaje, el conocimiento socio-cultural y lingüístico de adecuación contextual y el tipo de pedagogía en inglés como lengua extranjera.


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Se hace un repaso detallado de las teorías y los debates en torno a cómo los niños piensan y aprenden. También se reconocen los difíciles problemas a los que se enfrentan los profesores cuando tratan de conjugar la teoría y la investigación con la práctica en el aula.


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Incluye índice temático. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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The Maré Museum, founded on 8 May 2006, arose from the desire of the inhabitants of the community to have a place of memory, a place that is immersed in the past and looks to the future, a place that reflects on this community, on their conditions and identities and on their territorial and cultural diversity. The intention of the Maré Museum is to break with the tradition that the experiences to be recollected and the places of memory to be remembered are those elected by the official version, the "winner" version of the story that restricts the representations of history and memory of large portions of the population. The Maré Museum, as a pioneer initiative in the city scene, proposed to expand the museological concept, so that it is not restricted to intellectual social groups and cultural spaces that are not accessible to the general population. The museum has established recognition that the slum is a place of memory and so has initiated a museographic reading of the Mare community. ..


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This paper discusses means of providing extra support for parents of newly diagnosed hearing impaired children to help with language development.