972 resultados para scene change detection


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By analysing the carrier dynamics based on the rate equations and the change of the refractive index due to the efficient carrier capture, we have calculated the carrier capture process in the InAs/GaAs system detected by a simple degenerate pump-probe technique. The calculated results are found to be in good agreement with the experimental findings. Our results indicate that this simple technique, with the clear advantage of being easy to carry out, can be very useful in studying the carrier dynamics for some specific structures such as InAs ultrathin layers embedded in a GaAs matrix described here.


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A reproducible terahertz (THz) photocurrent was observed at low temperatures in a Schottky wrap gate single electron transistor with a normal-incident of a CH_3OH gas laser with the frequency 2. 54THz.The change of source-drain current induced by THz photons shows that a satellite peak is generated beside the resonance peak. THz photon energy can be characterized by the difference of gate voltage positions between the resonance peak and satellite peak. This indicates that the satellite peak exactly results from the THz photon-assisted tunneling. Both experimental results and theoretical analysis show that a narrow spacing of double barriers is more effective for the enhancement of THz response.


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We present a new method for detecting near-infrared, mid-infrared, and far-infrared photons with an ultra-high sensitivity. The infrared photon detection was carried out by monitoring the displacement change of a vibrating microcantilever under light pressure using a laser Doppler vibrometer. Ultrathin silicon cantilevers with high sensitivity were produced using micro/nano-fabrication technology. The photon detection system was set up. The response of the microcantilever to the photon illumination is theoretically estimated, and a nanowatt resolution for the infrared photon detection is expected at room temperature with this method.


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Here, we report a simple and Sensitive colorimetric detection method for Hg2+ ions With a tunable detection range based on DNA oligonucleotides and unmodified gold nanoparticles (DNA/AuNPs) sensing system. Complementary DNA strands with T-T mismatches could effectively protect AuNPs from salt-induced aggregation. While in the presence of Hg2+ ions T-Hg2+-T coordination chemistry leads to the formation of DNA duplexes, and AuNPs are less well protected thus aggregate at the same salt concentration, accompanying by color change from red to blue. By rationally varying the number of T-T mismatches in DNA oligonucleotides, the detection range could be tuned.


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Mercury ion (Hg2+) is able to specifically bind to the thymine-thymine (T-T) base pair in a DNA duplex, thus providing a rationale for DNA-based selective detection of Hg2+ with various means. In this work, we for the first time utilize the Hg2+-mediated T-T base pair to modulate the proper folding of G-quadruplex DNAs and inhibit the DNAzyme activity, thereby pioneering a facile approach to sense Hg2+ with colorimetry. Two bimolecular DNA G-quadruplexes containing many T residues are adopted here, which function well in low- and high-salt conditions, respectively. These G-quadruplex DNAs are able to bind hemin to form the peroxidase-like DNAzymes in the folded state. Upon addition of Hg2+, the proper folding of G-quadruplex DNAs is inhibited due to the formation of T-Hg2+-T complex. Ibis is reflected by the notable change of the Soret band of hemin when investigated by using UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. As a result of Hg2+ inhibition, a sharp decrease in the catalytic activity toward the H2O2-mediated oxidation of 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)diammonium salt (ABTS) is observed, accompanied by a change in solution color. Through this approach, aqueous Hg2+ can be detected at 50 nM (10 ppb) with colorimetry in a facile way, with high selectivity against other metal ions.


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Small molecules are difficult to detect by conventional surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy due to the fact that the changes in the refractive index resulted from the binding process of small biomolecules are quite small. Here, we report a simple and effective method to detect small biomolecule using SPR spectroscopy and electrochemistry by catalyzed deposition of metal ions on SPR gold film. As an example, the ascorbic acid-mediated deposition of Ag on gold film was monitored by in situ SPR spectrum. The deposition of Ag atom on gold film resulted in an obvious decrease of depth in SPR angular scan curves of reflectance intensity and minimum reflectivity angle. The depth change of the SPR reflectance intensity and minimum reflectivity angle curves mainly relied on the amount of Ag atom deposited on gold film that can be controlled by the concentration of ascorbic acid. By monitoring the deposition of Ag atom on gold film, ascorbic acid was detected in the concentration range of 2 x 10(-5) M to 1 x 10(-3) M. After each of detections, the SPR sensor surface was completely regenerated by a potential step that stripped off the Ag atom. Furthermore, the regeneration process of the sensor surface provides the feasibility for detecting the concentration of ascorbic acid by electrochemical method.


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The charactesistics of two-dimension spectra obtained by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) with charge injection detection (CID) in frequency domain were studied in the present paper. The measurement spectra were Fourier transformed and the frequency distribution of the spectra was obtained. Results showed that the spectra in frequency domain could he divided into two parts:high frequency and low frequency signals. The later stood for measurement spectra and the former for background and noises. However, the high frequecny signals could not be smoothed simply to reduce noises because the background was deteriorated even though the spectral signal did not change significantly.


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Locating hands in sign language video is challenging due to a number of factors. Hand appearance varies widely across signers due to anthropometric variations and varying levels of signer proficiency. Video can be captured under varying illumination, camera resolutions, and levels of scene clutter, e.g., high-res video captured in a studio vs. low-res video gathered by a web cam in a user’s home. Moreover, the signers’ clothing varies, e.g., skin-toned clothing vs. contrasting clothing, short-sleeved vs. long-sleeved shirts, etc. In this work, the hand detection problem is addressed in an appearance matching framework. The Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) based matching score function is reformulated to allow non-rigid alignment between pairs of images to account for hand shape variation. The resulting alignment score is used within a Support Vector Machine hand/not-hand classifier for hand detection. The new matching score function yields improved performance (in ROC area and hand detection rate) over the Vocabulary Guided Pyramid Match Kernel (VGPMK) and the traditional, rigid HOG distance on American Sign Language video gestured by expert signers. The proposed match score function is computationally less expensive (for training and testing), has fewer parameters and is less sensitive to parameter settings than VGPMK. The proposed detector works well on test sequences from an inexpert signer in a non-studio setting with cluttered background.


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This thesis investigates the application of plasmonic gold nanostructures for mercury detection. Various gold and silver single nanostructures and gold nanostructure assemblies were characterised in detail by correlated single nanostructure spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Several routes for mercury detection were explored: plasmon resonance energy transfer (PRET) upon Hg2+ binding to immobilised gold nanoparticle-organic ligand hybrid structures and amalgamation of single immobilised gold nanorods upon chemical and upon electrochemical reduction of Hg2+ ions. The amalgamation approach showed large potential with extraordinary shifts of the nanorods’ scattering spectra upon exposure to reduced mercury; a result of compositional and morphological change induced in the nanorod by amalgamation with mercury. A shift of 5 nm could be recorded for a concentration as low 10 nM Hg2+. Through detailed time-dependent experiments insights into the amalgamation mechanism were gained and a model comprising 5 steps was developed. Finally, spectroelectrochemistry proved to be an excellent way to study in real time in-situ the amalgamation of mercury with gold nanorods paving the way for future work in this field.


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This paper presents an approach for detecting local damage in large scale frame structures by utilizing regularization methods for ill-posed problems. A direct relationship between the change in stiffness caused by local damage and the measured modal data for the damaged structure is developed, based on the perturbation method for structural dynamic systems. Thus, the measured incomplete modal data can be directly adopted in damage identification without requiring model reduction techniques, and common regularization methods could be effectively employed to solve the developed equations. Damage indicators are appropriately chosen to reflect both the location and severity of local damage in individual components of frame structures such as in brace members and at beam-column joints. The Truncated Singular Value Decomposition solution incorporating the Generalized Cross Validation method is introduced to evaluate the damage indicators for the cases when realistic errors exist in modal data measurements. Results for a 16-story building model structure show that structural damage can be correctly identified at detailed level using only limited information on the measured noisy modal data for the damaged structure.


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The abundance of wild salmon (Salmo salar) in the North Atlantic has declined markedly since the late 1980s as a result of increased marine mortality that coincided with a marked rise in sea temperature in oceanic foraging areas. There is substantial evidence to show that temperature governs the growth, survival, and maturation of salmon during their marine migrations through either direct or indirect effects. In an earlier study (2003), long-term changes in three trophic levels (salmon, zooplankton, and phytoplankton) were shown to be correlated significantly with sea surface temperature (SST) and northern hemisphere temperature (NHT). A sequence of trophic changes ending with a stepwise decline in the total nominal catch of North Atlantic salmon (regime shift in ∼1986/1987) was superimposed on a trend to a warmer dynamic regime. Here, the earlier study is updated with catch and abundance data to 2010, confirming earlier results and detecting a new abrupt shift in ∼1996/1997. Although correlations between changes in salmon, plankton, and temperature are reinforced, the significance of the correlations is reduced because the temporal autocorrelation of time-series substantially increased due to a monotonic trend in the time-series, probably related to global warming. This effect may complicate future detection of effects of climate change on natural systems.


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A regime shift is a large, sudden, and long-lasting change in the dynamics of an ecosystem, affecting multiple trophic levels. There are a growing number of papers that report regime shifts in marine ecosystems. However, the evidence for regime shifts is equivocal, because the methods used to detect them are not yet well developed. We have collated over 300 biological time series from seven marine regions around the UK, covering the ecosystem from phytoplankton to marine mammals. Each time series consists of annual measures of abundance for a single group of organisms over several decades. We summarised the data for each region using the first principal component, weighting either each time series or each biological component (e.g. plankton, fish, benthos) equally. We then searched for regime shifts using Rodionov’s regime shift detection (RSD) method, which found regime shifts in the first principal component for all seven marine regions. However, there are consistent temporal trends in the data for six of the seven regions. Such trends violate the assumptions of RSD. Thus, the regime shifts detected by RSD in six of the seven regions are likely to be artefacts caused by temporal trends. We are therefore developing more appropriate time series models for both single populations and whole communities that will explicitly model temporal trends and should increase our ability to detect true regime shift events.


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Satellite-based remote sensing of active fires is the only practical way to consistently and continuously monitor diurnal fluctuations in biomass burning from regional, to continental, to global scales. Failure to understand, quantify, and communicate the performance of an active fire detection algorithm, however, can lead to improper interpretations of the spatiotemporal distribution of biomass burning, and flawed estimates of fuel consumption and trace gas and aerosol emissions. This work evaluates the performance of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) Fire Thermal Anomaly (FTA) detection algorithm using seven months of active fire pixels detected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) across the Central African Republic (CAR). Results indicate that the omission rate of the SEVIRI FTA detection algorithm relative to MODIS varies spatially across the CAR, ranging from 25% in the south to 74% in the east. In the absence of confounding artifacts such as sunglint, uncertainties in the background thermal characterization, and cloud cover, the regional variation in SEVIRI's omission rate can be attributed to a coupling between SEVIRI's low spatial resolution detection bias (i.e., the inability to detect fires below a certain size and intensity) and a strong geographic gradient in active fire characteristics across the CAR. SEVIRI's commission rate relative to MODIS increases from 9% when evaluated near MODIS nadir to 53% near the MODIS scene edges, indicating that SEVIRI errors of commission at the MODIS scene edges may not be false alarms but rather true fires that MODIS failed to detect as a result of larger pixel sizes at extreme MODIS scan angles. Results from this work are expected to facilitate (i) future improvements to the SEVIRI FTA detection algorithm; (ii) the assimilation of the SEVIRI and MODIS active fire products; and (iii) the potential inclusion of SEVIRI into a network of geostationary sensors designed to achieve global diurnal active fire monitoring.


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Fossil fuel power generation and other industrial emissions of carbon dioxide are a threat to global climate1, yet many economies will remain reliant on these technologies for several decades2. Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) in deep geological formations provides an effective option to remove these emissions from the climate system3. In many regions storage reservoirs are located offshore4, 5, over a kilometre or more below societally important shelf seas6. Therefore, concerns about the possibility of leakage7, 8 and potential environmental impacts, along with economics, have contributed to delaying development of operational CCS. Here we investigate the detectability and environmental impact of leakage from a controlled sub-seabed release of CO2. We show that the biological impact and footprint of this small leak analogue (<1 tonne CO2 d−1) is confined to a few tens of metres. Migration of CO2 through the shallow seabed is influenced by near-surface sediment structure, and by dissolution and re-precipitation of calcium carbonate naturally present in sediments. Results reported here advance the understanding of environmental sensitivity to leakage and identify appropriate monitoring strategies for full-scale carbon storage operations.


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Fossil fuel power generation and other industrial emissions of carbon dioxide are a threat to global climate1, yet many economies will remain reliant on these technologies for several decades2. Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) in deep geological formations provides an effective option to remove these emissions from the climate system3. In many regions storage reservoirs are located offshore4, 5, over a kilometre or more below societally important shelf seas6. Therefore, concerns about the possibility of leakage7, 8 and potential environmental impacts, along with economics, have contributed to delaying development of operational CCS. Here we investigate the detectability and environmental impact of leakage from a controlled sub-seabed release of CO2. We show that the biological impact and footprint of this small leak analogue (<1 tonne CO2 d−1) is confined to a few tens of metres. Migration of CO2 through the shallow seabed is influenced by near-surface sediment structure, and by dissolution and re-precipitation of calcium carbonate naturally present in sediments. Results reported here advance the understanding of environmental sensitivity to leakage and identify appropriate monitoring strategies for full-scale carbon storage operations.