913 resultados para polar representations


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We report a series of psychophysical experiments that explore different aspects of the problem of object representation and recognition in human vision. Contrary to the paradigmatic view which holds that the representations are three-dimensional and object-centered, the results consistently support the notion of view-specific representations that include at most partial depth information. In simulated experiments that involved the same stimuli shown to the human subjects, computational models built around two-dimensional multiple-view representations replicated our main psychophysical results, including patterns of generalization errors and the time course of perceptual learning.


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Humans rapidly and reliably learn many kinds of regularities and generalizations. We propose a novel model of fast learning that exploits the properties of sparse representations and the constraints imposed by a plausible hardware mechanism. To demonstrate our approach we describe a computational model of acquisition in the domain of morphophonology. We encapsulate phonological information as bidirectional boolean constraint relations operating on the classical linguistic representations of speech sounds in term of distinctive features. The performance model is described as a hardware mechanism that incrementally enforces the constraints. Phonological behavior arises from the action of this mechanism. Constraints are induced from a corpus of common English nouns and verbs. The induction algorithm compiles the corpus into increasingly sophisticated constraints. The algorithm yields one-shot learning from a few examples. Our model has been implemented as a computer program. The program exhibits phonological behavior similar to that of young children. As a bonus the constraints that are acquired can be interpreted as classical linguistic rules.


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The goal of low-level vision is to estimate an underlying scene, given an observed image. Real-world scenes (e.g., albedos or shapes) can be very complex, conventionally requiring high dimensional representations which are hard to estimate and store. We propose a low-dimensional representation, called a scene recipe, that relies on the image itself to describe the complex scene configurations. Shape recipes are an example: these are the regression coefficients that predict the bandpassed shape from bandpassed image data. We describe the benefits of this representation, and show two uses illustrating their properties: (1) we improve stereo shape estimates by learning shape recipes at low resolution and applying them at full resolution; (2) Shape recipes implicitly contain information about lighting and materials and we use them for material segmentation.


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This work addresses two related questions. The first question is what joint time-frequency energy representations are most appropriate for auditory signals, in particular, for speech signals in sonorant regions. The quadratic transforms of the signal are examined, a large class that includes, for example, the spectrograms and the Wigner distribution. Quasi-stationarity is not assumed, since this would neglect dynamic regions. A set of desired properties is proposed for the representation: (1) shift-invariance, (2) positivity, (3) superposition, (4) locality, and (5) smoothness. Several relations among these properties are proved: shift-invariance and positivity imply the transform is a superposition of spectrograms; positivity and superposition are equivalent conditions when the transform is real; positivity limits the simultaneous time and frequency resolution (locality) possible for the transform, defining an uncertainty relation for joint time-frequency energy representations; and locality and smoothness tradeoff by the 2-D generalization of the classical uncertainty relation. The transform that best meets these criteria is derived, which consists of two-dimensionally smoothed Wigner distributions with (possibly oriented) 2-D guassian kernels. These transforms are then related to time-frequency filtering, a method for estimating the time-varying 'transfer function' of the vocal tract, which is somewhat analogous to ceptstral filtering generalized to the time-varying case. Natural speech examples are provided. The second question addressed is how to obtain a rich, symbolic description of the phonetically relevant features in these time-frequency energy surfaces, the so-called schematic spectrogram. Time-frequency ridges, the 2-D analog of spectral peaks, are one feature that is proposed. If non-oriented kernels are used for the energy representation, then the ridge tops can be identified, with zero-crossings in the inner product of the gradient vector and the direction of greatest downward curvature. If oriented kernels are used, the method can be generalized to give better orientation selectivity (e.g., at intersecting ridges) at the cost of poorer time-frequency locality. Many speech examples are given showing the performance for some traditionally difficult cases: semi-vowels and glides, nasalized vowels, consonant-vowel transitions, female speech, and imperfect transmission channels.


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Reducing the energy consumption of water distribution networks has never had more significance. The greatest energy savings can be obtained by carefully scheduling the operations of pumps. Schedules can be defined either implicitly, in terms of other elements of the network such as tank levels, or explicitly by specifying the time during which each pump is on/off. The traditional representation of explicit schedules is a string of binary values with each bit representing pump on/off status during a particular time interval. In this paper, we formally define and analyze two new explicit representations based on time-controlled triggers, where the maximum number of pump switches is established beforehand and the schedule may contain less switches than the maximum. In these representations, a pump schedule is divided into a series of integers with each integer representing the number of hours for which a pump is active/inactive. This reduces the number of potential schedules compared to the binary representation, and allows the algorithm to operate on the feasible region of the search space. We propose evolutionary operators for these two new representations. The new representations and their corresponding operations are compared with the two most-used representations in pump scheduling, namely, binary representation and level-controlled triggers. A detailed statistical analysis of the results indicates which parameters have the greatest effect on the performance of evolutionary algorithms. The empirical results show that an evolutionary algorithm using the proposed representations improves over the results obtained by a recent state-of-the-art Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for pump scheduling using level-controlled triggers.


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R.J. DOUGLAS, Non-existence of polar factorisations and polar inclusion of a vector-valued mapping. Intern. Jour. Of Pure and Appl. Math., (IJPAM) 41, no. 3 (2007).


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G.R. BURTON and R.J. DOUGLAS, Uniqueness of the polar factorisation and projection of a vector-valued mapping. Ann. I.H. Poincare ? A.N. 20 (2003), 405-418.


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Pykett, Lyn. 'Women writing woman: representations of gender and sexuality', In: Women and literature in Britain 1800 - 1900 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp.78-98, 2008. RAE2008


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Calligraphic writing presents a rich set of challenges to the human movement control system. These challenges include: initial learning, and recall from memory, of prescribed stroke sequences; critical timing of stroke onsets and durations; fine control of grip and contact forces; and letter-form invariance under voluntary size scaling, which entails fine control of stroke direction and amplitude during recruitment and derecruitment of musculoskeletal degrees of freedom. Experimental and computational studies in behavioral neuroscience have made rapid progress toward explaining the learning, planning and contTOl exercised in tasks that share features with calligraphic writing and drawing. This article summarizes computational neuroscience models and related neurobiological data that reveal critical operations spanning from parallel sequence representations to fine force control. Part one addresses stroke sequencing. It treats competitive queuing (CQ) models of sequence representation, performance, learning, and recall. Part two addresses letter size scaling and motor equivalence. It treats cursive handwriting models together with models in which sensory-motor tmnsformations are performed by circuits that learn inverse differential kinematic mappings. Part three addresses fine-grained control of timing and transient forces, by treating circuit models that learn to solve inverse dynamics problems.


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Under natural viewing conditions small movements of the eye, head, and body prevent the maintenance of a steady direction of gaze. It is known that stimuli tend to fade when they a restabilized on the retina for several seconds. However; it is unclear whether the physiological motion of the retinal image serves a visual purpose during the brief periods of natural visual fixation. This study examines the impact of fixational instability on the statistics of the visua1 input to the retina and on the structure of neural activity in the early visual system. We show that fixational instability introduces a component in the retinal input signals that in the presence of natural images, lacks spatial correlations. This component strongly influences neural activity in a model of the LGN. It decorrelates cell responses even if the contrast sensitivity functions of simulated cells arc not perfectly tuned to counterbalance the power-law spectrum of natural images. A decorrelation of neural activity at the early stages of the visual system has been proposed to be beneficial for discarding statistical redundancies in the input signals. The results of this study suggest that fixational instability might contribute to establishing efficient representations of natural stimuli.


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Visual search data are given a unified quantitative explanation by a model of how spatial maps in the parietal cortex and object recognition categories in the inferotemporal cortex deploy attentional resources as they reciprocally interact with visual representations in the prestriate cortex. The model visual representations arc organized into multiple boundary and surface representations. Visual search in the model is initiated by organizing multiple items that lie within a given boundary or surface representation into a candidate search grouping. These items arc compared with object recognition categories to test for matches or mismatches. Mismatches can trigger deeper searches and recursive selection of new groupings until a target object io identified. This search model is algorithmically specified to quantitatively simulate search data using a single set of parameters, as well as to qualitatively explain a still larger data base, including data of Aks and Enns (1992), Bravo and Blake (1990), Chellazzi, Miller, Duncan, and Desimone (1993), Egeth, Viri, and Garbart (1984), Cohen and Ivry (1991), Enno and Rensink (1990), He and Nakayarna (1992), Humphreys, Quinlan, and Riddoch (1989), Mordkoff, Yantis, and Egeth (1990), Nakayama and Silverman (1986), Treisman and Gelade (1980), Treisman and Sato (1990), Wolfe, Cave, and Franzel (1989), and Wolfe and Friedman-Hill (1992). The model hereby provides an alternative to recent variations on the Feature Integration and Guided Search models, and grounds the analysis of visual search in neural models of preattentive vision, attentive object learning and categorization, and attentive spatial localization and orientation.


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A neural model is described of how the brain may autonomously learn a body-centered representation of 3-D target position by combining information about retinal target position, eye position, and head position in real time. Such a body-centered spatial representation enables accurate movement commands to the limbs to be generated despite changes in the spatial relationships between the eyes, head, body, and limbs through time. The model learns a vector representation--otherwise known as a parcellated distributed representation--of target vergence with respect to the two eyes, and of the horizontal and vertical spherical angles of the target with respect to a cyclopean egocenter. Such a vergence-spherical representation has been reported in the caudal midbrain and medulla of the frog, as well as in psychophysical movement studies in humans. A head-centered vergence-spherical representation of foveated target position can be generated by two stages of opponent processing that combine corollary discharges of outflow movement signals to the two eyes. Sums and differences of opponent signals define angular and vergence coordinates, respectively. The head-centered representation interacts with a binocular visual representation of non-foveated target position to learn a visuomotor representation of both foveated and non-foveated target position that is capable of commanding yoked eye movementes. This head-centered vector representation also interacts with representations of neck movement commands to learn a body-centered estimate of target position that is capable of commanding coordinated arm movements. Learning occurs during head movements made while gaze remains fixed on a foveated target. An initial estimate is stored and a VOR-mediated gating signal prevents the stored estimate from being reset during a gaze-maintaining head movement. As the head moves, new estimates arc compared with the stored estimate to compute difference vectors which act as error signals that drive the learning process, as well as control the on-line merging of multimodal information.


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The recognition of 3-D objects from sequences of their 2-D views is modeled by a family of self-organizing neural architectures, called VIEWNET, that use View Information Encoded With NETworks. VIEWNET incorporates a preprocessor that generates a compressed but 2-D invariant representation of an image, a supervised incremental learning system that classifies the preprocessed representations into 2-D view categories whose outputs arc combined into 3-D invariant object categories, and a working memory that makes a 3-D object prediction by accumulating evidence from 3-D object category nodes as multiple 2-D views are experienced. The simplest VIEWNET achieves high recognition scores without the need to explicitly code the temporal order of 2-D views in working memory. Working memories are also discussed that save memory resources by implicitly coding temporal order in terms of the relative activity of 2-D view category nodes, rather than as explicit 2-D view transitions. Variants of the VIEWNET architecture may also be used for scene understanding by using a preprocessor and classifier that can determine both What objects are in a scene and Where they are located. The present VIEWNET preprocessor includes the CORT-X 2 filter, which discounts the illuminant, regularizes and completes figural boundaries, and suppresses image noise. This boundary segmentation is rendered invariant under 2-D translation, rotation, and dilation by use of a log-polar transform. The invariant spectra undergo Gaussian coarse coding to further reduce noise and 3-D foreshortening effects, and to increase generalization. These compressed codes are input into the classifier, a supervised learning system based on the fuzzy ARTMAP algorithm. Fuzzy ARTMAP learns 2-D view categories that are invariant under 2-D image translation, rotation, and dilation as well as 3-D image transformations that do not cause a predictive error. Evidence from sequence of 2-D view categories converges at 3-D object nodes that generate a response invariant under changes of 2-D view. These 3-D object nodes input to a working memory that accumulates evidence over time to improve object recognition. ln the simplest working memory, each occurrence (nonoccurrence) of a 2-D view category increases (decreases) the corresponding node's activity in working memory. The maximally active node is used to predict the 3-D object. Recognition is studied with noisy and clean image using slow and fast learning. Slow learning at the fuzzy ARTMAP map field is adapted to learn the conditional probability of the 3-D object given the selected 2-D view category. VIEWNET is demonstrated on an MIT Lincoln Laboratory database of l28x128 2-D views of aircraft with and without additive noise. A recognition rate of up to 90% is achieved with one 2-D view and of up to 98.5% correct with three 2-D views. The properties of 2-D view and 3-D object category nodes are compared with those of cells in monkey inferotemporal cortex.


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This article describes how corollary discharges from outflow eye movement commands can be transformed by two stages of opponent neural processing into a head-centered representation of 3-D target position. This representation implicitly defines a cyclopean coordinate system whose variables approximate the binocular vergence and spherical horizontal and vertical angles with respect to the observer's head. Various psychophysical data concerning binocular distance perception and reaching behavior are clarified by this representation. The representation provides a foundation for learning head-centered and body-centered invariant representations of both foveated and non-foveated 3-D target positions. It also enables a solution to be developed of the classical motor equivalence problem, whereby many different joint configurations of a redundant manipulator can all be used to realize a desired trajectory in 3-D space.