325 resultados para optoelectronic


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The electronic structure of modified chalcopyrite CuInS2 has been analyzed from first principles within the density functional theory. The host chalcopyrite has been modified by introducing atomic impurities M at substitutional sites in the lattice host with M = C, Si, Ge, Sn, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Rh, and Ir. Both substitutions M for In and M for Cu have been analyzed. The gap and ionization energies are obtained as a function of the M-S displacements. It is interesting for both spintronic and optoelectronic applications because it can provide significant information with respect to the pressure effect and the nonradiative recombination.


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The Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) semiconductor is a potential photovoltaic material due to its optoelectronic properties. These optoelectronic properties can be potentially improved by the insertion of intermediate states into the energy bandgap. We explore this possibility using Cr as an impurity. We carried out first-principles calculations within the density functional theory analyzing three substitutions: Cu, Sn, or Zn by Cr. In all cases, the Cr introduces a deeper band into the host energy bandgap. Depending on the substitution, this band is full, empty, or partially full. The absorption coefficients in the independent-particle approximation have also been obtained. Comparison between the pure and doped host's absorption coefficients shows that this deeper band opens more photon absorption channels and could therefo:e increase the solar-light absorption with respect to the host.


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The cadmium thioindate spinel CdIn2S4 semiconductor has potential applications for optoelectronic devices. We present a theoretical study of the structural and optoelectronic properties of the host and of the Cr-doped ternary spinel. For the host spinel, we analyze the direct or indirect character of the energy bandgap, the change of the energy bandgap with the anion displacement parameter and with the site cation distribution, and the optical properties. The main effect of the Cr doping is the creation of an intermediate band within the energy bandgap. The character and the occupation of this band are analyzed for two substitutions: Cr by In and Cr by Cd. This band permits more channels for the photon absorption. The optical properties are obtained and analyzed. The absorption coefficients are decomposed into contributions from the different absorption channels and from the inter-and intra-atomic components.


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Photoreflectance (PR) is a convenient characterization tool able to reveal optoelectronic properties of semiconductor materials and structures. It is a simple non-destructive and contactless technique which can be used in air at room temperature. We will present experimental results of the characterization carried out by means of PR on different types of advanced photovoltaic (PV) structures, including quantum-dot-based prototypes of intermediate band solar cells, quantum-well structures, highly mismatched alloys, and III?V-based multi-junction devices, thereby demonstrating the suitability of PR as a powerful diagnostic tool. Examples will be given to illustrate the value of this spectroscopic technique for PV including (i) the analysis of the PR spectra in search of critical points associated to absorption onsets; (ii) distinguishing signatures related to quantum confinement from those originating from delocalized band states; (iii) determining the intensity of the electric field related to built-in potentials at interfaces according to the Franz?Keldysh (FK) theory; and (v) determining the nature of different oscillatory PR signals among those ascribed to FK-oscillations, interferometric and photorefractive effects. The aim is to attract the interest of researchers in the field of PV to modulation spectroscopies, as they can be helpful in the analysis of their devices.


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Ordered arrays of III-Nitride nanocolumns are excellent candidates for the fabrication of nano-optoelectronic devices. Different technologies such as e-beam lithography or colloidal lithography, have been used to obtain ordered arrays. All these technologies have in common several processing steps that can affect the crystalline growth of the nanocolumns. In this work, we present a single lithographic step that permits to grow ordered GaN nanocolumns with different geometries. The patterning is based in the use of a focused ion beam with different doses. With this method has been possible to create GaN nanopillars and nanocylinders.


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The use of GaAsSbN capping layers on InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) has recently been proposed for micro- and optoelectronic applications for their ability to independently tailor electron and hole confinement potentials. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the structural and compositional changes associated with the process of simultaneous Sb and N incorporation. In the present work, we have characterized using transmission electron microscopy techniques the effects of adding N in the GaAsSb/InAs/GaAs QD system. Firstly, strain maps of the regions away from the InAs QDs had revealed a huge reduction of the strain fields with the N incorporation but a higher inhomogeneity, which points to a composition modulation enhancement with the presence of Sb-rich and Sb-poor regions in the range of a few nanometers. On the other hand, the average strain in the QDs and surroundings is also similar in both cases. It could be explained by the accumulation of Sb above the QDs, compensating the tensile strain induced by the N incorporation together with an In-Ga intermixing inhibition. Indeed, compositional maps of column resolution from aberration-corrected Z-contrast images confirmed that the addition of N enhances the preferential deposition of Sb above the InAs QD, giving rise to an undulation of the growth front. As an outcome, the strong redshift in the photoluminescence spectrum of the GaAsSbN sample cannot be attributed only to the N-related reduction of the conduction band offset but also to an enhancement of the effect of Sb on the QD band structure.


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The drag-flick is more efficient than hits or pushes when a penalty corner situation is in effect in field hockey. Previous research has studied the biomechanical pattern of the drag-flick, trying to find the cues for an optimal performance. On the other hand, some other studies have examined the most effective visual pick-up of relevant information in shots and goalkeeper anticipation. The aim of this study was to analyse the individual differences in the drag-flick pattern in order to provide relevant information for goalkeepers. One female skilled drag-flicker participated in the study. A VICON optoelectronic sy stem (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) was used to capture the drag-flicks with six cameras. The results showed that the main significant differences between right and left shots (p<0.05) in the stick angles, stick minimum angular velocity and front foot-ball distance were when the front foot heel contacted the floor(T1) and at the minimum velocity of the stick, before the dragging action (T3). The findings showed that the most relevant information might be picked up at the ball-and-stick location before the dragging action.


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The penalty corner is one of the most important goal plays in field hockey. The drag-flick is used less by women than men in a penalty corner. The aim of this study was to describe training-induced changes in the drag-flick technique in female field hockey players. Four female players participated in the study. The VICON optoelectronic system (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) measured the kinematic parameters of the drag-flick with six cameras sampling at 250 Hz, prior to and after training. Fifteen shots were captured for each subject. A Wilcoxon test assessed the differences between pre-training and post-training parameters. Two players received specific training twice a week for 8 weeks; the other two players did not train. The proposed drills improved the position of the stick at the beginning of the shot (p<0.05), the total distance of the shot (p<0.05)and the rotation radius at ball release (p<0.01). It was noted that all players had lost speed of the previous run. Further studies should include a larger sample, in order to provide more information on field hockey performance.


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A relevant issue concerning optoelectronic devices based on III-nitrides is the presence of strong polarization fields that may reduce efficiency.


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A design for obtaining memory in optical bistability with liquid crystals is reported. This design uses optical feedback on a twisted nematie liquid crystal ( TNLC ) through an optoelectronic system. A constant input light is the read-out and its value depends on the desired initial working point, usually at the bottom of the T(V) vs. V curve. Light levels depend on the feedback. An input light pulse change the working point to the top of the transmission curve. When this pulse vanishes, the working point remains at the upper part of the curve. Hence a memory function is obtained. Minimum pulse width needed was 1msec. ON-OPF ratio was 100:3.


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After a brief review of some old concepts getting application when new technologies have been developed, this paper offers a short review to some optical bistability concepts. It is shown how different concepts can be employed today in many fields, after being considered as inconvenient when they were found. Some practical applications and some proposals will be reported.


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We present a theoretical study of the structural and electronic properties of the M-doped MgIn2S4 ternary spinel semiconductor with M = V, Cr, and Mn. All substitutions, in the normal and in the inverse structure, are analyzed. Some of these possible substitutions present intermediate-band states in the band gap with a different occupation for a spin component. It increases the possibilities of inter-band transitions and could be interesting for applications in optoelectronic devices. The contribution to, and the electronic configuration of, these intermediate bands for the octahedral and tetrahedral sites is analyzed and discussed. The study of the substitutional energies indicates that these substitutions are favorable. Comparison between the pure and doped hosts absorption coefficients shows that this deeper band opens up more photon absorption channels and could therefore increase the solar-light absorption with respect to the host.


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In this study, we present a structural and optoelectronic characterization of high dose Ti implanted Si subsequently pulsed-laser melted (Ti supersaturated Si). Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis reveals that the theoretical Mott limit has been surpassed after the laser process and transmission electron microscopy images show a good lattice reconstruction. Optical characterization shows strong sub-band gap absorption related to the high Ti concentration. Photoconductivity measurements show that Ti supersaturated Si presents spectral response orders of magnitude higher than unimplanted Si at energies below the band gap. We conclude that the observed below band gap photoconductivity cannot be attributed to structural defects produced by the fabrication processes and suggest that both absorption coefficient of the new material and lifetime of photoexcited carriers have been enhanced due to the presence of a high Ti concentration. This remarkable result proves that Ti supersaturated Si is a promising material for both infrared detectors and high efficiency photovoltaic devices.


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Raman scattering of Si nanowires (NWs) presents antenna effects. The electromagnetic resonance depends on the electromagnetic coupling of the system laser/NW/substrate. The antenna effect of the Raman signal was measured in individual NWs deposited on different substrates, and also free standing NWs in air. The one phonon Raman band in NWs can reach high intensities depending on the system configuration; values of Raman intensity per unit volume more than a few hundred times with respect to bulk substrate can be obtainedRaman scattering of Si nanowires (NWs) presents antenna effects. The electromagnetic resonance depends on the electromagnetic coupling of the system laser/NW/substrate. The antenna effect of the Raman signal was measured in individual NWs deposited on different substrates, and also free standing NWs in air. The one phonon Raman band in NWs can reach high intensities depending on the system configuration; values of Raman intensity per unit volume more than a few hundred times with respect to bulk substrate can be obtained


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La presente tesis fue ideada con el objetivo principal de fabricar y caracterizar fotodiodos Schottky en capas de ZnMgO y en estructuras de pozo cuántico ZnMgO/ZnO para la detección de luz UV. La elección de este material semiconductor vino motivada por la posibilidad que ofrece de detectar y procesar señales simultáneamente, en un amplio margen de longitudes de onda, al igual que su más directo competidor el GaN. En esta memoria se da en primer lugar una visión general de las propiedades estructurales y ópticas del ZnO, prestando especial atención a su ternario ZnMgO y a las estructuras de pozo cuántico ZnMgO/ZnO. Además, se han desarrollado los conocimientos teóricos necesarios para una mejor compresión y discusión de los resultados alcanzados. En lo que respecta a los resultados de esta memoria, en esencia, estos se dividen en dos bloques. Fotodiodos desarrollados sobre capas delgadas de ZnMgO no-polar, y sobre estructuras de pozo cuántico de ZnMgO/ZnO no-polares y semipolares Fotodiodos de capas delgadas de ZnMgO. Es bien conocido que la adición de Mg a la estructura cristalina del ZnO desplaza el borde de absorción hacia energías mayores en el UV. Se ha aprovechado esto para fabricar fotodiodos Schottky sobre capas de ZnMgO crecidas por MOCVD y MBE, los cuales detecten en un ventana de energías comprendida entre 3.3 a 4.6 eV. Sobre las capas de ZnMgO, con diferentes contenidos de Mg(5.6-18.0 %), crecidas por MOCVD se han fabricado fotodiodos Schottky. Se han estudiado en detalle las curvas corrientevoltaje (I-V). Seguidamente, se ha realizado un análisis de la respuesta espectral bajo polarización inversa. Tanto los valores de responsividad obtenidos como el contraste UV/VIS están claramente aumentados por la presencia de ganancia. Paralelamente, se han realizado medidas de espectroscopia de niveles profundos (DLOS), identificándose la presencia de dos niveles profundos de carácter aceptor. El papel desempeñado por estos en la ganancia ha sido analizado meticulosamente. Se ha demostrado que cuando estos son fotoionizados son responsables directos del gran aumento de la corriente túnel que se produce a través de la barrera Schottky, dando lugar a la presencia de la ganancia observada, que además resulta ser función del flujo de fotones incidente. Para extender el rango detección hasta 4.6 eV se fabricaron fotodiodos sobre capas de ZnMgO de altísima calidad cristalina crecidas por MBE. Sobre estos se ha realizado un riguroso análisis de las curvas I-V y de las curvas capacidad-voltaje (CV), para posteriormente identificar los niveles profundos presentes en el material, mediante la técnica de DLOS. Así mismo se ha medido la respuesta espectral de los fotodetectores, la cual muestra un corte abrupto y un altísimo contraste UV/VIS. Además, se ha demostrado como estos son perfectos candidatos para la detección de luz en la región ciega al Sol. Por otra parte, se han fabricado fotodiodos MSM sobre estas mismas capas. Se han estudiado las principales figuras de mérito de estos, observándose unas corrientes bajas de oscuridad, un contraste UV/VIS de 103, y la presencia de fotocorriente persistente. Fotodiodos Schottky de pozos cuánticos de ZnO/ZnMgO. En el segundo bloque de esta memoria, con el objeto final de clarificar el impacto que tiene el tratamiento del H2O2 sobre las características optoelectrónicas de los dispositivos, se ha realizado un estudio detallado, en el que se han analizado por separado fotodiodos tratados y no tratados con H2O2, fabricados sobre pozos cuánticos de ZnMgO/ZnO. Se ha estudiado la respuesta espectral en ambos casos, observándose la presencia de ganancia en los dos. A través de un análisis meticuloso de las características electrónicas y optoeletrónicas de los fotodiodos, se han identificado dos mecanismos de ganancia internos diferentes en función de que la muestra sea tratada o no-tratada. Se han estudiado fotodetectores sensibles a la polarización de la luz (PSPDs) usando estructuras de pozo cuántico no-polares y semipolares sobre sustratos de zafiro y sustratos de ZnO. En lo que respecta a los PSPDs sobre zafiro, en los cuales el pozo presenta una tensión acumulada en el plano, se ha visto que el borde de absorción se desplaza _E _21 meV con respecto a luz linealmente polarizada perpendicular y paralela al eje-c, midiéndose un contraste (RE || c /RE c)max _ 6. Con respecto a los PSPDs crecidos sobre ZnO, los cuales tienen el pozo relajado, se ha obtenido un 4E _30-40, y 21 meV para las heteroestructuras no-polar y semipolar, respectivamente. Además el máximo contraste de responsividad fue de (RE || c /RE c)max _ 6 . Esta sensibilidad a la polarización de la luz ha sido explicada en términos de las transiciones excitónicas entre la banda de conducción y las tres bandas de valencia. ABSTRACT The main goal of the present thesis is the fabrication and characterization of Schottky photodiodes based on ZnMgO layers and ZnMgO / ZnO quantum wells (QWs) for the UV detection. The decision of choosing this semiconductor was mainly motivated by the possibility it offers of detecting and processing signals simultaneously in a wide range of wavelengths like its main competitor GaN. A general overview about the structural and optical properties of ZnO, ZnMgO layers and ZnMgO/ZnO QWs is given in the first part of this thesis. Besides, it is shown the necessary theoretical knowledge for a better understanding of the discussion presented here. The results of this thesis may be divided in two parts. On the one hand, the first part is based on studying non-polar ZnMgO photodiodes. On the other hand, the second part is focused on the characterization of non-polar and semipolar ZnMgO / ZnO QWs Schottky photodiodes. ZnMgO photodiodes. It is well known that the addition of Mg in the crystal structure of ZnO results in a strong blue-shift of the ZnO band-gap. Taking into account this fact Schottky photodiodes were fabricated on ZnMgO layers grown by MOCVD and MBE. Concerning ZnMgO layers grown by MOCVD, a series of Schottky photodiodes were fabricated, by varying the Mg content from 5.6% to 18 %. Firstly, it has been studied in detail the current-voltage curves. Subsequently, spectral response was analyzed at reverse bias voltage. Both the rejection ratio and the responsivity are shown to be largely enhanced by the presence of an internal gain mechanism. Simultaneously, measurements of deep level optical spectroscopy were carried out, identifying the presence of two acceptor-like deep levels. The role played for these in the gain observed was studied in detail. It has been demonstrated that when these are photoionized cause a large increase in the tunnel current through the Schottky barrier, yielding internal gains that are a function of the incident photon flux. In order to extend the detection range up to 4.6 eV, photodiodes ZnMgO grown by MBE were fabricated. An exhaustive analysis of the both I-V and CV characteristics was performed. Once again, deep levels were identified by using the technique DLOS. Furthermore, the spectral response was measured, observing sharp absorption edges and high UV/VIS rejections ratio. The results obtained have confirmed these photodiodes are excellent candidates for the light detection in the solar-blind region. In addition, MSM photodiodes have also been fabricated on the same layers. The main figures of merit have been studied, showing low dark currents, a large UV/VIS rejection ratio and persistent photocurrent. ZnMgO/ZnO QWs photodiodes. The second part was focused on ZnMgO/ ZnO QWs. In order to clarify the impact of the H2O2 treatment on the performance of the Schottky diodes, a comparative study using treated and untreated ZnMgO/ZnO photodiodes has been carried out. The spectral response in both cases has shown the presence of gain, under reverse bias. Finally, by means of the analysis of electronic and optoelectronic characteristics, two different internal gain mechanisms have been indentified in treated and non-treated material. Light polarization-sensitive UV photodetectors (PSPDs) using non-polar and semipolar ZnMgO/ZnO multiple quantum wells grown both on sapphire and ZnO substrates have been demonstrated. For the PSPDs grown on sapphire with anisotropic biaxial in-plain strain, the responsivity absorption edge shifts by _E _21 meV between light polarized perpendicular and parallel to the c-axis, and the maximum responsivity contrast is (RE || c /RE c)max _ 6 . For the PSPDs grown on ZnO, with strain-free quantum wells, 4E _30-40, and 21 meV for non-polar and semipolar heterostructures, and maximum (R /R||)max _10. for non-polar heterostructure was achieved. These light polarization sensitivities have been explained in terms of the excitonic transitions between the conduction and the three valence bands.