969 resultados para metal oxide


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High-kappa TiO2 thin films have been fabricated using cost effective sol-gel and spin-coating technique on p-Si (100) wafer. Plasma activation process was used for better adhesion between TiO2 films and Si. The influence of annealing temperature on the structure-electrical properties of titania films were investigated in detail. Both XRD and Raman studies indicate that the anatase phase crystallizes at 400 degrees C, retaining its structural integrity up to 1000 degrees C. The thickness of the deposited films did not vary significantly with the annealing temperature, although the refractive index and the RMS roughness enhanced considerably, accompanied by a decrease in porosity. For electrical measurements, the films were integrated in metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure. The electrical measurements evoke a temperature dependent dielectric constant with low leakage current density. The Capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of the films annealed at 400 degrees C exhibited a high value of dielectric constant (similar to 34). Further, frequency dependent C-V measurements showed a huge dispersion in accumulation capacitance due to the presence of TiO2/Si interface states and dielectric polarization, was found to follow power law dependence on frequency (with exponent `s'=0.85). A low leakage current density of 3.6 x 10(-7) A/cm(2) at 1 V was observed for the films annealed at 600 degrees C. The results of structure-electrical properties suggest that the deposition of titania by wet chemical method is more attractive and cost-effective for production of high-kappa materials compared to other advanced deposition techniques such as sputtering, MBE, MOCVD and AID. The results also suggest that the high value of dielectric constant kappa obtained at low processing temperature expands its scope as a potential dielectric layer in MOS device technology. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report the magnetic-field-dependent shift of the electron chemical potential in bulk, n-type GaAs at room temperature. A transient voltage of similar to 100 mu V was measured across a Au-Al2O3-GaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor in a pulsed magnetic field of similar to 6 T. Several spurious voltages larger than the signal that had plagued earlier researchers performing similar experiments were carefully eliminated. The itinerant magnetic susceptibility of GaAs is extracted from the experimentally measured data for four different doping densities, including one as low as 5 x 10(15) cm(-3). Though the susceptibility in GaAs is dominated by Landau-Peierls diamagnetism, the experimental technique demonstrated can be a powerful tool for extracting the total free carrier magnetization of any electron system. The method is also virtually independent of the carrier concentration and is expected to work better in the nondegenerate limit. Such experiments had been successfully performed in two-dimensional electron gases at cryogenic temperatures. However, an unambiguous report on having observed this effect in any three-dimensional electron gas has been lacking. We highlight the 50 year old literature of various trials and discuss the key details of our experiment that were essential for its success. The technique can be used to unambiguously yield only the itinerant part of the magnetic susceptibility of complex materials such as magnetic semiconductors and hexaborides, and thus shed light on the origin of ferromagnetism in such systems.


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Nanomaterials-based enzyme mimetics (nanozymes) have attracted considerable interest due to their applications in imaging, diagnostics, and therapeutic treatments. Particularly, metal-oxide nanozymes have been shown to mimic the interesting redox properties and biological activities of metalloenzymes. Here we describe an efficient synthesis of MnFe2O4 nanomaterials and show how the morphology can be controlled by using a simple co-precipitation method. The nanomaterials prepared by this method exhibit a remarkable oxidase-like activity. Interestingly, the activity is morphology-dependent, with nanooctahedra (NOh) exhibiting a catalytic efficiency of 2.21 x 10(9) M-1 s(-1), the highest activity ever reported for a nanozyme.


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Quantifying and characterising atomic defects in nanocrystals is difficult and low-throughput using the existing methods such as high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). In this article, using a defocused wide-field optical imaging technique, we demonstrate that a single ultrahigh-piezoelectric ZnO nanorod contains a single defect site. We model the observed dipole-emission patterns from optical imaging with a multi-dimensional dipole and find that the experimentally observed dipole pattern and model-calculated patterns are in excellent agreement. This agreement suggests the presence of vertically oriented degenerate-transition-dipoles in vertically aligned ZnO nanorods. The HRTEM of the ZnO nanorod shows the presence of a stacking fault, which generates a localised quantum well induced degenerate-transition-dipole. Finally, we elucidate that defocused wide-field imaging can be widely used to characterise defects in nanomaterials to answer many difficult questions concerning the performance of low-dimensional devices, such as in energy harvesting, advanced metal-oxide-semiconductor storage, and nanoelectromechanical and nanophotonic devices.


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We demonstrate all inorganic, robust, cost-effective, spin-coated, two-terminal capacitive memory metal-oxide nanoparticle-oxide-semiconductor devices with cadmium telluride nanoparticles sandwiched between aluminum oxide phosphate layers to form the dielectric memory stack. Using a novel high-speed circuit to decouple reading and writing, experimentally measured memory windows, programming voltages, retention times, and endurance are comparable with or better than the two-terminal memory devices realized using other fabrication techniques.


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The high-kappa gate dielectrics, specifically amorphous films offer salient features such as exceptional mechanical flexibility, smooth surfaces and better uniformity associated with low leakage current density. In this work, similar to 35 nm thick amorphous ZrO2 films were deposited on silicon substrate at low temperature (300 degrees C, 1 h) from facile spin-coating method and characterized by various analytical techniques. The X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveal the formation of amorphous phase ZrO2, while ellipsometry analysis together with the Atomic Force Microscope suggest the formation of dense film with surface roughness of 1.5 angstrom, respectively. The fabricated films were integrated in metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structures to check the electrical capabilities. The oxide capacitance (C-ox), flat band capacitance (C-FB), flat band voltage (V-FB), dielectric constant (kappa) and oxide trapped charges (Q(ot)) extracted from high frequency (1 MHz) C-V curve are 186 pF, 104 pF, 0.37V, 15 and 2 x 10(-11) C, respectively. The small flat band voltage 0.37V, narrow hysteresis and very little frequency dispersion between 10 kHz-1 MHz suggest an excellent a-ZrO2/Si interface with very less trapped charges in the oxide. The films exhibit a low leakage current density 4.7 x 10(-9)A/cm(2) at 1V. In addition, the charge transport mechanism across the MOSC is analyzed and found to have a strong bias dependence. The space charge limited conduction mechanism is dominant in the high electric field region (1.3-5 V) due to the presence of traps, while the trap-supported tunneling is prevailed in the intermediate region (0.35-1.3 V). Low temperature solution processed ZrO2 thin films obtained are of high quality and find their importance as a potential dielectric layer on Si and polymer based flexible electronics. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We report the tunable dielectric constant of titania films with low leakage current density. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) films of three different thicknesses (36, 63 and 91 nm) were deposited by the consecutive steps of solution preparation, spin-coating, drying, and firing at different temperatures. The problem of poor adhesion between Si substrate and TiO2 insulating layer was resolved by using the plasma activation process. The surface roughness was found to increase with increasing thickness and annealing temperature. The electrical investigation was carried out using metal-oxide-semiconductor structure. The flat band voltage (V-FB), oxide trapped charge (Q(ot)), dielectric constant (kappa) and equivalent oxide thicknesses are calculated from capacitance-voltage (C-V) curves. The C-V characteristics indicate a thickness dependent dielectric constant. The dielectric constant increases from 31 to 78 as thickness increases from 36 to 91 nm. In addition to that the dielectric constant was found to be annealing temperature and frequency dependent. The films having thickness 91 nm and annealed at 600 A degrees C shows the low leakage current density. Our study provides a broad insight of the processing parameters towards the use of titania as high-kappa insulating layer, which might be useful in Si and polymer based flexible devices.


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Recently ZnO nanowire films have been used in very promising and inexpensive dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). It was found that the performance of the devices can be enhanced by functionalising the nanowires with a thin metal oxide coating. This nm-scale shell is believed to tailor the electronic structure of the nanowire, and help the absorption of the dye. Core-shell ZnO nanowire structures are synthesised at low temperature (below 120°C) by consecutive hydrothermal growth steps. Different materials are investigated for the coating, including Mg, Al, Cs and Zr oxides. High resolution TEM is used to characterise the quality of both the nanowire core and the shell, and to monitor the thickness and the degree of crystallisation of the oxide coating. The interface between the nanowire core and the outer shell is investigated in order to understand the adhesion of the coating, and give valuable feedback for the synthesis process. Nanowire films are packaged into dye-sensitised solar cell prototypes; samples coated with ZrO2 and MgO show the largest enhancement in the photocurrent and open-circuit voltage and look very promising for further improvement. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) has the inherent property of separating CO2 from flue gases. Instead of air, it uses an oxygen-carrier, usually in the form of a metal oxide, to provide oxygen for combustion. When used for the combustion of gaseous fuels, such as natural gas, or synthesis gas from the gasification of coal, the technique gives a stream of CO2 which, on an industrial scale, would be sufficiently pure for geological sequestration. An important issue is the form of the metal oxide, since it must retain its reactivity through many cycles of complete reduction and oxidation. Here, we report on the rates of oxidation of one constituent of synthesis gas, H2, by co-precipitated mixtures of CuO+Al2O3 using a laboratory-scale fluidised bed. To minimise the influence of external mass transfer, and also of errors in the measurement of [H2], particles sized to 355-500μm were used at low [H2], with the temperature ranging from 450 to 900°C. Under such conditions, the reaction was slow enough for meaningful measurements of the intrinsic kinetics to be made. The reaction was found to be first order with respect to H2. Above ∼800°C, the reaction of CuO was fast and conformed to the shrinking core mechanism, proceeding via the intermediate, Cu2O, in: 2CuO+H2→Cu2O+H2O, ΔH1073 K0=- 116.8 kJ/mol; Cu2O+H2→2Cu+H2O, ΔH1073 K0-80.9 kJ/mol. After oxidation of the products Cu and Cu2O back to CuO, the kinetics in subsequent cycles of chemical looping oxidation of H2 could be approximated by those in the first. Interestingly, the carrier was found to react at temperatures as low as 300°C. The influence of the number of cycles of reduction and oxidation is explored. Comparisons are drawn with previous work using reduction by CO. Finally, these results indicate that the kinetics of reaction of the oxygen carrier with gasifier synthesis gases is very much faster than rates of gasification of the original fuel. © 2010 The Institution of Chemical Engineers.


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Optical microscopy is an essential tool in biological science and one of the gold standards for medical examinations. Miniaturization of microscopes can be a crucial stepping stone towards realizing compact, cost-effective and portable platforms for biomedical research and healthcare. This thesis reports on implementations of bright-field and fluorescence chip-scale microscopes for a variety of biological imaging applications. The term “chip-scale microscopy” refers to lensless imaging techniques realized in the form of mass-producible semiconductor devices, which transforms the fundamental design of optical microscopes.

Our strategy for chip-scale microscopy involves utilization of low-cost Complementary metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensors, computational image processing and micro-fabricated structural components. First, the sub-pixel resolving optofluidic microscope (SROFM), will be presented, which combines microfluidics and pixel super-resolution image reconstruction to perform high-throughput imaging of fluidic samples, such as blood cells. We discuss design parameters and construction of the device, as well as the resulting images and the resolution of the device, which was 0.66 µm at the highest acuity. The potential applications of SROFM for clinical diagnosis of malaria in the resource-limited settings is discussed.

Next, the implementations of ePetri, a self-imaging Petri dish platform with microscopy resolution, are presented. Here, we simply place the sample of interest on the surface of the image sensor and capture the direct shadow images under the illumination. By taking advantage of the inherent motion of the microorganisms, we achieve high resolution (~1 µm) imaging and long term culture of motile microorganisms over ultra large field-of-view (5.7 mm × 4.4 mm) in a specialized ePetri platform. We apply the pixel super-resolution reconstruction to a set of low-resolution shadow images of the microorganisms as they move across the sensing area of an image sensor chip and render an improved resolution image. We perform longitudinal study of Euglena gracilis cultured in an ePetri platform and image based analysis on the motion and morphology of the cells. The ePetri device for imaging non-motile cells are also demonstrated, by using the sweeping illumination of a light emitting diode (LED) matrix for pixel super-resolution reconstruction of sub-pixel shifted shadow images. Using this prototype device, we demonstrate the detection of waterborne parasites for the effective diagnosis of enteric parasite infection in resource-limited settings.

Then, we demonstrate the adaptation of a smartphone’s camera to function as a compact lensless microscope, which uses ambient illumination as its light source and does not require the incorporation of a dedicated light source. The method is also based on the image reconstruction with sweeping illumination technique, where the sequence of images are captured while the user is manually tilting the device around any ambient light source, such as the sun or a lamp. Image acquisition and reconstruction is performed on the device using a custom-built android application, constructing a stand-alone imaging device for field applications. We discuss the construction of the device using a commercial smartphone and demonstrate the imaging capabilities of our system.

Finally, we report on the implementation of fluorescence chip-scale microscope, based on a silo-filter structure fabricated on the pixel array of a CMOS image sensor. The extruded pixel design with metal walls between neighboring pixels successfully guides fluorescence emission through the thick absorptive filter to the photodiode layer of a pixel. Our silo-filter CMOS image sensor prototype achieves 13-µm resolution for fluorescence imaging over a wide field-of-view (4.8 mm × 4.4 mm). Here, we demonstrate bright-field and fluorescence longitudinal imaging of living cells in a compact, low-cost configuration.


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Oxygenic photosynthesis fundamentally transformed our planet by releasing molecular oxygen and altering major biogeochemical cycles, and this exceptional metabolism relies on a redox-active cubane cluster of four manganese atoms. Not only is manganese essential for producing oxygen, but manganese is also only oxidized by oxygen and oxygen-derived species. Thus the history of manganese oxidation provides a valuable perspective on our planet’s environmental past, the ancient availability of oxygen, and the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. Broadly, the general trends of the geologic record of manganese deposition is a chronicle of ancient manganese oxidation: manganese is introduced into the fluid Earth as Mn(II) and it will remain only a trace component in sedimentary rocks until it is oxidized, forming Mn(III,IV) insoluble precipitates that are concentrated in the rock record. Because these manganese oxides are highly favorable electron acceptors, they often undergo reduction in sediments through anaerobic respiration and abiotic reaction pathways.

The following dissertation presents five chapters investigating manganese cycling both by examining ancient examples of manganese enrichments in the geologic record and exploring the mineralogical products of various pathways of manganese oxide reduction that may occur in sediments. The first chapter explores the mineralogical record of manganese and reports abundant manganese reduction recorded in six representative manganese-enriched sedimentary sequences. This is followed by a second chapter that further analyzes the earliest significant manganese deposit 2.4 billon years ago, and determines that it predated the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis and thus is supporting evidence for manganese-oxidizing photosynthesis as an evolutionary precursor prior to oxygenic photosynthesis. The lack of oxygen during this early manganese deposition was partially established using oxygen-sensitive detrital grains, and so a third chapter delves into what these grains mean for oxygen constraints using a mathematical model. The fourth chapter returns to processes affecting manganese post-deposition, and explores the relationships between manganese mineral products and (bio)geochemical reduction processes to understand how various manganese minerals can reveal ancient environmental conditions and biological metabolisms. Finally, a fifth chapter considers whether manganese can be mobilized and enriched in sedimentary rocks and determines that manganese was concentrated secondarily in a 2.5 billion-year-old example from South Africa. Overall, this thesis demonstrates how microbial processes, namely photosynthesis and metal oxide-reducing metabolisms, are linked to and recorded in the rich complexity of the manganese mineralogical record.


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To study working mechanism of super-resolution near-field structure (super-RENS) optical disk from a far-field optics view is very necessary because of the actual far-field writing/readout process in the optical disk system. A Gaussian diffraction model based on Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction theory of PtOx-type super-RENS has been set up in this Letter. The relationship between micro-structural deformation (change of bubble structure and refractive index profile) with far-field optical response of PtOx thin film has been studied with it in detail. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results reported in literatures with a designed configuration. These results may provide more quantitative information for better understanding of the working mechanism of metal-oxide-type super-RENS. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ultrasmoothness of diamond-like carbon coatings is explained by an atomistic/continuum multiscale model. At the atomic scale, carbon ion impacts induce downhill currents in the top layer of a growing film. At the continuum scale, these currents cause a rapid smoothing of initially rough substrates by erosion of hills into neighboring hollows. The predicted surface evolution is in excellent agreement with atomic force microscopy measurements. This mechanism is general, as shown by similar simulations for amorphous silicon. It explains the recently reported smoothing of multilayers and amorphous transition metal oxide films and underlines the general importance of impact-induced downhill currents for ion deposition, polishing, and nanopattering.


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Smart chemical sensor based on CMOS(complementary metal-oxide- semiconductor) compatible SOI(silicon on insulator) microheater platform was realized by facilitating ZnO nanowires growth on the small membrane at the relatively low temperature. Our SOI microheater platform can be operated at the very low power consumption with novel metal oxide sensing materials, like ZnO or SnO2 nanostructured materials which demand relatively high sensing temperature. In addition, our sol-gel growth method of ZnO nanowires on the SOI membrane was found to be very effective compared with ink-jetting or CVD growth techniques. These combined techniques give us the possibility of smart chemical sensor technology easily merged into the conventional semiconductor IC application. The physical properties of ZnO nanowire network grown by the solution-based method and its chemical sensing property also were reported in this paper.


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There is a clear and increasing interest in short time annealing processing far below one second, i.e. the lower limit of Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) called spike annealing. This was driven by the need of suppressing the so-called Transient Enhanced Diffusion in advanced boronimplanted shallow pn-junctions in silicon technology. Meanwhile the interest in flash lamp annealing (FLA) in the millisecond range spread out into other fields related to silicon technology and beyond. This paper reports on recent experiments regarding shallow junction engineering in germanium, annealing of ITO layers on glass and plastic foil to form an conductive layer as well as investigations which we did during the last years in the field of wide band gap semiconductor materials (SiC, ZnO). A more common feature evolving from our work was related to the modeling of wafer stress during millisecond thermal processing with flash lamps. Finally recent achievements in the field of silicon-based light emission basing on Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Light Emitting Devices will be reported. © 2007 IEEE.