751 resultados para current problems in early childhood education


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This study aimed to investigate the structural content of an essential stimulation program at one APAE from Parana State. his institution has been working for 43 years and it has 420 students enrolled. It was a documentary analysis of the pedagogical project of this institution, whose collection started after the approval of a local ethics committee, held with a previously developed protocol for this purpose. After the content analysis, it was possible to establish three categories related to this program operation, the conception of development present in it and place illed by language and by inclusion. he results indicated that, in order to be enrolled, children must present prenatal, neonatal and postnatal antecedents that entail problems of intellectual, motor, sensorial and language nature. he program is considered as a stage in early childhood education, but the language is not a structural content of this phase. It is a subarea of the development to be crafted with interventions directed to motor aspects of speech, breathing and communication. Finally, the concept of child development is complemented with other areas, also disjointed: sensory-perceptive; self-care; motor and social-emotional. We conclude that, although it is presented as an educational stage, in the essential stimulation of the analyzed institution, a clinical-specialized character predominates, consistent with the conceptions of development present in the document, but not with advances in relation to the concept of human development in the context of Inclusive Education and diversity.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Historicamente, em nosso contexto educacional, a atuação de docentes na Educação Infantil (EI) e nas Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental (SIEF) sempre esteve relacionada a um predomínio feminino, porém, muito recentemente, é possível observar um movimento de entrada de alunos do sexo masculino nos cursos de Pedagogia e, consequentemente, em salas de aula na EI e SIEF. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa investigou os desafios enfrentados por esses sujeitos que se inserem em um universo predominantemente feminino, buscando desvelar se há indícios de preconceito ou mesmo de estigma, relacionados às questões de gênero. Para tanto, contou com sujeitos homens na graduação em Pedagogia, professores homens na Educação Infantil e nas Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, atuantes no estado de SP, na capital e cidades do entorno. Com uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre o conceito de gênero e suas relações e, também, acerca da feminização do magistério, a pesquisa objetivou compreender e problematizar os significados entre as relações de gênero dos locais nos quais se inserem os sujeitos pesquisados. De maneira específica, a investigação buscou responder às seguintes indagações relacionadas aos alunos de pedagogia e aos professores: Por que a escolha pelo curso de Pedagogia? Por que estudar/atuar em um campo predominantemente feminino, podendo, assim, sofrer preconceito? Ser homem nesse campo muda o significado da formação e atuação? Para responder a essas inquietações, a dissertação foi composta por metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, com a aplicação de questionário para elaboração de perfil, além de entrevistas gravadas com um roteiro previamente estruturado. Foram entrevistados 22 sujeitos: 10 (5 homens e 5 mulheres) são alunos e alunas de cursos de Pedagogia e 12 (6 homens e 6 mulheres) são professores e professoras em escolas de EI e SIEF. As análises realizadas apontam que, de um modo geral, a entrada dos homens na pedagogia e a sua reinserção no exercício docente nesses segmentos da educação provocam reações de preconceito e estigma. Ao constatar isso, nossa indagação ficou em torno de buscar como essas reações ocorrem para com os sujeitos entrevistados, discutindo as relações de gênero, e masculinidade em ambientes feminizados. Através dessas discussões, trouxemos uma pequena contribuição para a área acadêmica, no que diz respeito à masculinidade e docência.


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Infants and young children are at particular risk of iron deficiency and its associated consequences for growth and development. The main objectives of this thesis were to quantify iron intakes, status and determinants of status in two year olds; explore determinants of neonatal iron stores; investigate associations between iron status at birth and two years with neurodevelopmental outcomes at two years and explore the influence of growth on iron status in early childhood, using data from the Cork BASELINE (Babies after SCOPE: Evaluating Longitudinal Impact using Neurological and Nutritional Endpoints) Birth Cohort Study (n=2137). Participants were followed prospectively with interviewer-led questionnaires and clinical assessments at day 2 and at 2, 6, 12 and 24 months. At two years, there was a low prevalence of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in this cohort, representing the largest study of iron status in toddlers in Europe, to date. The increased consumption of iron-fortified products and compliance with recommendations to limit unmodified cows’ milk intakes in toddlers has contributed to the observed improvements in status. Low serum ferritin concentrations at birth, which reflect neonatal iron stores, were shown to track through to two years of age; delivery by Caesarean section, being born small-for-gestational age and maternal obesity and smoking in pregnancy were all associated with significantly lower neonatal iron stores. Despite a low prevalence of iron deficiency in this cohort, both a mean corpuscular volume <74fl and ferritin concentrations <20μg/l were associated with lower neurodevelopmental outcomes at two years. An inverse association between growth in the second year of life and iron status at two years was also observed. This thesis has presented data from one of the largest, extensively-characterised cohorts of young children, to date, to explore iron and its associations with growth and development.


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50 years after publishing his seminal work on play and its role in child development, Vygotskian theory is still highly influential in education, and particularly in early years. This paper presents two examples of full integration of Vygotskian principles into schools in two very different settings. Both report improvements in learning and in well-being, and exemplify the theory-practice-theory cycle, highlighting the development of new theoretical constructs arising out of putting theory firmly into practice. In both settings, the positive results have come from years of effort, in which school personnel who may have been skeptical at first, have been inspired by the impact of adopting Vygotskian play on the children they teach. The Northern Ireland study shows that at least some of the Golden Key principles (mixed-age play and enhanced home-school links) translate perfectly into very different cultural-historical contexts.


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The acquisition of everyday scientific concepts by 3-6 year old children attending early childhood institutions has been widely studied. In contrast, research on science learning processes among younger children is less extensive. This paper reports on findings from an exploratory empirical study undertaken in a ‘stay and play’ service used by parents with children aged 0-3 and located within an East London early childhood centre. The research team collaborated with practitioners to deliver a programme of activities aimed at encouraging parents’ confidence in their own ability to support emergent scientific thinking among their young children. The programme generated children’s engagement and interest. Parents and practitioners reported increased confidence in their ability to promote young children’s natural curiosity at home and in early childhood provision. The authors see no reason for positing qualitative differences between the way children acquire scientific and other concepts in their earliest years.


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Este trabalho teve como foco a presença da área de conhecimento música no curso Normal de duas escolas públicas do município de Pelotas/RS: O Instituto Estadual de Educação Assis Brasil e o Colégio Municipal Pelotense. Considerando que esta modalidade formativa habilita professores para o trabalho na educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, investigamos a educação musical que está sendo desenvolvida no curso Normal e em que concepções se apoia esta prática. Após seis anos de vigência da Lei 11.769/2008, que alterou o artigo 26 da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases de 1996 e incluiu a obrigatoriedade do ensino dos conteúdos de música dentro do componente curricular Arte, esta pesquisa compreendeu o processo de adaptação dos currículos escolares, as discussões em torno da atual legislação e as orientações por parte das mantenedoras, tendo em vista a referida Lei. Outra questão presente nesta pesquisa, refere-se à identificação do profissional responsável por trabalhar os conteúdos de música, já que a Lei 11.769/2008 excluiu, por meio de veto presidencial, o artigo que solicitava formação específica na área. Após o período do canto orfeônico no Brasil, as Leis de Diretrizes e Bases de 1961 e 1971, respectivamente, não ratificaram esta área de forma permanente nos currículos escolares. Em 1996, uma nova LDB, suscitaria novas esperanças aos professores de música e aos pesquisadores da área, no entanto, esta legislação não atendeu as expectativas dos profissionais ligados à música, permanecendo a educação musical ausente em muitos contextos educativos. A partir da Lei 11.769/2008, esta pesquisa objetivou identificar se a efetiva inclusão dos conteúdos de música na disciplina de Arte se concretizou, já que a LDB de 1996 não clarificou quais as áreas deveriam ser contempladas dentro deste componente curricular. Além desses aspectos, esta pesquisa também problematizou a atual situação do ensino de música no contexto geral das escolas estaduais e das instituições municipais de Pelotas/RS.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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The Trouble with Play is a radical departure from some of the ideas about play that are held dear by many in early childhood education. For many, play is considered essential to children's development and learning, and is often promoted as a universal and almost magical 'fix'. Although play does have many proven benefits for children, the authors show that play in the early years is not always innocent, fun and natural. Play can also be political and involve morals, ethics, values and power.


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Electronic Blocks are a new programming environment, designed specifically for children aged between three and eight years. As such, the design of the Electronic Block environment is firmly based on principles of developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education. The Electronic Blocks are physical, stackable blocks that include sensor blocks, action blocks and logic blocks. Evaluation of the Electronic Blocks with both preschool and primary school children shows that the blocks' ease of use and power of engagement have created a compelling tool for the introduction of meaningful technology education in an early childhood setting. The key to the effectiveness of the Electronic Blocks lies in an adherence to theories of development and learning throughout the Electronic Blocks design process.


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This paper explores concepts of desire and rhizomatic working through a series of intergenerational collaborative drawing episodes. Particularly, mother/daughter relationships are examined via drawings created by the author and her young daughter. Drawings hold on their surface unpredictable connections to things experienced, known, conceptualized and imagined. In the context of this paper desire is seen to drive adults and children into expressing and making a mark, to make an imprint. Here, the prompts that inform a drawing are regarded as a rhizomatic network of chaotic actions and thoughts that connect each drawer to the tools, the paper and each other in unpredictable and mutable ways. The paper concludes by discussing how these intergenerational collaborative drawing episodes offer opportunities to re-imagine relationships, communications and learning in early childhood education.


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Play has had a prominent position in early childhood education and care (ECEC) for over 200 years. As educators, we tend to talk about young children learning through play as a matter of fact. In our first national Early Years Learning Framework (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2009), play is promoted as the right of all children, an integral part of being a child and as the prime context for learning in the early years. While the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) defines its use of the term ‘play’, there are differing perspectives on what constitutes play, the relationship between play and learning,and the educator’s role in play. In this context, it might be interesting to go a little deeper, and to look at some different perspectives on play and learning.


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How to live sustainably is a topic of local, national and international importance. The Australian National Curriculum (ACARA, 2011) identifies sustainability as a cross-disciplinary strand, obligating teachers to build sustainability into their pedagogical practices. In early childhood education, the Early Years Learning Framework (2009) and more recently, the National Quality Framework (2011) provide impetus for early childhood education for sustainably (ECEfS). This article discusses ECEfS, but first, it addresses climate change putting this into a sustainability perspective.