430 resultados para Voluntariado - Volunteering


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En este trabajo se aborda el estudio de la lectura dialgica enmarcada en una ms amplia concepcin de aprendizaje que tiene sus fundamentos en las prcticas (comunidades de aprendizaje), teoras (Freire, Habermas, Searle) e investigaciones (includ-ed) ms relevantes de la actual sociedad de la informacin, situando en este nuevo contexto las aportaciones dialgicas anteriores. Esto permite entenderla como una instancia coordinante de las actividades de aprendizaje que realizan todas las personas que interaccionan con los nios, especialmente quienes conviven con ellos en las aulas y en los domicilios, es decir, el profesorado y las familias. Aqu se intenta demostrar cmo los centros que han adoptado esta concepcin de aprendizaje dialgico estn consiguiendo mejorar y acelerar el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura de todos los educandos con ms espacios y ms personas que las tradicionales de la escuela heredada de la sociedad industrial. Asmismo, se constata cmo se promueve la lectura de los familiares en casa y tambin en el espacio escolar a travs de las tertulias literarias dialgicas que consiguen que personas que nunca han ledo un libro disfruten de obras de Safo, Joyce o Lorca. Resulta auspiciosa, adems, la colaboracin directa de familiares, de diversidad de profesionales y del voluntariado en el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura que realizan los estudiantes, no solo en el horario lectivo sino tambin fuera de clase.


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El objetivo del proceso de investigacin de mi Trabajo de Fin de Grado recae en los beneficios que tienen la naturaleza y los animales sobre las personas con diversidad funcional y ms precisamente sobre las personas con trastorno mental. Lo que me motiv en esta investigacin fue en primer lugar mi pasin por estos mbitos y en segundo lugar porque conoca la existencia de dos proyectos magnficos. Uno en el Zoo de Barcelona (Proyecto de voluntariado de personas con Trastorno Mental grave con el Zoo de Barcelona) y otro en la protectora de perros y gatos (CCAAS : Centro Comarcal de Atencin a animales de compaa). Para eso me he sumergido en estos proyectos para poder comprender el impacto que tena la naturaleza y los animales sobre los usuarios. Han participado directamente cinco usuarios. He usado varias metodologas como la observacin, el diario de campo, la fotografa y la entrevista semi-estructurada. Los resultados extrados de la investigacin muestran como existen beneficios y tienen un impacto positivo hacia las dimensiones bio-psico-social de las personas con trastorno mental. Las limitaciones del proyecto dependen de la voluntad de participacin de cada usuario y a la naturaleza del estudio.


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El objetivo de este estudio es describir los beneficios y desventajas que voluntarios de la Asociacin Espaola contra el Cncer (AECC) perciben, as como las barreras que observan que existen para poder realizar dichas actividades. 58 voluntarios participaron en el estudio rellenando un cuestionario sobre los beneficios, desventajas y barreras en su experiencia como voluntarios. Los resultados arrojan que los voluntarios sienten ms beneficios que desventajas, destacando en los costes la poca flexibilidad en algunas actividades de voluntariado. La falta de tiempo y el no disponer de informacin sobre el voluntariado fueron las barreras ms mencionadas. Se observaron diferencias en los costes y beneficios segn el tipo de actividad (asistencial vs. no asistencial), y en las barreras segn la edad de los voluntarios. Los resultados se discuten en forma de posibles mejoras en el trato y seguimiento de los voluntarios oncolgicos.


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My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on the source, some 15 000-20 000 Italian men volunteered in the Waffen-SS), has been hitherto largely unknown to historical research. The available literature on the Italian volunteers, mainly written by military history enthusiast journalists and methodologically weak, concentrates mainly on the combat operations and military organization, and offers a rather stereotypical profile of the volunteers. My dissertation does not aim to reconstruct the military history of the different divisions of the Waffen-SS in which Italian volunteers operated but instead to examine the subjective, private and intimate experience of the volunteers in order to understand the motivations, attitudes, beliefs and cultural and family background, as well as their political ideas. The main objective of my doctoral dissertation is to discover the ideological precepts of the volunteers political credo. As the last phase of fascism and its ideology, often defined as the Germanisation or Nazification of fascism, is still the object of wide academic debate, a better understanding of the volunteers ideology also contributes to deepening overall knowledge of the nature of this last phase. The theoretical frame of my dissertation lies in oral history, in particular in the postmodernist approach to oral history, through which I reconstruct the volunteers ideology. In-depth interviews with former volunteers are the main primary source, but multiple data collection methods have been adopted. Phone interviews and correspondence with the volunteers have also been considered as primary sources. In addition to interviews and correspondence, family archives consisting of diaries, correspondence with the volunteers relatives and photographic material have also been collected and examined. An ethnographic observation of the volunteers domestic spaces has been conducted during the in-depth interviews, and photo self-elicitation techniques have been used in cases where the volunteers were willing to share their photographs. An exhaustive portrait of the ideological structure of the volunteers has been obtained, as well as of the cultural and social origins of the values that contributed to the rise and adoption of this ideology. Further, the volunteers motivations to enlist have been clearly reconstructed, together with their cultural, political, social and military backgrounds. The results of the research are particularly relevant both for comprehension of the Italian phenomenon of volunteering in the Waffen-SS and for the reconstruction of the ideological dynamics of the last phase of fascism. The volunteers political and ideological system, which can be defined as the Italian SS-fascist ideology, disagrees strongly with the vaguely described ideological profile offered by previous studies that describe volunteers as generically super-fascist. The research also offers the opportunity for a deeper understanding of the final fascist ideological trajectory, currently defined, not without a certain level of approximation, as the Germanisation or Nazification of fascist ideology.


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O artigo busca comparar a participao religiosa, cvico-poltica e voluntria-assistencial dos alunos de servio social da UFRJ. Buscava-se identificar com que religies os discentes mais se identificavam (entre catlicos, espritas, protestantes e sem religio) e se a identidade e participao religiosas favoreciam a participao nas outras duas instncias. A pesquisa abrangeu 756 alunos, em 1999 e 2006, de todos os perodos, dos cursos diurno e noturno da Escola de Servio Social da UFRJ. O artigo conclui que os alunos no abandonam suas crenas religiosas quando expostos a formao poltica. Alm disso, eles demonstram ter esprito cooperativo e esto dispostos a atuarem voluntariamente nas instituies a que esto filiados.


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This research concerns virtual teams in the field of volunteer work. The developments in the area of information and communication technology have decreased their costs and made them easily accessible. As a result, it seems natural that also the voluntary organizations have adopted online tools and virtual teams as a part of their work modes. However, virtual teams have not received much research in this context, and one of the goals of this study was to begin closing that gap. The research had two main focus areas: the challenges that the volunteers face in the teams, and the leadership that the teams have. The study used a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted over Skype and email and included members from six different teams. The case organization was a European-wide student organization that widely utilized virtual teams in its work. The study identified three critical issues for managing the virtual teams. The first challenge was creating common ground for teamwork through electronic communication. Secondly, volunteering created challenges for the teams through variations in the level of commitment of the members, as some left the organization during the term of the team. Lastly, knowledge transfer was a challenge that came from changing the team members regularly each year. As for the second key topic, leadership in the teams was spread among the team members unevenly. The teams had a formal leader, but they exhibited signs of shared leadership, and the team members were able to influence the team through their own level of involvement. Especially the experience that a member had contributed the amount of influence she held. All in all, the challenges that the volunteers faced were similar to those of normal virtual teams. Volunteering brought additional challenges through the varying levels of commitment and the changing of the team members. Additionally, the role of the team leader was not as firm. The results of the study can be applied to other volunteer organizations that utilize virtual teams.


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This research concerns virtual teams in the field of volunteer work. The developments in the area of information and communication technology have decreased their costs and made them easily accessible. As a result, it seems natural that also the voluntary organizations have adopted online tools and virtual teams as a part of their work modes. However, virtual teams have not received much research in this context, and one of the goals of this study was to begin closing that gap. The research had two main focus areas: the challenges that the volunteers face in the teams, and the leadership that the teams have. The study used a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted over Skype and email and included members from six different teams. The case organization was a European-wide student organization that widely utilized virtual teams in its work. The study identified three critical issues for managing the virtual teams. The first challenge was creating common ground for teamwork through electronic communication. Secondly, volunteering created challenges for the teams through variations in the level of commitment of the members, as some left the organization during the term of the team. Lastly, knowledge transfer was a challenge that came from changing the team members regularly each year. As for the second key topic, leadership in the teams was spread among the team members unevenly. The teams had a formal leader, but they exhibited signs of shared leadership, and the team members were able to influence the team through their own level of involvement. Especially the experience that a member had contributed the amount of influence she held. All in all, the challenges that the volunteers faced were similar to those of normal virtual teams. Volunteering brought additional challenges through the varying levels of commitment and the changing of the team members. Additionally, the role of the team leader was not as firm. The results of the study can be applied to other volunteer organizations that utilize virtual teams.


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Tutkimus ksittelee talkootyn verotusta, joka liittyy lhinn aatteellisten yhdistysten toimintaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on muodostaa selke kokonaiskuva talkootyn verokohtelusta sek osoittaa oikeustapauksiin perehtymll mahdollisia riskitekijit yhdistysten kannalta kielteisiin veroseuraamuksiin. Tutkimusmenetelm on lainopillinen eli voimassa olevaa oikeutta tutkiva. Tyn teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostavat siten lainsdnt, oikeuskirjallisuus sek Verohallinnon ohjeistus, jolla on ennakkoptsten ohella suuri kytnnn merkitys verotuksessa. Yhdistystoiminnan perusta on vapaaehtoistyvoima. Vlitn, vastikkeeton ty suoraan yhdistyksen hyvksi on verotuksellisesti ongelmaton. Talkootysuoritteet eli vlillinen ty yhdistyksen nimiss kolmannen osapuolen lukuun muodostavat merkittvn osuuden yhdistysten varainhankinnasta. Talkootytulo voi olla verotonta ainoastaan, mikli korvauksen saaja tytt tuloverolaissa mainitut yleishydyllisyyskriteerit. Lisksi verottomuuden edellytyksen on se, ettei suoritusta pidet yhdistyksen elinkeinotulona tai tyn tekijn henkilkohtaisena palkkana. Saatu tulo on kytettv yhdistyksen tarkoituksen mukaiseen yleishydylliseen toimintaan, eik hyty saa kanavoitua tyn tekijiden hyvksi. Oikeustapausten perusteella talkootyn verollisuutta arvioitaessa merkityst on annettu tyn kestolle, toimeksiantajan johdon ja valvonnan olemassaololle, tyn lheiselle liittymiselle varsinaiseen yleishydylliseen toimintaan, kilpailuolosuhteille sek tulojen mrlle suhteessa muihin tuloihin. Ratkaisujen valossa verotuskytnt vaikuttaa osittain ristiriitaiselta. Lisksi on muistettava, ett kyseess on aina yksittistapauksen kokonaisarviointi. Riskialttiilta vaikuttavassa tapauksessa verovelvollisen on suositeltavaa hakea ennakkokannanotto, sill usean vuoden ajalta kumuloituvat veroseuraamukset johtavat helposti syvn talousahdinkoon, pahimmillaan jopa toiminnan lakkaamiseen.


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This thesis analyzes the practices and experiences of two groups of Canadian volunteers who visited the organic fanning and "alternative development" project ofFinca la Flor (FLF) in central Costa Rica. Using both participant observation and in-depth interviews with volunteers and other people involved with FLF, I examine volunteers' understandings of their involvement with the fann. I argue that three discursive fonnations are instrumental in shaping this particular volunteering encounter. Specifically, interpretation of these Canadian volunteers' experiences inspires the argument that the emerging practice of international volunteering (or voluntourism) exists at the intersection of discourses of development, volunteering and tourism, all of which both reflect and maintain problematic North-South relationships. The analysis shows that in spite ofFLF's construction as an (alternative / sustainable) international-development project, and in spite of volunteers' initial conceptualization of their trip as "volunteering," volunteers tend to act and describe their time at FLF in ways that look more like tourism than like volunteer labor or international development. Likewise, although FLF claims to principally be focused on alternative development, and merely to open up this authentic development space to volunteers for their participation, the organization in both practice and discourse seems primarily to construct a tourist experience and cater to the needs of foreigners as tourists. Discourses of development and volunteering do infonn the practices offann personnel and volunteers at FLF, but they become subordinated to the more dominant discourse of tourism as the volunteers' and fann management's ideals of development and volunteering capitulate to become focused on satisfying volunteers' (perceived or "real") touristic desires. The FLF participants I studied may have entered the encounter as volunteers, but they departed the site having been tourists.


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Youth sport organizations depend on volunteers to coach the teams in the organization. The purpose of this quantitative study was to develop a further understanding of volunteer coach retention in youth sport. The data was collected through a quantitative questionnaire which used close-ended and Likert-scale questions. The questionnaire collected data on the modified Model of Volunteer Retention in Youth Sports, reasons to withdraw from coaching and human resource management. There were 126 surveys collected from members of the three largest youth sport associations in the town of Aylmer, Ontario. The study found that Person-Task fit was the best predictor of volunteer coach retention as it significantly correlated to ones intention to continue coaching (p< 0.01). Furthermore, additional reasons were found to explain withdrawal from coaching - if ones child stops playing the sport or if coaching is too time consuming. The retention of volunteer coaches in youth sport organizations requires a multi-dimensional approach in understanding how to best retain volunteer coaches.


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Studying positive adolescent development requires an examination of the mutually beneficial associations between youth and their environment. These youthcontext relations include both the contributions that youth make to others and society and the youth-context interactions that might predict positive youth outcomes. Community and youth-serving organizations, where youth may be involved in decision-making roles such as service delivery, advocacy, or on boards of directors, can provide one important context for youth contributions and for positive adolescent development. Research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision-making, however, is limited, and largely consists of exploratory qualitative studies. This dissertation is formatted as an integrated article dissertation. It begins with a review of the literature on contexts of structured youth activities and positive youth development. This review is intended to describe theory on development-context relations, in which development is considered an interactive process that occurs between individuals and their contexts, as it pertains the positive development of youth who are involved in various structured activities (e.g., volunteering). This description follows with a review of current research, and conclusions and rationale for the current studies. Following this theoretical and research background, the dissertation includes reports of two studies that were designed to address gaps in the research on youth involvement in organizational decision-making. The first was a qualitative research synthesis to elucidate and summarize the extant qualitative research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision making on adults and organizations. Results of this study suggested a number of outcomes for service provision, staff, and broader organizational functioning, including both benefits to organizations as well as some costs. The second study was a quantitative analysis of the associations among youth involvement, organizations' learning culture, and youth initiative, and relied on survey data gathered from adults and youth in community-based organizations with youth involvement. As expected, greater youth involvement in organizational decision making was associated with higher learning culture within the organization. Two dimensions of youth involvement, greater program engagement and relationships with adults, were related to greater youth initiative. A third dimension, sense of ownership, was not- .-.- associated with youth's level of initiative. Moreover, the association between relationships with adults and youth initiative was only significant in organizations with relatively low learning culture. Despite some limitations, these studies contribute to the research literature by providing some indication of the potential benefits and costs of youth involvement and by making an important contribution toward the early stages of context-level analyses of youth development. Findings have important implications for practitioners, funders, future research, and lifespan development theory.


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There has been considerable research that investigates the outcomes, benefits, and perceptions of wilderness trip experiences. However, the transfer of learning from a wilderness trip to the everyday lives of youth trip participants, that has deliberately explored post-trip experience, is minimal. Using a qualitative multi-case study approach, methods of data collection included interviews with six youth program participants, six parents/legal guardians, and three program staff, as well as document solicitation. Reports from the participants suggested that the key content transferred to a post-wilderness trip context were interpersonal skills; life skills; and instances of personal growth. Participants applied their learning content from the wilderness trip to school; sports; community and international volunteering; work and career aspirations; family and home life; and social life contexts. Implications for adventure programming and curriculum design, instruction, and transfer are considered.


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The purpose of this autoethnography was to reflect upon the ways in which my recovery was aided by the personal connections made while volunteering in a homeless shelter. Congruent with autoethnographic best practice, data were collected through a variety of means, including: journaling, field notes, participant observation, and collection of artifacts. An autoethnographic narrative emerged out of the analysis of data detailing my recuperative journey. Results indicated that my time spent volunteering at the shelter: (a) fostered a sense of Community, (b) made me aware of Realizations that broadened my perspective, and (c) aided in motivating me to be Intentional about Improving my Life. These three themes proved to be important factors in my recovery process. This thesis will inform social science researchers and health advocates by making a contribution to the growing body of literature regarding recovery.


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Notre recherche tente de comprendre lvolution de la participation sociale et les nouvelles formes quelle prend dans la socit canadienne contemporaine. La participation sociale constitue dsormais un enjeu important dans les socits dmocratiques, o la vie sociale est menace par la logique marchande et o laction de ltat sollicite de plus en plus lengagement social. Nous nous demandons ainsi comment la distribution du temps de participation sociale a volu chez les Canadiens gs de 25 49 ans, afin de saisir de quelle manire les individus concilient quotidiennement leur vie professionnelle, familiale et civique. Nous avons ainsi analys la participation sociale partir de la place quelle occupe dans lorganisation de lemploi du temps quotidien, plutt qu partir de ses dterminants. Au terme de nos analyses, nous pouvons poser deux conclusions majeures. Dabord, lvolution entre 1992 et 1998, des activits formelles (bnvolat) et des activits informelles (entraide) se caractrise par la baisse du taux de participation. Par contre, il sest galement produit un allongement du temps de participation du bnvolat qui tmoigne de lexistence dun noyau dur de bnvoles. Ensuite, cest la manire spcifique dont les individus organisent leur temps libre qui explique lengagement social et le temps qui lui est consacr. Ceci nous fait conclure linfluence relle mais non totalement dterminante du temps de travail dans le fait de sengager ou non et de consacrer de plus ou moins longues priodes la pratique de ces activits.


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Chez les personnes ges, la dpression est un problme important en sant publique, cause de sa prvalence leve et de son association avec les incapacits fonctionnelles, la mortalit et lutilisation des services. La plupart des tudes ont montr que le manque de relations sociales tait associ la dpression, mais les rsultats ne sont pas clairs. Au Qubec et au Canada, on possde peu de donnes sur la prvalence de la dpression chez les personnes ges et de son association avec les relations sociales. Peu dtudes ont examin le rle des relations sociales sur lutilisation des services de sant par les personnes ges dprimes. Le but de cette recherche tait dexaminer le rle des relations sociales dans la prsence de la dpression et dans la consultation chez un professionnel de la sant des personnes ges dprimes, au Qubec. Plus spcifiquement, ce travail visait : 1) examiner les associations entre les relations sociales et les troubles dpressifs selon la rgion de rsidence; 2) examiner les associations diffrentielles des relations sociales sur la dpression des femmes et des hommes gs; 3) examiner le rle des relations sociales dans la consultation auprs dun professionnel de la sant des personnes ges dprimes. Pour rpondre ces objectifs, nous avons utilis les donnes de lenqute ESA (Enqute sur la Sant des Ans), ralise en 2005 -2006 auprs dun chantillon de 2670 personnes ges rsidant domicile au Qubec, qui nous ont permis de rdiger trois articles. Les troubles dpressifs (incluant la dpression majeure et mineure) ont t mesurs, selon les critres du DSM-IV, en excluant le critre de laltration du fonctionnement social, professionnel ou dans dautres domaines importants, laide du questionnaire ESA dvelopp par lquipe de recherche. Les relations sociales ont t mesures laide de cinq variables : (1) le rseau social; (2) lintgration sociale; (3) le soutien social, (4) la perception dutilit auprs des proches et (5) la prsence de relations conflictuelles avec le conjoint, les enfants, les frres et surs et les amis. Des modles de rgression logistique multiple ont t ajusts aux donnes pour estimer les rapports de cote et leur intervalle de confiance 95 %. Nos rsultats ont montr des prvalences de dpression plus leves chez les personnes qui rsident dans les rgions rurales et urbaines, compares celles qui rsident dans la rgion mtropolitaine de Montral. La pratique du bnvolat, le soutien social et les relations non conflictuelles avec le conjoint sont associs une faible prvalence de dpression, indpendamment du type de rsidence. Compars aux hommes, les femmes ont une prvalence de dpression plus leve. Labsence de confident est associe une prvalence de dpression leve, tant chez les hommes que chez les femmes. La probabilit de dpression est plus leve chez les hommes veufs et chez ceux qui ne pratiquent pas dactivits de bnvolat, comparativement ceux qui sont maris et font du bnvolat. Chez les femmes, aucune association significative na t observe entre le statut marital, le bnvolat et la dpression. Cependant, la prsence de relations conflictuelles avec le conjoint est associe avec la dpression, seulement chez les femmes. Les relations avec les enfants, les frres et surs et les amis ne sont pas associes avec la dpression dans cette population de personnes ges du Quebec. En ce qui concerne la consultation chez un professionnel de la sant, nos rsultats ont rvl que presque la moiti des personnes ges dpressives nont pas consult un professionnel de la sant, pour leurs symptmes de dpression, au cours des 12 derniers mois. Par ailleurs, notre tude a montr que les personnes ges qui disposent de tous les types de soutien (confident, motionnel et instrumental) consultent plus pour leurs symptmes de dpression que ceux qui ont moins de soutien. Comparativement aux hommes maris, les femmes maries consultent plus les professionnels de la sant, ce qui laisse supposer que le rseau de proches (pouse et enfants) semble agir comme un substitut en rduisant la frquence de consultation chez les hommes. Vu la raret des tudes canadiennes sur la prvalence de la dpression chez les personnes ges et les facteurs psychosociaux qui y sont associs, les rsultats de ce travail seront utiles pour les cliniciens et pour les responsables des politiques lchelle nationale, provinciale et locale. Ils pourront guider des interventions spcifiques, selon la rgion de rsidence et pour les hommes et les femmes ges, dans le domaine de la sant mentale.